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Scabies is a skin condition caused by an

infestation of the human itch mite
called Sarcoptes scabiei. These microscopic
mites burrow into the skin and cause
symptoms of itching and rash
 Anyone can get scabies.
 It is found all over the world and the mite is
transmitted by direct and prolonged skin-to-skin
contact with a person who has scabies.
 Sexual contact is the most common way scabies
is transmitted.
 Transmission can also happen from parents
to children, particularly mother-to-infant.
 The mite can only survive about 48 to 72
hours without human contact, so it is
uncommon, though possible, for scabies to
spread through infested bedding or furniture.

 Scabies mites can only live about 72 hours

without human contact, but once on a person,
the mites can live up to two months.
 Mites survive longer in colder conditions with
higher humidity.
 Once on a person, mites can burrow into the
skin, and symptoms usually begin three to six
weeks after infestation.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of
 Symptoms of scabies are usually itching (which tends to be
more intense at night), and a pimple-like rash.
 Scabies rash can appear on any part of the body, but the most
common sites are wrists, elbows, armpits, the skin between the
fingers and toes and around the nails, and skin usually covered
by clothing such as the buttocks, belt line, nipples, and penis.
Infants and young children may have scabies rash on their
head, face, neck, palms, and soles.
 In some patients with weakened immune systems, scabies
rash may become crusted.
What Do Scabies Look Like?
 Scabies often looks like small red pimple-like bumps
on the skin. The bumps may be crusty.
 They may also be accompanied by "burrows," or thin
gray, brown, or red lines that radiate from the bumps.
 They may be hard to see, and can look like scratch
How Is Scabies Tested and Diagnosed?

 Scabies is usually diagnosed by the patient's

history and a physical examination of the
lesions (bumps). Other tests that may be done
 Skin scraping to identify the mites or eggs
 Dermoscopy, which uses a handheld
dermoscope to allow closer visual examination
of the skin to look for mites
 Adhesive tape test in which a doctor uses
strong adhesive tape applied to the skin

 Scabies Treatment: Cream Applications

 permethrin (Elimite), which is applied directly to the
skin, from the neck to the soles of the feet. It should
be left on overnight and then washed off 8 to 14
hours later. Usually a second application after 1 to 2
weeks is recommended.
 Other topical scabies treatments include crotamiton
(Crotan, Eurax) cream or lotion, lindane (not usually
used as a first-line treatment due to risk of seizures),
sulfur ointment, and benzyl benzoate.

• Clean all clothes and linen. Use hot, soapy water

to wash all clothing, towels and bedding used at
least three days before treatment. Dry with high
heat. Dry-clean items that can't be washed at
• Starve the mites. Consider placing items can't be
washed, in a sealed plastic bag and leaving it in an
out-of-the-way place, such as in garage, for a couple
of weeks. Mites die if they don't eat for a week.
• Itching may persist for some time after you apply
medication to kill the mites. These steps may help
you find relief from itching:
• Cool and soak skin. Soaking in cool water or
applying a cool, wet washcloth to irritated areas of
skin may minimize itching.
• Apply soothing lotion. Calamine lotion, available
without a prescription, can effectively relieve the
pain and itching of minor skin irritations.
• Take antihistamines. At doctor's suggestion, the
person may find that over-the-counter
antihistamines relieve the allergic symptoms
caused by scabies
Are Cases of Scabies Often
 Scabies can often resemble other skin
conditions. It may look like small pimples, or
mosquito bites. It may also look like eczema
or tinea (ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock
itch). It is important to see a doctor to receive
the correct diagnosis and treatment
What Is “Norwegian Scabies”?
 "Norwegian scabies" is another name for
crusted scabies
 occur more often in patients with compromised
immune systems due to conditions such as
HIV/AIDS or cancer, or in the elderly, and in
patients with Down's syndrome.
 Patients with crusted scabies have large
numbers of scabies mites and are very
The scales become warty, with crusts and
fissures. Lesions may have an unpleasant odor

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