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CHAPTER 10  Principles of Drug Therapy

Dan M. Roden

IMPORTANCE OF CORRECT DRUG USE, 91 Clinical Relevance of Variable Drug Metabolism and GENETICS OF VARIABLE DRUG RESPONSES, 97
Key Decision in Drug Therapy: Risk Versus Benefit, 91 Elimination, 94 Applying Pharmacogenetic Information to Practice, 97
Variability in Drug Action, 91 PHARMACODYNAMICS, 94 DRUG INTERACTIONS, 97
Pharmacokinetic Principles in Managing Drug Plasma Concentration Monitoring, 96
Therapy, 93 REFERENCES, 98
Dose Adjustments, 96

Importance of Correct Drug Use Similarly, drugs with positive inotropic activity increase cardiac
output in patients with heart failure, but also increase in mortality,
In 2007, Americans spent $289 billion on pharmaceuticals.1 Adverse drug likely because of drug-induced arrhythmias. Nevertheless, clinical
reactions are estimated to be the fourth to sixth most common cause of trials with these agents suggest symptom relief. Thus, the prescriber
death in the United States, costing $19 to $27 billion annually, and and patient may elect therapy with positive inotropic drugs because
accounting directly for 3% to 6% of all hospital admissions.2 The preva- of this benefit while recognizing the risk. This illustrates the continuing
lence of heart disease and the increasing use of not only acute interven- personal relationship between the prescriber and patient and empha-
tional therapies but also long-term preventive therapies translate into a
sizes the need for a clear understanding of the expected benefit of
dominant role of cardiovascular drugs in these costs, a projected $52.3
billion in 2009, almost 20% of all drug costs according to the American therapy, disease pathophysiology, and response to drug therapy in the
Heart Association. Moreover, with increasing success not only in heart drug development and prescribing processes.
disease but also in other therapeutic areas, cardiovascular physicians are
increasingly encountering patients receiving multiple medications for
noncardiovascular indications. The goal of this chapter is to outline prin-
Variability in Drug Action
ciples of drug action and interaction that allow the safest and most Despite increasing understanding of the mechanisms of drug
effective therapy for an individual patient. action, efficacy is far from uniform for any drug and dose. Drugs
interact with specific molecular targets to effect changes in whole-
Key Decision in Drug Therapy: organ and whole-body function. The targets with which drugs interact
to produce beneficial effects may or may not be the same as those
Risk Versus Benefit with which drugs interact to produce adverse effects. Drug targets may
The fundamental assumption underlying administration of any drug be in the circulation, at the cell surface, or within cells. Many newer
is that the real or expected benefit exceeds the anticipated risk. The drugs have been developed to interact with a desired drug target
benefits of drug therapy are initially defined in small clinical trials, specifically; examples of such targets are 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-
perhaps involving several thousand patients, before a drug’s market- CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), G
ing and approval. Ultimately, the efficacy and safety profile of any protein–coupled receptors (e.g., alpha, beta, angiotensin II, hista-
drug are determined after the compound has been marketed and used mine), and platelet IIb/IIIa receptors. On the other hand, many drugs
widely in hundreds of thousands of patients. widely used in cardiovascular therapeutics were developed when the
When a drug is administered for the acute correction of a life- technology to identify specific molecular targets simply was not avail-
threatening condition, the benefits are often self-evident; insulin for able; digoxin, amiodarone, and aspirin are examples. Some, like
diabetic ketoacidosis, nitroprusside for hypertensive encephalopathy, amiodarone, have many drug targets. In other cases, however, even
or lidocaine for ventricular tachycardia are examples. Extrapolation older drugs turn out to have rather specific molecular targets. The
of such immediately obvious benefits to other clinical situations may actions of digitalis glycosides are mediated primarily by the inhibition
not be warranted, however. of Na+,K+-ATPase. Aspirin permanently acetylates a specific serine
The efficacy of lidocaine to terminate ventricular tachycardia led residue on the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme, an effect that is
to its widespread use as a prophylactic agent in cases of acute myo- thought to mediate its analgesic effects and its gastrointestinal (GI)
cardial infarction until it was recognized that in this setting, the drug toxicity.
does not alter mortality. The outcome of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Sup- The risks of drug therapy may be a direct extension of the pharma-
pression Trial (CAST) highlights the difficulties in extrapolating from cologic actions for which the drug is actually being prescribed. Exces-
an incomplete understanding of physiology to chronic drug therapy. sive hypotension in a patient taking an antihypertensive agent or
CAST tested the hypothesis that suppression of ventricular ectopic bleeding in a patient taking a platelet IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist are
activity, a recognized risk factor for sudden death after myocardial examples. In other cases, adverse effects develop as a consequence
infarction, would reduce mortality; this notion was highly ingrained of pharmacologic actions that were not appreciated during a drug’s
in cardiovascular practice in the 1970s and 1980s. In CAST, sodium initial development and use in patients. Rhabdomyolysis with
channel–blocking antiarrhythmics did suppress ventricular ectopic HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), angioedema during ACE
beats but also unexpectedly increased mortality threefold. Similarly, inhibitor therapy, torsades de pointes during treatment with noncar-
the development of a first-generation cholesterol ester transport diovascular drugs such as thioridazine or pentamidine, or atrial
protein (CETP) inhibitor achieved the goal of elevating high-density fibrillation with bisphosphonates4 are examples. Importantly, these
lipoprotein (HDL) and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) choles- rarer but serious effects generally become evident only after a drug
terol levels, but mortality was increased.3 Thus, the use of arrhythmia has been marketed and extensively used. Even rare adverse
suppression or of HDL elevation as a surrogate marker did not achieve effects can alter the overall perception of risk versus benefit and can
the desired drug action, reduction in mortality, likely because the prompt removal of the drug from the market, particularly if alternate
underlying pathophysiology or full range of drug actions was incom- therapies thought to be safer are available. For example, withdrawal
pletely understood. of the first insulin sensitizer, troglitazone, after recognition of

