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Environmental performance of Chinese

listing manufacturing enterprise: from

investment perspective

Dan Hu, Chenpeng Feng, Liang Liang,

Peng Wu & Yuneng Du

Environmental Science and Pollution


ISSN 0944-1344
Volume 26
Number 7

Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019)

DOI 10.1007/s11356-018-04112-y

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2019) 26:6625–6635


Environmental performance of Chinese listing manufacturing enterprise:

from investment perspective
Dan Hu 1,2 & Chenpeng Feng 1,2 & Liang Liang 1 & Peng Wu 3 & Yuneng Du 4

Received: 13 August 2018 / Accepted: 27 December 2018 / Published online: 9 January 2019
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

With decades of high-speed economic miracle, China inevitably encountered with environmental pressure and sustainable
development problem. As the main carrier of the environmental responsibility, Chinese government set series of regulations
and standards to supervise and guide enterprise to fulfill this challenge emission reduction task. Based on data envelopment
analysis (DEA) approach, this paper focuses on air pollutant highly emission manufacturing tycoons to figure out Bwhether the
yearly billions environmental input really worth it?^ during 2014 to 2016. Unlike previous studies mainly from consumption
perspective and got macro-regional evidence, we choose micro-enterprise to analyze individual environmental performance and
draw general conclusions. Possible suggestions are also proposed for various industries and some salient enterprises.

Keywords Data envelopment analysis (DEA) . Sustainable development . Environmental performance . Corporate social
responsibility (CSR) . Manufacturing industry

Introduction meet their own needs. In essence, it is a process of change in

which the exploitation of resources, the direction of invest-
It is one classic economic pattern of Bgrowth at the cost of ments, the orientation of technological development, and in-
resources, then remedy after developed.^ Among all the re- stitutional change are all in harmony, meanwhile enhancing
sources, natural is considered to be most vital economic driv- both current and future potential to meet human needs and
ing yet most vulnerable to be damaged. By the end of twenti- aspirations. Thereby, its most important strategy is to promote
eth century, serious environmental crisis arose such as global harmony among human beings and between humanity and
warming, extreme weather, and irreversible ecological dam- nature.
age. Until then, the whole world realized it is time to Likewise, China also repeated upper Bsacrifice then
Bpayback^ and proposed Bsustainable development^ concept, remedy^ pattern. After four decades of Reform and Opening
which is development that meets the needs of the present up started at 1978, China had achieved high-speed economic
without compromising the ability of future generations to miracle, accomplished of transferring from agriculture-based
society to industry-dominated one and became world’s second
Responsible editor: Nicholas Apergis largest economy. Yet, this took the price of environmental
pollution and resource unsustainable. China already became
* Chenpeng Feng world’s largest carbon dioxide emitter in 2006; the external dependence on net imports of oil had reached 64.4% in 2016;
irreversible pollutant incidents happened, and serious city
School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, haze came up. Even at some stage, China took the wrong idea
Hefei 230009, China of development based only on economic growth, or more
Key Laboratory of Process Optimization and Intelligent directly on gross domestic product (GDP) boosting.
Decision-making (Ministry of Education), Hefei 230009, China Fortunately, China took positive action to make up by promot-
School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University, ing BLucid water and lush mountains are invaluable assets^
Fuzhou 350116, China concept, proposed by President XI Jinping in 2005, as well as
College of Economics and Management, Anhui Agricultural Benergy-efficient and environment-friendly^ pattern, pro-
University, Hefei 230036, China posed by Former-President HU Jintao in 2006. These
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6626 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635

