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2021-2022 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Sarbak Metal Cumhuriyet Anadolu Lisesi 11.

Sınıf Seçmeli Yabancı

Diller Edebiyatı Dersi 2.Dönem 1. Yazılı Soruları

A) Match the literary words wih their definitions.(5X5=25)

Character Action Antagonist Dialogue Climax

Action : Everything that happens in a story.

Antagonist : The person or force that works against the hero of the story.
Character: One of the people (or animals) in a story.
Climax: The high point in the action of a story.
Dialogue: The conversations that characters have with one another.

B) Match the basic conflict types.(5X4=20)

1.  Person Against Person…..C a.A problem within a character’s own mind.
2.  Person Against Self…..A b. A problem between a character and society, school, the
law, or some tradition.
3. Person Against Society….B c. A problem between characters.
4.  Person Against Nature…..D d. A problem between a character and some element of
nature-a blizzard, a hurricane, a mountain climb, etc.

C) Match the literary words wih their definitions.(5X5=25)

Falling Action Protagonist Moral Rising Action Plot

Falling Action: The action and dialogue following the climax that lead the reader into the story’s end.
Moral : The lesson a story teaches.
Plot : The action that makes up the story.
Protagonist : The main character in a story, often a good or heroic type.
Rising Action: The central part of the story during which various problems arise after a conflict is

D)Match the literary words with their definitions.(6x5=30)

Theme Flashback Setting Foreshadowing Metaphor

Setting : The place and the time frame in which a story takes place
Theme : The message about life or human nature that is “the focus” in the story that the writer tells.
Metaphor: comparison of two things essentially different but with some commonalities; does not use
“like” or “as,” e.g. “Her smile was ice.”
Flashback : Interruption of the chronological (time) order to present something that occurred before
the beginning of the story.
Foreshadowing: Important hints that an author drops to prepare the reader for what is to come, and
help the reader anticipate the outcome.

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