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Put the verbs in the brackets in th e correct form .

1. Mr Adams is responsibie for . ...............................(supervise) the assembly

2. It . .......................... ... (say) that our economy is in deep crisis.
3. Since when .......... .................... (you / know) about our wedding?
4. Mrs Pawn .............. . ...............(teach) in our school before she moved to
Boston in 1991.
5. ‘W ho .
.... .......... (do) daily shopping in your house?’
‘My brother usually . ............................. (do).’
6. Our neighbour’s wife is pregnant. S h e . ...............................(have) a baby soon.
7. Everything ............ ................... (s e e m )...................................(be) new in your
8. ‘W hen .
............ (the minister / resign)?’ ‘I don’t rem ember whether
i t ............................ ... (happen) last year or two years ago.’
9. Look ! Som ebody . ...............................(steal) fruit from your garden.
10. I cannot drive to work. My car . ...............................(not repair) as yet.
11. Let’s ....................... ......... (fin is h ). ............................... (do) our homework
12. It’s much faster .... ........................... (travel) by piane than by train.
13. The tourists .......... ..................... (wait) for their guide for two hours now.
14. B e fo re .
........... (start) my work for the new com pany iast month,
I ................................. (do) different jobs at the post office.
15. ‘W h o . ..................... ......... (you / invite) to your birthday party next Sunday?’
‘Lots of friends, of course.’
16. The weather’s awful. If it ........... (not stop) raining for a while,
I . ............................ .. (can not) take the dog for a regular walk.
17. W e . ....................... .......(know) each other for a month only, but we
(already / become) good friends.
18. I don’t think I ......... .
(resume) m ystudying nextterm . Pd like
.................................(rest) a bit longer.
19. Nobody knows h o w . ...............................(operate) the switchboard.
20. The new tax rates .............................. (not announce) yet. It .................................
(probably / do) tomorrow.
21. ‘W hy are you so happy?’ ‘It’s about the good news. I ............................... (just /
give) a promotion.’
22. The well is bone dry. It ............................... (not rain) in the area for six months.
23. Pm hard up. I ............................... (lose) all my savings in the casino last night.
24. You ............................... (can not / meet) Alice in the city centre yesterday.
S h e .................................(stay) abroad sińce last October.
25. The bullies made us ............................... (give) them all our pocket money.
26. How long ............................... (the Simpsons ! own) this wonderful sheep dog?
27. Lies should never ............................... (tell) to children. !t’s much better
............................... (tell) them the truth however bitter it may be.
28. Lucy says she p re fe rs ............................... (read) books t o .................................
(watch) television in the evening.
29. I t ................................(not matter) if you w a n t................................. (do) it or not.
You simply have to.
30. Last time, you ............................. .. (prom ise)................................ (bring) us
souvenirs from your next trip to Australia. So far, y o u ............................... (bring)
us nothing.
31. Adam wasn’t at home when I called in. H e ................................(may / be) in the
sports centre.
32. We ................................(not talk) to each other sińce we .................................
(quarrel) two months ago.
33. A fte r................................(graduate) from college, I am going to start
............................... (study) sociology.
34. By next Friday, we ............................... (ce rta in ly /fin is h ).................................
(wallpaper) the children’s room.
35. Mary regrets ............................... (not go) to yesterda/s party with us.
36. Where ................................(Cindy/walk) when you met her?
37. The police ............................... (investigate) the crime sińce January, but they
................................(find) nothing of interest as yeL
38..................................(the general/read) the instructions before he gave orders
to his officers?
39. Y o u ............................... (should not/shout) at your girifriend. She’s crying now.
40. W hate ver............................... (happen), I ................................. (always/stand)
by you, I promise.
41. Few people ............................... (inform) about the sales so far. That’s why the
attendance............................... (be) really poor up to now.
82. I cannot account fo r m y .................................(be) so ta!kative. It’s just my
83. How o fte n ................................. (your fish / n e e d )...................................(feed)?
84. If you ................................. (heat) water to 100 degrees, i t ...................................
85. I .......... ...................... (not f read) any interesting book fo r long, so there’s no
point i n ................................. (ask) me for a recommendation.
86. W e ................ ................ {play) chess very often when we were neighbours, but
sińce Adam .................................(move) out, I ...................................(have)
n o b o d y .................................(play) with.
87. They say they ................................ (not mind) o u r ...................................(use) their
88. After another lost gam e one of the journalists asked the coach if he
........................... . (resign) and the man replied that it ................................. (be)
out of the question.
89. Don’t b o th e r.................................(ask) for his advice. He hardiy ever
................................. (share) his opinions.
90. Hadn’t Alice b e tte ................................(s ................................ (date) the rough
91. W h a t.................................(you / do), son? Your clothes are all in mud.
92. Next Saturday, my p a re n ts .................................(celebrate) their twentieth
wedding anniversary.
93. W e told the men w e .................................(not be) their enemies, but they
................................. (not believe) us a n d ...................................(keep) us at
gunpoint until their boss arrived.
94. The Ministry confirms that our reports ................................. (already / receive) by
95. Mr Turner is the real pain. He .................................(always / pick) on us.
96. Soon after the row, I realised I ............ ....................(can) lose my best friend, so
I d e c id e d .................................(apologise) first and let bygones be bygones.
97. W henever 1 see th e m .................................(kiss) each other, I .................................
(feel) jealous.
98. Did anyone force y o u .................................(hide) the truth?
99. The sailors .................................(not warn) about the approaching storm. T h a fs
why they went on ................................. (sail) until they crashed against a huge
100. O n ................................. (arrive) hom er w e ...................................(find out) that it
................................. (break) into.
152. I didrTt know y o u .................................(have) a baby. If f ..................................
(know), I ................................. (not come) empty-handed.
153. The delay is much too long now. My c a r ...............................(should / repair)
a long tim e ago. f .................................(take) it to another garage.
154. Sue and I ................................. (always / like) each other. She
................................. (be) my kindred spirit sińce childhood.
155. W h a te v e r.................................(happen), don’t be a fra id ...................................
(put) a bold face on the challenge.
156. Isn’t it a waste of tim e ................................ (tr y ) ...................................(convince)
L u c y ................................. (take) part in the competition?
157. No s o o n e r.................................(we / install) the new alarm system than it
................................. (break) down. I was furious.
158. T h e re .................................(not be) peace in the region until a peace treaty
................................. (sign). Everyone hopes i t ...................................(happen)
159. ‘W h e n .................................(you / find out) the truth?’ ‘I ...................................
(know) about everything sińce .................................(talk) to your brother last
160. W ha1........ ........................ (happen)? W hy are you crying?
161. In three years’ time, my s o n .................................(graduate) from university.
Then, h e .................................(give) a good job in my company.
162. Recently, my h u s b a n d .................................(come) up with an idea of
................................. (move) house. W e ................................. (stifl / think) it over.
163. I said I ................................. (be) dog tired because I ...................................(work)
the whole previous night.
164. If w e ................................. (not have) trouble w ith ...................................(start) the
engine, w e .................................(arrive) in time. But we came much too late.
165. The C om puter.................................(not belong) to me any fonger.
I ................................. (sell) ft to my cousin a long tim e ago.
166. It’s about two months sińce Mr Plunk la s t................................. (see) his
167. Don’t b o th e r.................................(phone) Adam. He’s not at home.
H e .................................(might / go) to a pub.
168................................... (you / see) my records? I ...................................(forget)
where I .................................(put) them.
169. The natives are used t o .................................(be) filmed. Hardly a week
............................. . (pass) without s o m e o n e ............... ..................(come)
.................................(observe) their unusual customs and style of living.
170. The b o y s .................................(fight) for about ten minutes before one of the
te a c h e rs .................................(notice) them. Later, th e y ...................................
(m a k e ).................................(apologise) to each other.
171. ‘Do you re m e m b e r................................ (talk) to this man at the disco?’
‘No, the one I ................................ (speak) to was much taller.’
172. In case a f ir e .................................(break) out, don’t panie. Just cali the fire
brigade and wait for th e m ................................ (arrive).
173. I .................................(ju s t/p h o n e ) Mark. W e .................................. (arrange)
.................................(meet) next Saturday. However, Mark told me he
................................ (come) to town on Friday to settle some of his matters.
174. ‘.................................(I / help) you Dora?’ 'No, thanks. I will m anage.’
175. At weekends, we u su a lly ................................ (stay) at home, but next weekend
w e .................................(visit) our uncle in Leeds.