theoretically concepts were improving continuously by a se- and consider to making this investment. This group is
ries of rules and regulations. Of country and industry level, nature to be Blisting.^ Similarly, we apply DEA method
specialized legal system was keeping perfecting by The to follow the previous researches. Uniquely, we choose
Environmental Protection Law (1979), Regulations on enterprise Binvestment^ perspective rather than regional
Construction Project Environmental Protection Management Bconsumption^ one. Under the Polluter Pays and
(1988), and Environmental Impact Assessment Law (2002). Prevention Principle, we concentrate on industrial sector
Moreover, Bcut overcapacity,^ especially cut the excess and since it is the larger economy contributor, energy con-
backward capacity in heavy industries, was also helping re- sumer, and environmental polluter. We define Bair
lieving resources and environmental pressures significantly pollutant^ as both climate pollutants (mainly greenhouse
since 2017. Of enterprise level, corporate social responsibili- gases (GHGs)) and classic air pollutants (SO2, NOx,
ty1 (CSR) activities, which stemmed from environmental sus- smokes, and industrial dusts). Moreover, we narrow
tainability protection, was getting heavily and voluntarily at- down to five specific industries based on both regulatory
tentions. At present stage, majority of highly polluting enter- and academic focus: steel, cement, plate glass, electrolyt-
prises would spend considerable green governance2 funding ic aluminum, and electricity generation (Carbon Dioxide
yearly, mainly on environmental technique transform and in- Information Analysis Center 2012; Ministry of
novation and already made remarkable achievements. Taking Environmental Protection of P.R. China 2014, 2017;
BThe Third Power Plant of Waigaoqiao^ as outstanding rep- Long et al. 2015, 2017, 2018c). In general, we analyze
resentative, after constant efforts on technology innovation enterprises’ environmental performance thoroughly, draw
and upgrading, it has been regarded as Bone of the world’s general conclusions, and provide possible guidance for
cleanest coal electricity plant^ of 2015. five industries and some salient companies.
Ever since data envelopment analysis (DEA) was pro- Our study incrementally contributes to prior environmental
posed (Charnes et al. 1978; Banker et al. 1984), it has performance studies by adding enterprise-level evidences
been widely applied in environmental performance eval- from investment perspective. We also incrementally contrib-
uating and assessing field. Thus, voluminous previous ute to prior CSR studies by supporting evidence from enter-
studies focus on macro-regional evidences (Wu et al. prise’s active environmental activities. As far as we know, it is
2014; Wang et al. 2018b; Long et al. 2018a, b; etc.), the very first research to use micro-enterprise data (financial,
with relatively scarce of micro-enterprise researches investment, and voluntarily disclosed emission reduction da-
(Long et al. 2015, 2017, 2018c; etc.). In this paper, we ta) to evaluate environmental investment performance.
focus on Chinese listing air pollutant highly emission Empirical results may provide possible guidance for regula-
manufacturing tycoons to figure out Bwhether the heavy tors to set rule for different industries and for enterprises to
environmental investment really worth it.^ We choose improve investment efficiency.
this target group for two major reasons: data available The paper is organized in six sections. The second section
and sample representative. First, due to the disclosure reviews relevant practical background of Chinese enterprise’s
situation and policy, the relevance Bgreen^ data usually CSR activity in green issue, and proposes the essential re-
incorporated in CSR report, which is still a voluntarily search question. The third section presents a literature
disclosure decision made entirely by enterprise itself. review. The fourth section describes the methodology design.
Actually, even not all the listing enterprises would make The firth section presents main results. Final section concludes
this additive and informative disclosure, none to mention with a summary of key findings, and a discussion of
the private enterprises which hardly disclose. Second, it implications.
is an academic tradition and reasonable to focus on large
and influential company in the field of CSR issue re-
search. As we would discuss thoroughly at after, green Practical background and research question
investment is tremendous. Only Btycoon,^ with big size,
steady profit level, and famous reputation, would able to Background: CSR activities on sustainable
CSR refers to organizational actions and policies that consider several types
of stakeholders and the triple bottom line of economic, social, and environ- Of three levels contained in sustainable development, enter-
mental performance (Aguinis and Glavas 2012). This means CSR focused on
prise is the most fundamental and practical participated one.
many types of stakeholders, mostly outside the organization, and on outcomes
go beyond financial field. At present, CSR in China involves seven main It engages in concrete activities such as implementing eco-
types: shareholder, customer, employee, supplier, community, environment logical operation concept and improving environmental per-
protection, and government.
2 formance so as to undertake CSR environmental responsi-
Consistent with a variety of related researches, this paper uses the terms
corporate social responsibility, environmental responsibility, sustainable, and bility. Industrial, especially manufacturing enterprises, are
green interchangeably. always being the large and front-end emitter since pollutants
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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635 6627

