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Suspect/person under costudial investigation



Crime is the input of criminal justice system as cjs does not function without the commission of the

Art. 3, Revised Penal Code

Felony- act or omission punished by law.


Omission- hindi mo ginawa ang isang crime pero inoobliga ka ng batas na gawin mo..You failed to do
something which is required by the law.

Crime- any offense against a public law. it is confined to felony punishable by the revised Penal code.

Justice- definedbas rendering to others what is due to them. It means fairness or moral rightness.

Crime under the special penal code.

There is no crime if there is no law punishing it.

The output of CJS is the justice

Criminal justice- procedure by which criminal conduct is investigated arrest made, evidence gathered,
charges brought, defenses raised, trials conducted, sentences rendered, and punishment carried out.

Criminal justice sytem- collection of national and public agencies that deal with the problem on crimes
or are concerned with the prevention, control, and reduction of crime and delinquency. It creates law
governing social behavior, attempts to provent violation of the laws, and apprehends judges, and
punishes those who violates the law.

American Context

• Police

Victim/ Private Nominal Complainant ang tawag sa batas

Complainant/ plaintiff

Why people of the philippines- kasi you did not only violate the victim but you also violate the law of the
republic of the philippines.

Division of 7 major functional components namely:

•Police- to arrest the violators/criminal

• Prosecution- to proceed against the accused

• Courts- to litigate cases

• Probation officers- to supervised low risk, non-serious law violators.

Two major Divisions of CJS

1. formal CJS- the formal responsibility of controlling crime. the one that everyone sees in everyday
operation; and the one that redresses a wrong or harm done to a person or a property
2. Informal CJS- it includes the community

Law enforcement- is the prevention and control crimes, enforcement of laws, and effecting the arrest
offenders, including the conduct of lawful searches and seizures to gather necessary evidence.

The word police generally means the arrangement made in a cibilized state to ensure the i habitants
keep the peace and obey the law. It is considered a public office.

Public Office- is defined as an office created by law with responsibilities specially assigned by law and
occupied by a person who is either appointed by a competent

P- Person

O- f

L- Leadership

I- integrity

C- courage

E- efficiency

Importance of Police

• they are in a strategic position to detect the causes of crime and delinquency and to prevent such acts.
They are fisrt point of contact between citizen and the law. They are in the frontline and their vigor and
efficiency are mostly detemined by societys reaction to violations of the law.

Three mjor Police function

1. Crime Prevention

2. Crime investigation

3. Traffic supervision
Meaning of warant of arrest

Meaning of search warrant

Miranda rights

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