176. The man insisted on o u r ................................ (show) him round the mansion
even though we knew h e ................................ (not have) enough money
................................(buy) it.
177. One of m frie n d s (reprimand) by the teacher when
I entered the classroom. I was sure h e .................................(do) something
178. ‘How lo n g ................................ (it / take) y o u .................................. (paint) a picture
like this?’ T w o or three days on average.’
179...................................(know) what your problems are, I suggest that you
.................................(ieave) the country immediately.
180. ‘How can you account for y o u r................................ (behave) so badly at the
farewell party yesterday?’ Tm sorry I just don’t know h o w .................................
(explain) it.’
181. My boyfriend is really good a t ................................ (swim). He
.................................(p ro m ise ).................................. (teach) me next summer.
182. Finally, you’re here. W e ................................ (wait) for you the whole morning.
183. I t .................................(not matter) w h o .................................. (come) first or
second. Everybody w h o ................................ (take) part in tom orrow ’s race
184. How lo n g .................................(Mr Duły / work) in the theatre by next
Decem ber?
185. It’s a pity none of u s ................................ (inform) about the opportunity of
.................................(take) part in the TV gamę before it started.
186. The Paris-Dakar ra c e s ................................ (organise) for many years now
even though quite a few ra c e rs ................................ (lose) their lives on their
way to victory.
206. Ms W o o d w a rd ................................ (o b lig e )..................................(write) all the
monthly reports sińce Mrs S p e a rs................................ (retire) in November last
207. ‘................................ (you / ever / be) to Hastings?’ ‘No, never.’
‘I advise y o u ................................ (go) on a trip round the place. Ifs really
208. ‘I h a te ................................(ask) questions by too many reporters at a tim e.’ -
the politician said.
209. Our c a m e ra ................................ (break down) for the fifth time recently.
W e ................................ (consider)................................ (buy) a new one soon.
210. Isn’t it about tim e y o u ................................ (cali) it a day?
Y o u ................................ (sit) in the Office for twelve hours now.
211. Until 1998 the secret p a ssa g e ................................ (not discover) by anyone.
212. f ................................ (not be) home for ages. I .................................. (look)
forward t o ................................ (see) my parents.
213. ‘................................ (there / be) any letters for me?’ ‘Not this time, Mr Higgins.
Maybe next time I ................................ (bring) one for you.’
214. Mark says h ................................ well. H e .................................. (can /
catch) a cold when he was at the open-air party yesterday evening.
215. I’m not sure w h e th e r................................ (a g re e ).................................. (marry)
James now. If h e ............ ................... (not re fu s e ).................................. (wait)
a bit longer, maybe I ................................ (accept) his proposal in the futurę.
216. Now I know I ................................ (ought to / apologise) to Joan. I regret
................................ (not do) it right away.
217. Was it your id e a ................................ (buy) a second-hand car? I think you
................................ (can / think) it over thoroughly b e fo re ..................................
(waste) so much money o n a wreck like this.
218. The teacher punished Gordon because h e ................................ (disturb) her
while s h e ................................ (explain) the problem to us.
219. Y o u ................................ (not n e e d )..................................(g*ve) me much money.
Ten pounds will do.
220. It’s a holiday next Tuesday so w e ................................ (have) a day off.
I ................................ (take) m yfam ily to Palm Springs.
221. The man explained that none of his com plaints.................................(deal) with
by the travel agency and that’s why h e ................................ (decide)
................................ (sue) them.
222. ‘Mom, can I get this remote control toy car?’
Tm sorry Jim. I ................................ (not have) enough money
................................ (a ffo rd )..................................(buy) it.’
258. D ia n ę ................................. (in v ite )...................................(join) the school choir
several tim es so far, but s h e .................................(not take) her decision yet.
259. You should t r y .................................(rub) the spot with a dam p cloth. Perhaps rt
................................. (h e lp )...................................(remove) it.
260. It was Mr Blackley who insisted o n ................................. (Ieave) the young
secretary in our department. H e ................................. (m ust / fali) in love with
261. Look at your new trousers. They’re dirty all over. I wish I .................................
(not allow) y o u .................................(play) in the garden.
262. Ifs sad that so little .................................(do) for the protection of rare species.
They k e e p ................................. (die) out.
263. Ever sińce our n e ig h b o u rs.................................(buy) that big dog, we
................................. (not let) our d a u g h te r................................... (play) with their
264. I know i t ................................. (sound) incredible, but w h a t...................................
(you / say) if w e ................................. (offer) two hundred thousand for the
265. I’ve had enough o f ................................. in this cold climate.
I ................................. (think) o f ...................................(move) somewhere hotter
266. ‘W h e re ................................. (your parents / go) on holiday next sum m er?’
‘Nowhere. T h e y .................................(re s o lv e )...................................(stay) at
home a n d ................................. (save) the money.’
267. I t ................................. (get) colder and colder sińce last month. I presume this
year w in te r................................. (come) sooner than ever.
268. If y o u ................................. (arrive) at six thirty, w e ................................... (still/
work). W e’d sooner y o u .................................(cali) on us at about ten p.m.
269. Tm really sorry for what I ................................. (say) yesterday.
I ................................. (not m e a n ).................................. (offend) any of you.
270. ‘I still cannot understand why Eva didn1t want to date m e.’ ‘She
.................................(may / think) y o u ...................................(date) another girl.*
271. Dave’s not at home. H e .................................(go) shopping.
272. The sounds of naturę is what Mr H y a tt................................. (find) exciting.
H e ................................. (spend) all his w e e ke n d s..................................(track)
down wild animals a n d .................................(record) the sounds they
................................ (make).
273. This wretched m a c h in ę .................................(always / give) me trouble.
I ................................. (almost / lose) my nerves try in g ...................................(start)
it so m any times.
305. Right after the end of the war, i t ................................ (turn) out that dozens of
masterpieces and invaluable works of a r t................................ (go) missing.
So far, few of th e m ................................(recover).
306. No cure for tub erculosis................................(know) before Robert Koch’s
discovery of the vaccine.
307. We couldn’t admire some of the frescos because th e y ...............................
(just/restore) and no visitors were allowed to enter the church at that time.
308. Remember that this particular item of n e w s ................................ (have to)
................................ (keep) secret lest i t ..................................(cause) a
commotion among politicians and the generał pubfic.
309. Before, he told me that w h a te ve r................................ (happen),
I ................................ (can) count on him, butthen h e .................................. (turn)
his back on me.
310. What a day it was. No s o o n e r................................(I / learn) about
................................ (grant) a promotion than my w ife ..................................
(inform) me that w e ................................(have) a baby in about six months’
311. Ms Lark is the only employee ................................ (not give) a salary
increase in our company yet. I think s h e ................................ (deserve)
................................ (reward) better for her hard work.
312. Not till the p o lic e ................................(a rrive )..................................(the youths /
s to p )................................ (scream) wildly in the backyard last night.
313. The janitor accuses Andy o f ................................ (steal) some chemicals from
the school lab. But I think Greg is more probable................................ (do) it.
314. ‘Do you remember the man who handed the invitation to you?’ ‘No I don’t.
I don’t even re m e m b e r................................(invite) by anyone from the
3 1 5 .1’d sooner y o u ................................ (not wear) the uniform. I t .................. ...............
(smell) of petrol.
316. B a cte ria ................................ (kn o w )..................................(cause) infectious
317. ‘How did you lik e ................................(interview) by the journalists?’ cl really
e n jo ye d ................................ (ask) questions by such renowned people.’
318. Stanley says h e ................................(not feel) lik e .................................. (have)
a game of squash. He’d p re fe r................................(go) windsurfing.
319. The m e n ................................ (deny)..................................(rob) the bank until
a video recording from the bank ca m e ra s................................ (show) to them
during the trial.
334. ‘How many d a y s ................................(the survivors / spend) in the mountains
before the rescuers arrived?’ T h e y ................................(pick) up after three
335.................................. (you / s to p )................................. (make) this terrible notse,
please? I can’t s ta n d ................................(listen) to it any more.
336. How many tim e s ..............................(the patient / operate) on before he passed
337. ‘I don’t know w h a t................................(happen) to the smaller fish that I put in
the tank yesterday. I cannot see them.’ T h e y ................................ (can / eat) by
the bigger ones, I guess.’
338. ‘It was foolish of y o u ................................(not take) any warm clothes. W hat if
the w e a th e r..............................(change) for worse on the top of the mountain?’
‘Fortunately, it didn’t.’
339. C om puters...............................(assum e)..................................(be) the most
important invention of the former century.
