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Senate Bill 321: Student Health Matters

The Student Health Matters bill aims to promote mental health awareness and provide

resources and support for Indiana students who may be struggling with mental health issues.

The bill recognizes the importance of addressing mental health concerns in schools and takes

proactive steps to ensure that students have access to the resources and support they need to

thrive. The bill would benefit the change by implementing suicide prevention training, the bill

requires schools to provide evidence-based suicide prevention training to school personnel and

students in grades 5-12. Mental health crisis response protocols, the bill requires schools to

establish protocols for responding to mental health crises and to make sure that school

personnel are trained to recognize the signs of mental health issues. Information for parents,

the bill requires schools to provide information to parents about the availability of mental

health services for their children and the procedures for accessing those services. As well as

annual reporting, the bill requires schools to report annually on their implementation of suicide

prevention training and mental health crisis response protocols.

I am in support of the Student Health Matters bill because a change in schools regarding

student mental health is essential. The bill would bring many advancements to these students

and schools. The benefits will include addressing a critical issue, suicide is the second leading

cause of death among young people aged 10-24 in Indiana, and mental health issues are a

growing concern among students. This bill would help address these critical issues by providing

schools with resources and training to identify and respond to mental health needs. Promotes

mental health awareness, by mandating suicide prevention training for school staff and
students, this bill promotes awareness of mental health issues and helps reduce the stigma

around seeking help for mental health concerns. Supports academic success, mental health

issues can have a significant impact on academic performance and addressing these issues can

help students succeed in school. By providing support and resources for mental health, this bill

can help improve academic outcomes for students. Lastly, provides support for families, the bill

also requires schools to provide information to parents about the availability of mental health

services for their children. This can help families navigate the mental health system and find the

support they need for their children.


Senate Bill 321 - Student Health Matters - Indiana general assembly ... (n.d

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