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You got ur anarchist what are you gonna do with

Plot Chart
Inciting incident

Shevek realizes that his people and planet are becoming a fearful and isolated society. To fix this Shevek travels to their sister planet Urras

to better relations with the two planets and share his knowledge.

Rising Action

Shevek finds out that Urras wasnt the utopia he thought it was and that they wanted to use his knowledge for war and not for peace.


Shevek with the help of a Hainish woman (Hainish are ancient beings) he is able to share his knowledge with everyone.

Falling Action

Shevek travels back to Anarres ready to inflict change and progress.


The ending is vague as Shevek as it is unknown to the reader what shevek will do to inflict change and make life better for his people. It is

left to the imagination.

No light, Tirin said. He spoke with authority about things like this, because his imagination
put him straight into them. What facts he had, he used, but it was not fact that lent him his
certainty. They let prisoners sit in the dark, in the Fort in Drio. For years. page 31

The dispossessed follows shevek a resident of the moon who is sent to back
to earth. I am not sure why he is sent back to earth in the story. The people who
went to the moon were people that were rebels who went against the government.
Though even on the moon not everything is happy and pure as schools use
propaganda to paint earth as a terrible war stricken place. We follow shevek
through several memories of when he used to live on earth as a kid. Most of the
memories dont end well.
Kad - Sheveks Friend
Real Name - Kadagv

Motivation: Doing dares from his friends.

Freedom: Doing what others wouldnt.

"Look," Shevek said to the two youngest boys, "go ask at the kitchen for
leftovers, and pick up a bottle or something full of water, too." He turned to
Kadagv. "We'll give you a whole sack of stuff, so you can. stay in that hole as long
as you like."
"As long as you like," Kadagv corrected. - When his friends put him in a cell to
see how prison is like.
Gibesh - Sheveks Other Friend
Motivation: Hanging out with his friends.

Freedom: Looking like more of a man than he is.

None of them ever mentioned the episode, except Gibesh, who boasted about it once to
some older boys and girls; but they did not understand, and he dropped the subject.
Motivation: Exploring earth after being on the moon for years.

Freedoms: Being himself in a dystopian society.

He looked up at them, one face after the other. They all looked at him, expectant. "Well,
you have me," he said. He smiled. "You have your anarchist. What are you going to do
with him?"
Motivation: Being a man of science.

Freedoms: Doing his job well.

The Moon Run normally took four and a half days each way, but this time five days of
habituation time for the passenger were added to the return trip. Shevek and Dr. Kimoe
spent them in vaccinations and conversations.
He looked up at them, one face after the other. They all looked at him, expectant. "Well,
you have me," he said. He smiled. "You have your anarchist. What are you going to do
with him?"

1. Mysterious
2. Confusing
3. Interesting
Shevek stretched out his legs and leaned forward to catch the warmth of the fire on his
face. "I feel heavy."
"Perhaps the gravity. Or I am tired."

1. Tired
2. Worn Out
3. Heavy
The Hero's Journey
1. The hero must go on a journey, learn a lesson, change in some way, and return home. The hero in the dispossessed flies to earth
and in that he changes. I dont know if he comes back because i'm not that far.
2. The hero is special, one of a kind. He/she might represent a whole nation or culture. The hero is the only one who has to go back to
earth. When he is on earth he says that they have the anarchist they wanted, suggesting that he is special.

Situational Archetypes

The Initiation: In the dispossessed we see multiple flashbacks to earlier in the main character's life showing how he has gotten to this
point. These experiences have shaped him to who he is today and what he will do in the future. It also shows his view on earth from
the moon before we are sent to the present where he is their.

Character Archetypes

The Hero: The main character goes through many challenges in the dispossessed. The main character didnt have it easy. Later in his
life he is sent from his home to a unknown world where his people painted as a pretty terrible place.

Symbolic Archetypes

The Threshold: Shevek is sent to an unknown world where he is not in his element.

Immaturity vs. maturity shows the character growing up from child to a man.

Crime and law shows that crimes and some sort of justice system is important to the theme.


Individuality vs. group shows the main characters struggle to be himself and not forced into things by others.
In the dispossessed the people who live on the moon use propaganda to paint the the earth as a constantly at war to make them not want to ever leave the moon.

That's just it, said Tirin with the glee of one following logic. All the material on Urras available to students is the same. Disgusting, unmoral, excremental. But look.
If it was that bad when the Settlers left, how has it kept on going for a hundred and fifty years? If they were so sick, why aren't they dead? Why haven't their
propertarian societies collapsed? What are we so afraid of?

This shows that the people if the moon are using propaganda to paint earth as a war torn famine filled place.

In the book the dispossessed the main character is a part of a group called the anarchists who used sedition to the government and then flew away to mars.

You have your anarchist. What are you going to do with him?

In this it says he an anarchist which is the kind of person who would sedition.

There are two factions in the dispossessed the people on Urras and the people on Anarres. One is the inhabitants of earth and the other is the fraction of anarchists
who left to the moon rebelling from their the faction of earth.

He sat down on the shelf-like bed, still feeling light headed and lethargic, and watched the doctor incuriously. He felt he ought to be curious; this man was the first
Urrasti he had ever seen. But he was too tired. He could have lain back and gone straight to sleep.

Planet to planet, society to society

In search of the utopia

Earns some notoriety

Spaceship gives claustrophobia

Their is no utopia in sight

But he comes back wiser and stronger

But he's not here to fight

For he is not a warmonger

Main message
c) What critique is the author of your novel making about society? What message(s) are they sending?
The book is critiquing the how society tries to make talented people follow the group instead of encouraging
them or/and how society will use these smart people for personal gain. The book uses these worlds in the book
almost as a way to show what could happen to earth if certain events happened like a dictator taking over and laws
getting too strict or if America got very isolated.

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