340. The girl said s h e ................................(get) scared because she thought she
................................ (folIow) by a stranger.
341. I t ................................ (not make) big difference if our te a m .................................
(win) the next game. T h e y ................................(rank) at the last position in the
342. I found it really d ifficu lt................................(get) used t o ..................................
(drive) on the left side of the road. I s till................................(consider) it
................................ (be) one of the most unusual experiences in my life.
343. E ng lish ................................(speak) all over the world ever sińce the British
................................ (set up) their colonies in many parts of the globe.
344. ‘................................(many people / enjoy) the anniversary reception last
Saturday night?’ ‘Unfortunately, not. The p a rty ................................ (turn) out
................................ (be) a complete failure. Perhaps, i t ..................................
(enjoy) by everyone if some attractions................................ (prepare).
345. The generał has opposed................................(carry) out this hazardous
military mission lest h e ................................(lose) some of his best men.
346. I remember my grandm other................................(tell) me goodnight stories
before I ................................(fali) asleep. I ..................................(miss) her a lot
sińce s h e ................................(die).
347. The wire may be live. W e’d much rather y o u ................................ (not tamper)
with it. W e’d b e tte r................................(wait) for a sp e cia list...............................
14. Alan isn’t at home. H e ..................... somewhere in the garden.
a) may have played b) might be playing c) may have been playing
15. T h e re ......................too m any complaints. That’s why the factory was closed.
a) had been b) have been c) were being
16. Honestly, I don’t re m e m b e r..................... to clean the locker by one of the
a) to be asked b) to ask c) being asked
17. I ......................of moving further to the south. I can’t stand this cold climate any
a) think b) am thinking c) thought
18. Y o u question if you didn’t know what it referred to.
a) can’t have heard b) couldn’t be hearing c) cannot hear
19. At university, J a s o n ..................... a nice guy. He always told com plim ents to girls.
a) would be b) was being c) had been
20. Our m other will let us play outdoors as soon as w e .................... the mess in our
a) will clean b) have cleaned c) are cleaning
21. I t how much you earn. Just tell me w hat com pany you work for.
a) isn’t interesting b) doesn’t interesting to c) doesn’t interest
22. I found it h a r d ..................... the w om an’s name although I was sure I knew her.
a) recalling b) to recall c) being recalled
23. That m an’s accent is really horrible. W e ..................... him.
a) can hardly understand b) hard understand c) can understand hard with
24. If only i t cold and rainy, we could show you round the place.
a) w eren’t b) wouldn’t be c) isn’t
25. At least six more e a rth q u a ke s..................... in the area by the end of this year.
a) are striking b) have stricken c) will have stricken
26. It’s amazing. I’ve never been g iv e n ..................... before.
a) such good information b) so good an information c) such good informations
27. I t ......................two years sińce we last met. T hat’s why I don’t rem em ber her
a) has been b) was c) had been
28. The monks re fu s e ..................... by any people. They live in seclusion.
a) meeting and be met b) to meet and being met c) to meet and be met
29. W hy are you so tired? W h a t....................... Sam?
a) have you been doing b) did you do c) do you do
30. Everybody h a te s ..................... private questions by strangers, don’t they?
a) asking b) to be asked c) being asked
31. The pupils never stop making noise. I wish th e y ..................... quiet for a while.
a) are keeping b) would keep c) will keep
32. Now that y o u ..................... the last competition, you can enjoy the championship.
a) won b) had won c) have won
33....................... some fish you need a bait on your hook.
a) To catch b) For catching c) That you catch
34. Adam Brown is the main suspect in the case. I think he Is quite likely
..................... the crime.
a) having committed b) with committing c) to have committed
35. The employees la im ..................... th ir wages for months.
a) to haven’t received b) not to receive c) not to have received
36. The boy put his keys in the deep pocket because he was afraid o f .....................
a) his losing b) he losing c) himself losing
37. Before the new headmaster took over, w e ..................... to wear casual clothes at
a) weren’t allowing b) had not been allowing c) hadn’t been allowed
38. W hat am I supposed to do with all the balloons? Y o u ..................... so many of
a) didn’t need to inflate b) needn’t have inflated c) needn’t to inflate
39. James Grant....................... I was staying in the hotel, is a famous journalist.
a) with whom b) who with c) with that
40. ‘How many phone c a lls ..................... today, Ms Perkins?’ ‘Just two, sir.’
a) do you make b) have you made c) were you making
41. If i t .................... so heavily last night, w e’d have spent the evening in our garden.
a) weren’t raining b) wouldn’t be raining c) hadn’t been raining
42. Mrs Dunkan didn’t know that she was being observed........................ her husband.
a) neither did b) so didn’t c) nor did not
43. This tem pie is b e lie v e d ..................... by one of the local tribes.
a) to build b) to have been built c) that was built
44. Several w orkers were dismissed last month f o r ......................the regulations.
a) having not observed b) didn’t having observed c) not having observed
45. When we arrived at the garage our v a n .........................
a) was still repairing b) had been repairing c) was still being repaired
46. As w e ........... ..........petro!, we couldn’t drive any further.
a) have been running out of b) had run out of c) have run out of
47. Are you f o r ......................or would you rather do it by yourself?
a) having the tree cut b) having cutting the tree c) having cut the tree
48. W hile we were w o n d e rin g ......................Mike rem embered he had a map.
a) which to choose way which ay to oose c) which choose the way
49. Provided that y o u ......................the plan, nothing ng should happen.
a) follow b) would follow c) will follow
50. H a rd ly ......................the set from the service when it broke down again.
a) had I collected b) I collected c) I had collected
51. There’s n o ......................what might happen if you touched the wire.
a) to say b) say c) saying
52. W e ’ll keep trying to solve the problem until w e ........................
a) succeed b) will succeed c) will have succeeded
53. Our neighbours disapproved o f ..................... part in the celebrations.
a) being taking b) having to take c) being taken
54. This pump has been out of o rd e r...................... . hasn’t it?
a) for ages b) sińce ages c) for the ages
55. A fte r jeweller’s shop, the men went on to break into another.
a) having robbed b) robbed c) they were robbed
56. I am n o t......................‘Mr’. It’s no problem if you cali me Rob.
a) using to address b) used to addressing c) used to being addressed
57. It w asn’t me who they b la m e d ..................... silly gossip.
a) to having spread b) for having spread c) on spreading
58. The Prime M the strikers, but he failed to arrive.
a) was to have talked b) was having to talk c) was to talk
59. I promise to get down to work as soon as I .....................from my trip abroad.
a) am returning b) will have retumed c) have retumed
60. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, so we had to s to p .......................
a) climbing b) to climb c) being climbing
61. I will show you where to hide in case our e nem ies.....................our presence
a) would discover b) should discover c) will discover
62. the time our mother comes back from the shops.
