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(Role of proactive job design on employee innovation)

1) What gender do you identify as?
a) Male
b) Female

2) What is your age?"

a) 20-30 years old

b) 30-40 years old
c) 40-50 years old
d) 50-60 years old
3) Where is your home located?
a) Rawalpindi
b) Islamabad
c) Other: ________
4) What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?
a) Bachelor's Degree
b) Master's Degree
c) Ph.D. or higher

5) Are you married?"

a) Yes
b) No

6) What is your annual household income?

a) Less than Rs. 20,000
b) Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 50,000
c) Rs.50,000 - Rs 80,000
d) Rs.80,000 - Rs.110,000
e) More than Rs.110,000
7) Are you currently employed?
a) Yes
b) No
8) What is your current designation?
Please specify: _________________________________
9) In which organization you are currently employed ?
Please specify: _________________________________
10) How important the proactive job design is to create employee innovation?
a) Not at all b) moderately c) very d) extremely
Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly
Agree Agree

11) Do you think proactive job design is important to

cope up with uncertainties in an organization ?
12) Proactive job design has impacts on the
performance of employees.
13) Proactive job design influences the work behavior
of employees in a work-place.
14) Proactive job design influences employee
15) Job design learning leads to the acquisition of
knowledge about the job.
16) An employee needs to get to know his/her job
17) Employees should be involved in job design
18) Involvement in job design process can boost up
employee’s innovation?
19) Job design learning demonstrates a route through
which employee innovation can be cultivated.
20) Organizations can be able to promote employee
innovation by effective job designs.
21) Employee learning might be a mechanism through
which job design affects employee innovation.
22) Organizations should foster, develop and use the
innovative potential of their employees as a means
to organizational success.
23) Job design characteristics, such as job control, are
associated directly with employee learning.
24) Employee learning is associated directly with
25) Job characteristics are associated directly with
employee innovation.
26) Job control increases intrinsic task motivation and
motivation to learn.
27) Learning process affects the relationship between
job design and employee outcomes.
28) job design shapes the processes of learning and
innovation at work.
29) Job design is concerned with the characteristics of
an employee’s job.
30) Employee innovation is the creation of new ideas by

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