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Plant Physiol. Biochem.

39 (2001) 623−630
© 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

Large scale purification of an almond oleosin

using an organic solvent procedure
Frédéric Beissona, Natalie Fertéa, Robert Voultouryb, Vincent Arondela*
Laboratoire de lipolyse enzymatique (CNRS UPR 9025), Institut de biologie structurale et microbiologie (CNRS and
université de la Méditerranée, FR2248), 31, chemin Joseph-Aiguier, 13402 Marseille cedex 20, France
6, allée Charles-Perrault, 92160 Antony, France

Received 9 February 2001; accepted 19 March 2001

Abstract – Oleosins are small proteins which are specific to oil-bodies, the plant organelles specialized in oil storage. These
proteins are thought to stabilize the structure and to prevent the oil droplets from coalescing. Since oleosins are insoluble in
water, they are usually purified either as aggregates in water or as polypeptides solubilized with SDS. These conditions raise
major problems for performing biophysical studies, however. We have taken advantage of the solubility of almond oleosin in
chloroform to purify it by differential extraction using solvent mixtures. Detergent-free oleosin was purified to apparent
homogeneity with a purification yield of 20 % using almond meal as starting material. An oil-body suspension was reconstituted
by sonicating the solvent-purified oleosin with phospholipids and triacylglycerols. Protease protection experiments suggest that
oleosins are inserted into the reconstituted oil-body as they are in native organelles. This simple purification procedure allows
to obtain a detergent-free solution of oleosin easy to handle which can be used for oil-body reconstitution and biophysical studies
by the Wilhemly plate method. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS

almond / emulsifying agent / emulsion / oil-body / oleosin / oleosome

DDT, dithiothreitol / EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid / FFA, free fatty acid / HPL, human pancreatic lipase /
PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis / PMSF, phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride / SD, standard deviation / SDS,
sodium dodecyl sulphate / TAG, triacylglycerol

1. INTRODUCTION molecular mass of 15 to 26 kDa that are specific to

oil-bodies [2, 7, 21]. Oleosins are insoluble in water
The oil of most plant seeds is stored in spherical regardless of the pH and the ionic force conditions, but
intracellular organelles 0.5–2 µm in diameter called they can be solubilized with 1.5 % SDS [15]. At least
oil-bodies or oleosomes [8, 10, 20, 23]. The triacyl- two isoforms of oleosins that differ in their amino acid
glycerols (TAGs) present in these organelles are sequences and are each recognized by specific anti-
hydrolysed by lipases during post-germination of the bodies have been reported to exist in several species
seeds and the free fatty acids released contribute to the [27, 28].
growth of the seedlings [9, 18]. Based on both experi- Based on sequence analyses, three domains were
mental evidence and theoretical calculations, a struc- predicted to exist in oleosins: two amphipathic stretches
tural model of the oil-body has been proposed [26]. An at the N-terminus and C-terminus and a highly con-
oil-body can be depicted as an oil core (94–98 % w/w) served central domain inserted in the TAG core. The
surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids (0.6–2 % last domain is the longest hydrophobic stretch ever
w/w) containing embedded proteins (0.6–4 % w/w) found to exist in a protein since it ranges between 70
which stabilize the whole structure. and 80 amino acid residues in length [22, 24, 29]. The
The main proteins of oil-bodies are called oleosins secondary structure of each of the three domains,
[11]. They constitute a family of small proteins with especially the central one, however remains unclear
[12, 14, 15, 17]. Oleosins are thought to play a
*Correspondence and reprints: fax +33 4 91 71 58 57. structural role in preventing oil-bodies from coalesc-
E-mail address: (V. Arondel). ing [26]. It has also been suggested that they might act
624 F. Beisson et al. / Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39 (2001) 623–630

