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"Begin today!" That's all the note said.

There was no
indication from where it came or who may have written it.
Had it been meant for someone else? Meghan looked
around the room, but nobody made eye contact back. For a
brief moment, she thought it might be a message for her to
follow her dreams, but ultimately decided it was easier to
ignore it as she crumpled it up and threw it away.

2. Then came the night of the first falling star. It was seen
early in the morning, rushing over Winchester eastward, a
line of flame high in the atmosphere. Hundreds must have
seen it and taken it for an ordinary falling star. It seemed
that it fell to earth about one hundred miles east of him.

3. There were about twenty people on the dam. Most of them

were simply walking and getting exercise. There were a few
who were fishing. There was a family who had laid down a
blanket and they were having a picnic. It was like this most
days and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The problem
was that nobody noticed the water leaking through the dam

4. It all started with a random letter. Several of those were

joined forces to create a random word. The words decided
to get together and form a random sentence. They decided
not to stop there and it wasn't long before a random
paragraph had been cobbled together. The question was
whether or not they could continue the momentum long
enough to create a random short story.

5.The shades were closed keeping the room dark. Peter

knew that he should open them and let in the sunlight so he
could begin the day, but he didn't have the energy or
willpower. Nothing had gone as expected the day before
and he no longer wanted to spend the energy to begin a
new day. He stared at the shades wondering if there was a
way to disappear from the reality of the world for the rest of
the day.

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