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Table of Contents

Index 0
One-page project description 1
Plot summary 2
The world up until now 3
Character description 4
The world 9
basic and specific mechanics 18
dialogue of introductory cinematics 21
interactive dialogues 22
Areas 25
HUD 30
Call from Hell
RogueLite, Action, Deck builder, Resource management.
Target audience
16-25 years old
Approximate duration
20h (First successful run) – 90h (Complete game, true ending)

Available Game modes

Single player: Normal Run, Fraction run(Only a part of the run, unlocked after
completing a
successful run), Arcade.
Multiplayer Co-op: Normal Run, Timed Room clear competition.
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, XBOX One, XBOX X, XBOX S, Nintendo Switch.

Games: Hades, Sayonara wild hearts, Ultrakill, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry,
Pokemon, Persona
Movies and shows: Great Pretender, Russian Doll

Game Features
In game, Evi uses her PHONE to dial the required numbers to use a call while
avoiding the enemies attacks and moving across the map.
She can use the calls to better her defense, use offensive moves and others. Both
her skill using the phone and the PHONE itself can be upgraded to better meet
the playstyle of the player and help them neutralize hell.
Plot Summary
A sort of crater appears in the Pacific Ocean (Earth) and is immediately noticed
by humanity. Further inspection reveals it is occupied by monsters and extremely
dangerous. Evi, apparently an alien from an unknown part of outer space, appears
to announce the emergence of Earth’s hell, and the council decision to neutralize
Evi, an agent from an interplanetary council, comes to earth to monitor the
emergence of a new hell. Hells are planetary anomalies that mimic concepts of
both the planet they are formed in and the people that enter them.
When a planet manifests a hell, they also develop “Calls”, a sort of spell similar
to manifestations of their original planet.
Evi has in her hands a device able to summon the calls of multiple planets, called
a Phonetic Harmony Override Native Evocator, or PHONE, for short.
The world up until now
In this world, different planets have achieved interplanetary travel (IT) and are
able to visit each other.
Thousands of years ago, after Quali discovered IT and helped other species with
it, becoming an almost parent to them, they all started awkwardly forming
relationships with each other.
After many conflicts based around planet control and resources, a group called
the union flag started revolting against the powers of each world for their
classism and null interest in the common people. With help from each other, they
overthrew their own capitalist tyrannies and ascended to cooperative power in the
form of the committee we know today as union flag.
Soon after, they started exploring other worlds and searching for other intelligent
Everything seemed to be approaching Utopia until the collective consciousness
of everyone crystallized on each planets "hell", opening them up to new ways of
communicating with the world and driving them away from union flags
After thousands of years, species changed with their hells, each taking different
approaches to theirs, and union flag started to seem like more of an honorific
committee, with planets returning to their previous states.
Two hundred years ago, Union flag started a revolution within itself to take back
control and lots of people began rioting for their comeback.
Today, Union flag has control over the 4 planets, but still leaves a degree of
power to each planet.

