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New words:

• Orthodoxies: the generally accepted beliefs of society at a particular

• Unorthodox: different from what is usual or expected in behaviour,
ideas, methods, etc.
• Paws: the foot of an animal that has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog,
or bear
• sick as a dog: vomiting a lot
• alarm: a warning of danger, usually a loud noise or flashing light
• sophisticated: having a good understanding of the way people behave
and/or a good knowledge of culture and fashion

Although the dog has a fluffy coat and a waggy tail, he is in fact a highly
sophisticated biosensor. You know, evolution has given him this highly
sensitive nose, going down to parts trillion. People board planes every day
that have been screened by detector dog to see if there are explosives on
board. Why do we rely on them there and yet not in assisting us with health?

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