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Bug Better Test

Team Name: Rudra

Leader Name: Vaibhav Behera

Team ID: 56057

Tech ID: 8471

Bugs Found:


Script: PlayerProjectileSpawner

Line No. 38: made changes to the spawnRate formula instead of declaring spawnRate as “spawnRate / EULEReload;”
, I gave it as just the EULEReload.

Line No.18: changed the EulerReload variable to 0.1f.

Changes: to make the player shoot the bullets simulatenously when the key is pressed.


Script: EnemyHealth

Line No.31: changed current health += damage taken to current health -= damagetaken

Changes: to make the enemy take damage according to the value set in damage taken


Script: ScoreManager

Line No.26: changed scoreDisplay.text = "Score: " + currentScore; (added +current score to the formula)

Line No.19: currentScore -= pointsGained; to currentScore += pointsGained;

Changes: Points are gained by the player upon destroying the enemy and it shown in the scoreUI as well.


Script: EnemyChaseMovement

Line No.54: changed the checking of if statements from chasingPlayer to PlayerInrange

Changes: Now the enemy starts to come at the player when it is in range

Script: PlayerMovementandLook

LineNo.67: changed desiredDirection.x to DesiredDirection.Z in movement set

Changes: Now the player can move up and down with the desired keys

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