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11 III March 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

Multi-layer Anti-Theft System with an Intruder

Rakshit Najbile1, Twinkle Rawalani2, Vedant Panda3, Pratyush Mishra4, Dr. Prasanna Deshpande5
1, 2, 3, 4
Student, (Electronics and Communication Department, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur)
Assistant Professor, (Electronics and Communication Department, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management,

Abstract: People are more concerned about the safety of their valuables like jewelry, money, important documents, etc. which is
why safe deposit boxes are the safest place to keep them.
The advent of rapidly growing technologies enables users to operate high security systems with electronic identification options.
In this work, a design of a multilayer security system is proposed. The safety concern parameters like user password, RF
identification, and fingerprint recognition, use of one time password and a motion detection and alert system are in place. An
email notification of the motion detection image near the safe may also be received by a user. Our system may be considered as a
useful multi layered security anti-theft product.
Keywords: Multilayer, Fingerprint, OTP, Motion Detection, Alert System

Digital revolution has significantly altered the life of mankind. Our lives are shaped and made easier by the constantly changing
Landscape of modern technology and the innovation contained within it. Technology surely simplifies the details of our lives, it is
equally crucial to uphold standards for safety and security.
The smart safe deposit boxes combine the best of both worlds' convenience and security, making them an interesting breakthrough
for businesses, community centers, and multi-family housing situations in terms of convenience, security, safety, and effectiveness
[1]. Smart lockers are becoming common all over the world [2].
The "modern and smart" security systems cost a fortune to set up, operate, and maintain due to the nature of software design, type of
materials used, etc. However, they do cover other potential threats and function intelligently by incorporating other forms of alarms,
particularly phone-based alarms for remote monitoring.
The evolution of safe deposit boxes starts with the invention of mechanical locks which are not highly secured due to forgery of
keys. As technology improved, modern electronic locks emerged to prevent further unauthorized access and theft. One of the
contemporary electronic locking systems that use a password as an authentication factor is the password-based locking system [2].
Next came the electronic lock system, which is an RFID-based system. The key components are RFID tags and readers, with the
RFID value acting as an authentication factor [3].
Later, a cryptographic-based locking system was introduced that encrypted the original password to generate a new password. There
are many other methods that work with the help of smart phones and networks, such as Wi-Fi , IOT and Near Field Communication
(NFC) based lock systems [4].
Modern technology is now used to protect the locking system against OTPs. After that, further development of biometric locking
systems such as face, fingerprint and voice has taken place [5]. Biometric systems have over time served as robust security
mechanisms in various domains.
The earliest and most used biometric identification method is fingerprinting. Since over a century ago, law enforcement has used
fingerprints to identify people. Personal authentication, such as gaining access to a computer, network, ATM, car, or home, is a much
more widespread use of a fingerprint [6]. Electronic lock using fingerprint recognition system is a process of verifying the fingerprint
image to open the electronic lock.
This project highlights the development of multiple layers of authentication where verification is completed by comparing the data of
users by taking input from the user which will undergo the comparison process to compare with authorized data. Proposed system is
implemented by utilizing two hardware which are authentication systems and an intruder System, where each hardware majorly
contributes to make the system highly safe and secure.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1445
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

The Multilayer security System is designed using Arduino Nano Controller, RFID module(RC522), LCD module, Fingerprint sensor
(R307), 3x4 Matrix Keyboard, Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04), GSM module (SIM800-WB64) and Servo motor as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Multi Layer Anti theft system Block diagram

The Different stages which are used in the proposed device with respect to system flow as shown in Figure 2. As discussed system
operation is achieved using two hardware which implementation has shown in Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b):

Figure 2: Multi Layer Anti theft system System flow

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1446
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

