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By: Sai Wansai Monday, 29 August 2011 What the President Thein Sein government is doing now is just

beating around the bush, when he could go straight and pull out the problem plant from its roots. Let us look at what he has done so far.
Sai Wansai

First he loosens or allows the movement of Aung San Suu Kyi and waves olive branch signalling to work for the benefit of the people in tandem. Accordingly, the two should cooperate on issues, where they have common ground, although it is not yet clearly spelled out what these suppose to be. According to the latest news Aung San Suu Kyi seems to be in an upbeat mood, when she declared that she is convinced that Thein Sein is genuinely committed to positive change. She said, I think the president wants to achieve real positive change. Then he went on with an offer for all political exiles to return home, without having to fear persecution. Simultaneously, a peace call directed at the armed ethnic groups was announced, followed by support of key macro-economic policy reforms. By: Sai Wansai Monday, 29 August 2011 What the President Thein Sein government is doing now is just beating around the bush, when he could go straight and pull out the problem plant from its roots. Let us look at what he has done so far.
Sai Wansai

First he loosens or allows the movement of Aung San Suu Kyi and waves olive branch signalling to work for the benefit of the people in tandem. Accordingly, the two should cooperate on issues, where they have common ground, although it is not yet clearly spelled out what these suppose to be. According to the latest news Aung San Suu Kyi seems to be in an upbeat mood, when she declared that she is convinced that Thein Sein is genuinely committed to positive change. She said, I think the president wants to achieve real positive change. Then he went on with an offer for all political exiles to return home, without having to fear persecution. Simultaneously, a peace call directed at the armed ethnic groups was announced, followed by support of key macro-economic policy reforms.

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