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NAMA: Mochamad Rafly Sidqhi & Rayhan Ilham


NPM: 224301115 & 224301137

(2). The following statements are about weird facts (but real) of two ex-presidents of US between
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Study and Translate them to English!

1. Abraham Lincoln masuk Kongres tahun 1846.

(Abraham Lincoln entered Congress in 1846.)

John F. Kennedy masuk Kongres tahun 1946.

(John F. Kennedy entered Congress in 1946.)

2. Abraham Lincoln terpilih menjadi presiden tahun 1860.

(Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.)

John F. Kennedy terpilih menjadi presiden tahun 1960.

(John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.)

3. Keduanya sangat peduli terhadap hak-hak sipil.

(Both are very concerned about Civil Rights.)

4. Kedua isteri mereka kehilangan anak saat berada di Gedung

(Both of their Wives lost their children while in the building.)

5. Kedua presiden Amerika ini ditembak pada hari Jum'at.

(Both of these American Presidents will be shot on Friday.)

6. Kedua presiden Amerika ini ditembak di kepalanya.

(Both of These American Presidents were shot in the head.)

7. Sekretaris Lincoln bernama Kennedy.

(Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy.)

Sekretaris Kennedy bernama Lincoln.

(Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln.)

8. Kedua presiden ini dibunuh oleh orang dari selatan.

(These two Presidents were assassinated by people from the south.)

9. Kedua presiden ini digantikan oleh orang dari selatan yang bernama


(These two Presidents were replaced by a southerner named Johnson.)

10. Andrew Johnson yang menggantikan Lincoln lahir pada tahun 1808.

(Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincold was born in 1808.)

Lyndon Johnson yang menggantikan Kennedy lahir pada tahun 1908.

(Lyndon Johnson who succeeded Kennedy was born in 1908.)

11. John Wilkes Booth yang membunuh Lincoln lahir pada tahun 1839.

(John Wilkes Booth who killed Lincon was born in 1908.)

Lee Harvey Oswald yang membunuh Kennedy lahir pada tahun 1939.

(Lee Harvey Oswald who killed Kennedy was born in 1939.)

12. Kedua pembunuh ini terkenal dengan tiga namanya.

(These two Assassins are known by three names.)

13. Nama keduanya terdiri dari lima belas huruf.

(Both their names consists of fifteen letters.)

14. Booth dan Oswald terbunuh sebelum mereka diadili.

(Booth and Oswald were killed before they could stand Trial.)

15. Lincoln terbunuh di sebuah gedung teater bernama "Ford".

(Lincoln was killed in a theater called “Ford”.)

Kennedy tertembak di mobil "Lincoln" buatan "Ford".

(Kennedy was shot in a car named “Lincoln” made by “Ford”

16. Lincoln tertembak di Gedung Teater dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di gudang.

(Lincoln was shot in the Theater and the killer hid in a Warehouse.)
Kennedy tertembak dari sebuah gudang dan pembunuhnya bersembunyi di sebuah teater.

(Kennedy was shot from a Warehouse and the killer hid in a Theater.)

17. Seminggu sebelum licoln tertembak, dia berada di Monroe, Maryland

(The week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.)

Seminggu sebelum Kennedy tertembak, dia bersama Marilyn Monroe.

(A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marylin Monroe.)

(3). Word Game. (What do you call these?)

1. The thing that you use when you brush your teeth. (Toothbrush)

2. The stuff that you use for washing your hair. (Shampoo)

3. The stuff that you use to brush your teeth. (Toothpaste)

4. The thing that you use to dry your body after taking a bath. (Towel)

5. The thing that men use to shave their faces. (Shaving cream & Razor Blades)

6. The stuff that women wear to make their faces look prettier. (Makeup)

7. The thing that every body uses to tidy their hair. (Comb)

8. The thing that we need to lie down when we are sleepy. (Bed)

9. The stuff that someone takes when he/she is sick. (Medicine)

10. The thing that you use to go hunting in the jungle. (Hunting apparel’s, a Bow, and Backpack)

11. The stuff that you use to make a cake. (Flour, Eggs, Butter, Sugar, Salt, Milk, and Baking Soda)

12. The thing that you wear when you feel so cold. (Jacket/Blanket)

13. The thing that you use to write a letter to your friend. (Pen/Pencil)

(4). Match the words and description in the box!