Log conc.
drug Dose
Absorption (non-IV)

Metabolism, excretion Other molecules
determining whole Time Vc
CH Absorption
Dose Plasma organ physiology
Transport IV Elimination

Molecular Whole organ Oral

target response

A Time
FIGURE 10-1  A model for understanding variability in drug action. When a
dose of a drug is administered, the processes of absorption, metabolism, excre-
tion, and transport determine its access to specific molecular targets that

Log conc.
mediate beneficial and toxic effects. The interaction between a drug and its
molecular target then produces changes in molecular, cellular, whole-organ, Dose
and ultimately whole-patient physiology. This molecular interaction does not Distribution

occur in a vacuum, but rather in a complex biologic milieu modulated by mul-
tiple factors, some of which are disturbed to cause disease. DNA variants in the Time
genes responsible for the processes of drug disposition (green), the molecular
target (blue), or the molecules determining the biologic context in which the Distribution
drug-target interaction occurs (brown) all can contribute to variability in drug Elimination

hepatotoxicity was further spurred by the availability of other new B Time

drugs in this class.
The recognition of multiple COX isoforms led to the development FIGURE 10-2  Models of plasma concentrations as a function of time after a
single dose of a drug. A, The simplest situation is one in which a drug is admin-
of specific COX-2 inhibitors to retain aspirin’s analgesic effects but istered as a rapid intravenous bolus into a volume (Vc), where it is instanta-
reduce GI side effects. However, one of these, rofecoxib, was with- neously and uniformly distributed. Elimination then takes place from this
drawn because of an apparent increase in cardiovascular mortality. volume. In this case, drug elimination is monoexponential; that is, a plot of the
The events surrounding the withdrawal of rofecoxib have important logarithm of concentration versus time is linear (inset). When the same dose of
implications for drug development and utilization. First, specificity drug is administered orally, a distinct absorption phase is required before drug
achieved by targeting a single molecular entity may not necessarily entry into Vc. Most absorption (shown here in red) is completed before elimina-
reduce adverse effects; one possibility is that by inhibiting COX-2, the tion (shown in green), although the processes overlap. In this example, the
drug removes a vascular protective effect of prostacyclin. Second, amount of drug delivered by the oral route is less than that delivered by the
drug side effects may include not only readily identifiable events such intravenous route, assessed by the total areas under the two curves, indicating
reduced bioavailability. B, In this example, drug is delivered to the central
as rhabdomyolysis or torsades de pointes, but also an increase that
volume, from which it is not only eliminated but also undergoes distribution to
may be difficult to detect in events such as myocardial infarction that the peripheral sites. This distribution process (blue) is more rapid than elimina-
are common in the general population.5 tion, resulting in a distinct biexponential disappearance curve (inset).


major processes determine how the interaction between a drug and
its target molecule can generate variable drug actions in a patient Pharmacokinetics
(Fig. 10-1). The first, pharmacokinetics, describes drug delivery to
Administration of an intravenous drug bolus results in maximal drug
and removal from the target molecule and includes the processes of concentrations at the end of the bolus and then a decline in plasma drug
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. These are col- concentrations over time (Fig. 10-2A). The simplest case is one in which
lectively termed drug disposition. Robust mathematical techniques, this decline occurs monoexponentially over time. A useful parameter to
applicable across drugs and drug classes, to analyze variability in drug describe this decline is the half-life ( t 1 ), the time in which 50% of the
disposition have been developed and result in a series of principles drug is eliminated; for example, after two half-lives, 75% of the drug has
that can be used to adjust drug dosages to enhance the likelihood of been eliminated, after three half-lives, 87.5%. A monoexponential
a beneficial effect and minimize toxicity. process can be considered almost complete in four or five half-lives.
The second process, pharmacodynamics, describes how the inter- In some cases, the decline of drug concentrations following admin-
action between a drug and its target generates downstream molecular, istration of an intravenous bolus dose is multiexponential. The most
common explanation is that drug is not only eliminated (represented by
cellular, whole-organ, and whole-body effects. Pharmacodynamic the terminal portion of the time-concentration plot) but also undergoes
sources of variability in drug action arise from the specifics of the more rapid distribution to peripheral tissues. Just as elimination may be
target molecule and the biologic context in which the drug-target usefully described by a half-life, distribution half-lives can also be derived
interaction occurs; thus, methods for analysis of pharmacodynamics from curves such as those shown in Fig. 10-2B.
tend to be drug or drug class specific. The plasma concentration measured immediately after a bolus dose
This contemporary view of drug actions identifies a series of mol- can be used to derive a volume into which the drug is distributed. When
ecules that mediate drug actions in patients—drug-metabolizing the decline of plasma concentrations is multiexponential, multiple distri-
enzymes, drug transport molecules, drug targets, and molecules mod- bution compartments can be defined; these volumes of distribution can
ulating the biology in which the drug-target interaction occurs. Phar- be useful in considering dose adjustments in cases of disease but rarely
correspond exactly to any physical volume, such as plasma or total body
macogenetics is the term used to describe the concept that individual water. With drugs that are highly tissue bound (e.g., some antidepres-
variants in the genes controlling these processes contribute to variable sants), the volume of distribution can exceed total body volume by
drug actions. The way in which variability across multiple genes, up orders of magnitude.
to whole genomes, explains differences in drug response among indi- Drugs are often administered by nonintravenous routes, such as oral,
viduals and populations is termed pharmacogenomics.6-8 sublingual, transcutaneous, or intramuscular. With such routes of

