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The Fox and the Wolf

Once upon a time there was a sly fox and a rich, brave
wolf, the fox was a criminal and winter was coming so
he thought that he could steal from the wolf. At night,
the fox came to the wolf’s shelter and entered sneaky
and paddy and then suddenly the wolf smelled and
sniffed the fox’s smell, and he woke up.
The wolf growled at him, the fox looked behind him
and he screamed, the wolf said to him “GET OUT” and
the fox ran around his shelter, so the wolf howled to his
pack and the fox is trapped, the wolf gave him his last
chance to get out but stupidly he said no and suddenly a
smart mouse stole the food!!!
The wolves started to thrash him until he was made out
of blood, then they threw him out of the shelter,
harmfully the fox walked and then he fell under the tree
feeling unhappy and unlucky then he started to think
what he did was right or wrong.

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