A. Authentication System
System authentication is distributed in different layers which are covered below:
1) Layer 1: For password enrollment user password is saved in code only which is dumped in Arduino nano. On powering the
system it displays the Multilayer safe message on the LCD screen. Authentication begins by asking password to user, two
attempts was given to the user if user enter the password in any of the given attempt correctly then second level of authentication
begins and if failed in both attempts security question asked to the question if it is correct user gets another two attempt to enter
the password and if it is wrong user image is captured and send on the mail id and system will locked for 60 sec, at this time all
authentication layer is blocked.
2) Layer 2: For enrollment of the RFID card we upload the code. This code was available in Arduino IDE (after installing the
RFID library). We approximate the RFID card to the reader until all the information is displayed on the serial monitor. After
getting UID added this into the authentication code, for multiple users same procedure has done for enrolling RFID card.
Secondary authentication begins with the RFID scanning. Radio waves are used by RFID to convey signals that turn on tags,
which operate on the electromagnetic field principle. Once the card is valid at that point the system will inquire the user to
proceed with the next step. RFID is communicating with Arduino Nano with SPI protocol for sending and receiving
3) Layer 3: For enrollment of the fingerprint we need to install the Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library then uploaded the
enrollment code and open the serial monitor at a baud rate of 9600. We need to enter an ID for the fingerprint enrollment. For
first fingerprint, we type 1 at the top left corner, and then, click the Send button. After that place a finger twice on the scanner
for successfully saving into system. Similarly other fingerprint data is also enrolled. In this layer an optical fingerprint scanner
scans the fingerprint of the user, every RFID is associated to one finger print after authentication the user can proceed to the
OTP stage, if in case the fingerprint doesn't match with the associated RFID a Invalid user message will be shown on the LCD
and an image of the same will be captured by the ESP32 CAM and will be send to the designated email for activity recording as
shown in Figure 4. The operation of the fingerprint sensor is based on the total inner reflection (TIR) concept. For the TIR to
occur, light from a source must be allowed to penetrate through one face of the prism at a specific location. To deliver digital
images, the scanner uses a microchip (CMOS picture sensor). This fingerprint scanner includes two forms: one is unique
fingerprint enrollment, and another one is fingerprint matching. Initially the fingerprint enrollment is done and all the
fingerprints are stored in the form of source copy. For this R307 scanner, each module should recognize the address. When this
module communicates with the system, each information source is exchanged within the information package frame containing
the address thing. The scanner reacts as if it were that information package whose value matches the address value of the
4) Layer 4: In this layer OTP will be generated and is sent to the registered mobile number, where the GSM module is used to send
SMS. For assigning the mobile number of each user for OTP authentication we are overwriting a variable which is created to
store the mobile number of a user, so as soon as any user scan the RFID we get UID of user so we are overwriting the variable
with the mobile number of the user based on the ID fetched from the RFID and it pass to the designated function which does
further operation. The Arduino will communicate with the GSM module by using AT commands and sends MESSAGE to the
associate mobile number. AT+CMGS is used to send SMS message. If an OTP doesn’t match, the system automatically sends
an Image of the activity to the designated email immediately using ESP32CAM as shown in Figure 4. After checking the correct
OTP system will show unlock indication on the LCD screen and rotate the servo motor by 90 degree.

Figure 3 (a): Implemented system front side

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1447
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

Figure 3 (b): Implemented system backend

B. Intruder System
The system uses an ESP32-CAM camera module and an ultrasonic sensor for movement detection. The ESP32-CAM is a low-cost
microcontroller that integrates Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, and has an onboard camera module that can capture images. As
this system initializes it starts to detect for any Motion nearer the safe deposit system, it would be detected by using the ultrasonic
sensor. In this system the threshold value has been set up to 50 cm and thus it continuously monitors the surroundings up to the safe
deposit system. If some Motion is found nearer the safe deposit box and on incorrect password attempts the system will send an
image to the designated email immediately shown in Figure 4.This allows the system owner to be alerted in real-time of any
unauthorized access attempts and take appropriate action. The ESP32 MailClient library is used to send emails with the ESP32-
CAM, which must be connected to the internet. With the help of this library, the ESP32 CAM can send and receive emails over
SMTP, with or without attachments. For this project, sending an email with an attachment requires the use of SMTP. SMTP implies
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it is an internet standard for e-mail transmission.


The multi-layered anti-theft system was successfully implemented and tested in various scenarios to evaluate its performance. The
following section provides a detailed analysis of the results and a discussion of the findings.
Password-based authentication remains one of the most commonly used security measures for digital systems and applications due to
its simplicity and familiarity among users. We found that user education and awareness about password security best practices
played a significant role in the effectiveness of password-based systems. Users who were educated about the importance of using
unique and complex passwords and avoiding password reuse were more likely to choose strong passwords and maintain good
password hygiene. In our study, we found that security questions were most effective when they were paired with a strong password
policy that encouraged users to choose complex and unique passwords. This helped reduce the risk of brute-force attacks and
guessing of security question answers, password authentication layer interface has shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: Password Authentication interface

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1448
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

The performance of the RC522 RFID module-based authentication layer was effective in identifying and authenticating tags. The
system was able to read tags accurately at distances of up to 10 cm, and the orientation of the tags did not significantly affect the
performance of the system. The system has been tested against multiple RFID cards which gives significant performance, RFID
Authentication layer interface has shown in figure 5.