Word of another type of revolution, one where there is not a central type of
control but rather an alliance, not of planets but of countries or even cities is
forming in the streets of each planet.
Character Profiles
Name: Evi
Gender: Non binary
Pronouns: They/She
Age: 26
Height: 1.75m
Physical description:
With an average height, Evi has long hair dripping from her scalp to her back as
a sort of floating green liquid that is very similar to the almost reflective green
shade of their skin. They wear a suit very similar to those worn by humans, but
rather metallic in composition, in places seeming to hold her skin together. The
suit mixes a black obsidian shade with some highlights in copper orange.
Sociological description:
Evi, born in Quali, is an agent for the interplanetary council dedicated to the
exploration of planetary hells. Her dedication to her work has landed her an
opportunity to explore the newly formed hell of Earth.
Psychological description:
Stoic and methodical to an extreme, Evi keeps her matters mostly private and
prides themselves on their work more than anything. They do as they are told
most of the time but isn’t scared to prioritize their work over orders. She is
tenacious and makes decisions in an instant, which makes others see her as
Character Arc:
Evi starts to see parts of herself she ignores in every level of hell and they start to
become looser around others and open themselves more. They don’t like this
change at first, but Evi starts to welcome it when she sees that there are more
things in life than her work.
Main secondary characters
From the conflict nation of Alei, Alpie has come to take a look at this worlds hell
following an unknown Alei organization
Height: 1.87
Gender: Female
Physical description:
A tall, buff, blue lady with fish part such as scales or fins around her body
Alpie is an outgoing, fun and extrovert girl with an understanding and smart side.
She struggles to come to terms with the general culture of her world and strives
to be more understanding.
An outcast of the Blaquia faction, she refuses to enter her factions’ customs and
instead prefers to go around the world making friends with whoever she finds.
Most people, however, are used to dealing with Blaquia people in a more
confrontational way, which leads to racist confrontations with some of the people
she meets.
Main secondary characters
Although its unknown where they come from, death is a strange person even in
this camp. They usually are fully clothed, even wearing a mask, and asks to be
referred only with names relating to the human concept of death.
Physical description:
Completely black cloth with matte golden markings. Wears a black and white
mask that covers their whole face.
Although they are grim as you’d expect of death itself, they are also a great
listener as they only talk when they have something important to say. If you try
to understand the lack of response on their part, you will find an interesting
It is unknown where this person has come from, what she knows or doesn’t know
about this world or even what languages they speak without a communicator.
Main secondary characters
A 37-year-old human woman asked to monitor the existence of other species
discovered lately at hells base camp.
Gender: female
Age; 50
Height: 1.56m
Physical description:
A black, small, middle-aged woman who at first view seems very unimposing.
She wears grey military gear.
She is a dependable person that gets imposing as soon as you hear her talk, which
contrasts with her height, something other people mock. Their mocks are fast
gone though, as her underlings looks will short of kill you as soon as you open
your mouth.
She is a high standing military woman tasked with monitoring hells base camp
and the species that have appeared on it.
Main secondary characters
nOODLes make For A gReat Soup
A replica of The house sent to monitor both Earth’s hell and Death, keeping the
last a secret from the base.
Gender: -
Pronouns: They/Them
Height: 1.87m
Physical description:
A tall person, of completely metallic build, with a blue shirt that says “Earth
visitor” in it. Although they would seem imposing at first glance, their t shirt and
demeanor drowns that thought.
nOODLes make For A gReat Soup is a resourceful and jovial person, spending
most of their time hanging out around the base and offering their advice.
A replica of The house, they hold the same status as every other replica.
The World:
The union flag
The union flag is an interplanetary council made for all species to convene and
share a goal. The name comes from a revolutionary faction that united all races
thousands of years ago
Its current iteration was founded 160 years ago.
Tries to take everyone’s interests into consideration, but its centrist view does
sometimes not allow for a complete solution
Lately, its centrism has been called into consideration by some and a revolution
to pass the power onto small concentrations of people is on its way.
Lots of currents of thought reside within Union flag headquarters.
While most of them have a centrist government communist view in their minds,
others clamour for The union flag to distance itself from planets and practice an
anarchist stateless policy.
There are even those that wish, mostly for self-interest, to copy some of the
destructive capitalist Earth policies, but this is not a common view.
This different views make for heated debates in Union flag, which makes its
headquarters, located in a massive moving space station, a great place for those
that desire immediate change and want people to hear their ideas.
Entry to the organization is free and everyone is welcome to post their opinions
in the multiple interspatial internet websites dedicated to it.
All policies are coordinated by specialized workers and then voted on by
everyone using a telematic vote system that Union flag makes sure to facilitate
free of charge.
Jobs, necessities, entertainment and more are all coordinated both by massive AI
sentient Constructs and by biological operators and sent to everyone.
A regular citizen under Union flag can change jobs, pursue different careers or
hobbies and move to another city or even planet whenever they desire, only by
communicating it to coordination.
The first world to advance to an interplanetary scale, its inhabited by slime like
anthropomorphic species.
