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The Faroe

– a Nation in the Arctic

Opportunities and Challenges



Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A Changing Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Faroe Islands as a Stakeholder in
 Arctic Cooperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
On the Northern Sea Route:
New Economic Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Fisheries in the Arctic Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Research and Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Maritime Safety and Emergency Response in
 Faroese Waters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
List of Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Overview of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Appendix 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

The original Faroese version of “The Faroe Islands – a Nation in the Arctic” was presented
to the Prime Minister in April, 2013. This English translation was completed in August 2013.
Recent events and developments have been duly reflected in this version.



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Síða Síða
The Arctic has taken a prominent with many associated risks, requires ation consider the commonalities we
place on the international agenda high standards for safety and emer- share with other Arctic countries as
in recent years. From being a region gency response, both with respect a great advantage in Arctic coopera-
largely limited to scientific interest to safeguarding human life and tion, compared with other interna-
internationally, the Arctic today has protecting the environment. This tional fora for research cooperation.
become a focal point in global poli- increasing activity also brings with it The Faroe Islands should there-
tics. The climate is warmer, the ice significant economic opportunities. fore continue to strengthen partici-
is melting at an increasing pace, and The number of foreign ships using pation in Arctic research coopera-
new land and sea areas are becoming Faroese ports in the future will no tion.
accessible. It is becoming possible doubt continue to grow. As a result, The Faroe Islands need to ensure
to sail north of Russia and Canada Faroese companies will have more clear policies with respect to deci- Mynd: Kimberley Coole
for longer periods of the year than opportunities to provide these ves- sions that will be taken on circum-
before. At the same time, previously sels with professional and competi- polar issues in the future. The Faroe the environment and research in the The assessment process of these events is included in the
inaccessible sub-surface reserves tive services. Islands have long played an active Arctic context. The assessment is The Foreign Service in the Prime final document.
of oil, gas and minerals can now be This will also require effective role in regional cooperation in a intended as a basis for a broader po- Minister’s Office of the Faroe Islands
exploited. These changes have huge coordination and marketing in the range of different areas, both as a litical discussion on the place of the coordinated the preparation of the Proposals for follow-up
significance for the Faroe Islands. Faroese business sector. Faroese part of the Nordic family of nations, Faroe Islands in the Arctic, and how assessment, in close cooperation Each section of the assessment
Climate change can have con- companies are already preparing through cooperation in the West the Faroe Islands can best prepare with relevant government ministries, contains a number of recommenda-
sequences for the very basis of our to offer their services and expertise Nordic region and across the North for new conditions in the region. agencies and other interested par- tions. Some are easily implemented,
society. Changes in sea temperature as sub-contractors in the fisheries, Atlantic. Strong and visible Faroese The Faroe Islands are a part of ties. An expert advisory panel, with while others may require more effort.
can affect the marine ecosystems mining and oil sectors, especially participation in Arctic cooperation, the Kingdom of Denmark’s Arctic representatives from industry, the There is also a large difference in the
and ocean currents, and subsequent- in Greenland. With long-term ex- in particular within the framework Strategy 2011-2020, which includes research community and relevant level of funding required in relation
ly also our marine resources. Recent perience and initiative working in of the Arctic Council, is a natural Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe public agencies advised the process to the various recommendations.
dramatic changes observed in fish the Northern seas as a part of our part of the continued development Islands. The strategy was prepared and contributed their views and After the assessment has been pre-
stocks are no doubt also related to maritime identity and culture, Faroe of the Faroe Islands as a reliable and in cooperation between all three expertise to the over-all assessment sented to the Prime Minister, it will
climate change. Continued scientific Islanders should make the most of constructive partner in international countries and aims to strengthen of future needs and priorities. Mem- be submitted to the Parliament for a
research is therefore necessary in these valuable assets. cooperation. the role of the Kingdom of Denmark bers of the expert panel were: Marita general debate.
order to understand these changes The Faroe Islands have long ex- The Faroe Islands have the know­ as an active player in the Arctic. Rasmussen, House of Industry; Jan It is suggested that the general
better and to strengthen our ability perience in fisheries in the seas of ledge and experience necessary for The joint strategy deals mostly Müller, Faroese Oil Industry Group; parliamentary debate addresses the
to make the necessary adaptations. the High North. It is therefore very the further development of fisheries, with areas of overarching interest, Annika Sølvará, Research Council of question of how best to prioritize
This must be done in active coopera- important to follow closely negotia- shipping and research, as well as the grounded in fundamental principles the Faroe Islands, Ólavur Gregersen, and implement the recommenda-
tion with our neighboring countries tions regarding the future manage- conservation and management of and broad cooperation between the Syntesa; Jákup Mørkøre, Fisheries tions. With a basis in conclusions
in the region ment of fisheries in the Arctic sea, in natural resources. In close coopera- parties. The aim is to ensure a peace- Research Fund, Ministry of Fisheries; from the general debate, an action
order to ensure appropriate rights to tion with other countries and keep- ful and safe Arctic, with sustainable and Vilhjálmur Gregoriussen, Centre plan for the implementation of the
The Faroe Islands have a key posi- participation in any new fisheries in ing a keen eye out for new opportu- economic development that respects of Maritime Studies and Engineer- recommendations should be devel-
tion in the region, both in relation to the area. nities, we can target our plans and the fragility of the Arctic natural ing. oped. To this end, it is suggested
the Northern sea route and not least The economic and cultural basis further develop our society. The goal environment. Large parts of the joint During the preparation of the as- that a working group with represent-
situated as they are at the western of Faroese society is similar to that is to create new opportunities for strategy relate in general to areas sessment emphasis has been placed atives from all relevant government
arm of the Northeast Sea Route, of other Arctic peoples. the Faroe Islands, both for individual for which the Faroe Islands have on involving all relevant sectors in ministries is established to prepare
which is expected to have the great- In addition, we share many funda- citizens, as well as for the business exclusive competence. The Govern- the process. This has been done by a proposal for an action plan. The
est significance in the years to come. mental challenges, such as the con- sector and the research community. ment of the Faroes has therefore for example arranging public de- plan should outline the associated
Shipping has already increased in sequences of climate change and the considered it necessary to produce bates and lectures at which a range responsibilities, estimated costs and
the seas around the Faroes, and this need to ensure population growth About the assessment a dedicated national assessment of experts, researchers and business work load. It should then be submit-
traffic is likely to expand even more and sustainable development. Faro- The strategic assessment outlines with a focus on areas of particular representatives have provided their ted to the Government for final ap-

4 5
in coming years. Increased mari- ese experts who participate in vari- Faroese interests in relation to in- relevance and interest for the Faroe input to the discussion. An overview proval.
time activity in such a large area, ous specialist areas of Arctic cooper- ternational cooperation, business, Islands.
Síða Síða
New shipping routes
A Changing
The Northeast Passage from the Atlantic
Ocean to the Pacific Ocean goes through
the sea north of Russia and Siberia,
and the Northwest Passage from

the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific
Ocean goes through the sea
north of Canada. As the
picture shows, the Faroe
Islands are well placed for
access to the Northeast
Passage (also called
the Northern Sea
Picture: AMSA 2009.
It has been estimated that the Arctic massive amounts of oil and gas. It rently possible. With time it is also
Ocean will be free of ice for large is estimated that up to 30 per cent expected that it will be possible to
parts of the year in approximately of all unexploited hydrocarbon re- sail from the Pacific Ocean to the
30 to 40 years. However, research-
ers point out that the ice appears to
be receding at an even greater pace
than expected. If it continues at its
current pace, experts estimate that
large parts of the Arctic Ocean could
be free of ice in just 15-20 years.
Climate change is a global
phenomenon that causes unusual
weather patterns in several parts of
the world. However, it is arguably
around the two poles that climate
change is most visible and is likely
to have the most severe implications.
The United Nations’ Intergov-
ernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) announced in 2007 that the

The Arctic
average temperature in the Arctic
was increasing twice as fast as aver-
age temperatures elsewhere in the
world. Satellite measurements show The picture shows how the Arctic ice has receded from 1979 to 2012. The Arctic is a huge area covering some 30 million square kilometres.
that the extent of the Arctic summer Picture: NASA/Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio. Four million people live in the region. The Arctic encompasses the
sea ice has decreased by 40 per cent northern parts of Canada, the United States (Alaska), Russia, Finland,
since 1979. This means that sea and sources in the world are in the Arctic Atlantic Ocean via the North Pole. Sweden, and Norway, as well as Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Is-
land areas that have previously been region, with as much as 13 per cent These new shipping routes will lands.
covered by ice are likely to become of the world’s unexploited oil and 30 make it possible to save transporta- The Arctic can be defined in a number of different ways. In strictly
accessible. per cent of unexploited gas located tion time and decrease hydrocarbon scientific terms, the definition has often been limited to the area north
in the region. Most of the resources use in the shipping industry, thereby of the Arctic Circle, or from the border line that marks the beginning of
Valuable underground are likely to be located within the reducing its carbon emissions. permafrost, or the area in which the average daily temperature in the
resources economic zones of the Arctic coastal The distance from Rotterdam to summer does not exceed 10°C. In the context of international politics,
The Arctic region is rich in oil, gas, states. Yokohama will decrease by approxi- however, the most commonly accepted definition of the Arctic is that Photo: Conservation of Arctic Flora
and minerals. mately 40 per cent compared to the characterised by political cooperation between the states and nations and Fauna 2005
In 2008, the US Geological Sur- New shipping routes current route through the Suez Canal, whose people live in the Circumpolar North, and this definition in-
vey published new estimates of the Climate change is likely to make it the Gulf of Aden, and the Strait of cludes the Faroe Islands. As the picture shows, the political demarca-
raw materials in the Arctic under- possible to sail north of Russia and Malacca. tion used by the Arctic Council places the Faroe Islands in the Arctic.

ground. These estimates indicate
that the Arctic region contains
Canada for a significantly longer
proportion of the year than is cur- 7
Síða Síða
The arctic council

The Faroe Islands as a

The Arctic Council is the only high-level intergov- Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) from 2004, which
ernmental cooperation forum on Arctic matters. The is widely credited with helping the world understand
member states are the United States, Russia, Canada, the gravity of climate change in the Arctic.
Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Denmark/ Questions have been raised about the role of the
Greenland/Faroe Islands. Arctic Council in the context of the significant envi-

Stakeholder in Arctic
The Arctic Council was established in 1996 and ronmental changes happening in the Arctic. Critics
has its origins in the Arctic Environmental Protection argue that cooperation amongst the member states
Strategy (AEPS), which was established in 1991. AEPS is too weak and that the Council is insufficient as the
is considered the first real step towards protecting the only intergovernmental cooperation forum on Arctic