Figure 5: RFID Authentication

The results of the study showed that the R307 fingerprint sensor-based authentication layer was effective in identifying and
authenticating fingerprints. The system was able to enroll and recognize fingerprints accurately, with an average recognition time of
less than 5-10 second; the fingerprint-based authentication component was tested by capturing and verifying a large number of
fingerprints. The system achieved an good accuracy, which demonstrates its ability to accurately and reliably verify user identities
using fingerprints. Fingerprint based authentication provides great stability and it is difficult to create fake identity based on
biometric image which provides robustness to the system, Fingerprint Authentication layer interface has shown in figure 6.

Figure 6: Fingerprint Authentication

The OTP-based security system using the SIM800-WB64 GSM module was effective in providing additional security. The system
was able to generate and send OTPs accurately and quickly and send them to the user device via SMS. The user device was able to
enter the OTP and send it back to the microcontroller for authentication, with an average authentication time of less than 5 seconds.
The system was also able to detect and prevent phishing attacks, and replay attacks were ineffective due to the OTP's one-time use.
The system was also able to operate reliably in different network environments, including areas with low signal strength. This Layer
was tested by generating and verifying a large number of one-time passwords. The system achieved an good success rate, which
indicates its ability to securely and efficiently verify user identities using OTPs, OTP Authentication layer interface has shown in
figure 7(a) and figure 7(b).

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1449
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

Figure 7(a) : OTP Authentication (SMS sent interface ) Figure 7(b) : OTP Authentication (Enter OTP interface)

The Intruder System which was effective in detecting intruders and sending alerts via email using ESP32 CAM and Ultrasonic
sensor HC-SR04. The system was able to accurately detect unauthorized access by monitoring motion near the safe deposit boxes
within the range of 50 cm and also detect incorrect password attempts which indication is sent by the controller to the ESP32 CAM .
The system was able to send email alerts to the designated email address via an SMTP server, indicating the image of the user who is
currently trying to access the system and it has been found that the system takes an average time of 5-10 sec to send the image.
Below table 1 we have tried to explain how effective our proposed solution is over existing solutions by comparing some parameters
such as hardware Cost efficiency and Security layers.

Table 1. Comparative analysis:

Approach Cost efficiency Security Layers

Our Approach Authentication system layers:

1. Based upon the components used in 1. Password authentication
this project cost is around 4000 rs. 2. RFID authentication
2. Per layer cost is 650 rs. 3. Fingerprint recognition
4. OTP authentication
Intruder system layers:
1. Alert notification (sending image of user
to authorized person email id on incorrect
2. Movement Detection

“Bank Locker System” Internet Authentication system layers:

of Things (IoT) [7] 1. Based upon the market survey the
added estimated cost of this project is 1. Password Authentication
around 3300 rs. 2. Face recognition
2. Per layer cost is 1650 rs Intruder system layers:
1. Alert notification (Sending message on
authorized person mobile number)
2. Movement detection

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1450
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

Six Tier Multipurpose Security Authentication system layers:

Locker System Based on Arduino 1. Based upon the market survey the 1. Password authentication
[8] added estimated cost of this project is 2. Fingerprint recognition
around 7230 rs. Intruder system layers:
2. Per layer cost is 1250 rs. 1. Alert notification (Sending user location
and time to authorized person.)
2. Movement detection

Bank Locker Security with Authentication system layers:

Fingerprint and Image Capture[9] 1. Based upon the market survey the 1. Fingerprint recognition
added estimated cost of this project is 2. Face recognition
around 5050 rs. Intruder system layers:
2. Per layer cost is 1680 rs. 1. Alert notification (Sending message to
the authorized person.)
2. Movement detection

The per hour power consumption of the whole system has been shown in the table 2. We have calculated the power consumption
with the assumption of system is used 5 times in an hour.

Table 2. Installed modules power consumption:

Components Power consumption in A/h
Arduino Nano 25.5mA/s *60 sec*60min
=91.8 A/h
GSM module 1mA/s *60 sec*60min
=3.6 A/h
RFID module 20mA/s *60 sec*60min
=72 A/h
Fingerprint Sensor 75mA/s *10 sec*5 times
=3.75 A/h
ESP32 camera 20mA/s *60 sec*59 min +310mA*9 sec (Let’s assume image
capture for 2 times which takes approximately 9 Sec )
=73.59 A/h
LCD screen 20mA/s *60 sec 60 min
=72 A/h
Keypad 30 mA/s *60 sec*2 min
=3.6 A/h
Ultrasonic sensor 15 mA/s *60 sec*60 min
=54 A/h
Servo motor 2 A/s *5 Sec(5 sec on)*5 times
= 50 A/h
Total = 424A/h
It is worth noting that the proposed system collectively provides more robustness in terms of security provided by the existing
system by combining multiple layer Authentication System and Intruder System as well as the time consumption by the each layer to
process is very less and the system accuracy which we get because of the dedicated module is really a great.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1451
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue III Mar 2023- Available at

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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1452

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