are their inevitable by-products. Moreover, according to both CO2 emission. Of our research, with the total input of
Polluter Pays and Prevention Principle, enterprises ought to approximately 20.8 billion Yuan, sample enterprises
be the main body of environmental input. Hence, Chinese achieved the total emission reduction of approximately
government set specific environmental protection standards 200 million tons. This is the outstanding result on both
and emission reduction tasks for enterprises every year, and economic investment and environmental improvement.
usually accompany with certain punishments if they fail to
fulfill. This indicated that at the very beginning, environ- Research question: efficiency of tremendous input
mental inputs were considered as Bcost^ because its original
intention was to force and supervise enterprises undertaken In general, under Polluter Pays and Prevention Principle, en-
their responsibility. However, with the improvement of cor- vironmental input could be mandatorily cost under the regu-
responding market mechanisms, enterprises may also gain latory request. Yet, under the agency theory, this input would
directly and indirectly benefits, such as government subsi- rather be regarded as investment due to self-interested eco-
dies or incentives on environmental technology innovation, nomic concern. We follow the first logical thinking to take
tax preference, reduction of cost, enhancement of productiv- highly emission manufacturing tycoons as research objects.
ity, newly carbon-trading income, as well as building good Since their major by-products are emissions, it is their duty
reputation of green. From this point, we believe that at cur- to manager them. We also follow the second logical thinking
rent stage, environmental input should be viewed as invest- to attempt our research from investment perspective. As profit
ment for enterprise to get long-term returns. Actually, al- organization, there is distinctive difference between Bdoing
though the green activity is still a voluntarily choice for necessary environmental governance^ and Bdoing sufficient
most listed companies in China, more and more manufactur- environmental investment.^ Combine these two consider-
ing tycoons pay special attention and make great investment ations, we apply DEA model to evaluate individual environ-
in this issue, making environmental responsibility the major mental performance based on firm size, financial perfor-
part of CSR. mance, and governance characteristics. Our ultimate purpose
Our study concentrates on air pollutant only. We fully is to determine whether these yearly billions input really worth
incorporate both climate pollutants (mainly GHGs) and it? Are there any improvement possibility?
classic pollutants (mainly as SO2, NOx, smokes, and in-
dustrial dusts). In particular, we consider only CO2 be-
cause it represents around 85% of GHGs. Meanwhile, Literature reviews
we consider the latter four types of pollutants due to the
industrial production characteristics and current disclosure For the past four decades, voluminous researches focused on
content. Furthermore, we choose five specific manufactur- evaluating and assessing environmental performance within
ing industries based on practical situation and regulatory different branches, i.e., macro-area like country, province,
focus: steel, cement, plate glass, electrolytic aluminum, and city (Wolfe and Howes 2010; Tyteca 1996; F re et al.
and electricity generation. The first four are chosen be- 2004; Song et al. 2014; Wu et al. 2014; Long et al. 2013,
cause they had been criticized by Ministry of Ecology 2015, 2018a, b; Wang et al. 2018a, b; Song et al. 2018; etc.),
and Environment of the People’s Republic of China as as well as micro-sector like firm and farm (F re et al. 1996;
Bkey^ air pollution regulation target, and the last one is Monlinos-Senante et al. 2015; Long et al. 2017, 2018c; Wei
chosen because it is both the main force on carbon emis- et al. 2017). Among which, the efficiency evaluation method,
sion and the leading area in carbon trading. specifically DEA, has been widely applied in this field, pro-
Generally, environmental input incorporates expensed posed by Tyteca (1996) and promoted by F re et al. (2004).
items and capitalized items: The former include pollution DEA is a non-parametric frontier method for measuring
discharge fee, environmental monitoring fee, running and relative efficiencies of peer decision making units (DMUs)
depreciation expense of environment protection facility, (Cook and Seiford 2009). The capability of dealing with
labor cost of environment protection, transport cost of multi-input/multi-output settings without requiring any a
harmful material, green fee, disposable cost of solid priori functional form and weight gives DEA an edge over
waste, and environmental R&D expenditure. The later other analytical approaches, such as traditional econometric
mainly refer to environmental technique transform and regression or simple ratio analysis. Since the conventional
innovation input. The cardinal principles of emission re- DEA model was proposed (Charnes et al. 1978; Banker
duction include improving the sufficient of combustion, et al. 1984), series of modified models were promoted for
desulphurization, and dust removal as well as change the environmental area, i.e., F re et al. (1989), Chung et al.
way of generating electricity, i.e., using low nitrogen clas- (1997), Zhou et al. (2008), and Bretholt and Pan (2013).
sification combustion technology to reduce NOx emission Furthermore, the researches of corporate environmental
or using wind energy and photovoltaic power to reduce sustainability issue are of two major parts: performance and
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6628 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635