environment and promoting safety in the Arctic area issues.
in the aftermath of the Cold War. The Arctic Council has strengthened its position
Once the Arctic Council was established, it took significantly in the past few years with the establish-
over the activities of the AEPS and expanded its remit ment of a head office, a permanent secretariat, and
to include sustainable development and the specific the publication of a budget. The last few years have
challenges faced by the indigenous people of the Arc- also seen the member countries pass two binding in-
tic, in addition to environmental protection and safety. ternational treaties under the auspices of the Arctic
The Arctic Council does not have its basis in a bind- Council. The first agreement coordinates international
The Arctic has become a focal point that the process used to establish states committed to resolving any ing international treaty, but rather in a political declara- search and rescue coverage and response in the Arctic,
in international politics. this treaty should be the same as that resource related disputes in the tion agreed by the member states’ Foreign Ministers. while the second concerns emergency preparedness in
The likelihood of increased ac- which was used for the Antarctic region in a peaceful manner. This Decisions taken by the Council must be accepted by all the case of oil spills.
tivities in the Arctic region and the Treaty, which entered into force in declaration has as its basis provi- member states, but they are not legally binding. The binding treaties are testimony that although
prospect of new access to valuable 1961. The outcome of this treaty was sions in the United Nations Conven- The Arctic Council’s activities consist primarily of the Arctic Council is not founded on the basis of an
resources in its underground open that all territorial claims were put tion on the Law of the Sea as well as the production of reports, status updates, recommen- international treaty, and although its decisions are not
up many new opportunities for the aside and it was agreed that Antarc- other relevant international treaties. dations, and guidelines on matters relating to the Arc- legally binding, it is able to pass important and dura-
countries in the region. To address tica should be a preserve dedicated The declaration also asserts that the tic, for instance on environmental pollution, climate ble decisions within its current framework. These deci-
these new developments and op- to scientific research. Commercial Arctic Council and the large number change, and the shipping industry. One of the Coun- sions are also central to the future development of the
portunities, all the countries in the and military activities in the area are of treaties that already apply to the cil’s most highly recognised publications is the Arctic economy and society of the Faroe Islands
Arctic, including Denmark/Green- banned. The original treaty did not area provide a sufficient framework
land/Faroe Islands, have produced contain provisions about the manage- for Arctic cooperation.
a strategic assessment describing
their interests and political objec-
ment of fisheries around Antarctica.
However, in 1982 the signatories
Today few people fear military
disputes between the Arctic coastal
T he delegation
tives for the region. The states with established the Commission for the states. Instead, the military bases in
Islands and the organisation of
coastal borders to the Arctic Ocean Conservation of Antarctic Marine the Arctic territories are considered
the Arctic Council’s activities
have made claims to parts of the Living Resources (CCAMLR) to pro- an integral part of the emergency
sub-sea continental shelf. These tect the living marine resources in and rescue infrastructure in the area. The Faroe Islands are part of a
countries are also investing increas- the region and to prevent overfishing, They also serve the purpose of show- delegation to the Arctic Council
ing amounts in their military bases particularly of krill. ing the rest of the world which state called ‘Denmark/Greenland/
in the region. Other world powers, The countries in the Arctic do not presides over a given area. The real Faroe Islands’, which flies the
such as the European Union, China, agree that the Arctic needs a simi- safety and security issues in the area flags of all three nations. A rep-
Japan, and South Korea are paying lar international treaty. There is a concern the consequences of climate resentative of the Danish Min-
growing attention to the region. fundamental difference between the change and the risk of accidents that istry of Foreign Affairs acts as
The risk of military disputes be- Arctic and Antarctica: people live come from the increase in commer- the Head of the delegation at the
tween the stakeholders in the Arctic in the Arctic, whereas Antarctica is cial activities in the area. Arctic Council’s Senior Arctic
Ocean, caused by increased inter- unpopulated. Officials (SAO) meetings.
est and activities in the region, was The Arctic countries are perfectly The Faroe Islands in The chairmanship of the
brought to the forefront of global capable of managing development international cooperation Arctic Council rotates every two
attention a few years ago. and cooperation in the Arctic area in The Faroe Islands take an active years and each cycle concludes Ministerial Meeting, there is instead every six months. The purpose of
Fears of disputes and environmen- a sensible and peaceful manner and role in regional and international with a Ministerial Meeting that a meeting for Deputy Ministers and these meetings is to guide the work
tal disasters, amongst other dangers, in accordance with relevant interna- cooperation, particularly when it produces a formal declaration other high-level political officials. of the Council’s working groups and
have led several environmental tional treaties and principles. comes to the management of natural on the Council’s political pri- Formal SAO meetings – with high- prepare proposals and action plans
organisations to recommend the A milestone in Arctic coopera- resources, sustainable economic orities for the upcoming cycle. level Foreign Service officials from for discussion at the Ministerial
establishment of a new international tion was the Ilulissat Declaration development, research, and cultural On the years when there is no each member state – take place Meetings.

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treaty for the Arctic area. They argue in 2008, in which the Arctic coastal cooperation.

Síða Síða
as the Council should prioritise. Far- Islands. Such participation should nication and cooperation with coun-
oese participation in these groups have similar priority in the Faroe Is- tries and organisations that share its
is uneven and varies from group to lands as participation of government interests and face similar challenges
group. It is necessary for the Faroe officials. in relation to the significant changes
Islands to set priorities and invest Developing relations with neigh- taking place in the Arctic. As a small
the necessary funding and effort into bouring countries and other parties country, it is in the Faroe Islands’
maintaining sustained participation It is important that the Faroe Islands best interest to nurture relationships
in the most relevant working groups, engage in a continuous effort to with several countries. It is therefore
particularly in the groups AMAP, make themselves visible in the Arc- vital to make full use of all possibili-
CAFF, PAME, and SDWG (see box tic context – both to make sure that ties offered by the organisations and
on page 11). Faroese perspectives are heard and cooperation fora of which the Faroe
Participation in these groups to achieve the best possible opportu- Islands are part to ensure that Faro-
provides excellent opportunities for nities for Faroese experts and busi- ese perspectives and political objec-
the Faroe Islands to raise awareness nesses to offer specialised expertise tives are advanced.
of their perspectives and to foster and services to relevant stakehold- The Faroe Islands should engage
strategic relations with other coun- ers in the Arctic. in regular communication and co-
tries and organisations that work on In particular, the Faroe Islands operation with their West-Nordic
areas of high relevance to the Faroe should seek to strengthen commu- neighbours. The Faroes already en-

Working Groups in the Arctic Council

SAO Meeting in Stockholm in March, 2013. Photo: Arctic Council Secretariat. Most of the Arctic Council’s activities are conducted in six working groups, peoples’ organisations
each composed of experts and researchers from the member states. Faro-
As a fishing nation, the Faroe The Faroe Islands in the even though the nations work under ese representatives are involved in most of the groups. The working groups Six organisations for Arctic
Islands play a key role in the Arctic Arctic Council different sets of conditions and with produce the majority of reports and status updates released by the Council. indigenous people have been
Council, as well as in other inter- In contrast to other regional cooper- different political objectives. Each working group has its own Chair, Management Board, and Secretari- granted Permanent Member sta-
national cooperation contexts. The ation fora in which the Faroe Islands at, as well as an office located in one of the member countries. The groups’ tus in the Arctic Council. These
main purpose of this cooperation are represented – either as an inde- Strategic prioritising needed activities are largely funded by the host country. organisations have full consulta-
is to promote the importance of the pendent member or together with Many meetings and activities take AMAP – The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme works tion rights in connection with
living resources of the sea, and to Greenland – the Faroe Islands in the place on an intergovernmental level to provide consistent measurements of the spread of anthropogenic pol- the Council’s negotiations and
assert the right of the Faroes to ex- Arctic Council are part of a tripartite in the Arctic Council. This creates lutants in the Arctic environment, and assesses their effect on the public decisions, but they do not have
ploit them in a sustainable manner delegation, together with Greenland particular challenges for a small health of the populations in the Arctic region. voting rights.
that protects the environment and and Denmark. The delegation em- administration like the Faroese. CAFF – The Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna group has as its
ensures a self-sustaining economy. phasises the visibility of all three Moreover, not all matters discussed main purpose to survey and protect the biodiversity of the Arctic region. The organisations are: the Inuit
The Faroe Islands’ participation nations by including them all in the under the auspices of the Arctic PAME – The Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment group was Circumpolar Council, the Saami
in Arctic cooperation is thus a natu- delegation’s title and by displaying Council have implications for the established to protect the Arctic marine environment. It does this by as- Council, the Russian Arctic In-
ral part of its other international all three flags. Consensus is sought Faroe Islands. Therefore, if the Faroe sessing the suitability of relevant international treaties and making rec- digenous Peoples of the North,
cooperation activities, which include between all parts of the delegation Islands are to make to most of their ommendations on improving the sustainable management of the Arctic the Aleut International Asso-
working with the Nordic family of on its common decisions. participation in Arctic cooperation, marine environment. ciation, the Arctic Athabaskan
nations, with the West Nordic coun- Most of the topics debated in it is crucial that they take a strategic EPPR – The Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response Council, and the Gwich’in Coun-
tries, and across the North Atlantic. the Arctic Council relate to political approach that prioritises effort in group provides information about prevention and preparedness in con- cil International.
The Faroe Islands have been part of areas for which the Faroese Govern- the areas of greatest importance and nection with environmental accidents and disasters in the Arctic. The
the Danish delegation to the Arctic ment has exclusive competence. relevance to the Faroe Islands. group is particularly concerned with the special challenges regarding
Council – together with Greenland Therefore, in order for the Faroe The Faroe Islands should also ad- preparedness in areas with a lot of ice and – for this reason – the group
and Denmark – since 1998. Islands to ensure that the decisions vocate a more effective work struc- has not been of high relevance to the Faroe Islands yet.
The Faroe Islands have much in made by the Arctic Council are in ture and a more inclusive system of SDWG – The Sustainable Development Working Group seeks to
common with the other nations and the interest of the Faroe Islands, it participation in the Arctic Council promote sustainable development in the Arctic, with particular focus
communities in the High North. In is critical that the Faroes take an that makes it easier for small Arctic on protecting and enhancing the economies, cultures, and health of the
particular, the Faroe Islands and active role in expressing Faroese countries and entities to contribute Arctic populations.
other Arctic societies have similar interests and shaping the Council’s and participate in meaningful ways. ACAP – The Arctic Contaminants Action Program has as its goal to
economic foundations, exist close decision-making processes to their The majority of the Arctic Coun- reduce the emission of pollutants into the Arctic environment and to
to nature, have related cultures, and favour. To achieve this, the Kingdom cil’s reports and guidelines are pro- promote collaborative efforts to do so. The group’s activities focus pri-
face similar challenges of ensuring of Denmark’s delegation must be duced within working groups, and it marily on pollution in Russia. For this reason, the Faroe Islands have not
population growth and sustainable organised in such a way that the per- is also in these groups that proposals participated in this working group.

10 11
development. spectives of all its nations are heard are made on which cooperation are-

Síða Síða
joy in close and active cooperation In 2012, the European Commis- have direct representation from the tarians in the Danish Parliament.
with Greenland, Iceland, and Norway sion put forward a new proposal for Faroe Islands is the Standing Com- Although the Faroe Islands are not a
in several contexts, for instance the European Union’s Arctic Policy. mittee of Parliamentarians of the member of SCPAR, the Faroe Islands
through the West Nordic Coun- The proposal reflects Europe’s Arctic Region (SCPAR). SCPAR was have participated in a number of
cil and the North Atlantic Marine growing political and commercial established in 1994 and from its out- SCPAR meetings, representing the
Mammal Commission (NAMMCO), interests in the region and draws set worked to support the establish- West Nordic Council, which has ob-
which also includes the Arctic coun- attention to areas and ways in which ment of the Arctic Council. Since the server status in SCPAR. The Faroese
tries Canada and Russia as observer the EU can support Arctic coopera- Arctic Council was established in Parliament should seek direct Faro-
states. The Faroe Islands should seek tion, with particular emphasis on the 1996, SCPAR has worked to promote ese representation in SCPAR.
to further develop and strengthen many research activities in which the Arctic Council’s work. Every The Faroe Islands should also
its relations with Russia, the United the EU is engaged in the region. As second year, it arranges a Confer- make use of alternative ways of
States, and Canada. the EU’s policy towards the Arctic ence of Arctic Parliamentarians with drawing attention to Faroese exper-
Several of the indigenous popu- develops, it will be important to parliamentarians from the Arctic tise and perspectives in the Arctic
lations represented in the Arctic ensure that the EU is aware of Faro- countries and the European Parlia- context. An array of conferences
Council share common interests and ese interests and activities in the ment. Each conference passes a dec- take place on a range of Arctic top-
challenges with the Faroe Islands, Arctic context. The Faroe Islands’ laration of recommendations for the ics, including geopolitics, social
particularly with regards to the op- joint strategy with Denmark and Arctic Council, the Arctic member conditions, commercial activities,
timal exploitation of living marine Greenland makes clear that all three states, and the European Commis- research, and culture. The partici-
resources. For the Faroe Islands, it nations should take an active and sion. The next conference will take pation of Faroese experts at such
is vitally important to nurture these visible role in international politi- place at the European Parliament on conferences should be encouraged
mutual interests and look for a com- cal contexts. As a member state of 13-15 September 2013. and enhanced. Emphasis should also
mon way forward to ensure that the the EU, Denmark should promote Both Denmark and Greenland are be on producing more English-lan-
populations of the Arctic and their awareness within the EU of the Faroe members of SCPAR and form a joint guage information material on the
right to sustainable development Islands’ role in Arctic cooperation. delegation. The Denmark/Greenland Faroe Islands and Faroese interests. Photo: Kimberley Coole
continue to be a central concern in One international body that delegation is represented by one
all aspects of Arctic cooperation. works on Arctic issues but does not of the two Greenlandic parliamen-