IV infusion
IV bolus + infusion

Oral doses Double

Half CH



Time Time
Elimination t1/2

FIGURE 10-3  Time course of drug concentrations when treatment is started or dose changed. Left, The hash lines on the abscissa indicate one elimination half-
life ( t 12 ). With a constant rate intravenous infusion (gold), plasma concentrations accumulate to steady state in four or five elimination half-lives. When a loading
bolus is administered with the maintenance infusion (blue), plasma concentrations are transiently higher but may dip, as shown here, before achieving the same
steady state. When the same drug is administered by the oral route, the time course of drug accumulation is identical (red); in this case the drug was administered
at intervals of 50% of a t 12 . Steady-state plasma concentrations during oral therapy fluctuate around the mean determined by intravenous therapy. Right, This plot
shows that when dosages are doubled, or halved, or the drug is stopped during steady-state administration, the time required to achieve the new steady state is 4
to 5 × t 12 , and is independent of the route of administration.

administration, there are two differences from the intravenous route (see need to be generated to achieve drug effects. Second, time may be
Fig. 10-2A). First, concentrations in plasma demonstrate a distinct rising required for translation of the drug effect at the molecular site to a physi-
phase as the drug slowly enters plasma. Second, the total amount of drug ologic endpoint; inhibition of synthesis of vitamin K–dependent clotting
that actually enters the systemic circulation may be less than that factors by warfarin ultimately leads to a desired elevation of the interna-
achieved by the intravenous route. The relative amount of drug entering tional normalized ratio, but the development of this desired effect occurs
by any route, compared with the same dose administered intravenously, only as levels of clotting factors fall. Third, penetration of a drug into
is termed bioavailability. Bioavailability may be reduced because drug intracellular or other tissue sites of action may be required before devel-
undergoes metabolism before entering the circulation or because drug opment of drug effect. One mechanism underlying such penetration is
is simply not absorbed from its site of administration. the variable function of specific drug uptake and efflux transport pro-
Drug elimination occurs by metabolism followed by the excretion of teins that control intracellular drug concentrations. Variable tissue pen-
metabolites and unmetabolized parent drug, generally by the biliary etration is widely invoked to explain the lag time between administration
tract or kidneys. The term clearance is the most useful way of quantifying of amiodarone and the development of its effects, although the precise
drug elimination. Clearance can be viewed as a volume that is cleared of details underlying this phenomenon remain elusive.
drug in any given period. Clearance may be organ specific (e.g., renal Metabolism and Excretion.  Drug metabolism most often occurs in
clearance, hepatic clearance) or whole-body clearance. the liver, although extrahepatic metabolism (in the circulation, intestine,
Pharmacokinetic Principles in Managing Drug Therapy lungs, and kidneys) is increasingly well defined. Phase I drug metabolism
generally involves oxidation of the drug by specific drug-oxidizing
Bioavailability.  Some drugs undergo such extensive presystemic
enzymes, a process that renders the drug more water soluble (and hence
metabolism that the amount of drug required to achieve a therapeutic
more likely to undergo renal excretion). Additionally, drugs or their
effect is much greater (and often more variable) than that required
metabolites often undergo conjugation with specific chemical groups
for the same drug administered intravenously. Thus, small doses of
(phase II) to enhance water solubility; these conjugation reactions are
intravenous propranolol (5 mg) may achieve heart rate slowing equiva-
catalyzed by specific transferases.
lent to that observed with much larger oral doses (80 to 120 mg). Pro-
The most common enzyme systems mediating phase I drug metabo-
pranolol is actually well absorbed but undergoes extensive metabolism
lism are those of the cytochrome P-450 superfamily, termed CYPs. Mul-
in the intestine and liver before entering the systemic circulation. Another
tiple CYPs are expressed in human liver and other tissues. A major source
example is amiodarone; its physicochemical characteristics make it only
of variability in drug action is variability in CYP activity, caused by vari-
30% to 50% bioavailable when administered orally. Thus, an intravenous
ability in CYP expression and/or genetic variants that alter CYP activity.
infusion of 0.5 mg/min (720 mg/day) is equivalent to 1.5 to 2 g/day
The most abundant CYP in human liver and intestine is CYP3A4 and a
closely related isoform, CYP3A5. These CYPs metabolize up to 50% of
Distribution.  Rapid distribution can alter the way in which intrave-
clinically used drugs. CYP3A activity varies widely among individuals, for
nous drug therapy should be initiated. When lidocaine is administered
reasons that are not entirely clear. One mechanism underlying this vari-
intravenously, it displays a prominent and rapid distribution phase ( t 12
ability is the presence of a polymorphism in this CYP3A5 gene that
= 8 minutes) before slower elimination ( t 1 = 120 minutes). As a conse-