disclosure. From performance perspective, the mainstream denote the DMU under evaluation as DMUo. The envelop-
studies focus on energy consumption efficiency (F re et al. ment form of output-oriented BCC model proposed by Banker
1996; Long et al. 2017, 2018c) and economic-driving efficien- et al. (1984) can be given in (1).
cy (Jalil and Mahmud 2009; Jayanthakumaran et al. 2012).
max θo
From disclosure perspective, researches focus on CSR activ- n
ities (Johnson and Greening 1999; Bansal and Roth 2000; s:t: ∑ λ j xij ≤ xio i ¼ 1; :::; m
Crane 2000; Deckop et al. 2006; Basu and Palazzo 2008; n
Trotman and Trotman 2015; Peters and Romi 2015; ∑ λ j yrj ≥ θo yro r ¼ 1; :::; s ð1Þ
Kanashiro and Rivera 2017). In these studies, various firm n
factors, mainly governance mechanisms, were introduced to ∑ λj ¼ 1
investigate their influence on disclosure motivation, extent, λj ≥0 j ¼ 1; :::; n
and quality, as well as the economic value and consequences
of disclosure activities. Let λ*j ; θ*o denote the optimal solution of model (1). By
Key literature on the subject has following characteristics
and weaknesses. First, DEA had been confirmed to be one of solving model (1), we can get a benchmarking point for
the mainstream and scientific methodologies to evaluate envi- DMUo. λj represents the scale of a DMUj that is involved in
ronmental efficiency or performance. Furthermore, majority forming the benchmarking point for DMUo. Model (1) max-
researches were from consumption perspective, treats input as imizes the equi-proportionate expansion of the outputs of
obligation or even Bburden.^ Additionally, majority evidences DMUo. The optimal value of model (1), denoted as θ*o , is
were macro-regional findings, lack of micro-enterprise stud- defined as the reciprocal of the radial PTE of DMUo.
ies, especially on evaluating performance issue. With the optimal solution in position, θ*o Y ro indicates the
maximal potential output of DMUo given the input bundle Xo.
Constraint (1.1) assures that any input of a benchmarking
Methodology should not be greater than the observational input of DMUo,
i.e., xio (i = 1, ..., m). Constraint (1.2) requires that any output
DEA model of the benchmarking should be greater than or equal to the
potential output θoyro. Constraint (1.3) denotes the convex
As mentioned before, we apply DEA as the tool for environ- constraint which is the only difference compared with CCR
mental performance. DEA is a mathematical programming model. θo and λj are decision variables.
technique, which is frequently used to evaluate the relative A noteworthy characteristic of BCC model is translation
efficiencies of a set of DMUs transforming multiple inputs invariant due to the convex constraint. In other words, the new
into multiple outputs. This choice is based on the following DEA model (after data linear translation) must be equivalent
reasons: (1) DEA is non-parametric which does not need one to the old one (Seiford and Zhu 2002). The translation invari-
certain production function form, avoiding the appearance of ant assures that BCC model can tackle with negative data
the error of function form. (2) According to the Brule of which is crucial for the computation of our study.
thumb^ principle, DEA does not need a large sample size to
pass the statistical test. The research sample of our study is Measure and data source
relatively insufficient for parametric analysis due to data ac-
cessibility (Cook and Seiford 2009). At the core of economics is the concept of Befficiency.^ For
As is known, there are two conventional DEA models: our research, it is the definition and measurement of
CCR and BCC model (Charnes et al. 1978; Banker et al. Benvironmental efficiency.^ The model proposed in our re-
1984). CCR model measures the technical efficiency (TE) search suggests that, for enterprises with same environment
by adopting constant return-to-scale (CRS) assumption, while input and emission reduction level, the one with smallest size,
BCC model separates pure technical efficiency (PTE) and highest financial stress, and lowest governance level will be
scale efficiency (SE) by adopting variable return-to-scale more efficient. Alternatively, for enterprise with same size and
(VRS) assumption. In particular, TE is multiplied by PTE financial and governance situation, the highest input and re-
and SE. Compared with CRS assumption, VRS is relatively duction level would be more efficient. What is more remark-
more suitable for practical setting. Therefore, our study also able is that environmental efficiency would consider both the
adopts BCC model and analyses PTE. economic and the environmental factors simultaneously
Suppose there are n DMUs in a reference set. Each DMUj (Song et al. 2014). From this attribute, we consider two kinds
(j = 1, ..., n) has m inputs, denoted as Xj = (x1j, x2j, ..., xmj)T, and of perspectives: Beconomic perspective^ and Benvironmental
s outputs, denoted as Yj = (y1j, y2j, ..., ysj)T, where T in the su- perspective.^ The former one is used to present whether a
perscript indicates transpose. Without loss of generality, let us firm’s annual green input is sufficient in terms of its current
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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635 6629