as an anchor for lipases [19, 30]. Although oleosins are in the final aqueous phase and interphase was evapo-
abundant and can be purified to homogeneity [15], the rated under a stream of nitrogen. Five millilitres
methods that have been used up to now are based on chloroform/methanol (2/1, v/v) were added. The mix-
the use of ionic detergents. Since protein preparations ture was vortexed for 30 s and centrifuged at 3 000 × g
with trace amounts of detergents are unsuitable for for 5 min and the organic phase saved. The solid
biophysical techniques such as the ones based on the interphase material was washed three times with 1 mL
Wilhemly plate method [16], we have developed a chloroform/methanol/water (8/4/1, v/v/v). All organic
solvent based method to purify oleosins. We describe phases were pooled and completely dried. The solid
here this purification procedure which yields large residue was dissolved in 100 µL SDS-PAGE denatur-
amounts of pure oleosins. We show first that oleosins ation buffer. The remaining interfacial material was
can be solubilized from oil-bodies with chloroform also dissolved in 100 µL of this buffer. SDS-PAGE
and that it can be purified from defatted almond meal. analysis (figure 1B) clearly indicates that oleosin
Then, experiments of reconstitution of oil-bodies were partitions to the organic phase and is almost absent
carried out using solvent-purified oleosins. from the interfacial protein material.

2.2. Purification of the 16-kDa oleosin

2. RESULTS from almond meal
For large-scale purification of oleosins, we used a
2.1. Solubilization in chloroform partially defatted almond meal. This starting material
of the 16-kDa almond oleosin is more convenient since it contains less oil than
oil-bodies do. All procedures were carried out at room
Almond oil-bodies were washed as described in
Methods in a NaHCO3 buffer to remove the proteins
Fifty millilitres chloroform/methanol (2/1, v/v) were
bound to their surface as the result of electrostatic
added to 5 g almond meal and mixed in a 80-mL
interactions (figure 1A). The 16-kDa almond protein
centrifuge glass bottle using an Ultra Turrax at low
was identified as an oleosin as it cross-reacted with
speed (8 000 rpm) for 1 min and then at high speed
specific antibodies directed against macadamia ole-
(24 000 rpm) for 30 s. The bottle was closed and the
osins (data not shown).
mixture was decanted for 1 h. The liquid upper phase
A suspension (1 v) of isolated oil-bodies was was filtered through two layers of filter paper previ-
extracted four times with diethylether (5 v) to remove ously rinsed with chloroform/methanol (2/1, v/v).
the neutral lipids. The upper diethylether phase was Equal volumes of filtrate were collected in four 80-mL
discarded each time. The remaining diethylether present centrifugation glass bottles and dried under a stream of
air with strong continuous agitation. The chloroform/
methanol extraction step was repeated twice. Diethyl-
ether (50 mL per bottle) was added and the white solid
material stuck on the surface of the glass bottles was
detached with a metal spatula and resuspended in
diethylether. Water (20 mL per bottle) was added and
the bottles were centrifuged at 1 000 × g for 2 min.
The oleosins are contained in the solid material at the
diethylether/water interface. The upper diethylether
layer which contains lipids was removed with a
Pasteur pipette without disturbing the interfacial mate-
rial. The diethylether extraction step was repeated
twice to remove all the lipid material. The white solid
interfacial material was collected with minimum vol-
umes of water and diethylether and it was transferred
Figure 1. SDS-PAGE of proteins from almond oil-bodies. The to eight 2-mL polypropylene microtubes, which were
separating gel was 12.5 % acrylamide. A, Isolated oil-bodies. Lanes 1, centrifuged at 2 000 × g for 2 min. The lower aqueous
molecular mass standards; 2, non-washed oil-bodies; 3, oil-bodies
washed with 0.1 M NaHCO3. B, Chloroform/methanol extraction of
and upper diethylether layer were then removed. The
isolated oil-bodies. Lanes 1, molecular mass standards; 2, interphase interfacial material was exposed to a stream of nitro-
and aqueous phase; 3, organic phase. gen in order to evaporate all the remaining diethyl
F. Beisson et al. / Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39 (2001) 623–630 625

