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) A Chronology of the Middle Ages (500-1500) 500 Clovis, founder of

the Frankish state, conquers most of France and Belgium, converting
his territories to Western Catholic Christianity. He founds the
Merovingian dynasty and passes his kingdom on to his sons, who
begin fighting one another for additional territory.

2.) *In history, the early modern period of modern history follows the
late Middle Ages. Although the chronological limits of the period are
open to debate, the timeframe spans the period after the late portion
of the Middle Ages (c. 1500) through the beginning of the Age of
Revolutions (c. 1800). From a global standpoint, the most important
feature of the early modern period was its globalizing character — it
witnessed the exploration and colonization of the Americas and the
rise of sustained contacts between previously isolated parts of the
globe. The historical powers became involved in global trade. This
world trading of goods plants, animals, and food crops saw exchange
in the Old World and the New World. The Columbian Exchange greatly
affected almost every society on Earth.

3.) Technology has advanced into many areas of our lives, making
information more accessible, improving communication, changing
transportation, and the list goes on. ... We may not have flying cars
yet, and artificial intelligence has not taken over the world, but
technology is still influencing society

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