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Reflection on the RA 11313 “Safe Spaces Act” 'Bawal Bastos Law"

To start, the ‘Bawal Bastos Law’ also known as Republic Act No. 11313 is “An Act
Defining Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in Streets, Public Spaces, Online, Workplaces,
Educational or Training Institutions, Providing Protective measures and Prescribing Penalties
Therefor,” otherwise known as the “Safe Spaces Act” is a more comprehensive act that creates a
more comprehensive coverage of gender-based sexual harassment in any space, including the
online space.

For it me it is very timely and relevant because it is based on the policy of the state to
value dignity of every human person and guarantee full respect for human rights. We all know
that gender discrimination between men and woman is long been there but, thanks to this law
because it helps to recognize the role of women in nation-building and ensure the fundamental
equality before the law of women and men. This law is also personal to me for it values the safe
spaces act and covers sexist, homophobic, and transphobic remarks towards my fellow LGBTQ+
people. In short words, it is beneficial to all genders but more especially to women and LGBTQ+
people for they are the ones that are victimized more often.

Also for me, this law is long overdue because there are too many people harassed over
the years, prominently women and it was only signed until 2019. This law would go on to punish
acts such as wolf whistling, catcalling, misogynistic and homophobic slurs, unwanted sexual
advances, and other forms of sexual harassment in public places, workplaces, and schools as well
as in online spaces. One of the purposes of RA 11313 is to broaden its reach in ensuring an
individual’s sense of personal space and public safety. The RA 7877 (Anti Sexual Harassment
Act of 1995) is somehow closely related to RA 11313 (Safe Spaces Act of 2019) but the RA
11313 is more relevant because the former has a limited definition of sexual harassment
which is only confined to the harassment being committed in employment, education, or training
environment, and for other purposes committed by very specific persons.

All in all, we should respect everyone regardless of their gender and should not harass
anyone because I believe in the quotation that “Do not do unto others what you don’t want to
others to do unto you”. It just means that life is like a mirror, what we do to others reflects back
to us.

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