Until now, due to their upbringing and culture they are very methodical and rigid.
They are trying to find their core values in a society that doesn’t need them in
their previous role as parents.
The Quali are often inventors and creatives due to their advance technology that
combines nature with electronics using different viscous substances found in
their world.
Although not as much as Netalis, the Quali share a lot of nature love with them,
and try to not sacrifice nature to advance.
They are regarded as cold by other species, but tend to be depended on when
there is a problem due to their past role as mediators.
Quali are often seen as bringers of good luck by other species due to their nature
as helpers and bringers of new technology.
Despite this, Quali society is trying to break from all this stigma and reinforce
their position as another one of the species.
Due to their proximity with Union flag, most Union flag jobs, such as agents, are
covered by Quali.
The Quali organize their cities in a circular fashion to allow for an easy tube
rigging that allows them to easily travel within the city,
Other highspeed travel methods between cities involving slime tubes also exist.
Due to this, Quali are able to easily travel within their world and most cities are
connected by a less than 10 minutes ride.
Their slimy nature makes Quali require Warp inhibitors in higher gravity, usually
worn as metallic clothes.
Alei is inhabited by 2 different species.
The Aeri evolved onto the earth and resemble birds.
Their nests are up into incredibly tall trees and most are inaccessible to those
without flight.
Their body allows them to fly at high speeds, and those that modify their bodies
can easily equal or surpass a jet in speed and power.
They specialize in both terrain searching and high speed flight, and are able to
cover the entirety of their planet.
Due to their conflict with the Blaquia, their naval technology is almost null, but
they rely in external technology to fight them in their own terrain if necessary.
Both the Aeri and the Blaquia have different currents of thought and although the
majority of them still wage war at each other without apparent reason, some
choose to help each other and there’s some cities that allow both Blaquia and
These cities are often incredibly advanced city states that are able to defend
themselves due to the combination of Aeri and Blaquia forces. They also receive
official support from Union flag and other sympathetic planets like the Quali.
Nevertheless, they are shamed as pariahs by their main groups and are banned
from returning.
The Blaquia are marine beings that stayed in the sea and resemble sea creatures.
They construct their Cities in the most deep parts of the oceans and seas to avoid
Aeri invasion.
Their pressure and hydraulic technologies reach unprecedented levels, allowing
some of them to completely manipulate water and survive its pressures no matter
the amount.
Their flight technology is antiquated, but they rely on modification of their
vessels to sometimes send aerial attacks to the Aeri. These are, however, often
useless against the almost magical aerial tech of the Aeri, rendering both of them
in a stalemate
They have a culture of war and don’t need much reason to fight others even
though they have been asked to stop the conflict.
Other species are very prejudiced against them due to this and will assume a fight
is coming if they see an Aeri or Blaquia.
This has been incredibly hard for those that desire peace and travel between
words like Alpie.
The house
After another intelligent species lived and died within this planet leaving only a
devastated terrain and a decaying infrastructure, the super intelligent conscient
AI known as The House tried to reconstruct the dead world by replicating itself.
After thousands of years, they developed Interplanetary travel without the help of
the Quali, and started their investigation into the complete recovery of the dead
Now a recovering area with a designed ecosystem, The house works as a
collection of replicas, able to fuse and duplicate, allowing each new replica to
change their personality to create a new individual. This allows the house to grow
wiser and more resourceful in a way never devised before.
The house replica names are made using a phrase from a corrupted hard drive
version of the internet the extinct species used. Unable to read what phrases were
important, The house treats all phrases as equal and names the replicas with the
exact formatting they are found in, including grammar or capitalization mistakes
due to file corruption.
The house, having inherited a barren planet, vows to always help the planet it is
in recover, never to repeat the mistakes of their predecessor.
Project Sym
An apparently abandoned and classified operation within The house, Project
Sym’s objective is to use the DNA remnants of different species to fuse metal
bodies with them and recreate them.
Although this has been successful to some degree on animals, it has been a
failure in reviving the extinct species, Called, Sym-ex, or Symex in the project.
Unknown to anyone outside The house, even to Union flag, there is one semi
successful patient of Project Sym.
Known colloquially as Death after they named themselves, this individual now
roams distant planets searching for a reason to keep living or die after escaping
the house.
The house position on this event is unknown.
As a self-sustaining closed planet, Netalis is home to the most intelligent species
due to their commune with nature and their technologies.
Conflict is completely alien to Netalis citizens, as their lives are mostly focused
on the multitude of everchanging work required to maintain their way of life.
Instead of using resources, the Netali create resources with their technology as a
plant would generate oxygen.
Due to this very close with nature way of life, they’re very closed up and don’t
allow visits.
Only a set amount of union flag agents and permitted visitors are allowed in the
planet, and they need to follow a very strict way of acting.
This allows Netalis to take the hard route and go on without sacrificing anyone or
Their way of life and many of their techniques are now common practice in the
other planets due to their usefulness and 0 energy or material cost.
All this has led Netalis to become home to many intelligent species, some of
them not even known to Union flag.
