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Catchphrase Words: People

Aristotle Amanda Bynes Will Smith

Tom Hanks Grace Kelly Babe Ruth

Walt Disney Carrie Fisher Galileo

Mr. Rogers Leonardo DiCaprio Abraham Lincoln

Andy Griffith Mohammad Ali Oscar Wilde

Paul McCartney Michael Phelps Plato

Lewis and Clark Johnny Depp Buddy Holly

Leonardo Da Vinci Walter Cronkite Lord Byron

Beethoven Audrey Hepburn King George

Tiger Woods Benjamin Franklin Mother Teresa

Michael J. Fox Mandy Moore Bill Gates

Albert Einstein Victor Hugo Susan B. Anthony

Justin Beiber Archimedes Martin Sheen

the Wright Brothers Davy Crockett Bill Clinton

Socrates Ulysses S. Grant Alex Rodriguez

Bruce Willis John Williams the Beatles

Eddie Murphy Shia LaBeouf Neil Diamond

Norman Rockwell Steve Jobs Claude Monet

Theodore Roosevelt Harrison Ford Michelangelo

Shaquille O'Neal Thomas Paine Stephanie Meyer

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Steve Martin Shakespeare Samuel Morse

Rembrandt George Lucas Christopher Columbus

Buzz Aldrin Lewis Carrol Brad Pitt

Mark Twain Barack Obama Dick Van Dyke

Jimmy Stewart David Beckham Georgia O'Keeffe

C. S. Lewis Regis Philbin Rosa Parks

Reese Witherspoon Dakota Fanning Cleopatra

J.K. Rowling Andy Warhol Helen Keller

Elton John Robin Williams Kevin Bacon

Raphael Jack Black Christian Bale

Charles Dickens Danny Glover Patrick Henry

Henry Ford Charles Darwin Denzel Washington

Queen Latifah Dr. Seuss Pocahontas

Ronald Regan Sacajawea Isaac Newton

Michael Jordan James Taylor Salvador Dali

Genghis Khan Charles Dickens Pelé

Elijah Wood Neil Armstrong Eleanor Roosevelt

Michael Jackson Tony Hawk Anne Frank

Copernicus James Madison Eli Whitney

Harry Houdini Ernest Hemingway Frank Lloyd Wright

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