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Funopticon Film Analysis

ENGL 212 – Spring 2023

Important Details
Due date: Sunday, May 28 on Canvas by 11:59 p.m.
Length: 1,250-1,500 words
Percentage of final grade: 16%
Number of sources: Three: your chosen film, Under Surveillance, and one other source (preferably an
academic source). For your “other source,” please do not use Wikipedia, film summaries, blogs, or other
questionable websites. It is fine to begin at Wikipedia, but do not end there. You must cite the actual
film, not the IMDB page. If you use additional sources, you must cite them, too.
Citation style: MLA
Document design: 12 point font, 1” margins, Times New Roman or Calibri font
Acceptable file types: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf (do not submit Google Docs or you will not receive credit)
Corresponding chapter of Under Surveillance: Chapter 2, “Welcome to the Funopticon”

Eligible films/TV shows for review:

The Hunger Games
Click Bait
Squid Game
A Cabin in the Woods

You can absolutely propose a different film, but it must be approved by me well before the due date.
The film must have explicit use of the concept of the “funopticon,” not just a scene or two.

Assignment Details
For this assignment, you are to watch one of the eligible films listed above and apply Lewis’ theory of
the “funopticon” to the film using specific details from the film itself. In our book, Lewis provides an
example of a film analysis beginning on page 70. In a similar fashion, you should watch your chosen film
carefully (this might mean you have to view it more than once). Your argument should prove to readers
how your film selection makes use of the “funopticon” by providing four specific examples from the film.

Film analyses often contain the following features 1:

 An introduction that identifies the film you are analyzing and its background. It should also state
your interpretive question about the text and a main point (thesis statement) that answers the
 Targeted summaries or descriptions of the text that focus only on the events or features that
play a key role in your interpretation.
 Quoted material taken directly from the text that moves your interpretation forward and
illustrates your points.
 Support for your interpretation that shows how your interpretation makes sense and offers
fresh insights into the interpretative question.
 A conclusion that discusses the significance o the interpretation.

Adapted from Johnson-Sheehan and Paine’s Writing Today
In your film analysis, you must also incorporate an additional source. This source should help readers
understand your perspective, enhance your argument, or even provide a counterargument.

To have success on this paper, must have a clear argument about how the funopticon is used in your
film. You must include four specific examples. You must focus on one film only. If you do not use the
appropriate number of sources, use inappropriate sources, undershoot the wordcount, or use a film not
approved by me, you will not have success on this paper. Please see the ENGL 212 rubric for further
grading details.

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