The planet is therefore inhabited by multitude of different intelligent organisms
from different types of animals to sentient flora or fungi.
Similar to today’s earth, this planet is in dire need for a way to overcome its own
capitalist nature and start to care for itself, as millions of people die and the
planet grows ever more destroyed, reminding many of The house. In this dire
state, Earth discovers a hell in the Pacific Ocean and set to explore it.
After setting a camp, they are met with Union flag agent Evi and are told to
To Earth inhabitants, Aliens were no more than a possibility months ago, and
they are now seeing them every day on TV, and even encountering them on the
streets if they live near enough to Earth’s hell.
This Earth is a grim depiction of our future in a couple hundred years, with
militaristic states governing by force and capital having become even more of a
religion to everyone in Earth.
To earthlings, concepts earlier known have now been completely erased by
corporations, with only a few revolutionaries even remembering them.
Freedom died with the little self-organization humans had, only replaced by an
ever consuming machine of capital fuelled by completely alienated workers and
controlled by only the most rich elites.
Everyone in this world but these elites must obey their masters, and do not know
a world out of a job, often useless and used to give an illusion of life progress.
Surprised by the state of this world, Union flag sends Evi, their Ace agent, to
evaluate and control the situation while she decides what to do with both this
planet and its hell.
Basic and specific mechanics
Brief description:
The game is a top down isometric camera action game in which the protagonist,
Evi, must explore the different parts of hell and clear its different parts to
advance both in the story and gameplay. It features both roguelike mechanics that
make each run different and roguelite mechanics that allow progress between
Base mechanics:
Hells act like a cognition labyrinth where every thought and feeling that all the
members of a planet feel interconnect to make different spaces when there is an
observer present. This means that the places Evi is in will change each run as
they would in a roguelike. It also means that Evi’s primary goal is to assert her
own existence in this hell in each run.
“Manifestation” is the act of asserting your presence in a hell. Each time you
make a difference by clearing a space, defeating an enemy, finding an object, etc,
the hell notices your particular presence and rearranges to account for it.
Having a higher manifestation makes you stronger and able to act more upon
other beings in earths hell. As the hell in the game is the cognitive manifestation
of Earth, you can also get more manifestation by getting known in Earth
Manifestation Encounters:
Each single encounter you have in Earth’s hell is influenced by the manifestation
both beings have. In case of a violent encounter, the opponents must fight to
erase the others manifestation and sever their connection to hell for the time
This is done by using manifestation weapons such as the PHONE which is able
to handle manifestation as energy and transform it into calls. As such, normal
weapons are ineffective in hell.
Evi uses her PHONE to “Call” different spells and use their manifestation to
assert herself over others if necessary.
Calls are obtained by business cards that hold both information about the spell
and its story and the number to call to use it.
These calls are prepared beforehand by the player in a deck builder and are
obtained either by talking with other species and completing quests, or by
defeating bosses and obtaining Earths calls.
Obtaining a call offers a great deal of information about the world, and can
produce special events in game.
Calls exhibit more power when more numbers are dialled in.
The Phonetic Harmony Override Native Evocator, or PHONE, for short is a
machine developed by the Quali able to transform manifestation into calls. There
are multiple forms of PHONES, each one changing the gameplay in a substantial
Retro PHONE: The first PHONE you are able to use. The player must maintain
pressed the right trigger in a controller or the right click in a mouse to make the
number wheel in the top right corner of the screen spin and land in a specific
number. After dialling a PHONE number in their deck, Evi will cast the spell
attached to it.
cellPHONE: With this, Evi is able to dial by pressing the keys on the keyboard
or the buttons of a controller.
As this is a much more involved act than turning a wheel and to balance the
game, Evi must remain static while dialling a number with this phone.
Emergency PHONE: Made by the Quali specifically for stranded and emergency
rescue situations, this phone instantly dials a whole PHONE number.
As an emergency PHONE, it is only able to have 1 low number CALL.
Slivers are manifestations of the worlds hells. They are usually opposed to Evi
due to her nature as a hostile intruder.
As Earth starts knowing and accepting her, she starts finding more friendly
slivers and is able to form relationships with them.
The base:
The base is a military complex first constructed as a camp by human soldiers and
then taken by Evi to further explore hell.
New people start coming to this base and it starts to grow in size as the player
manages it and expands its services.
Expanding the base:
By completing different objectives and missions, different people will award Evi
with materials to build a more complex base and help them explore hell.
As different people start coming to hell, you will be able to deepen your
relationship with different comrades, allowing you to know their story, the story
of their planet, and to gain special materials, calls and items.
These comrades will act based on a trust event system similar to the one in games
like Hades, Undertale and Persona 5.
In this one, different hidden values based on your answers in conversations, your
missions and objectives completed and more will influence a table of events and
Introductory Cinematic
Discussing the formation of a newly formed hell: Union Flag Committee
CHARACTERS: Committee ministers, Ace Agent Evi.
The Union flag committee discusses different possible actions to take now that a
new hell has been formed in peculiar circumstances. They decide to send Ace
agent Evi to monitor the situation.

