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My daily routine as a Fine arts student

As a first-year student it is still very difficult to estabilish a daily routine. More precisely, collage
students are young adults, who are still finding themselves, specificly myself. The University is
completely different from the school. At the University you have to plan all your tasks and actions.
Since you chose this path for yourself and you are no longer bound as much as you were at school,
you have to decide what is right for you. This is the age when you want to become completely
independent, such as financially, but you are not yet at that point in your life yet. At the University
you are completely alone.

My daily routine as a first year student is not formed fully yet. Me and many other person came
from other cities, leaving their homes, their family, their friends, thier familiar environment.
Personally for me it is very difficult to build a new life in a completely unknown place. It develops
slowly but smoothly.

In my daily routine so far includes that I am trying to find my place, my people, my hobbies, and to
do all the tasks that were given at the university. To be more specificly in my morning routine first I
always have a big cup of coffe and listen to podcasts. I go to University, I am constantly inspired
throughout the day, and I always learn new things, and meet new people. I can cook for myself
various tipes of food, and I can decide to eat healthy or not. I spend a lot of time learning and
researching. I try to include training every week, and I explore the city.

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