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You’re not meant to do life alone

Genesis 2:18
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.””

 God saw his creation and saw that it was not good for man to do life alone.
 But God didn’t just want someone random, God’s intent was a suitable helper. Not someone who
brings you down but rather someone that brings the best out of you.
 God wants us to have Godly, Pure friendships, not friendships that come between you and God. I can
honestly say my purity life was in shambles all throughout Highschool because I couldn’t choose
between my friendships in the world and those in the Kingdom.
 Share: The crazy thing is as soon as I started to allow God to work in my life, allowed him to determine
what my male and female friendship should look like. The world started to show its true colors. My
“friends” from the world along with my addiction to pornography went out the door.
 Needless to say you are a result of the people you surround yourself. Thus men you need to surround
yourself with Pure Godly relationships. And get rid of those that come between you and God.


But as much as we need suitable helpers and form a part of a body that holds us accountable with our
purity, we also need to be able to handle our own weight when no one else is around. Which brings
me to my second point…

Win The Battle when you’re alone

Proverbs 7:1-27

 I’ve been this man many times, sneaking out late at night when my parents are getting ready for bed,
having parties at the house when my parents are over-seas. Watching pornography. Going on secret
dates without my parents knowing.
o I did these things when I was sad, discouraged or even bored.
o I did these things because I was trying to please my parents and the world.
 But men we can’t continue to live a life like this, where we are always giving in to our emotions and
trying to please others because we know that this life is a highway to grave leading to the chambers
of death.

Snake Story

 In the same way if we do not deal with the impurity in our lives, it will consume and destroy you. If we
want to have purity as a foundation of our relationships, we must first seek it within ourselves.
 When we are alone, sad, discouraged or bored we should seek God, allow God to transform you into
the man you were always meant to be.


In closing you’re not meant to do life alone, you are apart of body, we need God and Iron sharpening
Iron relationships if we want purity as a foundation of our relationships. But this will not happen if we do
not seek this within ourselves.

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