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Nama Peserta : Phriscilla Ngau

Judul Buku : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Bidang : Motivational Book

Tarikh Pembacaan : 25 Julai 2022

Tarikh Pembentangan : Bil Muka Surat : 388

Sinopsis :

This book explains about 7 important habits that successful people do in life. It states that
leadership communicating about the potential and value of others so clearly that they succeed in
seeing their own potential and value. This book teaches about how we can live based on certain
principles and challenges how we think and treat someone. Finally, this book teaches about self-
reflection regardless of our age.

7 habits that are applied in successful people are, to be proactive. Proactivity means we take
responsibility for our own lives. Proactive is not pushy, aggressive or insensitive. Proactive
people are smart, value-driven, they read reality, and they know what they need.

The next habit is to start something with the end result in mind. Begin today with an image,
picture or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or criteria against which
everything is checked. By keeping that purpose clearly in mind, you can ensure that whatever
you do on any given day does not violate the criteria you have defined as very important.

The third habit is to do the most important thing first, Effective management is to put the first
thing first. Successful people have a habit of doing things that people who always fail do not like
to do.

The next habit is to think of a 'win/win' situation or victory for both parties and see the problem
from another point of view. Genuinely seek to understand and articulate the needs and concerns
of the other party involved or understand them better than they themselves face them.
Determine the results that will constitute a fully acceptable solution and identify new options to
achieve those results.

The 5th habit is to understand first before wanting to be understood. The key to taking care of
the welfare of others sincerely is to listen with empathy and give the person the opportunity to
overcome their problems according to their own time. Often, talking is not a necessity in giving a
sense of empathy towards someone. This ability to listen will not be effective if it doesn’t come
from a sense of sincerity in their desire to understand others.

The 6th habit is synergy in doing something together. Synergy is the essence of principle-
centered leadership. Synergy means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The essence
of synergy is valuing differences. Mental, emotional and psychological differences between
SPLKPM 2022 (YRA5101)
people. When someone disagrees with you, you can say, “Good! You see it differently.” You
don't have to agree with them; you can only confirm it and you can try to understand.

The last habit is to sharpen your saw. "Sharpen the saw" basically means using our nature
regularly and consistently in a wise and balanced way. You need a balance of economics, talent
development, human relations and purpose.

Nilai Pengetahuan / Pengajaran :

This book is very helpful in developing good relationships with all levels of society from family,
colleagues to employers. If our perception can change by applying the habits from this book, we
will have the potential to succeed in life.

Aplikasi Ilmu Dalam Organisasi / Pdpc :

The knowledge found in this book will make us able to face the situation of dealing with diverse
students, the cooperation between peers will be closer and more effective, and many successes
and goals will be achieved.

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