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The morning flew rather quick but the afternoon seemed endless, with a

sun around 30 degrees hitting our heads. We only had fun listening to
transistor radios broadcasting the game Brazil-Argentina (soccer world cup
in Spain was on its way).
At 9 pm Graham Parker went on stage to play as support band but nobody
gave him attention because there was a hard bottle throwing in the crowd
(not to him, but among people).
Around 10 pm the Police took the stage and the audience went berserk. I
remember Sting’s yellow jacket floating above our heads, a few words by
him in Italian, his drop of voice during The bed’s too big without you and
a very long version of De do do do.
We sang and danced all the time, but the climax came with Reggatta de
blanc: it seemed as all the universe was shouting “cha!” with us.
Only at the end of the show I realized they had not played my favorite
song Walking on the moon, but I was much too happy to complain :D
The first Police concert I saw was in Bologna, Italy, on July 2nd 1982.
I had been a fan since 1980 so I was very excited to see them live. Me and
my friends took an early train - our city was four hour far - and got there
around 11 am. The gig was a huge parking lot in the outskirt: only
standing, no seats.

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