a) will clean up b) has cleaned up c) will have been cleaned up
63. All the guests were called for dinner when the servants h a d .....................the
a) laid b) lied c) lain
64. Could you show u s .................... photos from your expedition, Brian?
a) others some other c) another
65. Tom was occupied when I arrived. H e .....................for his exams sińce morning.
a) was preparing b) had been preparing c) prepared
66. Nobody else is guilty of the fraud. You are the only o n e .......................
a) to blame b) a blame c) as blame
67. W h a t.....................if you were in my shoes?
a) did you do b) would you have done c) would you do
68. U nless.....................more volunteers, the competition will not take place.
a) there won’t be b) aren’t there c) there are
69. By 10th December, I .................... in the fire unit for ten years.
a) am working b) will have been working c) will work
70. Our teacher told u s .....................the classroom before he came.
a) not entering b) that we don’t enter c) not to enter
71. By the end of the film, I .....................all the crisps.
a) was eating b) had eaten c) ate
72. Everyone should take part in the charity collection, shouldn’t .....................?
a) they b) it c) she
73. Millions of people are k n o w n ..................... all over the world.
a) for starving b) that they are starving c) to be starving
74. Even though the area looked deserted, someone m ig h t......................the crime.
a) have witnessed b) being witnessing c) witnessed
75. Don’t lie to me a g a in ,..................... you?
a) shall b) do c) will
76. Although I was a stranger, I p re te n d e d ......................the local custom s weil.
a) knowing b) to know c) that knew
77. F a ir......................he may appear to be, he tends to p!ay dirty quite often.
a) however b) though c) which
78. The m anager objected t o ......................the new employees in advance.
a) paying b) pay c) be paid
79. I was suffering from a terrible stornach ache. I wish I much
a) w ouldn’t eat b) d eat c) hadn’t eaten
80. You look pale. I’d rather y o u ..................... anywhere tonight.
a) w eren’t going out b) not to go out c) would not go out
81. I cannot tell w hat’s wrong, but the m e a t........................for sure.
a) isn’t tasting well b) tastes awfully c) doesn’t taste good
82. O n ly ...................... who have scored at least fifty points will be admitted.
a) those b) they c) that
83. I was called a scum by one of th e m ,......................made me really angry.
a) what b) that c) which
84. It’s not im portant how you felt. Y o u ......................your anger. It was foolish of you.
a) shouldn’t be b) shouldn’t demonstrate c) shouldn't have
dem onstrating dem onstrated
85. It’s said flowers w ither because o f from their owners.
a) they don’t get enough b) getting too little c) not having got a lot of
86. Every now and then, our c h ild re n us.
a) have been told off b) are told off c) are being told off
87. Regardless o f ......................iII, Mark went skating with the other children.
a) his being b) him be c) he was
88. It was good luck that the lightning didrTt hit their boat. T h e y big
a) would be b )m ig h tb e c) would have been
89. I’m not sure yet, but I think I job soon.
a) will have changed b) am changing c) will change
90. Would you be so kind as to let me know if y o u ..................... my wallet?
a) happen to find b) may find c) will find
91. I can do my job well. I’m a qualified w o rk e r,..................... ?
a) don’t I b) am I not c) aren’t I
92. They took me on because they didn’t m in d ..................... for the rival company
a) to my having worked b) me working c) my having worked
93. Since w h e n ..................... to walk?
a) is the patient has the patient been able c) does the patient able
94. O esp ite .................... the whole previous night studying, I didn’t learn everything.
a) having spent b) that I had spent c) having been spending
95. i was a fo o l..................... Mary for a date. Now, I wish I had done it.
a) for not asking b) not to have asked c) to didn’t ask
96. David is as big-headed as he can be. He acts as if h e .................... everything
a) knew b) would know c) to know
97. I f ..................... any message for me just fax it, please.
a) will there be b) it comes c) there is
98. It was Simon who asked me i f .....................resign the following year.
a) was I going to b) I am going to c) I was going to
99. Everything’s been arranged by now. The new c in e m a ..................... next
a) has been opened b) is being opened c) will be opened
100. It i s ..................... game that I cannot stop playing it.
a) so exciting a b) such exciting c) so an exciting
101. That time next month, Joan and I .....................our twentieth anniversary.
a) will celebrate b) will be celebrating c) will have celebrated
102. The firem en had to work fast because the s itu a tio n ......................worse every
a) was getting b) had been getting c) had got
103. W e suggested that the problem of the s u b s id ie s quickly as
a) to be solved b) be solved c) solves
104. Y o u ..................... everyday. Twice a week is enough.
a) needn’t practise b) don’t need practise c) need not to practise comm on knowledge.
a) That cats eat mice b) For cats eating mice c) Cats to eat mice
106. I ......................wear any dressing ever sińce my wounds healed.
a) haven’t had to b) haven’t to c) don’t have to
107. I t ..................... Rob that you saw in the disco. He hates discos.
a) might not be b) wouldn’t be c) couldn’t have been
108. ‘W h a t......................such a gre painter as you ‘Life and naturę, of course.’
a) does inspire b) to inspire c) inspires
109. If y o u ......................choose, which one would you go for? The green or the blue
a) would b) were to c) shall
110. The W iis o n s ..................... us they were in trouble, we would have lent a hand.
a) could have told b) may have told us c) had to tell us
111. That tree is c la im e d ..................... here for ten centuries. T hat’s incredible.
a) being growing b) for having grown c) to have been growing
112. One of the custom ers in s is ts ..................... in paper.
a) on having it wrapped b) that it wrapped c) to have it wrapped
113. On no a c c o u n open this vault without my perm ission.
a) you are allowed b) are you allowed c) I don’t allow you
114. If I ......................more luck last time, I would be a millionaire now.
a) had had b) did have c) would have had
115. By the tim e we arrived, all the rooms in the spa h o te ls ........................
a) had been rented b) had rented c) were rented
116. It’s years sińce we la s t..................... a chat on the phone, don’t you think so?
a) would have had b) had had c) had
117. I love touching your skin. I t .................... so smooth and soft.
a) feels b) is feeling c) is being felt
118. Where were you last night? I had something important, but you w e re ................ ..
a) finding nowhere b) to find nowhere c) nowhere to be found
119. Once I .................... the accountancy course, l will start looking for a better job.
a) will complete b) have completed c) am completing
120. T h e re .....................much interest in this kind of musie. Few people buy the
a) seems not to be b) not seems to be c) doesn’t seem to be
121. The men who had been ca u g h t.................... to pass the border were sent back
a) trying b) to be trying c) try
122. Linda says she e n jo ys.................... by so many boys.
a) to be adored b) being adored c) adoring
123. With little tim e .................... we could only take a quick lunch in the bar.
a) spared sparing c) to spare
124. A fte r house, the family had nowhere to go to.
a) evicting b) having been evicted c) having evicted
125. David was disturbing me while I .................... the violin.
a) tried to be practising b) was tried to practise c) was trying to practise
126. There are puddles of water all around. I t .....................hard a few minutes ago.
a) must rain b) must be raining c) must have been raining
127. These windows n e e d .......................They haven’t been cleaned for ages.
a) to be cleaned b) to clean c) to be cleaning
128. It’s estimated that more than a thousand species.....................out by 2020.
a) will have been dying b) will have died c) will be dying
129. Mike seems to p re fe r.................... what to do.
a) telling to being told b) to tell to be told c) to tell to being told
130. This dog might be dangerous. You’d be tte r.................... approach it.
a) not b) don’t c) shouldn’t
131. W e .................... soundly for about two hours when suddenly a noisy party
started upstairs.
a) were sleeping b) slept c) had been sleeping
132. Diane's favourite pullover tumed into rubbish a fte r.......................
a) having been dry-cleaned b) it dry cleaned c) having dry-cleaned
162. W hat’s your view o n ..................... wild animals? Do you think it should be
a) peopte's keeping b) keeping by people c) people to keep
163. It’s e s s e n tia l..................... of redundancies as soon as possible.
a) for workers to b) that our workers be notified c) to our notifying
notify the workers
164. The alarm w a s ..................... when noises had been heard in the non-entry area.
a) risen b) raised c) rose
165. As a child, I always w is h e d ..................... an adult.
a) being b) I had been c) I were
166. O n ......................the door we saw a tiny room fuli of strange bits and pieces.
a) opening b) being opening c) opened
167. Before we were set free, we had been m a d e ......................our pockets and
a) emptying b) to ty c) empty
168........................any troub with th photocopier, d ’t try repairing it on your own.
a) If there will be b) Is there c) Should there be
169. She believes s h e .................... much happier now if she hadn’t married that man.
a) would have been b) would be c) were
170. Sam keeps denying, but one day I will make h im ..................... the whole truth.
a) tell b) telling c) to tell
171. Our parents were enquired at the b o rd e r,........................
a) and we were so b) so did we too c) so were we
172. Some of you went down the yellow trail, but which way d id ......................go?
a) the others b) others people c) another
173. L ittle ......................about how some of the ancient structures were built.
a) has found out b) we have found out c) has been found out
174. You have won the second place. Are you satisfied w ith ......................?
a) yours b) yourself c) you
175. W h o e v e r......................the crime will be captured and sentenced. I promise that.
a) com m itted b) did comm it c) was comm itted
176. Y o u ......................your money in the risky business. Now you can only regret it.
a) shouldn’t have invested b) needn’t invest c) oughtn’t to invest
177. Not until yeste rday..................... about the changes in the schedule.
a) we hadn’t known b) we didn’t know c) did we know
178. The accident wouldn’t have happened if the d riv e r.......................
a) weren’t racing b) wouldn’t have been racing c) hadn’t been racing
179. I hope my frie n d s ..................... earlier. I need their help.
a) arrive b) to arrive c) will have arrived
180. The one who got the job wasn’t even short-listed. H e ..................... a bribe.
a) might pay b) must have paid c) could pay
181. Mr Grant is a lonely man. He’s got only h im s e lf.......................
a) to be relied on b) to rely on c) relylng on
182. All children look forward t o ..................... by Santa Claus.
a) being visited b) visiting c) be visited
183. It’s a pity we didn’t get tickets for the performance. If only w e .................... earlier.
a) were arriving had arrived c) would have arrived
184. This task isn’t as hard as previous one. In fact, it’s ..................... strenuous.
a) least b) little c) less
185. Ever sińce she started doing the extra work at home, E v a ..................... to pay
higher electricity bilis.
