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The sports stars of the future

1. According to the information in the article, complete the sentences in your own words

A. The fans are different from the players because the fans are humans.
B. The organizers of the competition think that the robots will replace the
humans in soccer.
C. One person believes that young children are better than robots in soccer.
D. After each RoboCup competition, scientists say that those who make robots
learn after each competition.
E. The scientists have plans to improve technical features.
F. The article finishes by asking if the robots beat a Iniesta on Ronaldo, some of
the best players of soccer

2. Match the highlighted words in the article to their definition

A. become better than before - Improved

B. have the same score - Tying
C. take part in a competition - Competing
D. win against somebody - Beat
E. go ahead of another team or player - Take the lead

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