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Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro

3rd year
English integrative assignment
Part 1:While reading

Saturday, 13 June 1942–Friday, 21 August 1942

1 Answer these questions.

a Why does Anne want to write a diary? She wants to describe the situations they are living and suffering.
And she wants to be a writer.
b Where did the Frank family come from originally? They came from Frankfurt, Germany.

2 Anne and her family are Jewish. What restrictions are imposed on Jews in Holland at this time?

- Restrictions on transportation, the mandate of wearing the yellow star, the segregation of Jews from
- Jewish can’t be out on the street after eight in the evening.
- They can’t drive the trams.
- On the sports and culture of Jews.
- Exercising, reading, and listening to music.
- The Nazis banned Jewish involvement in theatre, film, literature, music and any other cultural
- Restrictions on daily life in order to live a somewhat normal life up to their eventual capture near the
end of the war.

3- Make notes under these headings.

a clothes: Jews must wear a yellow star on their clothes. - In concentration camps they wore uniforms.

b travel : They moved to different cities to scape persecution.

c shopping: the police arrested the man who sells them black market food so they are forced to eat bad

food. There are potatoes and beans but no other vegetables, and a piece of sausage once a week. They

can only buy food in jewish shops.

d going out : They can’t going out the Annexe after 8 pm.

e education : Courses in English, French, math and history offered at any hour of the day or night. They

can only go to Jewish schools.

f entertainment : Singing, only softly and after 6PM. Movies, Prior arrangement required.

4- Why do the Germans make these rules for the Jews? Write a paragraph with your own ideas.

(use Spanish if you need)

Los alemanes ponían estas restricciones a los Judíos para que les tuvieran miedo, los obedezcan, no se
revelaran y no se mezclen con ellos. Para los Alemanes los Judíos eran personas desagradables, no querían
tenerlos cerca y por eso trataban de aislaros de la sociedad.

5- Answer these questions.

a- Why do the Frank family have to go into hiding on 8 July 1942?

They have to go hiding because Margot received a call- to report a labour camp’ in Nazi Germany
so her parents were suspicious. They did not believe the call-up was about work and decided to
go into hiding the next day in order to escape persecution.  

b- Who gets food for them?

Bep and Miep gets food for them.

c- How do the Frank family listen to the news?

There is a radio in Otto’s office so, when the coast was clear, the people in hiding came here to
listen to it. 

6-Match each name with the correct description.

a Margot 5 1) -a friend and colleague of Anne’s father

b Jan 7 2) -the man whose office hid the entrance

c Miep 6 to the hiding place

d Mr Kleiman 8 3) -the son of Mr and Mrs van Daan

e Mr Kugler 2 4) -a 23 year old typist

f Mr van Daan 1 5) -Anne’s sister

g Peter 3 6) -Jan’s wife

h Bep Voskuijl 4 7) an employee of Mr Frank’s company

8) -a manager at Mr Frank’s company

Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro
3rd year
English integrative assignment

Monday, 21 September 1942–Tuesday, 22 December 1943

7- Answer these questions.

a What are Anna and Peter studying?

They are studying English.

b What is Anne making with her father?

Ana and her father are making a Family tree.

Sunday, 2 January 1944–Tuesday, 14 March 1944

8- Complete these sentences.

a Anne feels ashamed when she reads the diary pages about the lack of love in the
relationship with her mother.

b Anne likes the changes in her body.

c Anne feels fitter because she has started dancing.

d In the Annexe, people no longer share food.

9- Underline the correct words.

a Anne complains that Mrs van Daan doesn’t cook /wash

up. b Anne is studying Dutch / English.

c Anne’s father / mother washes in the kitchen.

d A friend / policeman knocks on the Annexe door and frightens

everyone. e The people in the Annexe are supposed to bathe /exercise


f Mr Dussel complains that Anne is too greedy / noisy.

Part 2: use of English

10- Read the extract and identify and example

of: Past continuous: THEY WERE HIDING.


Time markers: AT THAT TIME, WHILE.

Time markers for past continuous: WHILE.

Part 4: What about you?

10- What are your ….

….dreams? I want to have money to give back my mum all that she has done for me.

….loves? I love ride my bike.

….hopes? I hope to be a teacher.

…fears? I’m scared of insects and animals.

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