Chairman 1
Due to the current situation, we propose a debate over the formation of a Hell in
the Type 2 civilization Y-327
Chairman 2
(Visibly nervous) Due to the unforeseen circumstances, I suggest sending Agent
Evi to assert the situation.
May I request full authority over the matter then?
Chairperson 1
Even if you are an incredible agent that is...
Chairperson 2 waves her hand
Chairperson 2
We need this dealt with soon
Chairperson 1
Very well, let’s stage a voting
Camera pans away from the room as multiple hands raise.
Interactive Dialogues
Dialogue with Alpie
Hey! You got the flowers!
You asked me to.
Of course! I wanted to give them to everyone on the base!
(If the player has not completed any missions for Alpie)
Here! Have one! And another one I found on my travels!
[Given 1xPink Rose, 1xMysterious outer world flower]
(If the player has completed previous missions and is favorable to Alpie)
Did you know there are no person grown flowers in Alei?
The Blaquians live underwater and can't grow them and the Aeri dont care about
them since they live too high up.
But the native species are precious! They are completely unaffected by person
intervention, so they look wild and colourful, like they are just expressing
I want to see the flowers someday with my family.
Here, have this.
[Given Call [[Floral potential]]
Interactive Dialogues
Dialogue with Death
Metallic breath drowned by some sort of cloth
(If the player talked to death before doing any missions and isnt favorable to
So, what brings you here?
I am just travelling and I wanted to see this new situation.
I see...
(If the player has completed a mission for death or has become favorable to
(If the player had to give an item)
Here you go.
(If the player had previous favorability with death)
-A new choice of words?
-How is the visit going? (+ relationship)
Im trying to integrate with the others and watch
Good! Tell me whenever you need something.
The sea-First boss
Themes: Asphyxia, Isolation, Slow movement zones vs rapid movement of
This is the first zone of the game. As Evi enters hell, She is met with this layer
that still harbors a bit of reality. As such, it resembles the sea and multiple
deformations of known sea creatures and algae can be seen. This area features
rapid moving enemies, which contrast with areas of turbulence, where your
character is only able to move slowly.
As time passes in this area, Evi becomes slower, and dies of asphyxiation if she
stays too long
This area enemies are basic, having both ranged and melee enemies, and their
only special capability being the speed at which they can move and the size of
some of them.
This area is ended by its boss, The sea.
A physical manifestation of the sea, this boss doesn’t have a physical form.
Instead, youre met with an empty room without an exit. This means Evi will die
due to asphyxiation. Upon closer inspection, Evi will find she can use the coral
on one of the wall to get out and not die. This will lower the manifestation of The
sea, making it become a physical being, although still invisible.
The sea attacks by lowering and increasing water pressure levels in determined
points, making Evi avoid them. You can attack the sea by creating pockets of air
in the lowered pressure areas using an augmented physical attack or a spell.
This will lower the manifestation of The sea until it is unable to attack you and
becomes just water.
After that, you can pass on to the next area.
Using the item [Alpie’s hairclip] will instantly defeat the boss in subsequent runs.
This will make the boss not deal any new resources.
The hanged man-Midboss
Themes: Stillness, never dying, Stunning enemies and zones, Traps, Death
counters, enemies reviving
This area has multiple enemies that can revive if given enough time, are able to
be revived by another enemy, or are completely immune to death.
There are also multiple traps.
These traps, zones and enemies can also deal stun damage, which immobilizes
you for a short amount of time, and death counters, which kill you in a set
amount of time if you don’t kill the enemy first.
The traps and zones also work on the enemies, killing even those that cant die
In this area, there are 2 NPCs that you can talk to.
One of them is an overworked office person that wants to die but cant move
because its chained to their workspace
You can either talk them out of killing themselves or kill them by using a call to
bring a death zone to their workspace.
If you choose to Kill them, you will receive an item you can use to talk with
death about this event. This will give you [Death’s Finger].
If you choose to talk them out of it, the NPC will disappear and will be available
afterwards in reality in the base.
The other one is a dead child that is crying because she did not get a chance at
You can calm her by using a spell or talking to her enough, which will make her
disappear and will grant you the Earth call [For those who are gone].
This area ends with the boss The hanged man.
This boss appears multiple times while in the area randomly.
It appears as just a hanged man, immobile and hung from a pole.
You can damage him by hitting him 1001 times, or by killing every monster in
the area. Using the call [For those who are gone] or the item [Death’s Finger]
will make it disappear. If it died this way, it will smile calmly and look at you
before disappearing.