a) is able to afford b) can afford c) has been able to afford
186. I don’t want to talk to the journalist lest h e ..................... about my private life.
a) should ask b) will ask c) does not ask
187. This is the least convincing excuse I ..................... from you.
a) ever hear b) ever heard c) have ever heard
188. I find it hard to work night shifts even though I ..................... doing it before.
a) used to b) was used to c) used
189. In spite o f ..................... much progress, the student was promoted.
a) not having made b) that he didn’t make c) having not made
190. Is the p la y e r..................... in the first division?
a) as good to play b) enough good for playing c) good enough to play
191.1 know that tali guy. He is a friend o f .......................
a) mine b) me c) my
192. I asked if anyone would mind if I ..................... in the compartment.
a) had smoked b) smoked c) would smoke
193. W e n e e d ......................information about our rivals if we want to defeat them.
a) many more b) far more c) more a lot of
194. None of us objects t o ..................... about our form er functions.
a) let the public to know b) let the public know c) letting the public know
195. Jenny’s wearing a dressing over her finger. She hurt herself while she
a) was cutting b) cut c) had been cutting
196. I am prepared well for the exam. I think I ...................... it with flying colours.
a) am passing b) will be passing c) will pass
197. Our children were never a llo w e d .................... money. W e taught them how to
save it.
a) to waste b) wasting c) waste
198. I can’t s ta n d ......................fili in a form each tim e I park my car here.
a) to have to b) having to c) to having to
199. Sally has got an appointment this afternoon. S h ......................her agent at five.
a) sees c) is to see
200. W h a t..................... recently, James? W riting a new book?
a) are you doing b) were you doing c) have you been doing
201. Frank Cox never agrees to compromise. He’ll keep fighting until h e .....................
a) wins b) doesn’t win c) will not win
202. ‘W h o ......................home the bacon in your fam ily?’ ‘My father does, of course.’
a) brings b) do bring c) does bring
203. Mike and T o m ......................each other sińce they went to secondary school.
a) have been knowing b) know c) have known
204. How many k ilo m e tre s ..................... before the tyres wore out?
a) were you making b) had you been making c) had you made
205. Are you f o r ......................or would you rather repair it by yourself?
a) the car to hąve repaired b) having the car repaired c) having repaired the car
206. I w on’t be able to visit you tomorrow. I ..................... after m y sister’s baby all day.
a) will be (ooking b) will have been looking c) will look
207. If the lonely clim ber doesn’t return before twilight, h e ........................
a) has to declare b) will declare as c) will be declared missing
missing missing
208. They invited me to a party, but it was eleven years sińce I .......................
a) have danced b) didn’t dance c) had danced
209. The new trainee is rather inexperienced. L ittle .....................about chemicals.
a) does he know b) he does know c) he knows
210. We disapprove o f .....................with the neighbours’ children. They are so rude.
a) our son to play b) our son’s playing c) playing by our son
211. The management promised to pay our wages as soon as th e y .....................
the government subsidies.
a) would have granted b) granted c) had been granted
212. The Hollies came back h o m e .....................broken into.
a) found it b) to find it had been c) to have found it to have been
213. Why do you always turn off the light so late? I wish y o u ..................... to sleep
a) would go c) will go
214. The man said he got terribly frightened because h e ..................... by strangers.
a) was following b) had been following c) was being followed
215. All the suspects d e n ie d the assault, but evidence againstthem
was overwhelming.
a) being taken part b) having taken part c) to have taken part
216. ‘Will you please rem em ber.....................the photos for me?’ ‘Yes, HI do it
a) to develop b) develop c) developing
2 1 7 .1wouldn’t be going to Dorchester if I .....................a matter to settle there.
a) hadn’t had b) didn’t have c) wouldn’t have
218. S to p ..................... unruly, will you?
a) to be b) been c) being
219. You’d better start looking for a new job, s o .....................your friends.
a) would b) did c) had
220. This room s e e m s .....................unoccupied for months. Who lived here before?
a) to have been b) to be c) to have been being
221. Jules and Simon are both very polite. Neither of th e m ..................... rudely.
a) doesn’t act b) acts c) do act
222. You’ve gone pale. You look as though y o u ........................
a) are to faint b) would faint c) were going to faint
253. All your d e c is io n s ..................... by the counci! before they are put into practice.
a) must approve of b) need approving of c) need to be approved of
.254. The accused officer has been proven t o .................... in touch with mobsters for
a) be keeping b) have been keeping c) having kept
255. When his parents arrived at the hospital, G e o rg e ..................... on.
a) was being operated b) was just operating c) was to operate
256. As far as I remember, I ..................... to the party, but somehow I didn’t get the
a) was to be invited b) was to invite c) was to have been invited
257. H o w ..................... ? Is it good enough to be eaten?
a) does the meat taste b) tastes the meat c) is the meat tasting
258. This isn’t my rucksack. I don’t k n o w ........................
a) who does it belong to w belongs c) who it belongs to
259. It has been suggested th a t..................... at the next meeting.
a) the idea be discussed b) our discussing the idea c) the idea discusses
260. W e cannot go any further. W e h a v e ..................... out of petrol.
a) ridden b) run c) driven
261. I’m not going to buy the jacket. I t ..................... comfortable or warm.
a) isn’t neither b) is neither c) isn’t either
262. Hardly had we left the h a rb o u r..................... off.
a) when a storm set b) that a storm was setting c) than a storm had set
263. Don’t give up. The more you p ra ctise ,........................
a) the better you get b) you get much better c) the better will you get
264. W hat he told m e ..................... , so I asked him not to mention it any more.
a) was sounding terribly b) sounded terrible c) sounded really terribly
265. Mr Jackson is k n o w n ..................... roses for twenty years now.
a) to grow b) to be growing c) to have grown
266. You look pale and your temperature is high. I advise y o u ......................tonight.
a) not going out b) to not go out c) not to go out
267. W h o ..................... was asking about me? W hat was his name?
a) did you say b) you said c) said you
268. I t ..................... that the castle is haunted.
a) believes b) does believe c) is believed
269. I think it’s about time w e ......................
a) had our fiat to do up b) had our fiat done up c) have to do up our fla:
270. W e’ll check the equipment as soon as i t ......................
a) delivers b) has been delivered c) will have delivered
271. If i t .................... ten in the morning, James must have been at work, then.
a) had been b) would be c) was
272. You could recognise the m e n .................... by the way they behaved.
a) had been drinking b) drank c) have been drinking
273. Adam cla im s.................... a ghost in the attic, but I just don’t believe him.
a) having seen b) to have seen c) being seen
274. At first, the host prom ised................ round the place, but later he forgot about it
a) showing us b) that we’d be shown c) our showing
275. Tom shouldn’t w o rk .................... his cousins do. He is much younger than therr.
a) as hardly as b) such hard as c) so hard as
276. The fighter broke down o n .................... he had been disqualified.
a) to have heard to hear c) hearing
277. Both the drwers were heavily \njured in the accident. They oughtn’t .....................
a) to speed b) to have been speeding c) speeding
278...................... his experience that we can always rely on him.
a) Such a great \s b) As grea\ \s c) So great \s
279. Tom, come quickly. I need y o u ......................
a) badly b) bad c) really bad
280. Just as I .................... the road, I was spotted by the constable.
a) was passed b) was passing c) have been passing
281. D espite.................... many times, the man hasn’t given up keeping snakes.
a) to have bitten b) being biting c) having been bitten
282. Neither Joe nor his s is te r.................... to feed the fish. No wonder they keep
a) don’t remember b) doesn’t remember c) remember
283. It’s a pity we couldn’t dance. The party.................... more enjoyable then.
a) might be b) could be c) would have been
284. S o ................. has been done by the hurricane that it will take months to repair it.
a) lots of damage b) much damage c) plenty of damage
285. W e were w a rn e d ..................... trespass the area or else we would be fined.
a) never to b) don’t ever c) to not ever
286. It all tum ed out as easy as pie although we e x p e c te d ......................tremendous.
a) the problem to be b) that the problem be c) to be a problem
267. You dldn’t do as much as y o u ..................... to avoid the accident. It’s all your
a) ought to b) could have c) might have been
288. The Browns haven't arrived as yet. T h e y ..................... their bus.
a) are likely missing b) have likely been missing c) are likely to have missed
289. I t ......................quite cold in the area in autumn.
a) is tended to be b) tends to be c) is tending to be
290. Stella is a pretty girl. W hy n o t..................... for us as a model?
a) we ask her to work b) to ask her for working c) ask her to work
291. As a child, I ..................... but I d spank own children.
a) accustom ed to be b) was accustomed to spank c) was accustomed to
spanked being spanked
292. It’s much easier to criticise th a n .......................
a) to be criticised b) being criticised c) to being criticised
293. Each day we watched our p a re n ts ..................... down the path back from the
facto ry.