2 reduces its activity. Table 10-1 lists CYPs and other drug-metabolizing
quence, an antiarrhythmic effect of lidocaine may be transiently achieved
enzymes important in cardiovascular therapy. Reduction in clearance, by
but rapidly lost following a single bolus, not as a result of elimination but
disease, drug interactions, or genetic factors, will increase drug concen-
of rapid distribution. Administration of larger bolus doses to circumvent
trations and hence drug effects. An exception is drugs whose effects are
this problem results in dose-related toxicity, often seizures. Hence,
mediated by the generation of active metabolites. In this case, inhibition
administration of a lidocaine loading dose of 3 to 4 mg/kg should occur
of drug metabolism may lead to accumulation of the parent drug but
over 10 to 20 minutes as a series of intravenous boluses (e.g., 50 to
loss of therapeutic efficacy (see later).
100 mg every 5 to 10 minutes) or an intravenous infusion (e.g., 20 mg/
Excretion of drugs or their metabolites, generally into the urine or
min over 10 to 20 minutes).
bile, is accomplished by glomerular filtration or specific drug transport
Time Course of Drug Effects.  With repeated doses, drug levels accu-
molecules, whose level of expression and genetic variation are only now
mulate to a steady state, the condition under which the rate of drug
being explored.9 One widely-studied transporter is P-glycoprotein, the
administration is equal to the rate of drug elimination in any given
product of expression of the MDR1 (or ABCB1) gene. Originally identified
period. As illustrated in Fig. 10-3, the elimination half-life describes
as a factor mediating multiple drug resistance in patients with cancer,
not only the disappearance of a drug but also the time course of drug
P-glycoprotein expression is now well recognized in normal enterocytes,
accumulation to steady state. It is important to distinguish between
hepatocytes, renal tubular cells, the endothelium of the capillaries
steady-state plasma concentrations, achieved in four to five elimination
forming the blood-brain barrier, and the testes. In each of these sites,
half-lives, and steady-state drug effects, which may take longer to
P-glycoprotein expression is restricted to the apical aspect of polarized
achieve. For some drugs, clinical effects develop immediately on access
cells, where it acts to enhance drug efflux. In the intestine, P-glycoprotein
to the molecular target—nitrates for angina, nitroprusside to lower
pumps substrates back into the lumen, thereby limiting bioavailability.
blood pressure, and sympathomimetics to treat shock are examples. In
In the liver and kidney, it promotes drug excretion into bile or urine. In
other situations, drug effects follow plasma concentrations, but with a
central nervous system capillary endothelium, P-glycoprotein–mediated
lag, and several explanations are possible. First, an active metabolite may
  Proteins Important in Drug Metabolism and CYP2D6 substrates; for these drugs, cardiovascular adverse effects are
TABLE 10-1 more common in CYP2D6 poor metabolizers, whereas therapeutic effi-
Elimination cacy is more difficult to achieve in ultrarapid metabolizers.
PROTEIN* SUBSTRATES The concept of high-risk pharmacokinetics extends from drug
metabolism to transporter-mediated drug elimination. The most widely
CYP3A4, CYP3A5 Erythromycin, clarithromycin; quinidine, recognized example is digoxin, which is eliminated primarily by P-glyco-
mexiletine; many benzodiazepines; protein–mediated efflux into bile and urine. Administration of a wide
CH cyclosporine, tacrolimus; many antiretrovirals; range of structurally and mechanistically unrelated drugs has been
10 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (atorvastatin, empirically recognized to increase digoxin concentrations; the common
simvastatin, lovastatin; not pravastatin); many mechanism is inhibition of P-glycoprotein–mediated elimination (see
calcium channel blockers Table 10-2).
CYP2D6† Some beta blockers—propranolol, timolol,
metoprolol, carvedilol; propafenone;
desipramine and other tricyclics; codeine‡;
debrisoquine; dextromethorphan
CYP2C9† Warfarin, phenytoin, tolbutamide, losartan‡ Drugs can exert variable effects, even in the absence of pharmacoki-
† ‡ netic variability. As indicated in Figure 10-1, this can arise as a function
CYP2C19 Omeprazole, clopidogrel, mephenytoin
of variability in the molecular targets with which drugs interact to
P-glycoprotein Digoxin achieve their beneficial and adverse effects, as well as variability in
N-acetyltransferase †
Procainamide, hydralazine, isoniazid the broader biologic context within which the drug-target interaction
takes place. Variability in the number or function of a drug’s target
Thiopurine 6-Mercaptopurine, azathioprine molecules can arise because of genetic factors (see later) or because
methyl-transferase† disease alters the number of target molecules or their state (e.g.,
Pseudocholinesterase† Succinylcholine changes in the extent of phosphorylation). Examples of variability in
the biologic context are high dietary salt, which can inhibit the anti-
UDP-glucuronosyl- Irinotecan‡
transferase† hypertensive action of beta blockers, or hypokalemia, which increases
the risk for drug-induced QT prolongation. In addition, disease itself
*Full CYP listing available at

Clinically important genetic variants described; see text. modulates drug response, as indicated in the following cases: the

