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Health and Safety

Work permits system

Seguridad y salud Work permit system


❑ The work permit is a legal document between the issuer and

the applicant/executor, which enables the start of a specific
job and for a specific duration.
❑ When doing a job, remember:
✓ Apply for a Work Permit
✓ Perform a Safe Work Analysis
✓ Don't take shortcuts or eliminate safeguards

Planning Authorization Execution

Without procedures or safeguards, you are

alone in danger!
Seguridad y salud Work permit system

What is the purpose of a work permit system?

When will it be necessary to apply for a work


No work should start if the work permit has not been

previously issued and all security measures have been
Seguridad y salud Work permit system

Contents of the Work Permits

The Authorizer will determine the validity period of the permit. It will
only be valid for the place, team, work, date and times indicated. All
permits must be closed once the works are finished.

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