a) being walking b) walk c) to be walking
294. She is as vain as she can be. She e x p e c ts everyone.
a) to admire her beauty b) admiring her beauty c) her beauty to be admired
295. Ever sińce the a c c id e n t..................... , there have been more police patrols
a) occurred b) has occurred c) had occurred
296. ‘Before, she didn’t know how to do the paperwork.’ ‘S h e .................... . how to do
a) could have been shown b) might show c) can have shown
297. Aren’t you the last p e rs o n ..................... the documents before they disappeared?
a) seeing b) to have seen c) having seen
298. Don’t blame j u s t ..................... what has happened. W e ’re all responsible for that.
a) me for b) for me on c) me on for
17. Have y o u ................................ played a practical jo k e .................................. someone?
T8. Harry hasn’t got u p .................................. He i s .................................. lying in bed.
19. ‘................................ do you re ly ..................................?’ £My parents, of course.’
20. Y esterday................................ noon, I was cooking d in n e r.................................. my
husband was ironing his trousers.
21....................................was little the rescuers could d o .................................. save the
man’s life, so he d ie d ................................ extreme frostbite.
22. N o w .................................everything h a s .................................. prepared, we can start
distributing in vita tio n s................................ our anniversary reception.
23. Can you tell the d iffe re n ce ................................ the political system i n .......................... .
USA and that in Great Britain? you s u s p e c t................................having destroyed the
25. Y o u .................................better get r id .................................. these chemicals. They
................................ be dangerous.
26. The Browns, our neighbours, f in d ................................ really hard t o ..............................
ends meet.
27. Our boss is th in k in g m the mpany headquarters
................................ a city b ig g e r..................................Mursey.
28. ‘Did any of them re p ly ................................ your question?’ ‘N o ,..................................
of them k n e w ................................ to answer it correctly.’
29. It cannot be the M5. If i t ................................ the M5, we w o u ld ..................................
going south.
30. Let’s .................................a few photos h e re ,.................................. we?
The landscapes a r e ................................ magnificent than anywhere eise l’ve been

31. ‘H o w .................................having some grilled lamb in s te a d ..................................

smoked pork?’ T h a fs a good idea. Could I also get a fe w ................................ of
32. Paris may be fa m o u s ................................ its artistic freedom, but Td much
............................ Iive in Vienna.
33. I was t o ld ................................ mail the letters a s .................................. as possible.
34. I f ................................ it were summer, we would b e go
swimming in the sea and sunbathing................................ the beach.
35...................................who a r e ..................................favour of the notions, raise their
right hands, please.
36. Your opinion i s ................................ great importance to me. I will never do anything
................................ asking you first.
37. Sheila has been a ppointed............................... our chairman, but she says she
needs tim e ................................m a k e ................................. her mind.
38.................................. u su a l,................................. has been a great commotion about
promotions and bonuses in our department.
39. cW hat’s ................................the menu today?’ ‘Smoked salmon, caviar, venison
and m a n y ................................delicacies, sir.’
40 .We’ve decided to accept all the applicants................................for Mr Dalton. His
skill and knowledge wasn’t g o o d ..................................
41. B esides................ ............... an experienced news broadcaster, Mr Mills is also very
successful................................covering sports events.
42. Ronald te n d s ................................make things up....................................instance, he
claims t o ................................seen the Loch Ness monster last summer.
43.................................. average, more than five hundred patients.................................
admitted to our h ospital................................month.
44. B ecause................................his incorrect behaviour the pupil was made
................................clean the classroom after lessons.
45. Mrs Parker has b e e n ............................... charge of our d ivision .................................
Mrs Simpson retired last month.
46. It’s estimated th a t................................the year of 2050 many species of animals
................................have been extinct.
47. There’s still a g o o d ............................... of steam in the bathroom. Someone
................................have been taking a shower a few m om ents...................................
48. When I d ro p p e d ...... ......................... to see how Jack was feeling, the nurse told me
he was s till................................operated...................................
49. My mother takes a lot of pleasure................................reading adventure stories
especially................................night w h e n ................................. is silence all around.
50. Mr Blanks i s ................................of hearing. He c a n ................................. hear
anything, so we always have to shout.
51. R a th e the housework herself, Mrs Iro n s .................................
employ a full-time housemaid.
52. Although we were all tire d ............................... listening to his fiat stories, the guide
w e n t................................telling them all along the way.
53. S ensible................................Paul may appear to be, he can also act in a very
54. ‘................................your manners young man!’ - the elderly lady shouted
................................the boy. to win a lot of money in a lottery, what would you spend
94. As a young man, Mr D a vie s................................always keep fit and heaithy. T hafs
................................ he has lfv e d ................. ................ ninety.
9 5 tiil I spoke to H e le n ................................. I know anything about
the family reunion.
9 6 his grandfather and his father were very intelligent men. Torrfs
very intelligent................................ weil. Intelligence seems t o
his blood.
97. O n ly ................................ we were offered huge s u b sid ie s..................................we
s u cce e d ................................ completing the research.
98. Jack is a friend o f .................................. W e’ve been g e ttin g ..................................
sińce we met last summer.
99. ‘W h o ................................ it d e p e n d ..................................?’ ‘Our boss, of course. It’s
.......... him what decisions are taken.’
100. It’s eleven d a y s ................................ we’ve h e a rd .................................. the climbers.
We are insistent................................ sending a rescue team.
101. I wish y o u ................................ not m a k in g ..................................a big noise. It would
be better if you p la ye d ................................ noisily.
^02. My father h a s hard e n g in e ..................................
himself, so he h a s ................................ it repaired by a professional car mechanic.
103. This old tempie g o e s ................................ to the fifth century BC. It’s believed to
................................ been built by slaves.
104. Irrespective................................ the fact that one of the fighter’s nose was bleeding
heavily, the referee let him g o ................................ boxing.
105. The panda bear is known to b e ................................ danger of extinction,
................................ are many other species all over the world.
106. When y o u ................................ eighteen, you will be allowed to exercise
............................... right to vote.
107. Dolphins com m unicate................................ means of ultrasounds which are not
a u d ib le ................................ the human ear.
108...................................response to the rising d e m a n d .................................. cars, their
production has been increased.
109. You’d ................................ stop playing tru a n t................................... you’ll be sent
110. Could I ................................ a word with you, Lisa? I’ve got something very
im p o rta n t................................ tell you.
111. Carof was m a d e ................................ testify in court d e s p ite ..................................
nothing to d o ................................ the matter.
112. W e’re very p le a se d ................................the results of our mutual effort. But
................................your help, we’d never have achieved................................. a big
113. Watch o u t................................ Rob. He can c h e a
114. The elderly lady a s k e d ................................there w a s ................................. she coulc
rent a room in.
115. The company is b o u n d ................................collapse..................................a more
effective management is formed soon.
116. W h a t................................ I asked for your support? Would you be ready to
................................ a helping hand?
117. There’s no p o in t................................notifying the police....................................will no:
be able to h e lp ................................this case.
118. She’s not an acquaintance................................minę. We haven’t been introduceć
................................each other yet.
119. It’s me who they will ask to stand i n ................................Mr Howard when he goes
on h oliday,................................ sure.
120. My attention to the problem....................................
all honesty, I
121. I am not working on Friday. Pm taking a d a y ................................because I need tc
................................ a long rest a fte r................................. exhausting a week.
122. S e ld o m ................................ the Robsons leave their home. They are very fond
................................ spending their free time in th e
123. It’s ty p ic a l................................ these p lants................................. bloom only
................................ in their lifetime and never again.
124. Don’t eat this meat. Throw i t .................................. It’s g o n e ....................................
125.................................. is no use trying to convince Mr Potter. He’ll never agree
............................... our propositions.
126. Whenever he loses a game he always blames i t ................................ his poor
health. B u t................................fact, he is simply a weak player.
127. Some people w any lengths to hide their natural defects.
Plastic surgery is probably t h e ................................favoured practice of all.
