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I always love you

Short Story Author: Xsa Deril Masrur

"Honey, thank you for wanting to marry me" I said to a man in front of me,

that man is a man who has sacrificed for me, a man who has protected me for 2 years,

he is Ary Adi Irham, I am very lucky to get his love. I myself am Chintya Candyta.

"I'm also very lucky to have a wife as beautiful as you" replied my husband with a sweet smile

Those words always ring in my ears, the incident that was exactly 15 years ago

I always remember after 4 months this man left me.

That incident always makes me feel guilty, makes me feel like I don't deserve to live in this world

"Honey I'm pregnant baby..." I shouted into my cell phone to my husband

who answered my call in the other side of town

"Is that true? I really can't believe it…” My husband said when he heard my statement

"I don't believe it myself, we have been waiting for this for almost 15 years," my husband said

back in a tone that showed his happiness.

"Honey, come home. I really hope you come today” I said in a spoiled tone expecting him to come
home that night

"But honey, it's already late" he said back

"Come on, go home! go home! go home! I'm waiting for tonight too…”

I said before pressing the red button on my cell phone

“What sir! Don't joke with me! I do not like this!" I said as if I could not believe this situation

“But ma'am, this is the reality, your husband is in hospital, and his condition is very critical.

I hope you can come here”

"Honey, realize dear..." I said with tears that always came out of my eyes
“Realize…” My tears kept falling seeing my husband's condition, it was all my fault. I forced him to go
home that night, and what happened was that his motorized vehicle collided with a truck carrying
pine wood and resulted in his condition being critical to this day, all my fault! What did I do God!

"Can you go back in time, can you go back in time, can god..." I screamed hysterically in the hospital

"Doctor! Doctor!!!" I screamed when I saw my husband open his eyes, I saw those beautiful eyes
with blue irises staring at me

"Never mind honey, don't call the doctor" My husband said softly to make me stop calling the doctor

"Why, dear?" I asked gently to my husband as he held my hand

“Honey, please take care of the baby sister. Don't let him cry, don't let him be sad, keep making him
laugh, dear, don't let anyone hurt him, take care of him dear, take care of him for me, even though I
will never see him, even though I will never hold him, but tell him that his father I also want to see
him smile, want to hold him, want to play with him, and always want to see him grow into the most
perfect child," he said while stroking my belly which was starting to bulge.

"Dear! I'm sure you will always see him, you will hold him, you will see him grow. Don't say things
that can't possibly happen again, you will get well honey, you will see it grow" I said while wiping the
tears that seemed to be unable to stop flowing from my eyes.

Flash Back Off

"And now honey, our child has been born, he is very handsome like you, his eyes have blue irises like
yours, his nose is sharp, his skin is white, and his mouth is very beautiful. He looks so much like you”
I muttered while holding my little baby.

"And what else now, oh no don't say this is an earthquake, honey what should we do, but mother
will protect you, come on out dear" I said to my baby while trying to get out of my house which was
starting to collapse

"Is there any possibility that someone is trapped here?" Said a man to a group of other men

"Apparently not. Judging from the collapse of this building, "said another man

The men immediately left the ruins, but not to a man named Hidayat, he tried to look through the
gaps in the ruins, but nothing was seen there

"Are there really no victims there?" Muttered Hidayat with a strange feeling

Hiadat also tried to insert his hand into the gap of the ruins, and

"What's this?" He muttered as his hand touched a small finger inside there

"Friends, there are victims here," he shouted after hearing the cries of babies in the ruins
A woman is seen supporting the rubble while lying on her stomach to protect her baby boy who is

"Hey, there's a cell phone here," said a man who found a cell phone in his mother's hand

And the most astonishing is the contents of the message in the cell phone

'Honey, sorry mother had to leave you. If someone finds you and in the end you are safe, I just want
to say that I love you very much, live like there is no burden in your life, don't be wasteful, study
diligently, don't be a naughty child, dear. I'm sorry dear mother, actually mother really wants to see
you grow, see you become a child that mother can be proud of, see you live life, forgive mother
dear. Mom really wants to be with you, sorry Shandy Santosa Irham. Mother loves you'

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