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Meningitis Can it result in death? Bb Infection of the meninges (protective membranes) that cover the brain and spinal cord. Aponeurosis (muscle adhesive sheet) | ——— Periosteum (layer on the surface of bone) Bone Meninges Outer layer of the brain ral __|) Layer covering the brain Pr water and spinal cord I~ Soft layer that sticks to eh the brain Hsia} yO Yes, if itis not immediately handled carefully. So area number of other diseases. If it is due to a virus, it will usually heal within a few weeks. If it's due to bacteria, you need special treatment in the hospital, such as antibiotics, to treat the infection. Examples of symptoms? KIDS & ADULTS Increased body LR iy, General body Throwsup °° Rash: red spots on ‘temperature, 38° or ae seizure 5 2 the skin more.Coldhandsand = + * * . feet. KIDS —- Soom TEEN & ADULTS ‘+ fussy, restless severe headache ‘* sometimes don't want to be touched * neck stiffness & sore neck weakess, unconsciousness * breathing difficulties: 9 don't want to eat and drink + sensitive to light 9 crying hard non stop Is it contagious? How to prevent? Yes, but not as easy as contagion of the flu. Meningitis can be transmitted by splattering snot and sneezing in avery close distance + keep yourself and your environment clean * keep the body in good condition for good immunity * keep your child immunization schedule updated Health bulletin #3 in a series of health bulletins on issues of pressinginterest to all employee Source: https’ / meningitis Edited and reviewed by Indorama medical team INDORAMA

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