128. Last week, George g a v e ................................working for the company. He said he
wasn’t sa tisfie d ................................the salary he received.
129. None of us had re a lise d ................................difficuEt the task w a s ..............................
we started working on it.
130. O w in g ................................his good manners and nice appearance, Dave’s very
p op u la r...............................girls.
185. W hy did you w a s te .................................a good opportunity? YouMI never get
another c h a n c e ................................ meeting the p re s id e n t..................................
186. It w orY t.................................any d iffe re n ce .................................. me if you pay
................................. cheque.
187. ‘.................................does the term o rig in a te .................................. ?’ ‘It was certainly
coined by Sigmund F re u d ................................ the end of the last century.’
188. H o n e stly................................., I am not too experienced...................................
designing com m ercial buildings.
189. ‘W h a t.................................him so upset yesterday?’ ‘No idea. He tends to
.................................a n g ry .................................. reasons unknown.’
190. Y o u .................................look fat. You had better cut d o w n ..................................
sweets or else you’ll need t o ................................ all your dresses let out.
191.1 a s k e d .................................a glass of water. I felt as though I ..................................
going to faint.
192. Don’t be so impatient. You’ll b e ................................ to drive your own car
.................................due tim
193. W h o ’s .................................b la m e .................................. the accident? The driver or
the careless passer-by?
194. If it hadn’t b e e n wife’s great watchfulness, w e’d have got
.................................the wrong train.
195. Brian i s .................................naughtiest child in the group. He n e v e r..........................
attention to what his teachers say.
196. As I was s u ffe rin g ................................ a terrible stornach ache, the doctor stay In h o s p ita l.................................. a few days.
197................................... no circumstances may anyone of you leave the camp
198. ‘Have you attended professor W allace’s le c tu re .................................?’
‘No, I haven't. But l’ve heard he’s a m a n .................................great competence.’
199. !rrespective.................................thesevere conditions, the rescue action will be
c o n tin u e d .................................the missing c lim b e rs .................................. found.
200. J u d g in g .............................. . her previous employer’s opinion, we can assume she
can c o p e .................................difficult p ro b le m s .................................. ease.
201. W e .................................a p u n c tu re .................................. the way to Brighton and it
d id a while to change the fiat tyre.
202. I t sense to start a trial knowing that the criminal is still
203...................................that you don’t come too close to the dog. It can be bad
2D4. He refused to give me support. He really let m e .................................. I thought we
were friends and I could re ly ................................him, but it appeared to be the
................................way round.
205..................................comes a time when children leave their family homes and start
families of th e ir.................................
206. Harry can be very unforgiving. It’s n o ................................apologising
................................him. He will neverforgive u s ..................................the sillyjoke.
207. The old town square reminds m e family town.
I wish I ................................there now.
208. If Mr E lto n ................................kindly agree to defend us in court, we will agree to
pay him any price he wants u s ..................................
209.................................. the beginning, the idea sounded unfeasible and crazy, but it
only appeared t o ................................working well when w e ................................. it
into practice.
210. My brother doesn’t e n jo y ................................crossword p uzzles,................................
do I.
211..................................the suburbs, there’s a tiny a irp o rt................................. planes
ta k e ................................ and land twice week.
212. ‘W h a t................................of car is your favourite?’ ‘Well, I quite like Porsche, but
ł’m truły fo n d ................................ Ferrari.’
21 3 paid for the meal, we feft the restaurant and made our the hotel. We were dog-tired.
21 4 that you were a member of a Royal family, would you rather
lead a regular lifestyle o r ................................separated from the common people?
215. '................................ Street does Pauf !iv e ................................. ?’ ‘.................................
ask me? Paul and I aren’t even on the first-n a m e .................................. ’
216. N o ................................ had the fire brigade, le ft..................................a new fire
broke out.
217. Don’t be too c ritic a l................................his projects. He can’t .................................
being criticised, especially by strangers.
218. Pil give you my phone number in case th e re any more
pressing q u e stio n s................................give atte n tio n ....................................
219. You should be asham ed.................................................................... Look what you
have d o n e ................................your little brother.
220. It has n e v e r................................ to me that Mike and Jeremy may be twin brothers.
They do not lo o k all.
221.! couldn’t ................................laughing when I saw my brother falling
................................ a horse.
222. Nobody w a s ................................favour of carrying out an early eleetion except
................................Mr Bradley.
223. Dave’s victory in the race was just a ............................... of iuck...................................
no means is he a professional driver.
224. The teacher told his class t o ............................... notes as he was going to say
som ething................................great importance.
225. All our effort w a s ............................... vain. We had to start everything
................................ scratch.
226..................................wou!dn’t have been so much noise about the redundancies,
................................they informed their workers beforehand.
227. Why don’t you p u t............................... the navy blue tie? I t ................................. well
with the colour of your shirt.
228. It s tic k s ................................a mile that the suspect is g u ilty ................................. the
crime he is being trie d ..................................
229..................................he is the head of the Office, nobody................................. much
notice of what he says. He ignored by everyone.
230. The man w ith ................................I spoke a ................................. minutes ago is
a CEO, which s ta n d s ............................... Chief Executive Officer.
231..................................any shadow of doubt, Linda deserves t o .................................
given an award for the charity work that she’s been d o in g ................................she
arrived in India in 1996.
232. I’ve been collecting money and econom ising................................anything I can in be able to g o ................................. a trip around the world.
233..................................that I want to interfere................................. your privacy, but I do
need to know some facts from your past.
234. Let’s take a few life ja c k e ts ............................... the sake of the children’s safety.
A s I know, some of them aren’t g o o d .................................
235. My younger brother takes d e lig h t............................... building models.
His collection i s ............................... up of more than a hundred piane models now.
236. He’s a crass type. I don’t want to see m o re ................................him.
I ................................I had never started dating him.
237. Mrs Holly insists that w e ............................... learn the p o e m .................................
heart by next Monday.
238. D o n 't................................afraid. I will sta n d ................................. you
................................happens. I promise, darling.
239. This is a good opportunity............................... take advantage................................. ,
don’t you th in k ............................... ?
240. S ca rce ly................................ the piane taken o f f ..................................the tower got
a message that there were te rro rists................................ board.
241. Just swallow the pili and it w ill................................ effect in a few minutes.
242. lt’s ................................ good trying to solve the p ro b le m ..................................
ourselves. W e’d better find somebody who could b e ................................ help.
243. I don’t quite agree w ith ................................ they say about Mark. I really consider
h im ................................ be a very nice and intelligent person.
244. As s h e ................................ older, she became more a n d .................................. senile.
245. The pain was so harsh that I couldn’t ................................ it. I called a doctor, but
she told me she’d ................................ me not to take another painkiller injection.
246. I don’t quite follow what i s ................................ said. Cannot he speak a bit
................................ slowly?
247. D u e ................................ horrible weather conditions, all international and domestic
flights have been p u t................................ till tomorrow.
248. W e’re ru n n in g ................................ of paint. There’s little of i t .................................. at
the bottom of the pot.
249...................................take him? H o ..................................suitable for the post than
I am.
250. No matter h o w ................................ effort Adam p u t.................................. his work, he
never managed to achieve what he had always d re a m t...................................

Complete the following sentences with a translation in English.

1. Wszystko się tutaj zmieniło od mojej ostatniej wizyty. Niegdyś nie było tak wielu
imigrantów w tym kraju.
Everything my last visit here.
Before, th e re ....................................................................................................................
in the country.
2. Czy mielibyście coś przeciwko, gdybym zagłosował na kandydata innej partii?
Uważam, że jego program wyborczy brzmi rozsądniej niż program waszego
W o u ld .................................................................................................for another
candidate? I think his pla ............................................................................... your
candidate’s one.
3. Zaraz po zakończeniu spotkania udaliśmy się do Pałacu Prezydenckiego, gdzie
zaserwowano nam wyśmienitą kolację.
After the m eeting......................................................... , we went to the Presidential
Pałace where w e ........................................................................................ a delicious
4. Jechał z prędkością stu kilometrów na godzinę, gdy został zatrzymany przez
policyjny patrol.
H e .............................................................speed of 100 kph when h e ............................
................................................................................ by a Police patrol.
5. Szkoda, że nie porozmawialiśmy o tym wcześniej. Gdybym wiedział, że masz
kłopoty, na pewno pomógłbym ci.
I w is h ............................................................................ earlier. If I ...................................
in trouble, I would , for
6. Zastanawiam się jak wysoki jest ten budynek. Wydaje się być wyższy niż Empire
State Buiiding.
