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Asad Aslam -189

Sir Yasoob Rizvi

I-Phone 14 and its variants

Segmentation is the process of dividing a market into smaller groups of consumers with similar
needs or characteristics. For the I-phone 14 and its variants Apple's target market could be
segmented based on the following criteria:

Demographic Segmentation: Apple can target the I-Phone 14 to consumers based on age,
gender, income, education, and occupation. For example, the I-Phone 14 could be marketed to
affluent professionals, tech-savvy students, or young adults who value the latest technology.

Psychographic Segmentation: This segmentation strategy focuses on consumer lifestyle,

values, interests, and personality. For example, Apple can target consumers who value design,
innovation, and the latest technology trends.

Behavioral Segmentation: This strategy is based on consumer behavior, such as their usage
rate, loyalty, and benefits sought. For example, Apple could target heavy Smartphone users
who need a high-performance phone with long battery life, or loyal I-Phone users who upgrade
to the latest model every year.

Geographic Segmentation: This strategy is based on geographic location, such as city, region, or
country. For example, Apple could focus on urban areas where there is a higher concentration
of affluent consumers who are more likely to purchase the latest technology.

Overall, the I-Phone 14 is likely to be targeted at consumers who value design, innovation, and
the latest technology, and who are willing to pay a premium price for a high-performance
Smartphone. By using a combination of demographic, psychographic, behavioral, and
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geographic segmentation, Apple can effectively target its marketing messages to the right
audience and increase its market share.

Bahria University

The target audience for Bahria University Karachi is likely to be students from Karachi and
surrounding areas who are interested in pursuing higher education in a variety of fields. The
university can target these students based on their demographic characteristics, psychographic
traits, behavioral patterns, and geographic location to develop marketing messages that
resonate with their interests and needs.

Demographic Segmentation:

The demographic segmentation for Bahria University would include students who belong to a
particular age group, income range, gender, and geographical location. For example, the target
market for the Bahria University could be students between the ages of 18-24, with a family
income of 100,000 – 150,000 PKR, residing in Karachi or close by urban areas.

Psychographic Segmentation:

Psychographic segmentation focuses on the attitudes, values, and interests of the students. The
target market for the university could be students who are academically motivated, interested
in extracurricular activities, and have a desire to improve their career prospects. The university
could also target students who are socially conscious and interested in community service by
running paid social media ads and banners discussing the university life of students in Bahria.

Behavioral Segmentation:

Behavioral segmentation divides the market based on the behavior of the students. The target
market for the Bahria University could be students who are looking for a degree from a HEC
recognized university and willing to invest time and effort into their education, willing to
participate in campus activities, and who are looking for an educational experience that can
enhance their personal and professional growth.

Therefore, the target market for a middle class university could be defined as academically
motivated students between the ages of 18-24, with a family income of 100,000 - 150,000 PKR,
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who are interested in extracurricular activities, community service, and have a desire to
improve their career prospects.


Bonus Detergent

The target market for the Bonus detergent can be identified by using demographic,
psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.

Demographic Segmentation:

The demographic segmentation for a Bonus detergent would include consumers who belong to
a particular age group, income range, gender, and geographical location. For example, the
target market for the Bonus could be households with children, living in urban or suburban
areas, and with a moderate to high income as bonus is an expensive brand compare to other
local competitors available in the market.

Psychographic Segmentation:

Psychographic segmentation focuses on the attitudes, values, and interests of the consumers.
The target market for the detergent could be consumers who are environmentally conscious
and prefer eco-friendly products, who are health-conscious and prefer products with natural
ingredients, or who are brand loyalists and prefer to purchase a particular brand of a high

Behavioral Segmentation:

Behavioral segmentation divides the market based on the behavior of the consumers. The
target market for the Bonus detergent could be consumers who have a high usage rate of
detergents preferably every week or monthly buys, those who prefer a specific type of
detergent such as powder form which bonus actually is, or those who have a preference for a
detergent with a nice fragrance touch.

Overall, the target market for a detergent could be defined as households with children, living
in urban or suburban areas, with a moderate to high income, who are environmentally
conscious, health-conscious, or brand loyalists, and have a high usage rate of detergents, a
preference for a specific type of detergent, or fragrance.
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