Nordic cooperation on arctic matters
The Nordic Council of Ministers intended to support and encourage Arctic matters. In 2013, the Com-
is also has the Arctic high on its sustainable social and economic mittee will grant nearly 6 million • Priority should be given to participation in • Participation in the Arctic Council should
agenda. It recently established a development for populations lo- DKK (≈ 805,000 EUR) in funding the Arctic Council and all relevant work- be used to nurture relations and strength-
working group, including repre- cated in the Arctic region. for various projects. Several Faro- ing groups under its auspices. en direct cooperation with member states,
sentation from the Faroe Islands, to For this purpose, the Council ese projects have also benefitted
focus on developments, challenges has established the Arctic Expert from funding from the Committee.
• A more effective work structure in the permanent participants, and observers.
and opportunities in the Arctic. Committee, composed of the high- See for more infor- Arctic Council should be promoted to en- • The Faroe Islands should seek full mem-
This group’s work on the Arctic is level officials that represent the mation. able small countries and entities in the bership of the Standing Committee of
part of the wider elevation of the Nordic countries in the Arctic The Faroe Islands are also part Arctic to participate in a meaningful way. Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Arctic as a top priority in the new Council. The Faroe Islands are of the Nordic Atlantic Cooperation
• The work structure of the Denmark/ (SCPAR).
Nordic cooperation programme actively involved in this Commit- (NORA), which has its headquar-
for 2013-2016. The Nordic Council tee, which is tasked primarily with ters in Tórshavn and is very active Greenland/Faroe Islands delegation • The Faroe Islands should draw attention to
of Ministers also runs an Arctic evaluating applications for finan- on Arctic matters. should be organised in a way that enables Faroese expertise and perspectives on the
Cooperation Programme, which is cial support to Nordic projects on and encourages the perspectives of all Arctic, for instance by participating in rel-
three nations to be heard. evant conferences on Arctic matters. Em-
• A joint West Nordic approach to Arctic phasis should also be on producing more
cooperation, together with Iceland, Green- English-language information material on
land and Northern Norway, should be pro- the Faroe Islands and Faroese interests.
moted and enhanced.

The Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands with inter-

national colleagues at the Arctic Council’s Ministe-
rial Meeting in Nuuk, 2011.

12 13
Síða Síða
On the Northern Sea
Route: New Economic
Faroe Islanders have long experi- available in the Faroe Islands, and training courses in areas like safety,
ence from the seas of the seas of the Faroese maritime companies have hygiene, and the shipping of danger-
High North, and Faroese companies
possess valuable expertise in con-
excellent competences and storage
conditions. Their main challenge
ous goods.
The northwest passage
struction and maintenance of ves- – as small-sized companies – will A maritime service centre in The route north of Canada is
sels for shipping and fishing in this be to handle the large and diverse the Northeast Atlantic open for part of the summer
region. Moreover, Faroese ports have assignments that are likely to arise The Faroese Government’s coalition season. However, there is not
for many years been offering high- from the growing activities in the agreement stipulates that the Faroe political approval in Canada to Photo: The Arctic Institute


quality maritime services to foreign High North. This means that they Islands should develop a plan for use the route in the same way as
vessels operating in the area. need to collaborate and coordinate how they can become a key maritime in Russia. Environmental con-
The Faroe Islands are well located their activities in order to offer the service and educational hub in the cerns and safety weigh heavily The route north of Russia was developed by the Soviet Union to be a key
in connection with the Northern widest possible range of special- northern region. The Ministry of in this respect. The United States Arctic shipping lane. The shipping traffic on the route has increased
Sea Route and should make the best ised services to visiting vessels. Trade and Industry is responsible for argues that the route is in inter- substantially in the past few years. Russia has done much work to
possible use of their ports to offer These specialised services include developing this plan. national waters and is mounting promote the Northern Sea Route as an alternative to the longer route
services and transhipment to foreign mechanical repairs, equipment and In 2012 the Foreign Service ar- pressure on Canada to open it up. through the Suez Canal. As part of its promotional activities and in order
vessels that use the route. provisions, arrangement of crew ranged the workshop ‘Business op- How­ever, observers do not an- to make the requirements more lenient, Russia announced in January
Most maritime services are changes, medical examinations, and portunities in the Arctic’. One of the ticipate it becoming a vital Arctic 2013 that it was possible to sail through the route without a Russian nu-
main conclusions was that the Faroe shipping lane anytime soon. clear-powered icebreaker. It was also announced that – depending on the
Islands should develop an advanced Nevertheless, the local shipping circumstances – it is now possible to sail the route with vessels that have
maritime service centre in the traffic in the area is expected to not been specially designed for sailing in ice-covered waters.
Northeast Atlantic. Following this, increase significantly. Despite these recent developments, the Northern Sea Route remains
representatives for the main mari-
time industries formed collaborative T HE CENTRAL ARCTIC
a difficult and hazardous shipping lane, which nearly always requires
assistance from an icebreaker. Moreover, vessels need to be robust and
arrangements to plan the establish- SHIPPING ROUTE equipped for the harsh circumstances. At the moment, the route can only
ment of such a centre. The plan is for The Central Arctic Shipping be used between July and November. In addition to changing ice condi-
the centre to be open to all compa- Route, which reaches across tions, which can cause delays, several other conditions can cause com-
nies that meet agreed quality thresh- the North Pole from the Pacific plications on the route, including the lack of a nearby safety and emer-
olds and are able to maintain their Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, is gency response infrastructure, as well as the lack of access to harbours,
services at a consistently high level. not ice-free yet. The Chinese are communication, and observations.
The purpose of the collaboration is very interested in this route and Russia is putting a continuous effort into developing the route, and
to provide fast and high-quality ser- expect it to be navigable for four has announced its plan to build ten new emergency harbours along the
vices to the fishing, oil, and offshore months of the year as soon as in route. The Northern Sea Route is expected to increase in significance in
industries, as well as other services 2020. Once ice-free, the Chinese the coming years. In the first instance, much of the growth on this route
that follow on from these activities. hope to transport 10 per cent of is expected to come from the mining and raw materials industries in the
The collaboration is based in the their exports to Europe through Arctic, which will use the route to transport hydrocarbons and cargo to
House of Industry, and the collabo- this route. and from the Arctic.
Photo: Alessio Mesiano
14 15
ration partners are currently in the

Síða Síða
Therefore, the Faroe Islands should
promote awareness of themselves as Interest in oil exploration in the arctic
a unique tourist destination in the There are three main reasons why the interest in oil exploration and
broader Arctic context. Emerging production in the Arctic has boomed. First, there is a very high global
markets in business tourism, partic- demand for hydrocarbons, and it is expected to increase by 30 per cent
ularly in the arrangement and host- until 2040.
ing of meetings, conferences, and Second, climate change is creating new opportunities for hydrocarbon
other business events, should also be production by opening access to previously inaccessible areas in the subsea.
utilised to their full extent. Finally, estimates from the US Geological Survey indicate that nearly
Already our neighbouring coun- 25 per cent of the world’s oil and gas reserves are located in the Arctic
tries are hosts to a wide array of underground.
conferences and events on Arctic Another reason for the growing interest in the Arctic is the high price
matters. As a unique nation in the of oil, which makes it more worthwhile for companies to invest in oil
Arctic, the Faroe Islands are in a par- exploration and production in the area. Unstable political conditions in
ticularly good position to offer their other oil countries have also had an impact.
expertise and excellent environment
to host such events. The Faroese Future prospects
tourism board will place high impor- Experts estimate that the biggest challenges facing oil production in the
tance on developing such business Arctic will be technological and environmental in nature. Several large
tourism in the Faroe Islands. oil companies, including Shell and Statoil, say that they are able to en-
Photo: Absalon Hansen sure adequate protection for the environment while working in the
New resource development in Arctic. Other oil companies, such as the French company Total, are di-
process of establishing the require- and identify potential competitors, similarly qualified employees as Greenland rectly opposed to oil production in the Arctic. Several environmental or-
ments for participating companies. as well as the types of vessels and neighbouring businesses. To make Climate change is likely to open up ganisations are strongly opposed to drilling in the Arctic because of the
The initiative is consistent with the cargo that are most likely to need this possible, the Faroese business access to many new areas for the risk of environmental accidents. These groups argue that oil spills in the
Government’s plan to develop the transhipment and other services in sector argues that it is necessary to extraction of raw materials in Green- region could be disastrous because of the immense difficulty of cleaning
Faroe Islands as an international the Faroe Islands. adjust the tax system so that Faroese land. At the same time, the demand them up in the cold, remote, and ice-strewn waters of the Arctic.
maritime service and educational businesses are not at a disadvantage for such materials is increasing Despite opposition, oil and gas exploration and production in the
hub. The Ministry of Industry plays Laying the foundations for in comparison with businesses in steadily. The rest of the world is Arctic is unlikely to stop. The United States needs the oil resources
a key role in this plan, together with a Faroese Maritime Service neighbouring countries. therefore paying much attention to north of Alaska, and Russia wishes to utilise gas resources in the under-
the Faroese Maritime Authority; Centre The small size of Faroese compa- the huge oil and gas resources in ground north of Siberia.
the Foreign Service; the Ministry of A well-qualified and skilled work- nies is also of importance and here Greenland. Greenland has already decided to explore for oil beneath its waters,
Finance; the Ministry of Education, force will be critical to establishing the public administration needs Several companies are preparing while making clear that it will not renounce its right to its own resourc-
Research and Culture; the Ministry an attractive maritime service centre to cooperate with partners in the for the expected oil and gas boom in es. Norway, one of the world’s most advanced and respected oil states,
of Health Affairs; and so on. in the Faroe Islands. It is therefore private sector to support Faroese Greenland. There are concrete plans also plans to continue moving further and further north, carefully and
Much research and market important to invest in apprentice- companies in developing and selling for major projects, all of which will with respect for the environment.
analysis will need to be done before ships and relevant professional their services, for instance by pro- require a great deal of expertise. At
investing in any large expansion. training, particularly in logistics, moting Faroese business to the rest this point, Anglo-American energy
There are several players in the race cargo transportation, and other ser- of the world. and resources companies run most The oil industry Faroese participation in the
to provide services to the growing vice-oriented vocations. Vocational of these projects. But there is an Climate change means that the sea global oil industry
number of vessels in the High North. degrees and continued professional Tourism additional need for labour, technol- areas around Greenland, the Bar- Both Faroese oil companies and
Both Russia and Iceland are impor- education in these vocations should Arctic tourism is on the rise. The ogy, and knowledge to execute the ents Sea, and the Kara Sea, as well service companies are active in the
tant potential players in this area. also be supported. number of passenger ships in the projects. Finally, there is a need for as the sea areas north of Alaska and global oil industry. Faroese compa-
Iceland is particularly interested in A big challenge for Faroese so- Arctic area has grown substantially, sub-contractors with relevant local Canada, are likely to become ice-free nies that provide services to the oil
the upcoming opportunities arising ciety is the fact that many talented while the number of passenger ships expertise and experience. for an increasingly large part of the industry – e.g. through supply and
from increased Chinese transporta- and well-educated Faroese people visiting the Faroe Islands has been At the moment, most of the com- year. However, the ease of access to guard ships, airborne transportation,
tion through the Central route and work for foreign companies rather steady at about 50 ships per year panies offering sub-contracting ser- the hidden oil and gas reserves in and the provision of workforce –
has made concrete plans to establish than Faroese companies. Special for the past few years. As a tourist vices and expertise in Greenland are the Arctic differ vastly from area to have sought to establish themselves
an international cargo or tranship- tax and support schemes for people destination, the Arctic is promoted Greenlandic, Norwegian and Icelan- area. Some areas are relatively easy as service providers to Norwegian
ment port. As the Faroe Islands de- who work abroad make it difficult as a new, unknown region of the dic. It is expected that there will be to access while others are likely to oil and gas exploration enterprises
velop their own maritime hub, they for Faroese businesses to compete world. The search for the unknown, an increasing demand for sub-con- remain difficult to access for many in the Arctic region.
will need to make a detailed evalua- directly with international busi- unspoilt and authentic is a tourism tractors in the upcoming years, both years to come. There is much interest in oil ex-
tion of the need for a transhipment nesses for labour. The goal should be trend that favours the Faroe Islands, in the oil industry and the mining ploration off West Greenland, and
port in the Faroe Islands. More mar- for Faroese businesses to offer the which have much to offer in terms industry. it is likely that some of the world’s

16 17
ket analysis is also needed to explore same level of services and to attract of nature and traditional culture.

