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Buy the following books:

a. English:
i. GMAT review/ Official GMAT guide (any of these works)
ii. GRE Big Book
iii. Cliffs TOEFL
iv. Word Smart 1 & 2
v. SAT Grammar by Erica Meltzer
b. Maths:
i. Mentors Qbank
ii. Nova’s GRE Math Bible
iii. For Analytical, GRE Big Book will suffice.
2. Try to finish Cliffs TOEFL and SAT grammar asap within 2 weeks. Start with TOEFL
and then move on to SAT grammar. These two will help you ace Sentence Correction
and Error Detection.
3. Memorize vocabs from Word Smart. . Try to learn 40-50 words every day. Learn how
to use them in a sentence.
4. Practice Reading Comprehension and Sentence Correction from the GMAT review. Try
to finish within a month.
5. For maths, try to finish Qbank within a month and then have a revision. After
revising twice, go through the math bible.
6.i should start analytical, preferably after you have made quite a progress in
maths. Study puzzles from GRE Big Book, Data Sufficiency and Critical Reasoning
from GMAT.
7. And lastly, attend mock tests online/offline to assess progress and build up

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