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Considering the advantages and one disadvantage, explain which university Nisha is most likely to
choose. You should concentrate on your chosen option and not refer to the other options. Answer in
continuous prose.

 Nisha is most likely to choose Kamford University because she is high academic achiever in
her high school, she will easily meet the academic requirement of the university. Although
she lacks group work or making presentation, traditional way of teaching is best for her
studies which is practiced in that university. Quality facilities such as library and laboratories
will contribute in her studies and as university provides on-site accommodation which will
increase her personal security too. But as she wants to peruse her career in construction
industry, the university might not be good as aerospace engineering firm will be of no use
for her and she will not get connected to alumni of her work.

b. Considering only four disadvantages, explain which university Nisha is least likely to choose. You
should concentrate on your chosen option and not refer to the other options.

-> Disadvantage 1: As Frostal university is in a major city, the atmosphere might not suit to Nisha
as she is from a rural area. It might be hard for he to adjust in the environment.

-> Disadvantage 2: However, students have to seek accommodation outside campus after first
year, which can be very expensive for Nisha as she is from poor rural area.

-> Disadvantage 3: Living in a big major city alone for girl might worry her parents about her
social security and also can cause financial crises for Nisha.

-> Disadvantage 4: Students from wide range come to university and competition is very high
which can frighten her as she lacks confidence socially and does not like to fail.

c. State which two pieces of the Additional Information provided would have been least relevant to
Nisha when making her choice of university.

-> The city of Kamford attracts tourists from around the world

-> Pognia University reports low levels of employment among its graduates in the arts, humanities and
social sciences.

d) Other than offering bursaries, from your own knowledge suggest what universities can do to
encourage more young women to apply for science and engineering courses. Answer in about 30 words.

-> Universities can conduct self-awareness campaign for fresh students and allow them to visit to their
institutions, helping them to explore more in science and engineering. Also colleges can hook up with
their successful alumni and connect them with high school students in order to encourage them.

e) In your opinion, state why students choose to study arts, humanities and social studies.
 Students choose to study arts and humanities as it enhances to think critically, and creatively and
succeed in a rapid changing world.

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