Síða Síða
panies are already important ser- the prospect of Faroese participation
vice providers in the GNB area (the is promising. The development of the According to Det Norske Veri-
Greenlandic, Norwegian, and Bar- Faroese offshore industry has paved tas, only approximately 2,000
ents Seas), and there is great poten- the way for Faroese service provision people in the world may be fully
tial for the Faroe Islands to become to industrial developments in Green- qualified to navigate and work
Commercial interests and strategies a key equipment and transhipment
station as oil activities in this area
land. Already, Faroese service and
survey ships are active in the seas
in the Arctic Ocean. It is likely
that a good number of these are
Finland wishes to strengthen its role as an international expert on Arctic expand. With the Faroese hydro- around Greenland, as well as in other Faroese.
matters, with particular emphasis on its expertise in mining, navigation, carbon industry growing as well, Arctic seas. This is a market with
shipbuilding, and forest management in the Arctic region. Finland is also Faroese companies are well situated, tangible opportunities, but in order to tance and relevance to Faroese com-
planning to establish permanent missions in neighbouring countries. both politically and geographically, pursue them to their full extent, col- panies is the fishing industry. The
Sweden is primarily interested in the mining industry, petroleum, to play a key role in future hydrocar- laboration is needed between Faroese Faroe Islands have long-standing
forestry, the tourism industry, shipping, freight transportation, and bon-related activities in the Arctic, authorities and industry. experience, both with sailing and
icebreaking in the Arctic area, particularly near the Barents Sea. It also particularly in the GNB area. The working in the Arctic seas, as well
places a high priority on commerce and cooperation in connection with global oil companies conducting Service provision to the as producing equipment and offer-
the energy and raw materials industry. Sweden plans to offer its exper- exploration activities in the Faroe mining and fishing industries ing services to the fishing industry.
tise in environmental research and technology. Islands are also engaged in activities When it comes to the mining indus- Large interest in the oil and mining
Greenland seeks to attract and to increase investments in new indus- further north; this gives the Faroe try, Faroese service providers and industries could mean that interest
tries in Greenland. It prioritises industries like hydropower, mining, and Islands excellent opportunities for companies – especially those with in the fishing industry decreases,
the tourism industry, while also exploring the possibilities for metal ore Mynd: Kimberley Coole building relations and bridges with expertise in construction and engi- and with it the supply of sub-con-
mining and mineral mining, as well as hydrocarbon activities at sea. key stakeholders in the Arctic. neering – are well placed to assist tracting services in this area. This
Norway sees large opportunities in the new shipping lanes and hopes largest oil companies will drill in When it comes to providing ser- with expanding the mining infra- could open up a thriving niche mar-
to provide services to the growing shipping traffic in the Arctic. It also this area in the coming years. vices to the oil and gas industry in structure. ket for Faroese businesses to offer
plans to make available the Jan Mayen area for hydrocarbon extraction However, in the present circum- West Greenland and East Greenland, One area that is of high impor- services to the fishing industry.
activities. Additionally, the country is involved in a plan to create an in- stances it is unlikely that Faroese oil
ternational transportation route that connects railways between Norway
and Central Asia with sea routes between Norway and North America.
companies will join the oil explora-
tion in West Greenland anytime
Norway is also placing a high priority on hydropower, wind power, and soon, and their participation in East
wave energy. A final area of focus for Norway is scientific research. Greenland is even less likely. • Public authorities should work continu- policy and export promotion should place
Russia is one of the most eager countries in the Arctic when it comes to The Faroe Islands live in accord- ously to maintain and enhance a sup- a high priority on developing service
developing new and upcoming economic opportunities. Its commercial in- ance with – and base their economy
portive environment that allows Faroese industries and encouraging business de-
terests are primarily in the valuable resources of the underground, as well on – nature and the living natural
as the possibility for an important and lucrative shipping lane to its north. resources within it. As an active par- businesses to operate openly and competi- velopment relevant to the emerging op-
Iceland sees opportunities in shipping, research, and monitoring, for ticipant in Arctic cooperation, it is a tively in the international context in order portunities in the Arctic region. Plans to
instance in connection with activities in East Greenland and oil explora- chief concern for the Faroe Islands to to generate wealth and development, while establish a Faroese Export Council should
tion in the so-called Dragon Area. It has concrete plans to expand the ensure that the hydrocarbons in the
giving top priority to ensuring safety, reflect these goals.
Port of Langanes to offer services to large tank vessels, and to build an Arctic are extracted in a sustainable
international airport nearby. manner and with consideration for growth, and environmental protection. • Adjustments may need to be made to the
The United States places emphasis on Arctic research, shipping, en- the environment. • It is vital that necessary efforts and funding tax system in order to ensure that Faroese
ergy, and environmental protection. It plans is to build an international are provided to develop the Faroe Islands as businesses are not at a competitive disad-
port in Alaska, which will offer facilities to passenger ships, a rescue Faroese oil and offshore an international centre for maritime indus- vantage compared to businesses in neigh-
service, and a variety of services for the oil and mining activities. shipping companies
Canada wishes to develop air and sea routes that make it easier to A great deal of oil exploration ac-
tries, services and education in the North. bouring countries.
access the Arctic in order to encourage more commerce and invest- tivities and new shipping routes are • In order to attract vessels to purchase • Relevant business education and training
ments in the area. Investments have already been made into new Arctic being developed in the North Atlan- services from the Faroe Islands, Faroese should be given high priority.
offshore vessels and into developing the Port of Churchill in Manitoba. tic region of the Arctic. At the same businesses need to work together, and the • The already close commercial and political
Additionally, Canada is placing a high priority on developing diamond time, it is becoming clear that Faro-
Faroe Islands need to be marketed in a relations between the Faroe Islands and
mining and expanding the tourism industry, as well as offering expertise ese offshore shipping companies are
and guidance to businesses wishing to pursue mining and petroleum likely to have excellent opportuni- dedicated way as a maritime service cen- Greenland should be further enhanced in
exploration in the area. ties to offer products and services to tre in the Northeast Atlantic. support of Faroese contributions to indus-
Asian countries like China, Japan and South Korea have expressed future activities in the Arctic area, • Public authorities and private industry trial development in Greenland.
considerable interest in the Arctic. These countries stand to win great not least in the Barents Sea, where
need to cooperate on the marketing of Far- • Connections to other relevant places
commercial and financial benefits from the new shipping lanes and ac- much of the growth will be focused
cess to new energy opportunities, fishing areas, and raw materials. in the years ahead. oese businesses to the rest of the world. should also be developed, for instance
• The Government’s approach to industrial through business trips.
18 19
Faroese offshore shipping com-

Síða Síða
Attachment to and experiences easily. Faroese businesses are also
in Greenland small enough to be in a good posi-

Fisheries in the
The Faroe Islands’ special attach- tion to collaborate with similarly
ment to and long-standing activi- sized Greenlandic businesses on
ties in Greenland put them in a fa- an equal footing. Greenland is far
vourable position to expand their away, and it will therefore be vital for
activities there. It is an advantage Faroese businesses to foster collabo-

Arctic Ocean
that both Greenlandic and Faroese ration with Greenlandic businesses
people are fluent in Danish and can that have the right facilities, such
thus communicate with each other as tools, machines, and other equip-
In order to explore future oppor-
tunities in Greenland, the House of
Industry arranged a business trip to
Greenland in April 2013. Such trips
provide excellent opportunities to The warming of the Arctic Ocean to the international waters of the ment organisation. Discussions are
promote Faroese businesses as well and the melting of Arctic sea ice are Arctic Ocean and further north than currently taking place among the
as Faroese industry in general. likely to open up access to new wa- any Faroese fishing vessel has ever Arctic coastal states about the man-
ters and fishing areas in the Arctic been before. It is estimated that very agement of fisheries in this area.
Ocean. few fishing vessels in general have Fisheries management is not dealt
These changes are influenced by been active so far north. with in the Arctic Council, and it ap-
a complex combination of environ- pears unlikely that this situation will
mental factors, which make it difficult Management of potential change.
to predict precisely what will happen. fisheries in the Arctic Ocean The United States has advocated
According to some researchers, we Since the international waters of the for the establishment of a new fish-
are unlikely to see significant com- Arctic Sea have always been covered eries management organisation for
mercial opportunities for fisheries by ice, there is no single regulatory the Arctic area and the imposition of
in the Arctic in the next 10-50 years. framework for fisheries management a temporary fishing ban until there
Other researchers point out that, in the area. The growing prospects is sufficient information available on
as the ice melts and the sunlight for commercial fishing in the Arctic the changes taking place in the area.
penetrates the sea, plankton popula- have led to discussions about the Others recommend that the scope
tions will develop and grow quickly, future management of potential fish- of NEAFC should be expanded to
thereby creating favourable condi- eries in the area. There are fears that include the rest of the Arctic area.
tions in which new types of fish can uncontrolled fishing would threaten
thrive. The last few years have seen the fragile ecosystems in the Arctic.
the ice in the Arctic recede at a sig- Large parts of the Arctic Ocean,
nificant pace each year. Current esti- however, are within the territo-
mates indicate that 40 per cent of the rial waters of the Arctic coastal
international waters in the Arctic are states. Moreover, several
ice-free during the summer. Most of international organisations
the Arctic Ocean is very deep – up to manage fisheries in the
3,500 metres. It is therefore conceiv- area. NEAFC’s area, which
able that - while demersal fisheries is situated at the longitude
may become possible where depth between 42 degrees W and
allows – pelagic fisheries are likely 51 degrees E, goes all the
to become the most relevant form of way up to the North Pole.
fishery in the Arctic. NASCO also presides over
The Faroese have long-standing part of the Arctic area. More-
experiences with fisheries in the over, both the United Nations
seas of the High North, especially Convention on the Law of the
around Greenland and in the Barents Sea (UNCLOS) and the Straddling
Sea. In 2012, Faroese fishing vessels Fish Stocks Agreement apply to
were active as far north as 81.4 de- parts of the area.
grees N in the Fisheries Protection One large area, however, is not The red line defines the international

20 21
Zone north of Svalbard. This is close covered by any fisheries manage- waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Síða Síða

Photo: Absalon Hansen

There are indications that Russia, as several of the fish stocks that the whose purpose it is to coordinate
and to some degree Norway, are hes- Faroe Islands have historically had a marine research and provide scien-
itant about imposing a fishing ban in stake in appear to be migrating fur- tific advice in fish biology, marine
the area, for different reasons. Rus- ther north. biology, fisheries, and similar topics
sia argues that a ban agreed by just The Faroe Islands should resist related to the North Atlantic Ocean.
the five Arctic coastal states would the conclusion of an international It is vital that the Faroe Marine
cause disputes with other countries. treaty that bans fishing in the inter- Research Institute stays closely in-
There are also other factors at play, national waters of the Arctic. If such formed about the activities and find-
including the fact that a significant a ban were accepted, it would be ings of ICES in the Arctic Ocean.
amount of time is likely to pass be- difficult to establish a fisheries man- In order to gain more knowledge
fore the waters of the Arctic become agement organisation with meaning- about the marine environment
sufficiently warm to attract commer- ful authority to manage fisheries in and fish species in the Arctic, top
cially viable quantities of fish. the area. The Faroe Islands should priority should be given to marine
advocate the establishment of such a research in the area. Such research
The position of the fisheries management organisation should be conducted in coopera-
Faroe Islands with Faroese representation. tion with Faroese vessels already
Because of the Faroe Islands’ long The International Council for the active in the area. The Faroe Marine
history of fishing in the seas of the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has Research Institute is the relevant
High North, it is important that they – due to the changes in the Arctic authority here, but funding is needed
keep a close eye on negotiations Ocean – decided to place a high pri- to execute this priority successfully.
over how to manage future fisher- ority on research in the Arctic. ICES
ies in the Arctic Ocean, especially is an international organisation