ether. This step is critical since all the organic solvent

needs to be removed but some water must be left in the
sample to allow subsequent recovery of oleosins.
Therefore, care must be taken not to overdry the
sample. The next step in the purification procedure
involved extracting the oleosin from the interfacial
material with chloroform/methanol (95/5, v/v). One
millilitre chloroform/methanol (95/5, v/v) was added
to the interfacial material in each microtube and all the
suspensions were quickly vortexed and transferred to a
glass flask. Filtration allows to separate the 16-kDa
oleosin from a contaminant protein, the molecular
mass of which was 24 kDa (figure 2). This step was
performed as follows. Ten millilitres chloroform/ Figure 2. SDS-PAGE of almond meal proteins solubilized in organic
methanol (95/5, v/v) were added to the pooled suspen- solvents. The separating gel was 12.5 % acrylamide. Lanes 1, molecu-
sions and the mixture was filtered through one layer of lar mass standards; 2, proteins before the filtration step in the
filter paper previously rinsed with chloroform/methanol purification procedure; 3, contaminant protein in the retentate; 4,
(95/5, v/v). The filtrate was collected in ten 4.5-mL purified oleosins in the filtrate.
pre-weighed flasks and dried under a stream of nitro-
gen. The oleosin formed a light-yellow vitrous mate-
rial adhering to the surface of the glass flask. Dieth- 2.3. Characterization of the purified oleosin
ylether (4 mL) was added to each flask and removed The N-terminal sequence of the protein purified as
after a few minutes without scraping the surface of the described above was found to be blocked as it has been
glass. The diethylether rinse was repeated once and the reported for rapeseed [22] and sunflower oleosins [17].
flasks were dried under a stream of nitrogen and However, when treated by cyanogen bromide, the
weighed. After this step of diethylether rinse, the purified almond oleosin was cleaved into two polypep-
preparation of oleosins contained less than 1 % (w/w) tides with molecular masses of about 7–8 kDa (data
of TAGs and between 5 to 10 % (w/w) of phospholip- not shown). The cleavage site position is consistent
ids as estimated by TLC analysis (data not shown). with the 149 amino acid sequence deduced from the
The dried oleosin was then dissolved in almond oleosin cDNA [5] which contains only one
chloroform/methanol (95/5, v/v) at a concentration of methionine residue, at position 80. After performing
5 mg·mL–1 and applied to a column (50 × 1 cm) of cyanogen bromide cleavage on pure oleosin, an amino
Sephadex LH-60 using chloroform/methanol (95/5, acid sequence consisting of six residues was obtained
v/v) as solvent. Oleosins were followed by monitoring (GFLTSG). This sequence was found to be identical to
the absorbance at 280 nm in the fractions collected. the stretch following the methionine residue in the
The presence of oleosins was checked by SDS-PAGE middle of the oleosin sequence. This result shows
analysis. This last step of molecular sieving allowed to clearly that the protein we purified is the 15.7-kDa
separate oleosins from residual phospholipids. No almond oleosin. This is consistent with immunological
phospholipids could be detected in a TLC plate analy- and amino acid analysis (data not shown).
sis when loading 200 µg oleosins (data not shown). Functional assays were then carried out on oleosins
The amount of residual phosphatidylcholine (if any) purified using this procedure. For this purpose, we
was therefore estimated to be inferior to 0.05 % (w/w), tested the ability of purified oleosins to form stable
i.e. 1 % (mol·mol–1). A stock solution of purified oil-bodies. We attempted to reconstitute some oil-
oleosins dissolved in chloroform/methanol (95/5, v/v) bodies using a mixture of the main ingredients of
at a concentration of 1 mg·mL–1 was kept at –20 °C almond oil-bodies in their native proportions as
until use. described in Methods. We obtained lipid globules the
Using this simple purification procedure, as much as size of which was dependent on the sonication time, as
6 mg oleosin purified to apparent homogeneity was determined by contrast phase microscopy (data not
obtained by extracting 5 g almond meal with an shown). Sonicating for 30 s yielded globules that were
oleosin content of roughly 6 mg·g–1 almond meal. roughly the same size as the native oil-bodies, that is
Based on this value, the purification yield can be between 1–2 µm. We have checked the stability of the
estimated to be approximately 20 %. reconstituted emulsion by turbidimetry (figure 3).
626 F. Beisson et al. / Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39 (2001) 623–630

Figure 4. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins associated with oil-bodies