size, profit, and governance level; meanwhile, the latter one is Results
used to present whether a firm’s annual emission reduction is
sufficient in terms of the same level. For this consideration and Sample description
followed the previous classic research, we choose firm size,
ROA, board independence, and media coverage as input indi- Table 1 and Fig. 1 provide detailed description and the char-
ces and environmental input and pollutant emission reduction acteristics of the raw data.
as output indices. Similar index system can be found in First, of sample distribution part, the yearly distribu-
Gomes and Lins (2008). tion is relatively uniform, 9 DMUs for 2014, 17 DMUs
Our input indices are of three major parts: firm size, finan- for 2015, and 13 DMUs for 2016. The disclosure distri-
cial performance, and governance extent. Following the re- bution is also relatively balanced; five companies ful-
searches of Adams et al. (1998), Ho and Wong (2001), Li filled the 3-year continuous disclosure, and eight compa-
et al. (2011), and Han and Hansen (2012), we believe that nies realized 2-year disclosure, leaving rest eight compa-
larger company is more likely to implement broader and nies only disclose once in 3-year time window.
better environmental activities. Therefore, we use total assets Meanwhile, the industrial distribution demonstrates that
to measure firm size. Following the researches of King and steel and electricity generation took the major part, and
Lenox (2001) and Connelly et al. (2010), we believe that one interesting finding of no plate glass company.
better profit status usually associates with better environmen- Combined with previous statements, we may generally
tal initiative and performance. Therefore, we use classic ac- draw the conclusion that whole plate glass industry had
counting measurement ROA (return on assets) to value finan- relatively poor performance during the sample period.
cial performance. Lastly, take Galbreath (2010) as representa- Second, of input index part, with the summation assets
tive, we believe that better governance, internal and external, of 2.5 trillion Yuan, and average level of 64.28 billion
would put pressure on or help building reputation of green Yuan, our sample companies totally fit the standard of
activities so as to guide enterprise realizing better environmen- tycoon. The average ROA is 0.016; even eight DMUs
tal performance. We use board independence (percentage of that suffered loss (with ROA less than 0) demonstrate
independent directors) to measure internal corporate gover- that sample firms had relatively low profitability; this is
nance and media coverage (natural log of reporting number consistent with reality situation of generally small profits
on professional financial media, then plus one) to measure of manufacturing industry over the years, and more im-
external public governance. We collect corresponding data portantly, steel industry suffered enormously losses in
from CSMAR and China Economic News, both are public 2015. The whole sample also shows reasonable gover-
database. nance independence level (BoardInd) around one third
Our output indices include two: environmental input and and certain media attention (Media) around 23 times
pollutant emission reduction. Uniquely, we consider the first per year. Last, of output index part, with the summation
one to be the investment stage output, as the initial action of investments of 20.8 billion Yuan, and average level of
green governance is to present economic perspective, and the 534.5 million Yuan, our sample firms do make efforts in
second one to be the Beffect^ stage output, as the eventual green protection, and with the summation emission re-
effect of green governance is to present environmental per- ductions of nearly 200 million tons, and average level
spective. We coded these private data from yearly CSR report, of 5.1 million tons for each company, we may also con-
which are mainly voluntarily disclosed by company. clude these emission tycoons also achieved significant
The original sample of five industries from 2014 to 2016 is results. More specifically, these reductions majorly con-
224 companies. However, after deleting the companies which centrated on CO2 account the total sample of 97.34%. In
made non-informative disclosure, we get final 39 DMUs of 21 general, our research sample meets the uppermost criteria
companies (we deem one company in certain year as one of Btycoon, tremendous investment, and significant emis-
DMU). All non-informative disclosures concentrate on output sion reduction,^ which provides the scientific and proper
indices, which mean they are either lack of the exact amount foundation for findings and conclusions.
on environmental investment or lack of the specific amount on
emission reduction. In practical, the former situation is usually Efficiency evaluation
because the company was paying for pollution penalty during
that year, and the latter one is usually due to non-ideal reduc- Table 2 and Fig. 2 provide the detailed efficiency results from
tion results. In short, enterprises would voluntarily disclose the perspectives of year and industry.
Bonly good news.^ From this point, we may preliminary con- We choose efficiency value of BCC model (i.e., PTE value)
sider this Binformative disclosure^ as one simple signal of as the main findings because the VRS assumption is more
Bquality green activity.^ Appendix Table 4 shows specific practical. Combine with return-to-scale (RTS) results, we
companies in our study. may find following.
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6630 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635

Table 1 Description of the raw

data Classification Indices Unit Mean St. dev. Min Max Summation

Input Firm size 109 Yuan 64.26 71.73 2.27 267.98 2506.26
ROA % 0.02 0.04 − 0.10 0.08 0.59
Board independence % 0.38 0.05 0.33 0.50 14.90
Media coverage – 2.14 0.82 0.00 3.61 83.44
Output Environmental input 106 Yuan 534.46 841.38 2.52 3977.00 20,844.11
Emission reduction 104 tons 510.66 1761.57 0.03 8154.38 19,915.71

