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Alberto never came to his house….

Some of the rainy nights inside high school 6, this time stronger than ever, there was
an electrical storm, everyone in their classroom due to the abundant cold.
That night around 8:42 PM Alberto goes out to urinate, unfortunately the closest
bathrooms, which are the sixth-grade patio, are closed, so he decides go to urinate
in the fifth-grade bathrooms, the farthest and alone. But as if nothing, he goes.
Suspiciously, the voices of other students were not heard, only the rain and the
powerful thunder.
He goes into the bathroom and relieves himself, but out of nowhere he feels a chill,
maybe because the bathroom is empty. He doesn't care and goes about his
business, he washes his hands and listens as a door slams behind him, at that
moment he freezes, but if the bathroom was alone, "maybe it was the air" he says
and leaves the room .
8:46 PM people should be leaving but everything feels so lonely. How strange that
everyone is in his room, D8, at this time, arrives at his room and it's empty, how
strange, where is everyone? He takes his things and goes to his house.
8:55 PM in room D8, Alberto's friends wonder where he is, he never came from the
bathroom, he left his things there.
The next day, Alberto never came to his house…

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