after treatment by proteinase K. Lanes 1 and 2, reconstituted oil-
bodies; 3 and 4, native oil-bodies; 2 and 3, treatment with proteinase
Figure 3. Turbidimetry of suspensions of oil-bodies (circles), oil- K; 1 and 4, no treatment with proteinase K.
bodies reconstituted with TAGs, phospholipids and oleosins (squares),
or lipid globules consisting of TAGs and phospholipids (triangles).
The absorbance of the suspensions in the lower part of a 2-mL was obtained with native oil-bodies. The size of the
spectrophotometric cuvette was read at 600 nm at regular intervals.
Each point gives the mean ± SD, based on triplicate experiments.
protease-protected fragment was independent of the
time of incubation (data not shown).
In addition to these experiments, a monolayer of
oleosins could be spread at an air-water interface, on a
When oleosins are omitted from the mixture, the Wilhemly plate set-up. Compression/decompression
globules coalesced and tended to float. The turbidity of experiments indicated that the protein film was stable
the suspension therefore decreased faster than with the which means that the sample does not contain any
reconstituted or native oil-bodies. Moreover, native tensioactive molecules such as detergents (data not
oil-bodies and oil-bodies reconstituted with oleosins shown).
showed similar behaviour. Both were more stable than
the globules devoid of oleosins. These results show
that oleosins solubilized in chloroform can be used to 3. DISCUSSION
reconstitute an emulsion whose stability is similar to
oil-bodies. We observed on performing SDS-PAGE (figure 1B)
Reconstituted oil-bodies and native oil-bodies could that the 16-kDa oleosin was present in the clear
be hydrolysed by HPL at about the same rate, but only chloroform phase and not in the interphase of a total
in the presence of its physiological cofactor, colipase lipid extract from oil-bodies. We therefore purified the
(table I). In contrast, the globules reconstituted with- almond oleosin by solubilizing it in chloroform instead
out oleosins could be hydrolysed by HPL in the of following previously published procedures in which
absence of colipase. protein aggregates are used or the oleosin is solubi-
Finally, reconstituted oil-bodies were subjected to lized in water with SDS. The solubility of oleosins in
digestion by a protease. A polypeptide of 8 kDa was chloroform/methanol might not be a general feature
protected from the digestion (figure 4). The same result since oleosins from maize, rice, wheat, rapeseed,
soybean and jojoba were isolated as an insoluble
interfacial material in chloroform/methanol extracts of
Table I. Lipolysis of oleosomes and reconstituted oleosomes by oil-body suspensions [26]. Moreover, oleosins could
human pancreatic lipase (HPL). Five micrograms HPL (with or not be extracted from sunflower meal using the pro-
without 5 µg colipase) were added to the emulsions under continuous
stirring. The free fatty acids released by HPL were continuously cedure described here (data not shown). The solubility
titrated using the pH-stat technique. Results are expressed as of the 15.7-kDa almond oleosin might be due to its
mean ± SD, based on triplicate experiments. high hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance. Solubilizing
proteins in chloroform/methanol has been previously
Emulsion Specific activity Colipase requirement
used to obtain proteins from chloroplast envelope [25],
pulmonary surfactant [1], brain myelin [3] and other
TAG + PL 30.8 ± –3.3 No animal tissues [4].
TAG + PL + oleosin 12.5 ± –1.1 Yes
Oleosomes 13.8 ± –1.3 Yes
We found that chloroform-purified oleosins could
indeed be used to reconstitute oil-bodies whose char
F. Beisson et al. / Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39 (2001) 623–630 627

