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CIPP Year [1]

Year [1]

Academic Year 2022 _ 2023

Items included:
* Reading …………………………… [4]
* Writing …………………..……… [13]
* Structure ………………..……… [16]
* Punctuation …………....……… [36]
Name: ……………………...….

Class: ………………………….
CIPP Year [1]

Non-Fiction Section
1. What are instructions ?
They are list of steps telling you how to make or
do something.

2. What is the purpose of instructions?

Its purpose is to instruct you how things should be
done by specific steps.

3. Key features and Layout:

a. Using simple language to be easily followed.

b. Using the imperative form.

c. They include a list of things needed.
d. They might include diagrams or pictures.
e. Using the second person and time connectors.

CIPP Year [1]

Sample Example

Things needed


Imperative form

CIPP Year [1]

Reading [1]
How to make lemonade
Read these instructions and answer the questions:
1- Knife
2- cup
3- Spoon
4- Container (jar)

1. Lemons
2. Sugar
3. Water

1. First, cut your lemon in half.
2. Next, squeeze all the juice out of it that you can.
3. Pour your juice into a container with 2 big spoons of sugar.
4. Then, add a very small amount of water to your container.
5. After that, stir your juice until sugar dissolves.
6. Finally, put your lemonade in the fridge for five minutes.
7. Serve and enjoy!

CIPP Year [1]

Answer the questions:

1- Why do you make lemonade?
Because ……………………………………………………………………………….

2- What do you need to make lemonade juice?


3- What are the main imperative verbs in the text?


4- What are the equipment used in the lemonade juice?


5- What is the second step you do when making your juice? (Choose)
• Serve and enjoy
• Squeeze all the lemons.
• Cut all the lemons in half.

6- Which of the following is NOT a step-in lemonade juice?

▪ Put your lemonade in the fridge.
▪ Cut all the lemons and eat them.
▪ Cut all the lemons in half.

CIPP Year [1]

7- What are the ingredients to make lemonade juice?


8. “Put your lemonade in the fridge for five minutes.”

Circle the verbs and underline the nouns in this sentence.

9. From your point of view, why do you think the writer uses pictures?

10. Find and Copy:

[a] Two verbs […………………………] […………………………]
[b] Two nouns […………………………] […………………………]
[c] Two connectors […………………………] […………………………]

11. Mention two features of the instructions.

[a] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
[b] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

CIPP Year [1]

Reading [2]
How to make orange juice
Read these instructions and answer the questions:
1. Knife
2. Blender
3. Tablespoon
4. Container (jar)

1. Oranges
2. Sugar
3. Ice cubes

1. First, cut your oranges in halves.
2. Next, turn on the blender. Wait until the oranges and the ice cubes mix.
3. Pour your juice into a container with 2 big spoons of sugar.
4. After that, stir your juice until sugar dissolves.
5. Finally, put your juice in the fridge for five minutes.
6. Serve and enjoy!

CIPP Year [1]

Answer the questions:

1. Why do you make orange juice?
Because ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. What do you need to make orange juice?


3. What are the main imperative verbs in the text?


4. What are the equipment used in the orange juice?


5. What is the second step you do when making your juice? (Choose)
• Serve and enjoy
• Squeeze all the oranges.
• Cut all the oranges in half.

6. Which of the following is NOT a step-in orange juice?

▪ Put your orange juice in the fridge.
▪ Cut all the oranges and eat them.
▪ Cut all the oranges in halves.

CIPP Year [1]

7. What are the ingredients to make orange juice?


8. “Put your orange juice in the fridge for five minutes.”

Circle the verbs and underline the nouns in this sentence.