Prodrug bioactivated by drug metabolism. effect of lytic therapy in a patient with no clot is manifestly different
from that in a patient with acute coronary thrombosis; the arrhythmo-
efflux is an important mechanism limiting drug access to the brain. Drug genic effects of digitalis depend on serum potassium levels; and the
transporters play a role not only in drug elimination but also in drug vasodilating effects of nitrates, beneficial in patients with coronary
uptake into many cells, including hepatocytes and enterocytes. Variable disease with angina, can be catastrophic in patients with aortic
function of drug transporters has been implicated in the differing clinical stenosis.
effects of many cardiovascular drugs, including digoxin, verapamil, spi-
ronolactone, quinidine, ibutilide, and simvastatin.
Clinical Relevance of Variable Drug Metabolism and Elimination
Principles of Dosage Optimization
When a drug is metabolized and eliminated by multiple pathways, The goals of drug therapy should be defined before the initiation of
absence of one of these, because of genetic variants, drug interactions, drug treatment. These may include acute correction of serious patho-
or dysfunction of excretory organs, generally does not affect drug con-
physiology, acute or chronic symptom relief, or changes in surrogate
centrations or actions. By contrast, if a single pathway plays a critical role,
the drug is more likely to exhibit marked variability in plasma concentra- endpoints (e.g., blood pressure, serum cholesterol, international nor-
tion and thus action, a situation that has been termed high-risk malized ratio) that have been linked to beneficial outcomes in target
pharmacokinetics.10 patient populations. The lessons of CAST and of positive inotropic
One scenario is a drug that is bioactivated—that is, metabolized to drugs should make prescribers skeptical about such surrogate-guided
active and potent metabolites that mediate drug action. Decreased func- therapy in the absence of controlled clinical trials.
tion of such a pathway reduces or eliminates drug effect. Bioactivation When the goal of drug therapy is to correct a disturbance in physiol-
of clopidogrel by CYP2C19 is an example; individuals with reduced ogy acutely, the drug should be administered intravenously in doses
CYP2C19 activity (caused by genetic variants or possibly by interacting designed to achieve a therapeutic effect rapidly. This approach is best
drugs; Table 10-2 and see Table 10-1) have an increased incidence of
justified when benefits clearly outweigh risks. As discussed earlier for
cardiovascular events following stent placement.11-13 Similarly, the widely
used analgesic codeine undergoes CYP2D6-mediated bioactivation to an lidocaine, large intravenous drug boluses carry with them a risk of
active metabolite, morphine, and patients with reduced CYP2D6 activity enhancing drug-related toxicity; therefore, even with the most urgent
display reduced analgesia. A small group of individuals with multiple of medical indications, this approach is rarely appropriate. An excep-
functional copies of CYP2D6, and hence increased enzymatic activity, has tion is adenosine, which must be administered as a rapid bolus
been identified; in this group, codeine may produce nausea and eupho- because it undergoes extensive and rapid elimination from plasma by
ria, presumably because of rapid morphine generation. A third example uptake into almost all cells. As a consequence, a slow bolus or infu-
is the angiotensin receptor blocker losartan, which is bioactivated by sion rarely achieves sufficiently high concentrations at the desired site
CYP2C9; reduced antihypertensive effect is a risk with common genetic of action (the coronary artery perfusing the atrioventricular node) to
variants that reduce CYP2C9 activity or with coadministration of CYP2C9
terminate arrhythmias. Similarly, the time course of anesthesia
inhibitors, such as phenytoin.
A second high-risk pharmacokinetic scenario is a drug eliminated by depends on anesthetic drug delivery to and removal from sites in the
only a single pathway. In this case, there is a risk that absence of activity central nervous system.
of that pathway will lead to marked accumulation of drug in plasma, The time required to achieve steady-state plasma concentrations is
failure to form downstream metabolites, and a consequent risk of drug determined by the elimination half-life (see earlier). The administra-
toxicity caused by high drug concentrations. A simple example is the tion of a loading dose may shorten this time, but only if the kinetics
dependence of sotalol or dofetilide elimination on renal function; failure of distribution and elimination are known a priori in an individual
to decrease the dosage in a patient with renal dysfunction leads to accu- subject and the correct loading regimen is chosen. Otherwise, over-
mulation of these drugs in plasma and an increased risk for drug-induced shoot or undershoot during the loading phase may occur (see Fig.
QT prolongation and torsades de pointes.
10-3). Thus, the initiation of drug therapy by a loading strategy should
Similarly, administration of CYP2D6-metabolized beta blockers,
including metoprolol and carvedilol, to patients with defective enzyme be used only when the indication is acute.
activity may produce exaggerated heart rate slowing. The weak beta- Two dose-response curves describe the relationship between drug
blocking actions of the antiarrhythmic propafenone are also increased in dose and the expected cumulative incidence of a beneficial effect or
patients with reduced CYP2D6 activity. Some antidepressants are an adverse effect (Fig. 10-4). The distance along the X axis describing
TABLE 10-2  Drug Interactions: Mechanisms and Examples
Decreased Digoxin Antacids Decreased digoxin effect because of decreased absorption
Increased Digoxin Antibiotics By eliminating gut flora that metabolize digoxin, some antibiotics CH
bioavailability may increase digoxin bioavailability. (NOTE: Some antibiotics also 10
interfere with P-glycoprotein. expressed in the intestine and