F AROESE FISHERIES IN THE T he Faroe Islands are active in the following Re-
SEAS OF THE HIGH NORTH gional Fisheries Management Organisations

1925 and onwards: NAMMCO – The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission
Smack fishing in Greenland. is an international body for cooperation on the conservation,
management, and study of marine mammals in the North
1930: Atlantic. The Faroe Islands have independent membership of
First attempts at line fishing NAMMCO, in addition to Iceland, Norway, and Greenland.
and trawling around Bear Island, Photo: Maria Olsen

Svalbard, and in the Barents NEAFC – The North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission is an
Sea. These fisheries expanded international organisation that works to ensure collaborative
significantly after the Second management of fisheries in the international waters of the
World War. North East Atlantic. It is vital that the Faroe Islands follow future management of fisheries in the in-
closely all negotiations on the future man- ternational waters of the Arctic Ocean, in
1950s and 1960s: NAFO – The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization is
Open boat fishing and trawling an international organisation for cooperation on fisheries agement of fisheries in the international order to best ensure potential new fishing
around Greenland. management in the international waters of the North West waters of the Arctic Ocean. This is to en- opportunities.
Atlantic. sure that the Faroe Islands can safeguard • The Faroe Islands, through the Faroe
1960s: rights to fish in potential new fishing areas Marine Research Institute, participate ac-
Salmon fishing around NASCO – The North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organiza-
Greenland. tion is an international organisation responsible for coopera-
in the Arctic, if and when such fisheries are tively in the work of ICES with respect to
tion on conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational deemed biologically sustainable. To achieve scientific research and assessment of Arc-
1970: management of migratory salmon stocks in the North Atlantic. this, it is recommended that: tic marine ecosystems and resources.
Salmon fishing north of the • Marine research in the Arctic area is given
Faroe Islands. Together with Greenland, the Faroe Islands are active in NEAFC, NAFO,
• The Faroe Islands take a clear and active a high priority, in cooperation with the
and NASCO under the title ‘Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands and
1970s: Greenland’ (DFG), with Denmark as the formal contracting party. Den- role in the aforementioned international Faroese vessels already active in areas of
Prawn fishing around Green- mark is also represented in these organisations as part of the EU. cooperation processes governing the interest.
22 23
land, later also around Canada.

Síða Síða
Research and
The global interest in research- ration to both enhance the domestic tures) of the North Atlantic Ocean.
ing topics related to the Arctic has knowledge base and also to increase If successful, the research will make
grown significantly in recent years. global awareness of and interest in it easier to predict changes in the
Many international research pro- Faroese matters. Additionally, partic- ecosystems of the North Atlantic,
jects have been established to study ipation in Arctic projects has made which will be particularly relevant
the effects that climate change and it possible for Faroese researchers to to understanding the movement of
increased commercial activities are gain access to funding from sources pelagic fish species. A total of sev-
having on the environment and com- such as DANCEA and the Nordic enteen research institutes from nine Photo: Martin Sirkovsky
munities of the Arctic. The Faroe Council of Ministers. different European countries are
Islands have excellent foundations to Faroese participation in the work- part of this project. of educational programmes. It is est to the countries in and around the Greenland School of Minerals
build on for studying marine biology ing groups of the Arctic Council has The Faroese Earth and Energy therefore necessary to assess and the Arctic area. and Petroleum, and the Faroese
and the effects of climate change on covered a broad range of topics, in- Directorate is also part of the NAG- prioritise those disciplines that re- The University of the Faroe Is- Centre of Maritime Studies and
the Arctic ocean, e.g. on sea temper- cluding botany, sea birds, radioactiv- TEC (Northeast Atlantic Geoscience late to areas likely to present future lands runs a Joint Nordic Master´s Engineering have together formed
atures, currents, and acidity levels. ity, oceanography, public health, and Tectonostratigraphic Atlas) project, challenges and opportunities to the programme in marine ecosystems the educational cooperation pro-
There are also good opportunities environmental pollution. which works to produce a detailed Faroe Islands. In a small society like and climate in collaboration with the gramme FING (the acronym refers
for researching the spread and travel atlas of the North Atlantic. Once de- the Faroese one it is also critical for Universities of Bergen, Aarhus, and to the participating countries: Faroe
patterns of pollutants, and their im- Faroese participation veloped, this will greatly improve the domestic educational institutions to Iceland. The programme focuses on Islands, Iceland, Norway, and Green-
pact on animals and humans. A good example of Faroese participa- knowledge base needed for success- cooperate with educational institu- improving knowledge, skills, and land). The cooperation programme,
For many years, Faroese research- tion in research cooperation in the ful oil exploration in the region. The tions elsewhere. innovation on matters relating to which is expected to be ready in
ers have been participating in sci- Arctic Council is the Faroese Envi- project is the result of cooperation The upper secondary schools in the marine environment. Students 2014, combines existing disciplines
entific projects in the Arctic, both ronment Agency’s monitoring of the between the Faroese Earth and Ener- the Faroe Islands provide an excel- are able to take different parts of the in new ways. The goal is to develop
through the working groups of the levels of heavy metals and POPs in gy Directorate and seven other North lent basis for further academic stud- degree in each of the participating collaborative educational provision
Arctic Council and through other the Faroese environment. The results European geological institutions. ies, while Faroese vocational educa- universities. in areas like hydrocarbon materials,
Arctic and Nordic cooperation fo- from these studies provide a valuable Erosion – a problem that affects tion programmes provide strong In addition to this, a new Joint safety, and environment.
rums. They point out that the Faroe overview of the extent of pollutants the Arctic region – also affects the skills for jobs in the industries. Master’s programme in sustainable The University of the Arctic
Islands share many characteristics in the Faroese environment, and can Faroe Islands. The Faroese Earth and Faroese higher education institu- management will start in 2014, based (UArctic) is a network of higher edu-
with other nations and communities be used for comparative purposes in Energy Directorate is part of a re- tions also offer several educational on cooperation between the Univer- cation institutions, upper secondary
in the Arctic, for instance similar neighbouring countries. The studies search project, funded by the Nordic programmes relevant for Arctic sity of the Faroe Islands and partner institutions, and research institutes
economic and social conditions, also provide a good indication of how Council of Ministers, which looks at cooperation, in fields including bi- universities in Reykjavík, Akureyri, in the Arctic. Member institutions
a similar closeness to nature, and pollution has changed over time. erosion trends in Greenland, Iceland, ology, the social sciences, and mari- Nuuk, and Bodø. The programme make use of each other’s resources,
similar ways of life. These common- Another example of Faroese par- the Faroe Islands, Norway, Sweden, time affairs. will cover disciplines such as geog- facilities, and expertise in order to
alities provide a good basis for valu- ticipation in international research and Finland. The University of the Faroe Is- raphy, management, international advance their own education sys-
able international research coopera- cooperation on Arctic topics is the lands takes part in a number of in- relations, law, history, anthropology, tems. The University of the Faroe
tion with Arctic partners. FP7 project North Atlantic Climate Education as a foundation for ternational cooperation agreements economics, and communication. Islands has plans to utilise this net-
Collaborative research projects (NACLIM), in which the Faroe Ma- further development with Arctic partners. One of the The University of the Faroe Is- work to develop cooperation on edu-
also provide excellent opportunities rine Research Institute is a research A well-educated population is a great benefits of working with Arctic lands also participates in the provi- cational programmes in areas like
to develop a deeper level of expertise partner. The project seeks to estab- precondition for participation in partners on research and education sion of a degree in polar law offered fisheries, aquaculture, and ecology.
on Faroese matters from an interna- lish the extent to which it is possible international research cooperation. is that there is a high likelihood of by the University of Akureyri. Distance learning is becoming
tional perspective. In this way, it is to predict changes in the climate The Faroe Islands are too small to working with experts who have deep Stavanger Offshore Technical an increasingly widespread and rec-

24 25
possible to use international collabo- (for instance sea surface tempera- be in a position to provide all types knowledge of topics of mutual inter- College, Akureyri Technical College, ognised mode of learning, and this

Síða Síða
Photo: Kimberley Coole

is particularly relevant to the Arctic for research collaboration. Moreover, number could increase significantly
region. Technological innovations the significant environmental and in the coming years.
are happening at an ever-increasing commercial changes in the region Many research projects organ-
speed and, once investments have will increase the demand for exper- ised under the Arctic Council have
been made, online education is tise on local Arctic issues. significance for the Faroe Islands,
likely to provide a valuable and cost- The Faroese research communi- but more work capacity and fund-
efficient way to communicate with ty’s excellent research competences ing is needed to participate fully in
the rest of the world. Faroese edu- and knowledge on nature, health, relevant meetings and research pro-
cational institutions need to utilise and social conditions in northern jects. It will therefore be important
these new developments to their full areas make it a valuable partner in for the Faroe Islands to devote fund-
extent, both to open up opportuni- international research networks and ing so that Faroese experts can play
ties for cooperation with educational collaborative research projects in the an active role in such international
institutions abroad and to access Arctic. In order to maintain and en- research cooperation.
valuable sources of knowledge. hance these strong knowledge bases, Participation in collaborative
it is important that the Faroe Islands research projects that are funded by
Opportunities for improvement invest in topics that are of mutual the EU or NordForsk often require
The research community in the interest to the Faroe Islands and in- additional self-funding (e.g. salary
Faroe Islands is not very big when ternational funders. and administrative costs paid for by
compared to the global research and There is also a great deal of inter- the applicant’s research institute) as
education community. It is therefore est among foreign researchers to well as partial funding from a fund-
important for Faroese experts to come to the Faroe Islands to study ing body in the applicant’s home
make use of opportunities to take Arctic topics. By providing better country. Better access to such fund-
part in relevant academic research information about research oppor- ing in the Faroe Islands would great-
networks and collaborative projects. tunities and by making it easier and ly improve the opportunities for
The significant and growing more attractive for foreign research- Faroese researchers to participate in
global interest in Arctic matters ers to come to the Faroe Islands, this international research projects.
gives rise to many new opportunities

• The continued development of Faroese propriate programmes and networks for
research capacity and expertise requires Arctic cooperation should be established
sufficient research funding. Priorities – and sufficient funding made available –
should be based on well-founded consider- to enable participation in these contexts.
ations that ensure full support for relevant This should be based on a thorough ex-
research areas, projects, cooperative part- amination of existing activities and poten-
nerships, and educational programmes. tial new areas for cooperation at political,
• Research funding should be designated for administrative, and research levels.
projects that promote domestic and inter- • Opportunities to take part in and acquire
national cooperation with other research- funding for collaborative projects on Arc-
ers. tic matters should be monitored and publi-
• The Faroese Research Council should be cised to researchers in the Faroe Islands.
granted a funding pot dedicated for use as • Active educational cooperation in and
a source of domestic contributions to pro- around the Arctic region should be pro-
jects with Faroese participation that are moted and implemented.
co-financed by external sources. • Priority should be given to distance learn-
• Clear priorities for participation in ap- ing in cooperation with Arctic partners.

