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Geography Assessment Grade 11 Term 4 Maddison Kelly

Factors that affect the nature and rate of developing countries

There are many factors that affect the growth of countries in the world, whether external or

internal. Not all of these factors have made a negative impact on developing nations.

Developments such as trade and political alliance can lead to economic growth and security.

Environmental, economic, social and political factors affecting development - global imbalance

of trade between different parts of the world.

- Internal factors

- External factors

- Analysis

- Conclusion

Countries in the developing world are constantly facing issues in terms of growth and economy.

Finding and pinpointing issues may help these nations determine solutions to aid in their


Internal Factors:

Internal factors which affect the growth and development of these countries include internal

conflicts and corruption. There is a regular occurrence within developing nations where corrupt
Geography Assessment Grade 11 Term 4 Maddison Kelly

politicians will become their leaders only to export the nation’s goods for their benefit whilst the

rest of the country suffers. These occurrences regularly lead to civil wars and conflict as the

politicians make unreliable and unrealistic promises during their campaigns that outrage their

population. These internal conflicts lead to poverty which affects the growth and development of

the nation greatly. The most common areas for these types of issues are predominantly located

in Central Africa and the Middle East, where conflict and poverty are at their greatest heights.

Extreme poverty closely coincides

with high levels of conflict and

corruption. As shown from the data

in the map, these countries with

high levels of war and violence

match up with extreme poverty.

There is a high correlation between

poverty and high risks of natural

disasters. Natural disasters have a

more harmful impact on developing

nations as their infrastructure is not

advanced enough to support them

against these disasters. These disasters destroy roads and power lines which increases social

issues within the nation. Natural disasters can cause poverty as they destroy homes and

livelihoods. The poor infrastructure of these countries worsens the effects of the natural disaster

compared to a developed country. Some developing countries have natural resources which are

highly sought after. It could be considered a positive internal factor, as it helps to fuel their

economy, therefore creating more jobs for its citizens.

Geography Assessment Grade 11 Term 4 Maddison Kelly

External factors:

The main external factors affecting these countries often derive from a variety of sources,

including: war, pollution or their reliance on other more developed nations for their security or

growth. When these nations rely on other developed economies, it can cause permanent

economic damage as they put themselves at the mercy of a larger country. When the economy

of the developed nations crashes, so does the developing one.

The external factor of war, which causes disastrous effects on the economy and wellbeing of the

nation. These wars can harm trade and increase poverty. War generally affects nations around

the Middle East and Africa. The countries face many issues in regards to conflicts as developed

nations involve themselves. The developing world is regularly polluted by developed nations, as

they dump

excess trash and

treat the


country as a

dump. Some

countries often

discard plastic

waste in other

countries rather than ethically recycling. Which causes a large amount of pollution, as shown in

the map above.

Many external factors will benefit developing nations, such as trade and alliances. These

alliances can strengthen a nation's security and power while increasing trade can benefit the

economy and sustainability. Many of these nations have rare resources and agriculture. Other
Geography Assessment Grade 11 Term 4 Maddison Kelly

more developed nations would trade plentiful amounts of resources for their attainment.

Increasing trade within these nations will in turn benefit their growth and economy.


Many different factors affect the growth of a developing nation, internal factors have the most

significant impact on overall development. Natural disasters, Internal conflicts and poverty are

some of the main factors affecting these nations. These events destroy infrastructure and

damage essential facilities. External factors have a strong positive impact when compared to

internal factors. Fewer issues within these nations stem from external conditions. Some of these

developing nations face circumstances that would not be as catastrophic if a developed country

handling them, because they have the correct infrastructure and systems in place while

developing nations do not. These nations are used by corrupt politicians for personal gain, only

to be put in an unstable state. Corrupt politicians pick these types of nations as they have weak

institutions, which allow them to take advantage of the developing countries.


Developing nations face many problems in terms of growth and development, as these nations

are unprepared for future economic issues. Creating the correct infrastructure and allowing

open trade between nations leads to increased growth, which in turn helps prepare them for any

unforeseen problems. Whereas more developed nations often influence and negatively exploit

undeveloped ones. Many internal and external factors cause issues for these nations although,

some aspects can actually help promote growth. Avoiding political corruption, upgrading

infrastructure while stopping conflict. Which can help progress the developing world into

advanced economies.
Geography Assessment Grade 11 Term 4 Maddison Kelly






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