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Name : True

Surname: Doğru:
Class : False
Number : Yanlış :

I am Spanish.
Yes you may . May I ............. in ?
1 6

A) come
B) close
C) turn
D) write
Yukarıdaki konuşmayı tamamlyan seçenek
hangisidir ?
________ . Give me
Give methe
book,please! !
book,please A) What is your name ?
B) Where is she from ?
C) Is he Spanish ?
D) What is your nationality ?

7 Is he Russian ? sorusuna verilebilecek

olumlu cevap hangisidir ?
A) Excuse me.
B) Here you are.
A) I don’t think so. B ) Yes,she is.
C) Stand up.
C) No,he isn’t. D) I think so.
D) Not right now .

8 Efe : Where is Germany ?

Aşağıda verilen sayıların hangisinin yazımı Ela : It is……………….. .
3 yanlıştır ?
A) Asia B) Africa
C) Europe D) America
A) 77-seventy-seven B) 81 – eighty-one
C) 56 – fivety - six D) 100 – one hundred A: I like playing football.
B: ……………………….
Görseli ifade eden seçenek aşağıdakiler- A: I like playing football.
den hangisidir ?
A) Thank you. B) Pardon ?
C) I think so. D) That’s right.
A) Please,come in.
B) Look at the board. 1 Seçeneklerden hangisi boşluğa getirilemez ?
C) Be quiet. 0
D) Say that again,please. A) volleyball play
B) the guitar football
C) basketball ………….
5 Is she from India ? D) kite tennis
1 Görseli ifade eden seçeneği bulunuz .
A) Yes,he is.
B) Yes,she is.
C) No,he isn’t. A) I like fishing.
D) No,she isn’t. B) I like swimming.
C) I like riding
D) I like climbing A) watching
B) reading
C) playing
1 " I like riding a bike " cümlesini söyleyen D) diving
2 çocuk aşağıdaki resimlerden hangisinde
yer almaktadır ?
A) B) C) D)
Konuşmayı tamamlayan etkinlik hangisidir?
7 I do my ...........

A) the guitar B) homework

1 C) puzzles D) pictures
1 What time is it ?
This is…………… ball. A) half past twelwe.

A) my
He can play football. B)
twelwe fifty.
twelve o'clock.
quarter past twelve.
B) his
C) your
1 Konuşmada boş bırakılan yere ; uygun
D) her
9 düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.

1   Burcu : My hero is Superman . I ……………..

4 Şaban : Your hero can……….? A) I wash my hand.

Burcu : Yes,he can. B) I comb my hair.
A) dive B) cook C) I brush my teeth.
C) sing D) fly D) I get undressed.

Doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz. 2 “ I meet my friends in the afternoon.

1 0
5 Cümlesini anlatan resim hangi seçenekte
verilmiştir ?

A) B)
A) This is my bike and I can ride it .
B) This is my horse and I can ride it .
C) This is my bag and I can carry it .
D) This is my guitar and I can play it.
I like………….cartoons. C) D)
2 D) What is his job ?
1 2 Verilen resme göre doğru seçeneği işaret-
6 leyiniz.

Students are in the…………… A) Writer

B) Mechanic
A) classroom B) home C) Farmer
C) laboratory D) school D) Plumber

2 What is " experiment " in Turkish ?

A) koruyucu gözlük B) deney 2 My father is a pilot.He likes…………… .
C) mikroskop D) saksı 7
A) sailing
B) singing
2 Where is the container ? C) flying
3 D) driving
A) It is behind the table.
B) It is under the table.
C) It is in front of the table.
D) It is in the table. 2 ............. works at a company.

2 Aşağıda verilen resim - kelime eşleştirmele- A) A policeman

4 rinden hangisi yanlıştır ? B) A doctor
C) A teacher
D) A businessman

2 Choose the correct one.

A) microscope B) pot
A) sweater
B) pants
C) tie
D) T-shirt
C) tube D) goggles

2 A: ………………........ . 3 May I ..............your umbrella ?

5 B:He is a vet. 0

A) wear
A) What can she do ?
B) borrow
B) What does he likes ?
C) put
C) Where does he work?
D) like

3 It is cold and snowy in ................. .

1 3 Metehan : ………………………… ?
6 Batuhan :He is polite and friendly.
A) summer
B) spring A) What does he do ?
C) winter B) What is he like ?
D) autumn C) What does he like ?
D) What does he look like ?

3 How's the weather ? 3 …………........... is a Mexican food.

2 7
A) Taco
A) It's windy. B) Kebab
B) It's rainy. C) Sushi
C) It's foggy. D) Pizza
D) It's snowy.

3 Seçeneklerden hangisi " Belki daha sonra. "

3 8 anlamındadır ?
3 Ali is very…………. . He helps old people.
A) Thank you. B) Yes,of course.
C) Maybe later. D) Not now,thanks.
A) rude B) lazy
C) helpful D) hardworking.
3 A:What about a drink with your hamburger?
9 B: Yes,………………………………………
3 Aşağıdaki ifadeler gruplandırıldığında han-
4 dışarıda kalır ? A) I want some bread,please.
B) I’am full.
C) I want some doner kebab ,please.
A) curly B) straight
D) I want some apple juice,please.
C) wavy D) young

4 A: Are you hungry ?

She is……………… .. 0 B: Yes,I’am.
A: What do you want ?
A) friendly B: I want a……………….
B) shy
C) old A) sandwich
D) rude B) tea
C) coffee
D) lemonade

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