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Curriculum Planning & Development


Developing a curriculum to meet the needs of the nation, community and individual.


Syllabus Design & Review

Design and review syllabuses and monitor their implementation
Teaching Approaches and Assessment Modes
Promote teaching and learning approaches that are in line with curriculum intent
Design assessment modes that support the desired learning outcomes
Design and take charge of special curriculum programmes like the Humanities Scholarship Programme,
Language Elective Programmes, Gifted Education Programme and learning support programmes
Provide support through training of school personnel for syllabus and programme implementation
Produce and approve instructional materials
Library Services
Supervise the school libraries
Language Centres
Supervise the Ministry of Education language centres, Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre and Malay
Language Centre of Singapore
Consultancy Services
Provide specialist advice to schools, other Divisions, Ministries and private publishers on matters related
to the curriculum

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