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Phramacotherapeutics Notes

 Scabies is an itchy skin rash caused by a tiny burrowing mite called Sarcoptes scabiei.
 Intense itching occurs in the area where the mite burrows.
 The need to scratch may be stronger at night

 Scabies is caused by the Sarcoptes scabiei mite, which burrows into the skin and lays
 The infestation spreads through close skin-to-skin contact with an infected person,
including sexual contact.
 The mite can also be spread through contact with contaminated clothing, bedding, or

Clinical Manifestations:
The main symptom of scabies is intense itching, which can be worse at night.
Other symptoms may be seen particularly in areas where the mite burrows,include:-
 Between the fingers,
 On the wrists and elbows,
 Around the waistline and
 Genitals, and under the arms.
 And under the arms.

Non-pharmacological management:
The following non-pharmacological measures can be taken to prevent the spread of scabies:
1-Wash all clothes, towels, and bedding in hot water and dry them in a hot dryer.
2-Vacuum carpets, furniture, and car seats regularly.
3-Do not share personal items such as clothing, towels, and bedding.
4-Avoid close contact with anyone who has scabies.

Pharmacological management:
Treatment for scabies involves the use of prescription medications to kill the mites and their
The following medications are commonly used:
1-Topical scabicides: These are creams, lotions, or ointments that are applied to the skin.
Examples include permethrin, benzyl benzoate, and sulfur ointment.
2-Oral medications: Ivermectin is an oral medication that can be used to treat scabies.

Notes by Abhay Sagar (Lecturer RCCCOP,Basti)

Phramacotherapeutics Notes

3-Antihistamines: These medications can help relieve itching.

Notes by Abhay Sagar (Lecturer RCCCOP,Basti)

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