elsewhere, another effect that can elevate digoxin concentration.)
Induction of CYP3A substrates
hepatic Quinidine Phenytoin Loss of drug effect because of increased metabolism
metabolism Mexiletine Rifampin
Verapamil Barbiturates
Cyclosporine St. John’s wort
Inhibition of CYP2C9 substrates
hepatic Warfarin Amiodarone Decreased warfarin requirement
metabolism Losartan Phenytoin Diminished conversion of losartan to its active metabolite, with
decreased antihypertensive control
CYP3A substrates
Quinidine Ketoconazole Increased risk for drug toxicity
Cyclosporine Itraconazole
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: Erythromycin
lovastatin, simvastatin, Clarithromycin
atorvastatin (not pravastatin) Some calcium blockers
Cisapride, terfenadine, astemizole* Some HIV protease inhibitors
(especially ritanovir)
CYP2D6 substrates
Beta blockers (see Table 10-1), Quinidine (even ultralow Increased beta blockade
propafenone dose)
Desipramine Fluoxetine, paroxetine Increased beta blockade, increased adverse effects
Codeine Decreased analgesia (caused by failure of biotransformation to the
active metabolite morphine)
Clopidogrel Omeprazole, possibly other Decreased clopidogrel efficacy reported
proton pump inhibitors
Inhibition of drug P-glycoprotein transport
transport Digoxin Amiodarone, quinidine, Digoxin toxicity
verapamil, cyclosporine,
itraconazole, erythromycin
Renal tubular transport
Dofetilide Verapamil Slightly increased plasma concentration and QT effect
Monoamine transport
Guanadrel Tricyclic antidepressants Blunted antihypertensive effects
Pharmacodynamic Aspirin Warfarin Increased therapeutic antithrombotic effect; increased risk of
interactions bleeding
NSAIDs Warfarin Increased risk of GI bleeding
Antihypertensive drugs NSAIDs Loss of blood pressure lowering
QT-prolonging antiarrhythmics Diuretics Increased torsades de pointes risk caused by diuretic-induced
Supplemental potassium ACE inhibitors Hyperkalemia
Sildenafil Nitrates Increased and persistent vasodilation; risk of myocardial ischemia
NSAIDs = nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
*Withdrawn because of severe toxicity due to drug interactions.

the difference between these curves, often termed the therapeutic ratio considered. An example is sotalol; because the risk of torsades de
(or index or window), provides an index of the likelihood that a pointes increases with drug dosage, the starting dose should be low.
chronic dosing regimen that provides benefits without adverse effects In other cases, anticipated toxicity is relatively mild and manage-
can be identified. Drugs with especially wide therapeutic indices can able. It may then be acceptable to start at dosages higher than the
often be administered at infrequent intervals, even if they are rapidly minimum required to achieve a therapeutic effect, accepting a greater
eliminated (see Fig. 10-4, A and C). than minimal risk of adverse effects; some antihypertensives can be
When expected adverse effects are serious, the most appropriate administered in this fashion. However, the principle of using the
treatment strategy is to start at low doses and reevaluate the necessity lowest dose possible to minimize toxicity, particularly toxicity that is
for increasing drug dosages once steady-state drug effects have been unpredictable and unrelated to recognized pharmacologic actions,
achieved. This approach has the advantage of minimizing the risk of should be the rule.
dose-related adverse effects but carries with it a need to titrate doses Occasionally, dose escalation into the high therapeutic range
to efficacy. Only when stable drug effects are achieved should increas- results in no beneficial drug effect and no side effects. In this circum-
ing drug dosage to achieve the desired therapeutic effect be stance, the prescriber should be alert to the possibility of drug
100 100 A lag between the time courses of drug
in plasma and drug effects may exist (see
patients responding

patients responding
earlier). In addition, monitoring plasma
Cumulative % of

Cumulative % of
therapeutic Narrow drug concentrations relies on the assump-
window therapeutic tion that the concentration measured is in
50 50 window equilibrium with that at the target molecu-
CH lar site. Importantly, it is only the fraction
10 of drug not bound to plasma proteins that
is available to achieve such equilibration.
0 0 Variability in the extent of protein binding
Dose or concentration Dose or concentration can therefore affect the free fraction and
Benefit Risk Benefit Risk anticipated drug effect, even in the pres-
A B ence of apparently therapeutic total
plasma drug concentrations. Basic drugs
such as lidocaine and quinidine are not
Wide therapeutic only bound to albumin but also bind
window extensively to alpha1 acid glycoprotein,
an acute-phase reactant whose concentra-
Narrow therapeutic
tions are increased in a variety of stress

Concentration situations, including acute myocardial

infarction. Because of this increased
protein binding, drug effects may be
blunted, despite achieving therapeutic
total drug concentrations in these

