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In-class writing exercises:

Imagine you are at the final year of a degree course here, and you are planning to apply for:

- a postgraduate degree in a university somewhere OR

- a job in a company that you are interested in.
As such, you need a referee who will support your application.

Your task is to write an email-message to your current university teacher and convince him/her to be
your referee as s/he may need to fill in your applied university’s recommendation form OR s/he may
be reached by your prospective employer.
In addition, you may not be sure that your teacher can remember you very clearly. You message
should include:
-remind your university teacher of who you are
-tell him/her clearly the purpose of your email writing
-give him/her specific details about your application (you can make up something such as
postgraduate course and university name, etc./company name and position, etc.)
-make that clear what exactly you would like your teacher to do for you
When you are done with your writing, make sure it is error free. Then, upload it onto your OLE
discussion board.
P.S. You don’t need to use your real name in your writing - use a pseudonym (a false or fictitious

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