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Situation: Imagine two people. Two extremely wealthy people.

One of them inherited

their money, acquiring it through the luck that comes with being born to owners of

immense amount of property and wealth. And the other person worked for what they

have. They started at the bottom and through years of hard work and clever dealing,

they built a business empire.

Question: Which one would you say deserves their wealth? Elaborate your answer.

Being born into the right family, at the right time, and in the right empire should not be a

source of shame. While some may argue that success attained through hard work is

more deserving of recognition, it's important to acknowledge that both paths have their

merits. In particular, Person 1 should not be invalidated due to their inherited privileges.

Navigating the complexities of an empire is no easy feat, and Person 1 may face unique

challenges despite having financial advantages. The pressure to succeed and the

constant doubt from others can be daunting. On the other hand, Person 2 may possess

natural motivation and drive that have been passed down through generations.

It's crucial to recognize the role that privilege plays in shaping one's worth and

opportunities in life. However, it's equally important to consider the motivating factors
behind one's success. While Person 2 may have had an easier time finding their drive,

Person 1 may have had to work harder to identify their purpose and passion.

Ultimately, both individuals deserve acknowledgement and respect for their

accomplishments. Society may often side with those who have faced greater adversity,

but it's important to recognize the merits of both paths to success. Rather than

invalidate the efforts of those who were born into privilege, we should strive to

understand and appreciate the unique challenges they face.

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