C Elimination t1/2
Time Time Dose Adjustments
Polypharmacy is common in patients with
FIGURE 10-4  The concept of a therapeutic ratio. A, B, Two dose- (or concentration-) response curves. The varying degrees of specific organ dysfunc-
blue lines describe the relationship between dose and cumulative incidence of beneficial effects, and the
tion. Although treatment with an individ-
magenta line depicts the relationship between dose and dose-related adverse effects (risk). A drug with a wide
therapeutic ratio displays separation between the two curves, a high degree of efficacy, and low degree of ual agent may be justified, the practitioner
dose-related toxicity (A). Under these conditions, a wide therapeutic ratio can be defined. In B, conversely, the should also recognize the risk of unantici-
curves describing cumulative efficacy and cumulative incidence of adverse effects are positioned near each pated drug effects, particularly drug toxic-
other, the incidence of adverse effects is higher, and the expected beneficial response is lower. These charac- ity, during therapy with multiple drugs.
teristics define a narrow therapeutic ratio. C, D, Steady-state plasma concentrations with oral drug administra- The presence of renal disease mandates
tion as a function of time with wide (left) and narrow (right) therapeutic ratios. The hash marks on the abscissae dose reductions for drugs eliminated pri-
indicate one elimination half-life. C, When the therapeutic window is wide, drug administration every three marily by renal excretion, including
elimination half-lives can produce plasma concentrations that are maintained above the minimum for efficacy digoxin, dofetilide, procainamide, and
and below the maximum beyond which toxicity is anticipated. D, The opposite situation is illustrated. To main-
sotalol. A requirement for dose adjustment
tain plasma concentrations within the narrow therapeutic range, the drug must be administered more
frequently. in cases of mild renal dysfunction is dic-
tated by available clinical data and the
likelihood of serious toxicity if drug accu-
interactions at the pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic level. mulates in plasma because of impaired elimination. Renal failure
Depending on the nature of the anticipated toxicity, dose escalation reduces the protein binding of some drugs (e.g., phenytoin); in this
beyond the usual therapeutic range may occasionally be acceptable, case, a total drug concentration value in the therapeutic range may
but only if anticipated toxicity is not serious and is readily actually represent a toxic value of unbound drug.
manageable. Advanced liver disease is characterized by decreased hepatic drug
metabolism and portocaval shunts that decrease clearance, particu-
larly first-pass clearance. Moreover, such patients frequently have
Plasma Concentration Monitoring other profound disturbances of homeostasis, such as coagulopathy,
For some drugs, curves such as those shown in Figures 10-4A and B severe ascites, and altered mental status. These pathophysiologic fea-
relating drug concentration to cumulative incidence of beneficial and tures of advanced liver disease can profoundly affect not only the
adverse effects can be generated. With such drugs, monitoring plasma dose of a drug required to achieve a potentially therapeutic effect but
drug concentrations to ensure that they remain within a desired thera- also the perception of risks and benefits, thereby altering the pre-
peutic range (i.e., above a minimum required for efficacy and below scriber’s assessment of the actual need for therapy.
a maximum likely to produce adverse effects) may be a useful adjunct Heart disease similarly carries with it a number of disturbances of
to therapy. Monitoring drug concentrations may also be useful to drug elimination and drug sensitivity that may alter the therapeutic
ensure compliance and to detect pharmacokinetically based drug doses or the practitioner’s perception of the desirability of therapy on
interactions that underlie unanticipated efficacy and/or toxicity at the basis of evaluation of risks and benefits. Patients with left ventricu-
usual dosages. Samples for measurement of plasma concentrations lar hypertrophy often have baseline QT prolongation, and thus risks
should generally be obtained just before the next dose, at steady state. of QT-prolonging antiarrhythmics may increase; most guidelines
These trough concentrations provide an index of the minimum plasma suggest avoiding QT-prolonging antiarrhythmics in such patients (see
concentration expected during a dosing interval. Chaps. 37 and 39; see also
On the other hand, patient monitoring, whether by plasma concen- In heart failure (see Chap. 28), hepatic congestion can lead to
tration or other physiologic indices, to detect incipient toxicity is best decreased clearance and thus an increased risk for toxicity with usual
accomplished at the time of anticipated peak drug concentrations. doses of certain drugs, including some sedatives, lidocaine, and beta
Thus, patient surveillance for QT prolongation during therapy with blockers. On the other hand, gut congestion can lead to decreased
sotalol or dofetilide is best accomplished 1 to 2 hours after the admin- absorption of orally administered drugs and decreased effects. In
istration of a dose of drug at a steady state. addition, patients with heart failure may demonstrate reduced renal
perfusion and require dose adjustments on this basis. Heart failure is potentiates anthracycline-related cardiotoxicity, toxic therapy can be
also characterized by a redistribution of regional blood flow, which avoided in patients who are receptor negative (see Chap. 73).
can lead to reduced volume of distribution and enhanced risk for drug Very common polymorphisms in genes regulating cardiovascular
toxicity. Lidocaine is probably the best-studied example; loading function have been associated with many cardiovascular phenotypes,
doses of lidocaine should be reduced in patients with heart failure including variable drug responses. One of the best-studied human
because of altered distribution, whereas maintenance doses should polymorphisms is the insertion-deletion (I-D) variant in the ACE gene
be reduced in heart failure and liver disease because of altered that determines ACE activity. DD individuals, homozygous for the D CH
clearance. allele, have higher plasma ACE activity and thus are assumed to have 10


