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1 cm

2 cm


3 cm
4 cm

Screen 20 - 7.94mm Screen 18 - 7.14mm

Kenya: E - the largest size beans comprising mostly elephant beans Colombia: Supremo
Pacamara and Maragogipe varieties will usually be this large. Kenya: AA - large beans
5 cm

Screen 17 - 6.75mm Screen 16 - 6.35mm

Brazil: Santos NY 2/3 Kenya: A - large beans
Guatemala: Strictly Hard Bean (SHB are considered large beans,
though this grading depends on variety)
6 cm

India: India Arabica Plantation A

7 cm

Screen 15 - 5.95mm Screen 14 - 5.55mm

Colombia: Excelso Brazil: Santos NY 4/5
Kenya: B - large beans, AB - a blend of screens 15 and 16 Ethiopia: Grades 1,2,3, and 4
Kenya: C - beans smaller than AB grade
8 cm

Barista Hustle Posters / Screen Size Grading - Green Coffee - Copyright © 2020, All Rights Reserved!

Screen 10 - 3.97mm Screen PB

9 cm

Beans this small will often be immature or broken. Peaberries are commonly separated in Kenya and Tanzania
However, good quality laurina variety beans will be this small. and often sold at premiums. Their size depends on plant nutrition and variety.
PB Screens are a slotted oval shape rather than circular

Other Grades
Kenya: TT - usually light beans rejected from grades AB, C, and E
Kenya: T - the smallest Kenyan grade, comprised of chips and broken beans
10 cm

Kenya: MH and ML grades - the poorest quality. Unripe and dried beans;
beans that have been considered unsuitable for the washed process

1 cm 2 cm 3 cm 4 cm 5 cm 6 cm 7 cm

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