26 27
Síða Síða
The environmental interests for vessels to avoid accidents that
of the Faroe Islands could lead to spills, such as crashes
Oil pollution from industrial ves- at sea or by shores.
sels, in particular the risk of large oil The necessary preventative meas-
spills close to shore, is considered ures are discussed at more length
to be the greatest threat to the ma- in the section on maritime safety
rine environment in and around the and emergency response, while the
Faroe Islands status of environmental protection, More shipping traffic increases the risk for the transmission of diseases,
The risk of oil and chemical spills including the contingency planning including fish diseases. It is therefore vital to put in place regulations
pose a constant threat to the marine for oil spills, will be addressed in this and procedures for emptying and exchanging ballast water and similar
ecosystem. Both Faroese fisheries section. waste. Such water may contain harmful and pathogenic microbes, and
and aquaculture depend on a marine Large oil and chemical spills into – if released into Faroese waters – could have devastating effects on the
ecosystem that is as clean, produc- the sea can cause significant dam- aquaculture industry and fisheries in general.
tive, and durable as possible, so that age to and interference with the
it can sustain the biological cycles marine ecosystem, and can therefore
necessary for these industries to seriously endanger the reputation of Photo: Alessio Mesiano
thrive successfully in our marine en- the Faroe Islands as a fishing nation The requirements stipulated in these
vironment. This applies to both the with a clean and uncontaminated laws have their basis in and are con- ence to applicable environmental dealing with incidents that start in needed to purchase the equipment
aquaculture activities that take place marine environment. For this reason, sistent with regulations in the inter- legislation on land and at sea. The the air. The Faroese Government is needed for this purpose. There are
in fiords and similar places close to it is critical that measures to pre- national treaties passed by the Inter- Environment Agency and the munic- responsible for contingency plan- significant differences between the
shore, as well as fisheries in home vent oil spills in Faroese waters are national Maritime Organisation. ipalities deal with violations on land, ning for pollution that happens away type of equipment needed to remedi-
waters and distant fishing grounds. strengthened, and that the best pos- Environmental legislation in the while the Faroe Islands Fisheries from the shore areas and up to the ate oil pollution close to shore and
The shipping traffic in the waters sible level of emergency response is Faroe Islands is largely based on Inspection and the Faroese Maritime borders of neighbouring countries. the type of equipment required to
around the Faroe Islands is likely in place, should accidents happen. international regulations and guide- Authority deal with violations at sea. Today, most of the large munici- deal with pollution further away
to grow significantly in the coming This places increased demands on lines. For instance, the discharge Violations of the laws are reported palities – either alone or in collabo- from land. The harsh weather that
years due to the increase in com- contingency planning for oil spills in restrictions for vessels are based on to the police, and the prosecutor will ration with other municipalities – are affects Faroese waters for large parts
mercial activities and the advent of the Faroe Islands. regulations stipulated in MARPOL normally arrange legal proceedings in a good position to respond to the of the year means that specialised,
new shipping lanes in the Arctic. An and other treaties that the mem- against reported violators of laws, most common type of oil and chemi- heavy-duty equipment is needed to
increase in the shipping traffic – in Strengthening the ber states of the IMO have passed orders, or terms and conditions in- cal pollution, namely pollution that deal effectively with potential oil
Faroese waters, as well as to and contingency plan through the Marine Environment cluded in agreements and permits happens close to shore, often in con- spills further away from the shore.
from Faroese harbours – will raise The law on environmental protec- Protection Committee (MEPC). that have been granted on the basis nection with oil bunkering accidents
the risk of oil spills, both close to the tion from 1988 and the law on pro- Although the Faroe Islands are an of existing legislation. and similar maintenance accidents. International agreements
islands and in the open sea. The fact tecting the marine environment associate member of the IMO, they As a general rule, the public con- However, there is a need for an ap- The Faroe Islands are part of two
that the vessels are getting bigger from 2005 specify legal restrictions do not take part in the work of the tingency plan for the Faroe Islands is propriate national contingency plan international agreements on oil
– and thus need to be charged with on the discharge of pollutants from MEPC. This is due to limitations in divided between the state and mu- for dealing with potential oil spills emergency preparedness, and a third
ever-larger amounts of oil and heavy commercial activities. They apply the funding and work capacity that nicipal levels. The police are respon- further away from land, and this task was signed earlier this year. The two
oil – serves to greatly increase the to activities on land as well as to all the Faroe Islands are able to devote sible for responding to incidents on has been assigned to the Faroese existing agreements are Nordic: the
risk of large and hazardous oil spills. vessels operating in Faroese territo- to administering environmental leg- land, MRCC/Tórshavn is responsible Main Road Authority. The expertise Copenhagen Agreement and the
It is therefore necessary to strength- rial waters, regardless of whether islation. for responding to incidents at sea, needed to implement such a system Nordic Rescue Services Agreement,

28 29
en the preventative safety measures they carry a Faroese or foreign flag. Different bodies enforce adher- and JRCC/Iceland is responsible for is already at hand, but funding is which will be described in more

Síða Síða
responsible for managing hydrocar- oe Islands. This is likely to increase V specify that Special Areas can
bon risks. It is also responsible for the risk for environmental accidents be designated according to similar
ensuring that oil companies engaged in Faroese waters. Shipping traffic is guidelines and criteria as apply to
in activities in Faroese waters main- also likely to increase as the oil and PSSAs. Such a designation allows
tain strong contingency plans that gas production in the Barents Sea for the enforcement of stronger re-
are consistent the national contin- expands. Moreover, the shipping of quirements for vessels to prevent
gency plan and can be coordinated nuclear waste to Russia is seen as a discharge of oil, contaminated mate-
with the contingency plans of other growing threat. rials, wastewater, and other waste.
oil companies active in the area.
Guidelines and criteria for designat- Conclusion
Improving prevention, ing a PSSA are set out in the IMO It is clear that the current framework
inspection, and enforcement of resolution A.982(24). Designated for contingency planning in the Far-
environmental legislation areas must fulfil ecological criteria oe Islands is insufficient to deal with
Unlike many of the signatories of the relating to the uniqueness, rarity potential oil spills at sea in an effec-
United Nations Convention on the or diversity of the ecosystem, or tive and safe manner. The increasing
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the Faroe its vulnerability to degradation by shipping traffic in and around Faro-
Photo: Daniele Casanova Islands do not preside over an ex- natural events or human activities. ese waters makes the need for a well-
clusive economic zone (EEZ). Coun- The guidelines also contain social, functioning national contingency
detail in the section on safety and help due to insufficient equipment. tries with an EEZ have authority to cultural, economic, scientific, and plan all the more critical. The politi- The West European PSSA.
emergency response. The Ministry Therefore the Faroe Islands would enforce environmental legislation educational criteria for a PSSA des- cal competence for matters relat-
of the Interior represents the Faroe be highly likely to seek help from on foreign vessels that are located ignation. A PSSA designation allows ing to the marine environment was what is needed for the Faroe Islands
Islands in the Copenhagen Agree- neighbouring countries if there in their EEZ. These countries’ pow- for specific measures to be put in devolved from Denmark to the Faroe to put in place a so-called ‘first aid kit’
ment. The third agreement is the was an oil spill. Because of the long ers of enforcement within their EEZ place to control maritime activities Islands in 2003. Since then, there has to respond to oil spills. This would not
Agreement on Cooperation on Ma- distance between the countries of are the same as the Faroe Islands’ in the area, for instance through been just one budget appropriation be an expensive emergency response
rine Oil Pollution, Preparedness and the northerly seas, help to deal with powers of enforcement within the 12 routeing measures, discharge and for the national contingency plan. measure to implement, and the cost
Response in the Arctic, which was accidents at sea would be sought nautical mile border. equipment requirements for vessels, It is clear that the area has not been of running it would not be significant
signed by the Arctic Council Minis- first and foremost from the closest Similarly, the Faroe Islands do not and installation of Vessel Traffic given a high financial priority. either (see Appendix 1). Appendix
ters in May 2013. The Faroese Prime neighbours, especially Norway and preside over a Particularly Sensitive Services (VTS). There have been several references 1 also provides an overview of the
Minister signed the agreement on Iceland. However, it would also be Sea Area (PSSA) in their territorial There is no so-called Special in budget debates to the need for a emergency response equipment cur-
behalf of the Faroe Islands. possible for the Faroe Islands to seek waters. Several countries have sea Area designated in Faroese waters better national contingency plan, and rently available in the Faroe Islands.
What all these agreements have help from ‘Contact Element Faroe areas that have been designated with either. MARPOL Annex I, II, IV and there has been much discussion on
in common is that the signatories Islands’ under the Danish Defence’s a PSSA status by the IMO. The des-
agree to help each other – accord-
ing to ability and in return for pay-
Arctic Command. Other countries
could be called for help as well,
ignation enables countries to put in
place stricter restrictions on the type
ment – if accidents happen in the particularly to assist with airborne of maritime activities and vessels that • A national contingency plan for oil spills - making it possible to limit the spread
territory of a signatory country that transportation and equipment. How- are allowed in the area. Examples of
at sea should be formally adopted and of an oil spill while awaiting assistance
is unable to respond to the accident ever, such assistance is very expen- PSSAs include the Great Barrier Reef
alone. The agreements also remove sive and would only be sought in in Australia, the sea areas around the given top political priority. Contingency from neighbouring countries.
burdensome bureaucratic obstacles exceptional cases. Galápagos Islands and the Canary planning with respect to petroleum activi-
to moving equipment and people Islands, and the Baltic Sea. In the ties is a prerequisite for: • An Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) should
between the contracting parties. An Hydrocarbon risks context of the Faroe Islands, the PSSA - conserving biological diversity in ma- be established for the Faroe Islands that
underlying precondition for the suc- The emergency response require- of highest interest is the large West
cess of the agreements is that each ments for oil companies are legally European PSSA that reaches all the
rine and coastal ecosystems; allows for increased powers of inspection
country agrees to focus on certain specified in the law on hydrocar- way from Portugal to Shetland. - safeguarding the vital fisheries and aq- with regards to vessels sailing under for-
elements of emergency response to bon activities and a supplemental The main reason that this area was uaculture interests of the Faroe Islands; eign flags.
oil spills so that it is able to provide government order. An oil company designated as a PSSA in 2004 was - enabling appropriate responses to oil
specialised assistance in accordance that is drilling or has been given the large amount of environmental
pollution at sea, regardless of whether it • Consideration should be given to estab-
with provisions in the agreements. permission to start producing oil is accidents from tank vessels in the
Currently, the Faroe Islands required to uphold a strong and ex- area. The goal was to achieve better derives from vessels, offshore installa- lishing a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
would be unable to assist their tensive contingency plan, including control of the area’s shipping traffic, tions, or other sources; (PSSA) around the Faroe Islands. Such a
neighbouring countries in case measures to protect Faroese fiords, particularly from tank vessels. - the Faroe Islands to adhere to and im- status would allow specific shipping lanes
of serious oil spills. Moreover, the coves, sounds, and beaches from oil It is conceivable that some of the to be defined, and would make it possible
plement their responsibilities in interna-
Faroe Islands would not be able to pollution in the case of a so-called vessels hit by the stricter regulations
deal with significant oil spills in ‘blow-out’. The Faroese Earth and in the West European PSSA will be tional, Nordic and Arctic agreements on to require formal notification from vessels
international cooperation on emergency before they enter Faroese waters.
30 31
their own waters without external Energy Directorate is the authority forced to sail in waters closer to Far-
planning and response; and
Síða Síða
Maritime Safety and
Emergency Response
in Faroese Waters
It is likely that maritime activities in for Faroese businesses to offer their the minimum level of requirements
Faroese waters will increase in the high-quality maritime services to for vessels in international waters.
coming years due to growing com- these visiting vessels. The growing The Faroe Islands are an associate
mercial activities and new shipping traffic also increases the need for member of the IMO, and the Faroese
routes in the Arctic. This heightens Faroese authorities to perform safety Maritime Authority – together with
the need for a strong maritime safety inspections of foreign vessels on a other relevant authorities – ensures FAROESE EARTH AND ENERGY DIRECTORATE

