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Field Study 1

Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and home environment

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did
you experience? How did it affect you?
 The type of parenting I have experienced is my parents are very
strict and it affects me to become independent and pursue my
studies to achieve my goals in life. Also, their pieces of advice
become my bullet to face situations to become victorious and also
taught me to not depend on my own understanding but to depend
on our Lord almighty.
2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school
collaboration? How can you work well with the parents? How can you help
them? How can they help you?
 As a future teacher, I hope we’ll establish good home-school
collaboration by creating PTA officers that can help me to connect
students’ teachers, and parents. I believe I can work well with the
parents by proposing some projects that can benefit their children
and as he taught my help will be guiding them to become an
instrument for their children to grow not only in academics but to
become worthy Filipino citizens.

Link Theory to Practice:

1. D
2. A
3. D

Show your learning artifacts:

1. Make an artistic colorful and creative visual expression of your insights or
feelings about the influence of the home and school and community to the
learner. then write a few statements in the space below about your visual
art stick with an acrostic.

2. Make a reflection across the stick about the home school and community
H-happy place to
O-overcome your fear
M-making memories and nice
E-environment to grow

S-socializing with other

C-colleagues for
H-helping others to
O-open new
O-opportunity to
L-live independently

C-caring and
O- optimistic neighbor in
M-molding individuals to
M-make new sets of
U-united young generation
N-never let them down and
I-increase support to
T-teach future
Y-young professionals

L-learning and
N-nation to foster
K-knowledge in education

1. The type of parenting I experienced was my parents and guardians were
very strict back when I was young. My grandfather disciplined me by
spanking me in the ass with a log hanger and belt, while my mother
disciplined me verbally. She always told her story about her experience in
life back when she was young. Also, she always reminds me about her
sacrifices because my mother is an OFW. How it affects me? I was
inspired and motivated to achieve my goals and dreams to pay back my
parent's sacrifices.

2. To develop effective collaborations between homes and schools, parents

and teachers must first understand and believe that they are doing their
best given the restrictions of policy, time, life demands, knowledge,
experiences, and personal or work-based resources.

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