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Financial struggle of students focuses on lack of financial

support by their parents.

The financial struggle of students who suffer to budget their
weekly allowance. Students who commute everyday are struggling to
budget their school fare back and forth. Luckily, student passengers
discount can help them to save.
They can provide to pay like xerox, photocopy and other bills
in small amount without asking their parents. Working students invests
their time and Scholars maintain their grades to sustain their school bills
and can lessen their parents financial problems.
Student have a difficult decision whether to spend money on
food or other essential needs because of the lack of financial. Some
students have to go through health issues because they were trying to
saved money for their school needs and students might affected by their
academic performance.

Short Direct Quotation

According to Bland, B.(2018). Finding, funding and
fitting into student accommodation brings multiple and complex
challenges for young people who are strangled from their family and
cannot depend on their parents for emotional, material or financial
support during their time in higher education.

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