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Dear Heartstopper cast

Hi! My name is Arturo, I’m 20 years old and I’m from Mexico City, I just wanna share
with all of you my feelings and experience the first time I watched Hearstopper, well, I got
caught in a bunch of feelings cuz being gay in Mexico is not that easy, we’re still dealing
with homophobia and most of the LGBTQ+ people is afraid of coming out to their families.
So when I was watching the serie I felt so bad cuz I can’t live my gay life as free as I want.
When I was in high school I suffered bullying for being gay so while I was watching the
serie I found out that my life has been as Charlies’ life and I’m still trying to get through
the situation. I cried a lot and I’m still crying everytime I watch Hearstopper cuz it makes
me feel complete, happy and free.
I just wanna say thank you for helping us to realize that being part of the LGBTQ+
community is amazing and for giving us the teenage relationship we never had.
Every single one of you means the world to us. Love you guys XOXO

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