First, 15 out of 39 DMUs are efficient, with the mean PTE Second, we can classify the efficient DMUs set into
value of 0.569. Additionally, the significant efficiency improves two major types: Btotally satisfy^ group and Bstill has
within 3 years, rising from average level of 0.43 in 2014 to 0.74 potential^ group. For Yunnan Aluminum (000807) of
in 2016. This is clearly good news. Meanwhile, the industry- 2016, Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel (000825) of
level efficiency demonstrates as slightly better of electricity 2014, Baoshan Iron & Steel (600019) of 2016,
generation (with the average of 0.6638), and pretty much the Zhongmin Energy (600163) of 2015 and 2016,
same of rest three industries. Furthermore, unlike other three Sichuan Xichang Electric Power (600505) of 2016, as
industries of highly differences among each DMUs, companies well as SDIC Power Holding (600886) of 2015 and
of electricity generation industry show small dissimilarity as 2016, results demonstrate CRS efficient (i.e., TE =
majority reach efficient level. This can be reasonably explained PTE = 1). We consider them as in perfect state.
by electronic enterprises’ feature of state-owned, deep pockets, Meanwhile, for the rest VRS efficient DMUs (i.e.,
and actively green revolution in recent years. In general, this is PTE = 1), take Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel (000825)
the factual and relatively good result. of 2015 and Xining Special Steel (600117) of 2016 as
Additionally, five companies are particularly worth com- examples, results demonstrate that they realized pure
mendation: Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel (000825), Fujian technical efficient, only in IRS stage. We briefly advise
Mindong Electric Power (000993), Xining Special Steel them to not be afraid to increase input size because the
(600117), Zhongmin Energy (600163), and Fujian Cement additional inputs would bring more outputs.
(600802). These companies implement efficient in all disclo- Last, we present two sets of noteworthy DMUs based
sure year, contribute eight efficient DMUs, 19.38% to the total on RTS results. The first one is Maanshan Iron & Steel
investments and 2.01% to the total reductions. We may inter- (600808) of 2014; result shows VRS inefficient (0.215)
pret this as Bbittersweet^ outcome, for one thing, one fifth yet in CRS stage. We provide simple suggestion of
investment does not waste, yet for another, it does not get making more effort on outputs rather than enlarging
equal proportion of reward, and surely has large room for additional inputs. Otherwise, it would suffer unnecessary
improvement. input losses. The second group is three companies of

Fig. 1 Sample distribution

2014 Steel
Electrolytic Aluminum
2016 Electricity Generation

by year by industry

All dislosure
Dislosure in 2 years
Only disclosure once

by disclosure frequency
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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635 6631

Table 2 Efficiencies and RTS results

Stock no. 2014 2015 2016


600019 0.9340 1.0000 0.9340 IRS 0.4760 0.5910 0.8060 IRS 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 –
600022 0.1350 0.1360 0.9950 IRS
000825 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 – 0.9260 1.0000 0.9260 IRS
000898 0.0570 0.0570 0.9990 – 0.0180 0.0210 0.8670 IRS
600808 0.2150 0.2150 1.0000 – 0.2350 0.4090 0.5750 IRS
601003 0.1790 0.2410 0.7440 IRS
600117 0.4070 1.0000 0.4070 IRS
600282 0.1710 0.3070 0.5580 IRS 0.1070 0.1640 0.6540 IRS
600802 0.0880 1.0000 0.0880 IRS 0.0220 1.0000 0.0220 IRS
600585 0.1540 0.1550 0.9910 DRS
000672 0.1480 0.1700 0.8720 IRS
002233 0.0560 0.0580 0.9540 DRS
Electrolytic aluminum
000807 0.0660 0.0770 0.8560 IRS 0.2980 0.3140 0.9480 IRS 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 –
Electricity generation
600886 0.0870 0.1570 0.5570 IRS 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 – 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 –
000993 0.9750 1.0000 0.9750 IRS
600163 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 – 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 –
000027 0.1480 0.2270 0.6540 IRS
600098 0.4380 0.4760 0.9200 IRS 0.6280 0.8590 0.7310 IRS 0.5960 0.6490 0.9180 IRS
600483 0.2340 0.2370 0.9870 IRS 0.3400 0.3780 0.9000 IRS
600505 0.8220 1.0000 0.8220 IRS 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 –
600021 0.5820 0.5920 0.9840 DRS 0.3940 0.3990 0.9870 DRS 0.3080 0.3110 0.9910 DRS

VRS inefficient but in DRS stage: Guangdong Tapai emission reductions. Since our model is output-oriented,
(002233) of 2015, Anhui Couch Cement (600585) of the evaluated DMU would realize efficient if its output
2016, and Shanghai Electric Power (600021) of could be increased at the current input level. Major
2014~2016. Unfortunately, this group is inefficient in findings bellowed.
all disclosure year. The results demonstrate that they First, we focus on the 15 VRS efficient DMUs (i.e., PTE =
wasted on environmental inputs and should have per- 1) mentioned in BDEA model^ section, and find that there
formed better on emission reductions. More importantly, exist no slacks between benchmark and actual. This shows
one company continued this situation for 3 years. We strong efficiency and clearly good performance.
believe that this is a significant problem that needs to Second, of environmental investment part, the total invest-
be solving urgently. ments amount should be 36.65 billion Yuan, with average
level of 939.7 million Yuan; the target value/figure is almost
Benchmarks twice as much as actual one. Additionally, we find the target-
actual gap continuously narrow down over 3 years; this is
After evaluating the efficiencies of 39 DMUs, we additionally consistent with previous efficiency findings. In terms of in-
present the benchmarks for each DMU to be efficient. Table 3 dustry comparison, we find that the best performance is ce-
presents DMUs’ expected outputs, its corresponding incre- ment with average gap of 301.96 million Yuan, and poorest
ments, and multiples of target-actual gaps. We italicized some performance is steel with average gap of 557.92 million Yuan.
results in BTimes^ section if the figure is larger than 10. Finally, we propose four DMUs worth particular attention:
These benchmarks provide targets for sampled com- Angang Steel (000898) of 2014 and 2015, Guangdong Tapai
panies to perfect their environmental investments and (002233) of 2015, and Yunnan Aluminum (000807) of 2014.
Author's personal copy
6632 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635