9. From your point of view, why do you think the writer uses imperatives?

10. Find and Copy:

[a] Two verbs […………………………] […………………………]
[b] Two nouns […………………………] […………………………]
[c] Two connectors […………………………] […………………………]

11. Mention two features of the instructions.

[a] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
[b] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

CIPP Year [1]

Reading [3]
How to wash your hands
Read these instructions and answer the questions:
1- Soap
2- Clean water
3- Towel

1. First, turn on the tap.

2. Next, wet your hands under the tap.

3. Then, put soap on your hands.

4. Rub your hands together.

5. After that, rinse off the soap.

6. Finally, dry your hands with a towel.

7. Turn off the tap.

CIPP Year [1]

Answer the questions:

1. Why do you wash your hands?
Because ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. What do you need to wash your hands?


3. What are the main imperative verbs in the text?


4. When should you wash your hands?


5. What is the first step in washing your hands? (Choose)

[a] Dry your hands.
[b] Rub your hands.
[c] Turn on the tap.

6. When you finish washing your hands, should you………… (Choose)

• Turn off the tap ?
• leave the soap on your hands ?

CIPP Year [1]

7. Which of the following is NOT a step-in handwashing?

• Drying your hands.
• Playing with your toys.

8. “Wet your hands under the tap..”

Circle the verbs and underline the nouns and write the prepositions in
this sentence.

9. Find and Copy:

[a] Two verbs […………………………] […………………………]
[b] Two nouns […………………………] […………………………]
[c] Two connectors […………………………] […………………………]

10. Mention two features of the instructions.

[a] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
[b] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

CIPP Year [1]

Writing [1]
Write instructions of how to make lemonade:
Don’t forget to write:
➢ The ingredients
➢ The steps

Lemonade Recipe
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

6. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

CIPP Year [1]

Writing [2]
Write instructions of how to make a jam sandwich:

Jam Sandwich Recipe

toast / strawberry jam / knife / plate / butter
Ingredients and Equipment:
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

CIPP Year [1]

Writing [3]
Write instructions of how to make vegetable salad:

Jam Sandwich Recipe

tomato _ cucumber _ green pepper _ olive oil _ salt _ onion _
sweet corn _ lettuce _ knife _ bowl _ wooden spoon
Ingredients and Equipment:
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

CIPP Year [1]

The imperative form is used to give orders or instruction. You usually find
them in signs or recipes.

➢ The imperative is formed by using the base form of the verb.
Ex: Wash the strawberries.
➢ The subject is understood to be “You”.
➢ Use [Don’t] or [Do not] to make negative.
Ex: Don’t add much salt.
CIPP Year [1]

Fill in the blanks with the suitable verb from the box:

CIPP Year [1]

Circle the imperative verbs in these commands:

1. Place the cup on the table.
2. Tear the sandwich into pieces.
3. Share the cake with your friends.
4. Listen to your teacher.
5. Hold my hand.
6. Cross the road safely.
7. Open the door for Mrs. Riaz.
8. Type in your password.
9. Underline today’s date.
10. Read your book quietly.
Add an imperative verb to each of these commands:
Do Sit / Improve / Open / listen / stop / Do

1)……………………… your handwriting.

2) ………………………. to your teacher.
3) ………………………. playing with the phone.
4) ………………………down and ………………your book.
5) ………………………your homework by Friday.

CIPP Year [1]

Fill in the blanks with the suitable verb from the box:

CIPP Year [1]

Singular & Plural Nouns

Plural is used to refer to things that are more than one.
Add (s) to the end of a singular noun.
rabbit rabbits pencil pencils

Nouns ending in ( s – ss – ch_ sh – x – o ) , add (es).

bus buses class classes

bench benches brush brushes

box boxes tomato tomatoes

Some nouns are irregular. They are totally changed.

child children tooth teeth

mouse mice foot feet

m an men woman women

goose geese Ox Oxen

CIPP Year [1]

(A) Find the plural forms of the following nouns : ………………………. …….……………….
3.brush ……………………….. 4.kite ………………………… ……………….………… 6. hero ………………………..

Choose the correct word in brackets :

1- I think there are twenty ( pupil – pupiles– pupils ) in the class now .
2- She has two ( doll – dolls – dolles ) in her bedroom.
3- We are going to buy some ( tomato – tomatoes – tomatos ) to eat
with our sandwiches.
5-That shop sells cheap (skirt- skirts- skirtes).

