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Man of the south

Atmosphere, tension, suspension

I felt as though the atmosphere was mostly heavy around the middle, at the end it had felt like
weight had been lifted of your shoulders, this was mostly because of the countdown building tension
creating a climax. It also built suspension which was quite intoxicating and then out of nowhere
comes the lady which because of you feel a shock it becomes an anti-climax

Characterisation, language

The old man was built up to be mysterious and sudden but later where it is said as though he knew
what he was doing like had done it many times before which brought guards up, the way he spoke
made him out to be confidant, charismatic.

The English girl was rabid in the fact that the bet was a bad idea, Sadley she also seemed quite timid
throughout the story not being able to put her thought on the table or getting shut down

The American boy was overly confident in his lighter despite warnings but was constantly riddled
with worry


I found that the old man precise in the words he used to manipulate the boy in to doing them bet

In conclusion I found the story to be quite enjoyable and entertaining

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