Fig. 2 Industrial distribution of 1.2 1.2


PTE value 1 2015 1 2015
0.8 2016 0.8 2016

0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
Stock no. 000807 Stock no.

Steel Electrolytic Aluminum

(Mean PTE=0.5101) (Mean PTE=0.4637)
1.2 1.2 2014

1 1 2015
0.8 2016 2016
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
Stock no. Stock no.

Electricity Generation Cement

(Mean PTE=0.6638) (Mean PTE=0.4766)

Their gaps are all above 10 times. We would suggest these environmental input as investment, focus on enterprise’s en-
companies to spend more on environmental issue. vironmental responsibility, choose the highly emission and
Third, of emission reduction part, the total reductions state-owned manufacturing tycoons as research objects, and
amount should be 397.44 million tons, and average level of focus on air pollutant issue. The ultimate target is trying to
10.19 million tons; the target value is also twice as much as figure out Bwhether the company’s tremendous environmental
actual level. The best performance year is 2015, with the av- investment year after year really worth it?^
erage slacks of only 2.8 million tons, and poorest performance Through empirical analysis, we find the following con-
year is 2014, with the average slacks of 10.17 million tons. In clusions. First, during three sampled years, with total invest-
terms of industry dimension, the best performance industry is ment amount of 20.8 billion Yuan, total air pollutant emis-
electrolytic aluminum, with the average slacks of 0.2 million sion reduction of 200 million tons (mainly as CO2 reduc-
tons, and the poorest performance is cement, with the average tion) was achieved. This shows that our tycoons do make
slacks of 8.49 million tons. Similarly, we pay attention to 15 effort on environmental sustainability, and gain certain
DMUs with gap of above 10 times. Especially, Nanjing Iron & achievement. Second, of five certain industries we chose
Steel (600282) in 2014 and 2016 had reached up to 7380 and based on practical situation and regulatory focus, no compa-
1423 times; Shenzhen Energy (000027) even reached over ny of Bplate glass^ makes informative disclosure and dem-
10,000 times in 2015. This demonstrates huge improvement onstrates the whole industry lack of Bquality^ work. Third,
in reduction area; in another word, great wasted occurred and of efficiency part, 15 out of 39 DMUs are Bstrong^ efficient,
needed to remedy. with the sample average efficiency value of 0.569, improv-
ing progressively year by year. This clearly is good result
and consistent with factual. Last, of benchmark part, the
Conclusions and implications cement industry shows relatively reasonable investment size,
yet the steel industry shows significant shortage; meanwhile,
After decades of high-speed economic developing, China be- the electrolytic aluminum industry shows relatively best per-
gan to realize the importance of sustainable development and formance on emission reduction, yet the cement industry
take series of actions to promote. In this paper, we measured exits largest actual-target gap.
the environmental performance efficiencies of 39 DMUs in Based on upper findings, we attempt to propose possible
China during 2014 to 2016 based on manufacturing tycoons implications. First, it is critical to raise emission reduction
by applying DEA approach. More specifically, we consider target, at least in total quantity. Currently, there is enormous
Author's personal copy
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635 6633

Table 3 Benchmark results

Stock no. Year Target Increment Times

Environmental input Emission reduction Environmental input Emission reduction Environmental input Emission reduction