The Paper-Midboss
Themes: Folding, Enemy multiplication, Attack avoidance by folding,
Everchanging nature.

The Mirror- Midboss

Themes: Mirrors that reflect attacks, Shielded enemies, Weak points
The thing- Final boss
Themes: Fast transformation into other enemies, Difficulty to aim, Randomness
in the areas disposition, Previous areas and enemies reappear here.
The thing is the final boss of Earth’s hell and the narrative conclusion to the first
ending of CFH.
You will be fighting The thing in the whole area. Here, you will be met by
completely empty rooms. These will change into both enemies from the areas
before and recollections of Evi’s and her friends pasts. Going to each of these
areas should feel random and stressing. Every small creature can mutate and end
your run.
You won’t find NPCs here.
After finding the final room of this area, you will find an empty room like the
rest. This time, you will have to throw a call for something to happen.
When you do, A humanoid black creature, as if sketched by a black marker, will
emerge from the ground.
This is the only regular fight boss in the game. It has the abilities of every other
monster in the game and can invoke them. Other planets calls don’t damage it.
You must use Earth’s own calls to damage it. After defeating it, it will make
itself gigantic, then scream at your face. Seeing that Evi doesn’t move, it will
then transform into her friends and finally in herself.
Evi will remember the values she has learned and the people they have met, and
will ultimately decide to not neutralize the hell, Giving humanity another
The fight will end after Evi gives a hug to the Thing, transformed into herself.
This is the game’s first ending.
You can come back here after having unlocked everything else. This will unlock
a conversation with The thing and play the true ending.
True ending
The true ending starts with a conversation between The thing, previously just the
insecurities of the human race made real, now the collective will of humanity.
After all the change Evi has brought to earth, The thing will thank them, and will
then announce its intention to change. This will make all humans in the world
connect to it directly, and they will formally record a message in front of Evi.
This message is a request to join The union flag as a new planet, and talks about
the human flaws in great detail. The thing apologizes for everything that has
happened until now, more to those that suffered because of this world than to The
union flag, and then ends the message by promising a change.
It will not come easy, it says, but they have time.
This ends the true ending of the game and the game is fully completed.
HUD Sample

Left Top: Retro phone dial.

Left centre: Calls in your hand.
Bottom left: Your manifestation
Bottom right: The manifestation of your enemy.

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