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1. ¿Cómo responder las preguntas del cuadernillo?
En este cuadernillo, encontrarás preguntas en las que debes resaltar tu respuesta solo una es correcta.
1. What is your name?
a. I´m from Peru.
b. I am happy.
c. My name is Alexandra.
d. I am 15 years old.

2. También encontrarás preguntas en las que tienes que escribir tu respuesta.

2. What is your opinion about “WhatsApp”?

-WhatsApp is an application, you can send images, video, audio and make video
3. Luego podrás trasladar tu respuesta a la hoja de respuestas: que te alcanzamos a continuación:

4. Tienes 30 minutos para responder la prueba de comprensión de textos en inglés del ciclo VII.

What is an eco-friendly routine ?

Hi! My name is Stefany and I am 15 years

old. I´m from Villa Rica in Oxapampa province.
Let me tell you about my routine. I wake up
at 6:30 o’clock every day and I go to the Fritz
market to buy a plastic cup of quinua and bread
with banana or homebread. I always go to the
market at 9 o’clock on weekdays. I usually forget
to bring bags with me, so I often use plastic bags
from the store. When I walk to the market
sometimes there is trash in the street, but I never
pick it up and throw it away. On Saturday
mornings at 11:00, I play volleyball with friends.
I always buy a large bottle of water after the
game. I never sort the trash so that it can be
recycled. My favourite time is Saturday
afternoon, because I usually go fishing at
“Oconal” lake.

However, my sister Liliam has a different routine. She says that she is eco-
friendly. She wakes up at 7 o’clock every day and she makes breakfast at home. She
always goes to the Fritz market at 10 o’clock on Saturdays. She always remembers to
bring bags with her to the market so she never needs to use plastic bags from the store.
She never buys packaged goods or plastic bottles. She always takes recycled bags or
glass containers to buy rice, beans and other products. She usually sorts the garbage into
plastic, paper and organic. Her favourite times are: Saturday afternoons, because she
helps as a volunteer in “Solid Waste Segregation Plant” here in Villa Rica, and Sunday
mornings, because she waters the plants and listens to music.

P.1 What is the purpose of the text?

a. To know the eco-friendly routine about Stefany.
b. Don´t pollute the environment using the recycle bags or glass container.
c. To know the eco-friendly routine about Stefany´s sister.
d. Respect the environment.

P.2 Choose the answer according to your opinion, based in the reading.
How can you rate Stefany´s routine actions?
a. Stenafy has a bad routine because she isn´t eco-friendly.

b. Stefany has a good routine because she recycles, reuses and reduces.
c. She has a bad routine because she isn´t interested the nature.
d. She has a good routine because she pollutes the environment.

P.3 What does Liliam do in her favourite times?

a. She usually goes fishing at “Oconal” lake.
b. She helps is a volunteer in “Solid Waste Segregation Plant” in Villa Rica.
c. She helps as a volunteer in “Solid Waste Segregation Plant” in Villa Rica,
and she waters the plants and listens to music.
d. She waters the plants and listens to music.


“Dialog about Stop pollution in Patarcocha lagoon”

Benjamín : Hello. Is this Franco?

Franco : Yes, I am. Who is speaking?
Benjamín : I am your classmate, Benjamin.
Franco : Oh, I’m sorry. Your voice is unknown and how’s it going?
Benjamín : More or less, because we are in lockdown due to the pandemic COVID-19
and I miss all our classmates and you too. And what about you?
Franco : I miss our class and you too. You know that I live near the Municipal Coliseum
of Chaupimarca. I feel stressed because I only can see how people who live
around the Patarcocha lagoon, keep throwing away waste in the lagoon.
They are polluting it everyday.
Benjamín : It is terrible! I think people have bad habits because there isn´t a strict
penalty for these actions, like fines, jail sentences, etc.
Franco : I agree with you, because people aren´t aware that they are destroying the
environment, they always throw away organic waste such as paper towels,
coffee filters, egg cartons , human and animal feces. They also throw away
inorganic waste such as plastic bags, synthetic fiber clothing and bottles in the
lagoon. They don´t have environmental culture.
Benjamín : That´s right! What should people who live around the Partarcocha lagoon do to
stop pollution?
Franco : People should change their bad habits. For example, Federico, my older
neighbor, always throws trash in the garbage collector car which is carried to
Rumiallana. First, he recycles these waste because he sells plastic bottles since
he knows that factories can do nylon sportwear with them.
Benjamín : Your neighbor is a good citizen. People should become agents for the
environmental conservation. I think Marco De La Cruz, who is the mayor of
Pasco province, should put the collector ring into operation so that all drains
flow there. In this way, it can avoid pollution of the Patarcocha lagoon.
Franco : That´s a good idea! Oh it´s time for our virtual Math class.
Benjamín :Yes, let´s connect to our virtual class.
P.4 Patarcocha lagoon is polluted. What is the cause of this situation? 

a) People throw away organic and inorganic waste.

b) People use the collector ring.

c) People don’t recycle the waste.

d) People aren’t aware and they pollution Patarcoha lagoon.

P.4 What is the purpose of the text ?

a. The Municipality of Pasco should put the collector ring into operation.
b. Inform about the pollution of Patarcocha lagoon.
c. Get an agreement on proposing actions to stop pollution in Patarcocha lagoon
between Benjamín and Franco.
d. Recycle organic and inorganic waste to stop pollution in Patarcocha lagoon.

P.5 What is your opinion about the purpose of the text? Do you agree or disagree
about it ? and Why?


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