and emergency response plan. It is regular basis. that Faroese legislation reflects the
therefore critical that Faroese au- stipulations in these treaties. The The 200 nautical mile exclusive Faroese Fisheries Zone (FFZ)
thorities monitor the development of Responsibility assignment – Maritime Authority and related
international standards and regula- maritime safety in Faroese authorities were quality assessed There are thus no systematic inspec-
tions on contingency planning, and waters by the IMO in November 2011, with tions of foreign vessels entering IMO is short for International Maritime Organization, which is the inter-
consider their implementation into The concept ‘safety at sea’ is widely good results. Faroese ports. If accidents and oil national organisation for matters relating to the shipping industry under
domestic legislation. used, and it covers a range of top- Member states of the Paris spills happen, authorities board the United Nations (UN).
The 2009 Stoltenberg Report on ics including safety procedures on Memorandum of Understanding on ships to carry out PSC inspections
Nordic cooperation on foreign and ships, the work environment for Port State Control (ParisMoU) have according to special Faroese proce- UNCLOS is short for United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
security policy recommends in- crew, wind and weather conditions, authorisation to carry out so-called dures and guidelines devised by the which is the international treaty for the law of the sea under the UN.
creased Nordic and Arctic coopera- and restrictions on sea routes in ar- ‘Port State Control’ (PSC) inspec- Faroese Maritime Authority. If the
tion on safety and emergency re- eas of increased shipping activities. tions to ensure that vessels visiting Faroe Islands were a member of the ICAO is short for International Civil Aviation Organization, which is the
sponse. The Faroe Islands need to be The Faroese Maritime Author- their waters meet the requirements ParisMoU, they would be required to international organisation for air traffic under the UN.
active partners in such cooperation, ity administers the law on safety at set out in international agreements. conduct a set number of inspections
and to put in place solid preventa- sea, the law on crews, and the law on In the worst cases, the relevant au- per year (<25% of foreign vessels). IAMSAR is short for International Aeronautical Maritime Search and
tive measures in support of a strong port navigation and maritime traf- thority can hold back vessels that do Faroese flagged vessels that enter Rescue, which is a manual, released by the IMO and the ICAO, with
contingency plan. fic control. These laws apply to both not meet the requirements. Coopera- the port of a ParisMoU member state guidelines on shared procedures on the coordination and execution of
The shipping traffic within the fishing vessels and commercial ves- tion between 27 countries – mostly are inspected by the relevant port search and rescue operations at sea and in the air.
200 nautical mile Faroese Fisheries sels, as well as the crews manning European countries, as well as Can- authority according to the require-
Zone (FFZ) has grown in the past them. Faroese vessels must meet all ada and Russia – ensures that such ments and regulations set out by the SAR is short for Search and Rescue, which denotes an operation nor-
years. The increase is largely due requirements specified in the Faroese inspections happen in a fair and con- ParisMoU. mally instigated by a rescue coordination centre with the primary goal
to a significant expansion in the legislation, which are similar to – if sistent manner and that evaluations The IMO is currently in the pro- of saving human lives.
number of tank vessels in the zone, not stricter than – international re- take place after each inspection. The cess of establishing a so-called ‘Polar
whereas the number of passenger quirements. Faroese authorities en- ParisMoU is based in The Hague in Code’ with special requirements for
ships has remained relatively steady. sure that the legislation is adhered to. the Netherlands. vessels active in the Arctic and Ant- it is important to establish a well- port navigation, and the new system
The number of foreign vessels Because most countries have The Faroe Islands are not a mem- arctic Oceans. These regulations are functioning system of navigation is now in place. The ports function
coming to Faroese ports is also likely ratified the international IMO trea- ber of the ParisMoU and therefore expected to be complete in 2014. and traffic control for vessels in Far- as navigation stations, and the Faro-
to increase significantly in the fu- ties on safety at sea, it is widely cannot carry out PSC inspections To ensure that the maritime traf- oese waters. On 1 January 2013, the ese Maritime Authority supervises

32 33
ture, providing new opportunities recognised that these treaties set out according to the above procedures. fic to and from Faroese ports is safe, Faroese parliament passed a law on the system.

Síða Síða
Maritime traffic in Faroese territorial
waters in the period from 2005 to 2011. The Faroese authorities with participated in efforts to establish tion on contingency planning, as
In 2012, there were 421 tank vessels overall responsibility for contingen- cooperation on oil-related contin- well as general mutual assistance in
and 49 passenger ships in Faroese cy planning participate in several gency planning in the Arctic. When connection with accidents. The Haga
waters. Source: Contact Element Faroe fora for international cooperation. it comes to search and rescue opera- Declaration from 2009, which is
Among other things, they take part tions at sea, MRCC/Tórshavn has based on the NORDRED agreement,
in relevant working groups under cooperation agreements with Con- fortifies the Nordic countries’ com-
the Arctic Council, in particular the tact Element Faroe Islands, JRCC/ mitment to emergency management
Emergency Prevention, Prepared- Iceland, and MRCC/Aberdeen. cooperation.
emergency situations that require ness and Response (EPPR) group. MRCC/Tórshavn has also partici-
helicopter assistance, and the sal- In 2011, the Faroese Prime Minister pated in several search and rescue
vage associations assist the mari- signed a cooperation agreement exercises organised by NATO – last
time contingency plan with lifeboats. on search and rescue in the Arctic year’s exercise was called ‘Dynamic
The Danish Ministry of Defence – in at the Arctic Council’s Ministerial Mercy’. Since 1989, the Faroe Islands
practice, Contact Element Faroe Meeting in Nuuk. Last year, the Faro- have been part of the Nordic rescue
In 2012, the Ministry of Trade Faroe Islands Fisheries Inspection, Islands under the Arctic Command ese authorities with overall respon- services agreement ‘NORDRED’
and Industry established a working the Faroese Emergency Management – supports the Faroese contingency sibility for contingency planning which establishes Nordic coopera-
group led by the Maritime Authority and Inspection Agency, and MRCC/ plan with a ship and helicopter. How-
to make recommendations on navi- Tórshavn. The law sets out contin- ever, there is no legal framework for
gation points and shipping lanes in
the Faroese maritime jurisdiction
gency responsibilities for authorities
at the national and municipal levels,
Faroese authorities to monitor ship
traffic in Faroese waters. Other coun- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
within 12 nautical miles from Faro- as well as for private companies en- tries have established more consist- to be viewed alongside the recommendations in the Environment section
ese shores. The recommendations gaged in hazardous activities. ent reporting systems for controlling
• The Faroe Islands should become a mem- that they, together with the ship owners’
form the basis for a Government The law on contingency planning maritime traffic in their waters. For
order, which will enter into force assigns MRCC/Tórshavn – which instance, Greenland has in place the ber of the Paris Memorandum of Under- own contingency experts, are adequately
through the law on safety at sea. As is the emergency centre for inci- notification system GREENPOS, standing on Port State Control, so that the trained in fire-fighting and emergency
mentioned in the section on the en- dents at sea – with responsibility which requires ships sailing to and Faroese Maritime Authority can carry out evacuation of passengers and crewmem-
vironment earlier in this document, for coordinating general emergency from the Greenlandic Exclusive Eco- Port State Control inspections in accord- bers.
the next step for Faroese authorities response operations within the 200 nomic Zone (EEZ) to report a sailing
ance with these international provisions. • Responsible Faroese authorities should –
should be to examine the prospect nautical mile exclusive Faroese Fish- plan to the Greenlandic MRCC four
of establishing so-called Particu- eries Zone (FFZ). The procedures times a day. Similarly, there are five • Shipping lanes in the Faroese maritime wherever possible – take part in relevant
larly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs) in and activities of MRCC/Tórshavn Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) sta- jurisdiction should be assigned and man- working groups under the Arctic Council,
Faroese waters. In support of this, are based on the international trea- tions along the Norwegian coast that aged as soon as possible. as well as in Nordic cooperation agree-
the Faroe Islands should establish ties agreed under the auspices of the monitor the traffic there.
• Faroese authorities should consider im- ments, including the Copenhagen Agree-
‘recommended routes’ that require IMO and the ICAO, as well as the MRCC/Tórshavn has its own Au-
formal notification from foreign ves- guidelines set out in the IAMSAR tomatic Identification System (AIS), plementing a control and reporting sys- ment and NORDRED.
sels prior to their entry into waters Manual. The activities of MRCC/ which covers Faroese waters. The tem, similar to the VTS and GREENPOS • The authorities with overall responsibility
under Faroese maritime jurisdiction. Tórshavn are described in more de- system is connected to the North systems, to monitor and control maritime for contingency planning should activate
For vessels coming from interna- tail in the SAR Manual Faroes, last Sea AIS Information Center, ad- the Contingency Planning Council so
traffic in Faroese waters. For the Faroese
tional waters, these areas and ship- updated in June 2012. MRCC/Tór- ministered by the Danish Maritime
ping routes should be established in shavn is an internationally approved Authority. MRCC/Tórshavn is able context, a GREENPOS-style system is that questions regarding safety and emer-
accordance with UNCLOS and with maritime rescue coordination centre to see all AIS data from the countries deemed more suitable than a VTS system. gency planning in the North Atlantic and
approval from the IMO. that is formally recognised by the that have signed the cooperation • MRCC/Tórshavn, together with the Faro- the Arctic can be discussed. Contact Ele-
IMO. agreement on exchanging AIS data ese Maritime Authority, should take an ment Faroe Islands, the Faroese Maritime
Assigning responsibility – Systematic inspections are need- with the Information Management
active role in Nordic cooperation on the Authority, and the Faroese Main Road
Faroese and international ed to prevent accidents in Faroese Centre in Norway. In addition to
maritime contingency planning waters. The Faroe Islands Fisheries this, MRCC/Tórshavn is able to use AIS and LRIT satellite systems. Authority – all bodies without permanent
The Faroese law on contingency Inspection carries out inspections its Long Range Identification and • The authorities with overall responsibil- representation in the Contingency Plan-
planning specifies that each Minis- in the sea areas around the Faroe Tracking (LRIT) system to keep ity for contingency planning should work ning Council – should be represented and
ter is responsible for contingency Islands and has two fishery protec- track of Faroese commercial vessels
with relevant Faroese emergency services consulted when such questions are on the
planning in his or her ministerial tion and rescue vessels available for that are larger than 300 GT and pas-
area. The law is administered and conducting inspections and deploy- senger ships from all over the world to organise regular exercises on-board Council’s agenda.
coordinated by three merged au- ing during emergency situations. that are located in Faroese waters. passenger ships and other ships to ensure
thorities with overall responsibil- The Ministry of Fisheries has a con- The system’s tracking information is

34 35
ity for contingency planning: the tract with Atlantic Airways covering updated every six hours.

Síða Síða
Sources tion), The Ministry of Foreign Af-
fairs 2010. Updated edition 2011

• Megatrends, Nordic Coun-

Really Ice-Free? Joshua Ho, S.
Rajaratnam School of Interna-
tional Studies, Nanyang Tech-
nological University, 2011
List of Acronyms
• Arctic Marine Shipping As- cil of Ministers 2011
sessment 2009 Report, • Vinnuligir møguleikar í Arktis
Arctic Council 2009 • OECD Territorial Reviews (Business opportunities in the Arc-
– NORA Region 2011 tic). Syntesa on behalf of the Faro- ACAP – Arctic Contaminants Ac- execution of search and rescue op- of Ministers. The NORA region in-
• Arctic Climate Impact Assess- ese Oil Trade Organisation 2012 tion Program. An Arctic Council erations at sea and in the air. cludes the Faroe Islands, Greenland,
ment, Arctic Council and the • Interview with Rúni M. Hansen, working group that works to reduce Iceland, and Coastal Norway.
International Arctic Science Head of the Arctic Unit, Sta- • Various publications on sea ice the emission of pollutants into the ICAO – International Civil Aviation
Committee (IASC) 2005 toil. By Jan E. Müller, Faroese research, Leif Toudal Pedersen, Arctic environment and to promote Organization. The international or- PAME – Protection of the Arctic Ma-
Oil Industry Group, 2013 Center for Ocean and Ice, DMI collaborative efforts to do so. ganisation for air traffic under the rine Environment. An Arctic Council
• Arctic Human Develop- United Nations (UN). working group that seeks to protect
ment Report, Stefansson • Strategy Papers on the Arctic AMAP – Arctic Monitoring and As- the Arctic marine environment.
Arctic Institute 2004 or High North: A compara- sessment Programme. An Arctic IMO – International Maritime Or-
tive study and analysis, Alyson Council working group that con- ganization. The international or- PSSA – Particularly Sensitive Sea
• Arctic Yearbook 2012 Bailes & Lassi Heininen, Centre ducts consistent measurements of ganisation for matters relating to the Area.
for Small State Studies, Institute Strategic the spread of anthropogenic pollut- shipping industry under the UN.
• Føroyar og Arktis – í oljuvin- of International Affairs 2012 Assesments ants in the Arctic environment and SAO – Senior Arctic Officials. A per-
nuhøpi (the Faroe Islands and assesses their effect on the public NAFO – The Northwest Atlantic manent group in the Arctic Council
the Arctic – an oil industry per- • The Arctic – Proposals for • Kingdom of Denmark health of the populations in the Arc- Fisheries Organization. An interna- composed of senior level Foreign
spective), Jan E. Müller, Faro- the international cooperation Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 tic region. tional organisation for cooperation Service officials from each member
ese Oil Industry Group, 2013 roadmap, Russian Interna- on fisheries management in the in- state.
tional Affairs Council 2011 • Finland’s Strategy for the CAFF – Conservation of Arctic Flora ternational waters of the North West
• Føroyar og samstarvið í Arktis (the Arctic Region 2010 and Fauna. An Arctic Council work- Atlantic. SAR – Search and Rescue. An opera-
Faroe Islands and Arctic coopera- • The Northern Sea Route: Is It ing group that surveys and seeks to tion normally instigated by a rescue
• Norway: The High North protect the biodiversity of the Arctic NAMMCO – North Atlantic Marine coordination centre with the primary
Links to relevant websites – Vision and Strategies region. Mammal Commission. An interna-
tional body for cooperation on the
goal of saving human lives.