acteristics were checked using several criteria. First we taining homogeneous synthetic lipids and mimicking
found that the size of reconstituted oil-bodies when the natural hydrophobic environment of oleosins could
sonicating 30 s is similar to that of native oil-bodies. therefore be made using purified almond oleosins.
Another criteria is the stability of reconstituted oil- Pure oleosin solubilized in chloroform was obtained
bodies which is comparable to that of native oil-bodies in large amounts from an inexpensive starting material
(figure 3). It is known that the stability of the oil- and without any need to isolate the oil-bodies from the
bodies is dependant on the integrity of oleosins as seed. In addition, the purification procedure allows the
shown by Tzen and Huang [26]. We have also used obtention of a detergent-free oleosin solubilized in
human pancreatic lipase (HPL) to probe the properties chloroform which is convenient to handle. The oleosin
of oil-bodies as substrates for lipases. Human pancre- purified using the method described here can therefore
atic lipase (HPL) is able to hydrolyse on its own the oil be used in oil-body reconstitution studies or can be
droplets from an oil emulsified with gum arabic. easily be spread at the air/water interface, in the same
However, it has an absolute requirement for its physi- way as lipids. Studies using the Wilhemly plate method
ological cofactor, colipase, to hydrolyse lipids in the [16] are now in progress on the rheological, biochemi-
presence of some proteins at the oil/water interface [6]. cal and structural characteristics of monomolecular
This is the case with native oil-bodies, which can be films consisting either of pure oleosins or of oleosins
hydrolysed by HPL only in the presence of colipase mixed with lipids.
(table I). As the TAG/PL globules devoid of oleosins
could be hydrolysed without colipase, it seems likely
that the presence of oleosins at the surface of oil- 4. METHODS
bodies may prevent HPL from binding to the oil-body
surface unless colipase is present. This absolute need
for colipase was also observed in the case of reconsti-
4.1. Plant material
tuted oil-bodies. In addition, the specific activities of Almond (Prunus amygdalus, Batsch) seeds from the
HPL/colipase recorded on reconstituted and native ‘Nonpareil California’ cultivar were used to isolate
oil-bodies were in the same range and were signifi- oil-bodies. Partially defatted almond meal made by
cantly lower than those which occurred on the TAG/PL grinding the residual cakes remaining after seed oil
globules. This finding is consistent with the results extraction was obtained from SICTIA (Marseille,
obtained on the relative stability of the suspensions. France). The oil extraction process was performed
However, this does not demonstrate that the reconsti- using the continuous screwpress technique and did not
tuted oil-bodies are not a simple emulsion with dena- involve any organic solvent or enzymic treatment.
tured oleosin lying at the surface of oil droplets. So we
have carried out protease protection experiments. The 4.2. Preparation of oil-bodies
results indicate that an 8-kDa polypeptide was pro-
tected from proteinase digestion in both reconstituted Dry almond kernels were ground using a Waring
and native oil-bodies (figure 4). This protease-protected blendor at 12 500 rpm for 15 s. The powder was then
fragment of oleosin has also been observed in native homogenized at 4 °C in 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8), 1 mM
oil-bodies from maize [26], sunflower and safflower EDTA (10 mL·g–1) in a Waring blendor at 12 500 rpm
[12]. It has been shown that the protease-protected for 30 s. The homogenate was filtered through one
fragment corresponded to the central hydrophobic layer of Miracloth (Calbiochem, La Jolla) and centri-
domain of oleosins [12], which is somehow inserted in fuged in 30-mL tubes at 30 000 × g for 20 min at 4 °C.
the oil core and therefore protected from the water- The white fat pad on top of each tube was collected
soluble proteinase. The fact that this fragment was also and resuspended in 30 mL freshly prepared 0.1 M
observed here in reconstituted oil-bodies strongly NaHCO3, 1 mM EDTA, using an Ultra Turrax at a
suggests that the oleosins are properly inserted at the speed of 8 000 rpm. The tubes were centrifuged under
surface of the oil droplets after sonication. Taken the same conditions as those described above and the
together, these results therefore suggest that the recon- oil-bodies were resuspended/centrifuged once in the
stituted oil-bodies are structurally similar to the native same buffer. The fat pad was then recovered and
ones. Chloroform solutions of oleosins are particularly washed twice in 1 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8), 1 mM EDTA.
convenient to handle in oil-body reconstitution experi- The oil-bodies were finally resuspended in a solution
ments from lipids which are also solubilized in chlo- of 1 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8), 150 mM NaCl (7 mL·g–1 fat
roform. Well-controlled reconstituted oil-bodies con- pad, i.e. lipid final concentration 100 mg·mL–1).
628 F. Beisson et al. / Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39 (2001) 623–630