Write a sentence using the Plural form:

Follow the Example:

They are four apples.

1……………………………………………… 2………………………………..….. 3……………………………………….

CIPP Year [1]

Change into plural:

1. The cat is on the sofa.
2. It is a blue brush.
3. The athlete is strong.
4. There is one chicken in the cage.

CIPP Year [1]

CIPP Year [1]

Add [s] or [es] to get the plural form of these nouns:

CIPP Year [1]

Write a sentence under each picture:

Follow the Example:

It is one orange. They are four oranges.

1 …………………………………………….. * …………………………………………………………

2…………………………………………….. * ……………………………………………………….

3…………………………………………….. * ……………………………………………………….

4…………………………………………….. * ……………………………………………………….

CIPP Year [1]

Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

CIPP Year [1]

CIPP Year [1]

Underline the common noun in the following sentences:

CIPP Year [1]

Underline the verbs in the following sentences:

CIPP Year [1]

They are words used to describe nouns

CIPP Year [1]

Underline the adjectives in the following sentences:

Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective:

fresh _ red _ cold _ intelligent _ easy

CIPP Year [1]


Conjunctions are connecting words used to join two

words, phrases or sentences.

1. and
It is used to join two similar sentences.
Ex: * I like apples and oranges.

2. but
* It is used to join two different sentences.
One is negative and the other is positive.
* It is used to reflect contrast.
Ex: * I like apples but I don’t like banana.
* I eat a lot but I am thin.

CIPP Year [1]

Fill in the gaps by using “and” or “but”:

1. I love to eat fish .....….. beef.

2. I have one son…….............…..two daughters.

3. I like mangoes..........................I don’t like pineapples.

4. Nada ……......................… Sara are friends.

5. I live in France………………….I born in England.

6. Yesterday, I bought chocolate………………. I didn’t like it.

7. Tomorrow, I have an English quiz ………………. I didn’t study enough.

8. I’m a doctor…………...…. I work in a hospital……………I don’t like my job.

9. I went to the park………..........……it rained heavily.

10. I want to travel to Canada…….....……… I don’t have a passport.

Choose the correct conjunction:

1. Sally (and _ but ) I were hiding behind the tree.

2. The reading quiz was hard (and _ but) the writing was easy.

CIPP Year [1]

3. The flower was green (and _ but) red.

4. I have a skirt (and _ but) I don’t have a dress.

5. I play football on Sunday (and _ but) the basketball is on Friday.

6. Megan likes hot (and _ but) sour soup.

7. The schools are closed on Saturday (and _ but) Friday.

8. Winters are cold (and _ but) summers are hot.

9. My friend gave me a pencil (and _ but) a rubber.

10. The shoes are new (and _ but) the bags are new.

Join the two sentences by using and:

1. I like to eat pizza. I like to eat pasta.
2. Sara bought chocolate. Sara bought biscuits.
3. My dad has a car. My dad has a bike.
4. I will buy a t-shirt. I will buy a cap.
CIPP Year [1]

5. Jack has a cat. Jack has a parrot.

6. I have a blue car. I have a black car.

Join the two sentences by using but:

1. I have a pencil. I have a rubber.
2. Nelly has a blue bag. Nelly has yellow cap.
3. My mum is cooking. My mum is baking a cake.
4. I will travel to Cairo. I will travel to Alexandria.
5. They eat biscuits. They eat ice cream.
6. Perry has a doll. Sara has a teddy bear.
7. Sam and John are jumping. Sam and John are dancing.
8. The cat is eating fish. The cat is drinking water.

CIPP Year [1]

Full Stop [.]

CIPP Year [1]

Exclamation Mark [!]

CIPP Year [1]

Question Mark [?]

CIPP Year [1]

CIPP Year [1]

CIPP Year [1]

CIPP Year [1]

CIPP Year [1]


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