600019 2014 320,100.00 41.37 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600019 2015 270,895.00 694.17 110,894.50 284.17 1.69 1.69
600019 2016 397,700.00 96.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600022 2015 117,360.00 28.41 101,451.70 26.08 7.38 12.20
000825 2014 150,551.00 13.03 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
000825 2015 132,094.00 0.71 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
000898 2014 158,716.00 624.14 149,627.00 588.39 17.46 17.46
000898 2015 141,699.00 19.49 138,698.60 19.34 47.23 129.95
600808 2014 139,504.00 18.45 109,504.20 17.25 4.65 15.38
600808 2015 73,351.80 16.96 43,351.80 16.40 2.45 30.14
601003 2015 53,986.00 23.02 40,985.96 22.62 4.15 57.54
600117 2016 21,000.00 6.37 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600282 2014 54,096.60 1505.04 37,496.55 1504.84 3.26 7380.33
600282 2016 58,683.60 1313.36 49,083.59 1312.44 6.11 1423.09
600802 2015 4000.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600802 2016 1066.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600585 2016 82,491.70 4769.05 69,691.70 4029.05 6.44 6.44
000672 2015 39,261.10 161.95 32,594.41 134.45 5.89 5.89
002233 2015 51,715.30 80.58 48,696.25 80.55 17.13 2599.32
Electrolytic aluminum
000807 2014 65,033.10 33.51 60,019.07 31.86 12.97 20.28
000807 2015 79,072.00 40.08 54,230.03 28.36 3.18 3.42
000807 2016 19,000.00 1923.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Electricity generation
600886 2014 146,901.00 6927.76 123,900.90 6924.49 6.39 2115.86
600886 2015 26,600.00 7552.77 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600886 2016 164,700.00 8154.38 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
000993 2016 252.00 232.40 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600163 2015 47,374.60 64.91 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600163 2016 47,595.00 84.14 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
000027 2015 79,794.00 2303.12 61,694.97 2302.90 4.41 10,286.37
600098 2014 75,641.40 55.40 39,641.45 53.29 2.10 26.23
600098 2015 66,199.10 1366.23 9309.02 1365.39 1.16 1624.73
600098 2016 77,052.80 54.92 27,052.77 43.56 1.54 4.83
600483 2015 54,459.30 557.19 41,559.26 436.27 4.22 4.61
600483 2016 53,451.90 601.53 33,251.89 477.27 2.65 4.84
600505 2015 27,400.00 56.62 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600505 2016 19,600.00 152.44 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
600021 2014 109,816.00 41.17 44,816.33 38.37 1.69 14.72
600021 2015 115,170.00 96.23 69,169.70 57.80 2.50 2.50
600021 2016 121,362.00 33.19 83,611.98 32.75 3.21 74.64

gap between target and actual. However, as we discussed in quite good in the green area due to the only disclose good
the previous part, most of our sample enterprises actually did news pattern. This may embody reality problem as setting
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6634 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2019) 26:6625–6635

the target too Blow,^ since it is reasonable to inference that is, and use it to decide whether to continue enlarging the green
most enterprises would Bstop just after they pass the target input or not. This is the most direct way to not waste.
line.^ We suggest policymaker to raise target adequately to Our study can be further expanded in the following direc-
simulate the potential of the enterprise. Second, it is important tions. We may enlarge sample size to broaden the application
to set different regulations for different industries. For steel scope of conclusion. Also, we may open the Bblack-box^ and
industry, we suggest it to continue enlarging the investment adopt the network DEA technique to measure the environ-
scale. For cement industry, we suggest it to focus on reduction mental performance more accurately, meanwhile to discover
area. For plate glass industry, we suggest that it should Bbreak more inefficiency sources.
the ice^ and make special effort on informative disclosure. For
electrolytic aluminum, we simply praise its current perfor- Acknowledgements This research is supported by the MOE (Ministry of
Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Science (No.
mance. For electricity generation industry, we affirm its lead-
JS2016JYRW0076), National Natural Science Foundation of China
ing role on tremendous input, yet remind it to pay more atten- (Nos. 71601062, 71701049), and China Postdoctoral Science
tion on the huge improvement space in emission reduction, Foundation (No. 2017M620257).
especially in GHG reduction. Last, it is necessary to treat each
enterprise individually, even within the same industry. The Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
key criterion is at which stage of return to scale this enterprise tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Table 4 Companies sampled in this study

Stock no. Companies Industry Websites of companies

600019 Baoshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Steel

600022 Shandong Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Steel
000825 Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Co. Ltd. Steel
000898 Angang Steel Co. Ltd. Steel
600808 Maanshan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Steel
601003 Liuzhou Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Steel
600117 Xining Special Steel Co. Ltd. Steel
600282 Nanjing Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. Steel
600802 Fujian Cement Inc. Cement
600585 Anhui Couch Cement Co. Ltd. Cement
000672 Gansu Shangfeng Cement Co. Ltd. Cement
002233 Guangdong Tapai Group Co. Ltd. Cement
000807 Yunnan Aluminum Co. Ltd. Electrolytic aluminum
600886 SDIC Power Holding Co. Ltd. Electricity generation
000993 Fujian Mindong Electric Power Ltd. Electricity generation
600163 Zhongmin Energy Co. Ltd. Electricity generation
000027 Shenzhen Energy Group Co. Ltd. Electricity generation
600098 Guangzhou Development Group Inc. Electricity generation
600483 Fujian Funeng Co. Ltd. Electricity generation
600505 Sichuna Xichang Electric Power Co. Ltd. Electricity generation
600021 Shanghai Electric Power Co. Ltd. Electricity generation

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