Age is also a major factor in determining drug doses, as well as higher concentrations of the pressor peptide angiotensin II than indi-
sensitivity to drug effects. Doses in children are generally administered viduals with the II genotype. Many associations have been reported
on a milligram per kilogram body weight basis, although firm data to between the DD genotype and worse outcomes in cardiovascular
guide therapy are often not available. Variable postnatal maturation disease. However, a very large study (almost 38,000 patients) found
of drug disposition systems may present a special problem in the no effect of this polymorphism on a range of outcomes such as myo-
neonate. Older persons often have reduced creatinine clearance, cardial infarction or death in patients treated for hypertension with
even with a normal serum creatinine level, and dosages of renally ACE inhibitors.18 Whether this reflects a true nonassociation or whether
excreted drugs should be adjusted accordingly (see Chap. 80). Sys- the ACE I-D polymorphism may predict outcomes in more precisely
tolic dysfunction with hepatic congestion is more common in older defined patient subsets remains to be seen. More generally, it is impor-
adults, and vascular disease and dementia are common, which can tant to recognize that genomic science is in its infancy, and thus
lead to increased postural hypotension and risk of falling. Therapies reported associations—especially in small populations—require inde-
such as sedatives, tricyclic antidepressants, or anticoagulants should pendent confirmation and assessment of clinical importance and cost-
be initiated only when the practitioner is convinced that the benefits effectiveness before they can or should enter clinical practice.
of such therapies outweigh this increased risk. Technologies to screen hundreds of thousands of polymorphisms
in large populations are now routine research tools that can identify
Genetics of Variable Drug Responses genes contributing to variability in physiology, disease susceptibility,
or variable drug responses. Examples are baseline QT interval, risk of
Figure 10-1 highlights candidate pathways in which DNA variants may obesity, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and premature myocardial infarc-
influence drug responses—those encoding drug metabolism and tion, and responses to drugs such as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors or
transport, drug targets, and biologic context and disease. Examples inhaled beta2 agonists (see Chap. 7).19-23
are presented here.
There are common polymorphisms in CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and
CYP2C19 that influence the metabolism of widely-used cardiovascular Applying Pharmacogenetic Information
drugs (see Table 10-1). Those who are homozygous for loss of function
variants (poor metabolizers [PMs]) are at greatest risk for aberrant
to Practice
drug responses. However, for drugs with very narrow therapeutic This discussion highlights the tantalizing prospect that some variability
margins (e.g., warfarin, clopidogrel), even heterozygotes may display in responses to drugs, including the development of some severe
unusual drug sensitivity. Although PMs make up a minority of subjects adverse drug reactions, could be reduced by the incorporation of
in most populations, many drugs in common use can inhibit these pharmacogenetic information into practice. In 2007, the U.S. Food and
enzymes (see Table 10-2), and thereby “phenocopy” the PM trait. Drug Administration began systematically including pharmacogenetic
Omeprazole, and possibly other proton pump inhibitors, block information in drug labels.24 There are substantial barriers to this
CYP2C19 and have been associated with an increase in cardiovascular vision, however, including cost, varying levels of evidence supporting
events during clopidogrel therapy.10,14 Similarly, specific inhibitors of a role for genetics, and implementation (e.g., how fast and accurately
CYP2D6 and CYP2C9 can phenocopy the PM trait when coadminis- a genetic test result can be delivered).
tered with substrate drugs. One scenario in which pharmacogenetic testing would be appeal-
A variant in SLCO1B1, a gene encoding a drug uptake transporter ing is a drug with these characteristics: (1) carries a risk of a severe
in liver, has been associated with a markedly increased risk for adverse reaction; (2) confers a truly important clinical benefit; (3) has
simvastatin-induced myopathy.15 This variant has also been associated no alternate therapies; and (4) involves a genetic test to discriminate
with variability in the extent to which statins lower LDL cholesterol those individuals at risk from those not at risk, preferably in a random-
levels. ized clinical trial. Preprescription genotyping to prevent serious skin
The heart rate slowing and blood pressure effects with beta blockers rash with the antiretroviral agent abacavir is now routine practice
and beta agonists have been associated with polymorphisms in the because it meets these criteria.25 In cardiovascular medicine, clinical
drug targets, the beta1 and beta2 receptors. Variability in warfarin dose trials of a prospective, genotype-guided approach to warfarin therapy
requirements has been clearly associated with variants in both started in late 2009.26 As methods to generate whole human genome
CYP2C9, which mediates elimination of the active enantiomer of the sequences very rapidly become perfected, the day may come when
drug, and VKORC1, part of the vitamin K complex that is the drug this information becomes part of every patient’s electronic health
target.16 The effect of hormone replacement therapy on HDL choles- record, and variants known to affect drug response, such as those in
terol has been linked to a polymorphism in the estrogen receptor. drug-metabolizing enzymes, will be routinely accessed and used to
An example of a variant modulating biologic context in which the modify dosing on a patient by patient basis.
drug acts is susceptibility to stroke in patients receiving diuretics; this
has been linked to a polymorphism in the alpha-adducing gene whose Drug Interactions
product plays a role in renal tubular sodium transport. Torsades de
pointes during QT-prolonging antiarrhythmic therapy has been linked Table 10-2 summarizes mechanisms that may underlie important drug
to polymorphisms not only in the ion channel that is the drug target interactions. Drug interactions may be based on altered pharmacoki-
but to many other ion channel genes. In addition, this adverse effect netics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion). In addi-
sometimes occurs in patients with clinically latent congenital long-QT tion, drugs can interact at the pharmacodynamic level. A trivial
syndrome, emphasizing the interrelationship among disease, genetic example is the coadministration of two antihypertensive drugs,
background, and drug therapy (see Chaps. 9 and 39).17 Drugs can also leading to excessive hypotension. Similarly, coadministration of
bring out latent Brugada syndrome (see aspirin and warfarin leads to an increased risk for bleeding, although
An example of a tumor genotype determining response to therapy benefits of the combination can also be demonstrated.
is the anticancer drug trastuzumab, which is effective only in cancers The most important principle in approaching a patient receiving
that do not express the Her2/neu receptor . Because the drug also polypharmacy is to recognize the high potential for drug interactions.
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