4.3. Protein analysis 4.4. Reconstitution of oil-bodies

4.3.1. Protein preparation from oil-bodies The main constituents of the native oil-bodies used
to reconstitute oil-bodies were as follows: TAGs (98 mg
Oil-bodies were suspended in 100 mM Tris-HCl almond oil), phospholipids (1 mg soybean phosphati-
(pH 8), 1 mM EDTA (50 µL buffer per 1 mg TAGs) dylcholine) and pure oleosins (1 mg in 1 mL chloro-
and extracted five times with diethylether (1.5 mL form). The oil, the phospholipids dissolved in chloro-
diethylether added to 200 µL oil-body suspension) by form and the oleosin solution were mixed and the
vortexing the preparation for 10 s and centrifuging it chloroform was evaporated under a stream of nitrogen.
for 1 min at 16 000 × g. The upper organic phase was A 1-mM Tris-HCl (pH 8)/150 mM NaCl buffer (890 µL)
then discarded. The final lower aqueous phases and the was added and the mixture was vortexed and sonicated
interfacial material were mixed and collected. in a sonicator bath for 30 s.
4.3.2. SDS-PAGE 4.5. Turbidimetry
The protein samples were left to react with the The absorbance at 600 nm of a 1-mL suspension of
denaturating buffer (2 % SDS, 50 mM DTT, 62.5 mM oil-bodies or reconstituted oil-bodies (both having a
Tris-HCl (pH 6.8), 10 % glycerol, 1 % bromophenol lipid content of 100 mg) was read at time intervals in
blue) for 15 min at room temperature. They were not a spectrophotometer cuvette as described by Tzen and
heated in order to avoid the irreversible aggregation of Huang [26].
the oleosins. The proteins were separated by perform-
ing SDS-PAGE [13] through a 12.5 % polyacrylamide 4.6. Lipase assay
The release of fatty acids was continuously assayed
4.3.3. Immunoblotting procedures potentiometrically with a pH-stat apparatus at 37 °C,
by adding 0.1 M NaOH under mechanical stirring in a
Specific antibodies and peroxidase-conjugated goat reaction vessel. The 5-mL reaction medium contained
anti-rabbit IgG were incubated in PBST (10 mM 1 mL emulsion (oil-bodies or reconstituted oil-bodies
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 150 mM NaCl both containing 100 mg lipids) suspended in 0.3 mM
and 0.05 % (v/v) Tween 20) for 2 h and 1 h 30 min, Tris-HCl, 6 mM CaCl2, 150 mM NaCl (final concen-
respectively. The peroxidase substrates used were trations). The pH was adjusted to 8, and 5 µg HPL
3,3’-diaminobenzidine and H2O2. Rabbit polyclonal (with or without 5 µg colipase) was added at zero time
anti-oleosin antibodies were from the Institut Pasteur after recording the background level for 2 min. Activi-
(Lille, France). The antigens used for the immuniza- ties were expressed in katals: 1 katal corresponds to
tion procedure were oleosins extracted from macad- the release of 1 mole of free fatty acid per second.
amia nuts and purified by molecular sieving in the
presence of SDS. 4.7. Proteinase digestion and peptide analysis
4.3.4. Protein cleavage Digestion was performed on native or reconstituted
oil-bodies. A 0.5-mL suspension of oil-bodies contain-
A volume (160 µL) of the stock solution of purified ing 5 mg lipids in a 25-mM Tris-HCl (pH 8)/150 mM
oleosin corresponding to 10 nmoles protein was dried NaCl/1 mM CaCl2 buffer was incubated at room
under a stream of nitrogen in a 1.5-mL polypropylene temperature during 2 h , under shaking, with 10 units
microtube. A solution of 0.15 M CNBr in 70 % (v/v) (0.5 mg powder) proteinase K from Tritirachium album
formic acid was added (150 µL) and the microtube was (Boehringer Mannheim). Digestion was stopped by the
kept closed under nitrogen in darkness at 20 °C for addition of PMSF (final concentration: 1 mM). The fat
24 h. Water (150 µL) was then added and the mixture pad was then rinsed twice with 1 mL digestion buffer
was dried under vacuum using a Speed Vac apparatus. and once with 1 mL water. After the last rinse, water
The solid residue was washed with 1 mL methanol and was added to the fat pad so that the volume of the
centrifuged at 16 000 × g for 5 min. The pellet was sample was about 100 µL. The sample was finally
dried under nitrogen. extracted three times by 1 mL diethylether and it was
4.3.5. N-terminal sequencing subjected to SDS-PAGE analysis.
A partial sequence of 10 nmoles protein cleaved as
described above was determined using a gas phase Acknowledgments. We thank Dr Daniel Campese
protein sequencer (Applied Biosystems, model 470 A). (IBSM, Marseille) for protein sequencing and Josiane
F. Beisson et al. / Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39 (2001) 623–630 629

De Caro at the Laboratoire de lipolyse enzymatique bodies isolated from seeds of safflower (Carthamus
(LLE-Marseille) for the generous gift of purified tinctorius L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.),
colipase and HPL. We thank M. Ivanova and T. Ivanova Biochem. J. 334 (1998) 469–477.
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appreciation to Dr Marcel Teissère and Dr Robert phy D.J., Expression and characterization of the
Verger (LLE-Marseille) for helpful discussions and to N-terminal domain of an oleosin protein from sun-
Prof. Georges Noat for critically reading the manu- flower, J. Biol. Chem. 268 (1993) 17504–17512.
script. Frédéric Beisson gratefully thanks the Labora- [15] Li M., Smith L.J., Clark D.C., Wilson R., Murphy D.J.,
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