• The Arctic Council • PAME • Sweden’s Strategy for the EPPR – Emergency Prevention, Pre- conservation, management, and SDWG – Sustainable Development (Protection of the Arctic Marine Arctic Region 2011 paredness and Response. An Arctic study of marine mammals in the Working Group. An Arctic Council
Environment) Council working group that provides North Atlantic. The Faroe Islands working group that seeks to promote
Working groups in the Arctic • Developing a European Union information about prevention and have independent membership in sustainable development in the Arc-
Council: Policy towards the Arctic Region, preparedness in connection with en- NAMMCO, in addition to Iceland, tic, with particular focus on protect-
• SDWG European Commission 2012 vironmental accidents in the Arctic. Norway, and Greenland. ing and enhancing the economies,
• ACAP (Sustainable Development cultures, and health of the Arctic
(Arctic Contaminants Working Group) • Canada’s Northern EEZ – Exclusive Economic Zone. NASCO – North Atlantic Salmon populations.
Action Programme) Strategy: Our North, Our Conservation Organization. An in- Heritage, Our Future 2009 FFZ – the 200 nautical mile exclu- ternational organisation responsible UNCLOS – United Nations Conven-
Other relevant websites: sive Faroese Fisheries Zone. for cooperation on conservation, res- tion on the Law of the Sea. The inter-
• AMAP • US Arctic Region Policy 2009 toration, enhancement and rational national treaty for the law of the sea
(Arctic Monitoring and • The Arctic Govern- FING – Educational cooperation management of migratory salmon under the UN.
Assessment Programme) ance Compendium • Основы государственной between Stavanger Offshore Tech- stocks in the North Atlantic. политики Российской Федерации nical College, Akureyri Technical
в Арктике на период до 2020 года College, the Greenland School of NEAFC – North East Atlantic Fisher-
• CAFF • The Arctic Portal и дальнейшую перспективу 2008. Minerals and Petroleum, and the ies Commission. An international
(Conservation of Faroese Centre of Maritime Studies organisation, which works to ensure
Arctic Flora and Fauna) • A Parliamentary Resolution on and Engineering. collaborative management of fisher- • GeoPolitics in the High North Iceland’s Arctic Policy, 2011 ies in the international waters of the IAMSAR – International Aeronauti- North East Atlantic.
• EPPR cal Maritime Search and Rescue. A
(Emergency Prevention • NORA manual, released by the IMO and NORA – Nordic Atlantic Coopera-
Preparedness and Response) (Nordic Atlantic Cooperation) the ICAO, with guidelines on shared tion. An intergovernmental organi-

36 37 procedures on the coordination and sation under the Nordic Council

Síða Síða
Overview of Events,
organised in connection with
the strategic assessment
Date Event Participants Organised by

12 March 2012 Lecture by Martin Breum, author, on the changes taking place in the Arctic. Presentation by Public event. The Foreign Service, in collabo-
Kate Sanderson, former Head of Department at the Faroese Foreign Service, on the Faroe Is- ration with the Nordic House
lands’ position in the Arctic. in Tórshavn.

24 August 2012 Presentation and meeting with Laurie Fulton, former US Ambassador to Denmark, about the Closed event: the Government, the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Expert Advisory The Foreign Service.
United States’ position in the Arctic. Panel, the coordinating group, and the Prime Minister’s Office / the Foreign Service.

11 October 2012 ‘Geopolitics in the Arctic – the role of the Faroe Islands in the Arctic’ – lecture and discussion Closed event: the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Expert Advisory Panel, the coordi- The Foreign Service.
with Cleo Paskal, Associate Fellow at Chatham House. nating group, and the Prime Minister’s Office / the Foreign Service.

30 October 2012 ‘Arctic challenges and small states’ – lecture and discussion with Alyson Bailes, Visiting Pro- Public event. The Foreign Service.
fessor at the University of Iceland.

6 November 2012 ‘The Danish Kingdom’s Arctic Strategy’ – lecture by Klavs A. Holm, Danish Arctic Ambassa- Public event. The Foreign Service, in collabo-
dor. Presentation by Hanna í Horni, Faroe Islands’ Representative to the Arctic Council. ration with the University of
the Faroe Islands.

20 November 2012, Workshop on how the Faroe Islands can make the most of the new opportunities arising due to Closed event: Private and public sector representatives working in the maritime The Foreign Service, in collabo-
morning the changes in the Arctic. industry, the oil and gas industry, and the service industries. ration with the Nordic House.

20 November 2012, Lecture by Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Public event. The Foreign Service, in collabo-
afternoon Aalborg, on the challenges facing small societies in the North. Lecture by Ólavur Gregersen, ration with the Nordic House.
Founding Partner of Syntesa, on the commercial opportunities in the Arctic. Presentation of
the main conclusions from the morning session.

24 January 2013 Workshop on future fisheries possibilities in the Arctic. Closed event: Representatives from the Faroe Marine Research Institute, the Minis- The Foreign Service.
try of Fisheries, and the fishing industry.

5 February 2013 Workshop on research in the Arctic context. Closed event: Representatives from the Faroe Marine Research Institute, the Univer- The Foreign Service.
sity of the Faroe Islands, the Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate, the Faroese Re-
search Council, educational institutions, Faroese museums, the Ministry of Fisheries,
and the Ministry of Education, Research and Culture.

11 March 2013 Workshop on environment, safety, and contingency planning Closed event: Representatives from the Ministry of the Interior, the MRCC, the The Foreign Service.
Ministry of Fisheries, Agenda 21, the Arctic Command, the Police, the Faroese
Earth and Energy Directorate, the Faroese Main Road Authority, the Faroe Islands

38 39
Fisheries Inspection, the Faroese Maritime Authority, and the Centre of Maritime
Studies and Engineering.
Síða Síða

litter sonal


Kilos Pcs.


390.5 100
Overview of equipment to control and clean up oil spills in the Faroe Islands


Recommendations to the Government and the Parliament on







the purchase of equipment for emergency response to oil spills at sea






Desmi Komara
The Faroese Main Road Authority and the Environment Agency have devised recommendations for ‘the contingency

plan for oil spills at sea’. The plan applies to the contingency area for which the Government is the responsible pub-


lic authority – that is, the sea area outside the coastal areas (under municipal responsibility) and within the borders

PowerPack 2m3

of the 200 nautical mile exclusive Faroese Fisheries Zone. The contingency plan for this area requires a category of

equipment that is not currently available in the Faroe Islands, since the lightweight equipment that the municipali-


ties preside over is only suitable for oil spills close to shores (and areas with similar characteristics).


w/ skirt

Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Die- Diesel Diesel

The Faroe Islands’ objectives are:










1. to have a national contingency plan that is able to restrict the harmful consequences of oil spills of up to 1,500

tonnes in Faroese waters, and

Nofi boombag 20/30 10/30 10/12.5 12.5/25 20/12.5 20/5 Un-


2. to control lower-level chemical spills that are visible in the sea, i.e. where the extent of pollution is similar to that




of an oil spill.





The contingency plan is coordinated so as to achieve the lowest possible levels of harm on nature and the environ-
ment in case of an oil spill accident, and to minimise the costs of restoring the natural environment to its original


condition after an incident. Below are the recommendations for establishing a ‘first aid kit’ of emergency control


equipment. With the proposed equipment, the national contingency plan would be able to prevent significant spread-
ing of an oil spill of up to 1,500 tonnes. The equipment would not be sufficient to achieve complete control of an oil

Total length


spill of this magnitude. For this, even more equipment would be needed and is available to import from neighbouring



countries according to international cooperation agreements, as needed. The proposed equipment package takes
into consideration bad weather conditions, challenging waves and currents, as well as the diversity of the coastal

25 cm skirt
conditions around the Faroe Islands.



Recommendations for purchase of emergency control equipment for the national contingency plan
Quantity Type Price

25 cm skirt
1500 m Heavy booms1 6 million DKK

1000 m Medium booms2 3.5 million DKK


2 Skimmers3 1.5 million DKK

1 Special absorbent 4
1 million DKK
200 m 3
Floating storage tank 1 million DKK


100 sets Safety clothing and lightweight tools 1 million DKK

Altogether in the cheapest 2011 prices 14 million DKK = 1,900,000 EUR

65 skirt


Floating booms
It is recommended that the Government sets aside funding in the budget to purchase the above equipment. The

Total length
50 cm high
equipment is of the type RO CLEAN, which is the same type of equipment that the Faroe Islands purchased approxi-



mately 20 years ago. This is the cheapest equipment of this type available in nearby markets. The drawback is that

each section of the floating booms must be air-pumped, as the boom is set afloat.

290930 Hvannasund


290888 Havnadalur
236102 Vestmanna

290930 Syðradalur



Investment in the equipment could be spread over three continuous financial years, for instance by investing 5


291023 Á Hjalla
At Sund


227402 Strond

227403 Vágur

227401 Sund
million DKK in the first year, 5 million DKK in the second year, and 4 million DKK in the third year.
The cost of maintaining the equipment – e.g. maintenance costs, training in using the equipment, and storage


space – is estimated to be between 500,000 and 1 million DKK per year. The Faroese Main Road Authority will put
together an operating budget to estimate these costs in more detail. Further estimates are needed on the income

Fríðrik Heinesen
SEV, Faroese energy Hans J. Petersen
SEV, Faroese energy Jákup Sørensen
SEV, Faroese energy Palli Mortensen

Ernst Vágsgarð

Ernst Vágsgarð
that the Main Road Authority can acquire from renting out the equipment, e.g. rental income from municipalities in

FVE (Faroe Islands Jens Midjord

Thomas B.
connection with oil spills in areas of their responsibility, from polluters that need to use the equipment to control oil


Total floating booms 1950

spills of their making, and from neighbouring countries that wish to hire the equipment and/or crew to assist with
accidents in their territories according to international agreements on emergency management cooperation.

Port of Fuglafjørður
Tórshavn fire-fight-

Tórshavn fire-fight-

Sundalag fire-fight-
Suðuroy South fire-

Sørvágur fire-fight-
Klaksvík fire-fight-
Tvøroyri fire-fight-

davágur fire-fight-

The Faroese Main

The Faroese Main

The Faroese Main

East Municipality

Fuglafjørður fire-

Fisheries Inspec-
Skálafjørður fire-

Skálafjørður fire-

Skálafjørður fire-

Skálafjørður fire-

Total absorbents
Port of Tórshavn

Pauli Einarsson

Road Authority

Road Authority

Road Authority
fighting squad

fighting squad

fighting squad

fighting squad

fighting squad

fighting squad
ing squad

ing squad

ing squad

ing squad

ing squad

ing squad

ing squad

Vest Pack
1. Booms that can contain a significant wave height of 2.5 metres and are therefore suitable for use in open sea areas.

In total
2. Booms suitable for use in bays where the waves are lower, primarily for the protection of fragile coastal areas.


3. Skimmers for pumping up oil from the sea.

40 4. A new type of absorbent, which soaks up the oil into a bag that is attached to its rear.
Síða Síða
42 43
Síða Síða
Løgmansskrivstovan – Uttanríkistænastan
Tinganes LE

Postrúm 64



110 Tórshavn
Tlf: +298 306000 541 705

44 Teldupostur:

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