1. Something that makes you cool in hot weather. (Iced-tea)

2. A thing that can kill people if it is misused. (Drugs)

3. Something that tells you the date. (Calender)

4. The couple that we love very much. (Our Parents)

5. Something that we study in the class. (English)

6. The kind of music that many teenagers like. (Rock)

7. A thing that you use to drink (Glass)

8. A thing that you throw the rubbish into (Waste Basket)

(5). Rearrange the following jumbled letters to produce words!

1. Lunch : A meal

2. Mosquito : A kind of Insect

3. Gather : Collect





8. Mountain : A very high land

9. Vegetables : Good for your health

10. Apartment : A place to live in

11. Criminal : Someone who breaks the Law

12. Evidence : Anything that you see, experience that makes you believe that something is done or

13. Prosecutor : Lawyer who tries to prove in a trial that the person who is in trial is guilty.


15. Kidnapper : A person who takes someone away illegally in order to get ransom.
(6). Translate these familiar expressions into English!

1. Maaf, nama anda siapa ya? (Sorry, what’s your name?)

2. Ngomong-ngomong, dimana anda tinggal? (By the way, where do you live?)

3. Apakah ada telpon di rumah? (Is tere a telephone at home?)

4. Berapa nomor telpon rumah anda? (What is your home phone number?)

5. Apakah rumah anda jauh dari sini? (Is your house far from here?)

6. Berapa jauh rumah anda dari sini? (How far is your house from here?)

7. Nomor rumah anda berapa? (What is your house number?)

8. Maaf, usia anda berapa tahun ya? (Sorry, how old are you?)

9. Kapan dan dimana anda lahir? (When and where were you born?)

10. Anda berasal dari daerah mana? (What region are you from?)

11. Maaf, anda berasal dari negara mana? (Sorry, which country are you from?)

12. Minum susu setiap hari dan bermain bulu tangkis setiap hari Mingu membuat saya sehat dan kuat.

(I drink milk everyday and play badminton every Sunday makes me healthy and strong.)

13. Maaf, tanggal berapa ya sekarang? (Excuse me, what date is is today?)

14. Tadi pagi anda bangun pukul berapa? (What time did you get up this morning?)

15. Tadi pagi saya bangun kesiangan. Saya bangun pukul 8 jadi saya tidak sempat sarapan.

(This morning I woke up late. I wake up at 8 so I didn’t had breakfast.)

16. Mandi tidak anda tadi pagi sebelum pergi ke kampus? (Did you take a shower this morning before
going to the campus?)

17. Apa pekerjaan ayahmu? (What does your father do?)

18. Tampangnya seperti Pak Dheni itu? (what does Mr. Dheni look like?)

19. Dia (Ik) memiliki hidung mancung (He has a sharp nose.)

20. Maaf numpang lewat ya (Sorry, Passing by.)

21. Apa yang anda kerjakan sebelum tidur malam tadi?

(What did you do before going to bed last night.)

22. Saya membaca buku Bahasa Inggris dan mendengarkan musik sebelum saya tidur malam tadi.

(I read English books and listened to music before I slept last night.)

23. Maaf ya. Saya bukan saya yang dulu. (Sorry, I’m not who I used to be.)

24. Jangan menghina saya seperti itu. (Don’t insult me like that.)

25. Anda pergi ke kantor naik apa tiap hari? (What do you take to the office everyday?)

(7). Correcting Sentences: The following passage is uncorrect. You will find so many mistakes in
each sentence. Please correct them to make a meaningful passage. You must correct the words
in the brackets.

(Spending) holiday with my family

Last week, exactly 6 (days) ago, I, (my) (parents) and also my two (young sisters), (went) to
Pangandaran to (visit) (I) (sick) old (grandparents). They (live) (preposition) a small village, near the
beach. It (take) (we) ten (minute) to (get) to the beach (preposition) foot. We (get) there (preposition) car
(preposition) seven o'clock (preposition) the morning. We (be) very happy because we (can) (meet) (we)
(grandparent). Last time we (meet) (they) two (year) ago. We (not) (stay) there long. We just (stay) there
(preposition) three (day). We (not) (have) much time because (I) father (have) to get backt to (work). He
(work) (preposition) a private bank (preposition) Bandung. He (have) (be) (work) there

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