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There were purges and there were trials, but compared with the 1940s these
were mild indeed, Germany was finally reunited, and, appalling wars in the
Balkans notwithstanding, Europe survived the end of the Cold War. —Nicholas
Fraser, Harper's, May 2006

2. Notwithstanding their inexperience, they were an immediate success.

3. The motion passed, our objection notwithstanding.

4. Although there are some who oppose the plan, we will go through with
it notwithstanding.
5. You're rather late getting here, but you're welcome to join us for
dinner notwithstanding.
6. The man suspected of being the serial killer is little known to his
neighbors, notwithstanding he has lived in the apartment complex for
7. What made you want to look up notwithstanding? Please tell us where you
read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

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