I wonder ..............It s e e m s ...............
the Empire State Buiiding.
54. Pada od samego rana. Lepiej zabierzcie płaszcze przeciwdeszczowe i suche
ubrania na wypadek, gdyby nie przestało padać do wieczora.
I t ..........................................................................early morning. You h a d .......................
......................................................................................................... in c a s e .......................
55. Wiadomo, iż mieszkają razem od kilku lat. Dlaczego się jeszcze nie pobrali?
They are kn o w n .................................................................................. a couple of years.
W h y .................................................................................................................... yet?
56. Wynajęliśmy specjalistów, aby zainstalowali rury. Mówią, że zakończą całą pracę
do soboty.
W e’r e ................................................................................ by specialists. They say they
..................................................................................................all the work by Saturday.
57. Oprócz tego, że potrafi komponować wspaniałą muzykę, pan Grant je st też
utalentowanym śpiewakiem operowym.
B esides......................................................................................... great musie, Mr Grant
...............................................................................................................opera singer.
58. Aż do wczoraj nie wiedzieliśmy, iż Dave jes w szpitalu. Nikt nas wcześniej nie
Not till yesterday hospital. Nobody
.......................................................................................................... before.
59. Doktor Ryan nie powinien był dawać swojemu pacjentowi tak dziwnych rad. Gdyby
tylko wiedział co się wydarzy.
Doctor R ya n ....................................................................................weird advice. If only

60. Miałem napisać odpowiedź na list Joanny, ale zapomniałem. Obawiam się, że tym
razem się na mnie obraziła.
I w a s ........................................................................................ a reply to Joanna’s letter,
but I ....................................................... about it. Pm afraid s h e ......................................
.......................................................her offence with me this time.
61. Czy pamiętasz ja k pocałowałeś tę kobietę w rękę? Była zaskoczona, gdyż nie
znała tego zwyczaju.
....................................................................................................... on her hand? She was
............................................................... familiar..................................................................
62. Nie mówmy im co robić. Chciałbym wiedzieć, ja k poradzą sobie z tym problemem.
......................................................................................................... to do. Pd like to know
.............................................................................................. manage a problem like this.
60. Let’s concentrate on the more relevant matters. The public transport is not of big
..................................... (IMPORTANT) to us.
61. Fans can travel long distances to see liv e .................................... (PERFORM) of
their idols.
62. Our cat never fights with our dog. They seem to live in pe rfe ct..................................
63. Students like to ta k e .................................... (SEASON) jobs to eam some cash.
64. This is a v e ry .................................... (USE) advice. It’s worth remembering at all
65. What I need from you is your tru e ......................................(ASSIST) not just vague
66. ‘How m a n y.....................................(INHABIT) are there in the village?’ ‘Not many.
About a hundred people live here.’
67. The news of the victory stirred up a trem endous.....................................(EXCITE)
among the soldiers.
68. David says he’s looking forward to h is .................................... (GRADUATE) day
next month.
69. T h e .....................................(CANCEL) of all international flights was due to
horrible weather conditions.
70. Sweets are m y .................................... (WEAK). I can’t stop eating them.
71. The noise that the machines keep making is quite a .....................................
(DISTURB). We haven’t had enough sleep sińce the road works began.
72.......................................(RELY) though Adam may seem to be, he can also act in
a very irresponsible way.
73. I have g re a t.....................................(CONFIDE) in myself. That’s why I never give
up easily.
74. To o u r .....................................(AMAZE), the goods we ordered looked much
different from what we saw in the advertisement.
75. The outcome of the campaign is ra th e r.................................... (PREDICT). Nobody
knows what results it will bring.
76. We thought there was nobody else to offer a helping hand. B u t.................................
(EXPECT), an anonymous benefactor paid in some money to our account.
77. Since his wife died, he’s been suffering from nervous........................... .........
78. Out of s h e e r.....................................(BORING), we started making up silly stories.
79. Thanks to your effort, you are making a re a l.....................................(IMPROVE) in
your skills.
142. The running of the machinę doesn’t cost as much as it s ......................................
143. You can’t go hunting without a licence. It’s ...................................... (LEGAL).
144. Infected water and a total lack of sanitary measures have again contributed to an
(BREAK) of an epidemie in the region.
145. My sister has always been the m o s t......................................(AMBITION) person in
our family. She’s always wanted to get to the top.
146. We will have to hire one interpreter for each group in order to avoid any further
...................................... (CONFUSE).
147. It was m o s t...................................... (REASON) what you did. You shouldn’t have
lied in court.
148. Gambling can be a s ......................................(ADDICT) as smoking is.
149. No reporters have been g ra n te d ......................................(PERMIT) to enter the
military ground as yet.
150. W e’re all for appointing Mr Jones as our representative. He's got all the necessary
...................................... (OUALIFY).
151. There’s a ......................................(LIKE) of the river bursting its banks soon, so the
local inhabitants are advised to food and drinking water.
152. The concert was quite a n ......................................(OCCUR) in our smali town.
W e don’t often see stars around.
153. I only suffer from headaches when the a ir ...................................... (PRESS) is Iow.
154. Jake a c te d ......................................(RESPECT). He called everybody names then
slammed the door and left the meeting.
155. Erie loves motorcycles and he is a ......................................(PASSION) rider.
156. The new tax law wasn’t passed because too m a n y ......................................
(OBJECT) had been raised by the members of parliament.
157. Your effort has been m o s t......................................(ADMIRE) and it deserves
an award.
158. At first, he admitted taking bribes and later he made a s tro n g .....................................
(DENY) of his previous statement.
159........................................ (REGARD) of the high prices, we did buy a few things in the
posh shopping centre.
160. Only a v e ry ......................................(IMAGINE) person could have made up a story
like this one. It’s really amazing.
161. Ralph is a keen charity worker. H is ......................................(DEVOTE) to helping
people in need is praiseworthy.
162. Don’t spray this onto me. P m ......................................(ALLERGY) to fragrant
163. Children enjoy carefree life before they re a c h .................................... (MATURĘ).
164. Your wounds look bad. ! think m e d ica i..................................... (TREAT) will be
necessary in this case.
165. Only professor Hannah w a s ..................................... (INSIST) on continuing the
research. The other scientists claimed it was useless.
166........................................(TRUANT) have been the greatest problem in our school l zr
many years.
167. The local climate i s ..................................... (ADVANTAGE) to growing fruit. This is
why there are so many orchards in the countryside.
168. No one expected such a su d d e n ..................................... (DISMISS) of the new
manager. He had only worked for our company for two weeks.
169. Our neighbours k e e p ..................................... (PLENTY) supplies of canned food
and bottled water in their cellar. They say it’s in case hard times strike again.
170. You may delete the outdated information. It’s ......................................(RELEVANT
for us.
171. We are still waiting for Mr (CONFIRM) of his arriva
next Friday morning.
172. ‘W h a fs t h e ..................................... (WIDE) of the channel?’ ‘It’s more than two
hundred metres.’
173. Some kinds of bacteria are known to live in volcano craters thanks to being
......................................(RESIST) to very high temperatures.
174. W hat was the m o s t..................................... (MEMORY) event in your career?
Was it the winning of the Oscar Award?
175. Mrs Harkley is the m o s t.................................... (CHARITY) person I know. She
offers help to people in need although she can hardly make ends meet herself.
176. W e do believe you should verify y o u r..................................... (JUDGE). It sounds
quite irrational.
177. Mr Steward’s laconic statement earned him m u c h ......................................
(APPROVE) from the other members of the Board. Some of them even took
178. Only after long studies was th e ..................................... (USE) of the device proven
Nowadays, its modern versions are used in most hospitals.
179. In the beginning, Tom knew nothing. But you can see he’s gaining more
experience ..................................... (GRADE).
180. In the doctors’ opinion, a few of the soldiers w e re ......................................(FIT) for
further service. They were discharged soon.
181. Our students receive a m onthly..................................... (ALLOW) of fifty pounds fo'
stationery and food.
201. Your suitability for the job i s ......................................(OUESTION) and so we’d like
you to start working as soon as possible.
202. In no circumstances should you open letters marked a s ......................................
203. During the January sales, many shops offer goods a t ......................................
(COMPETE) prices.
204. The judge didn’t hesitate t o ..................................... (PRJSON) the hardened
criminal for life.
205. Frank’s mother has always been s o ......................................(POSSESS) and she
has disapproved of every girl the boy has gone out with.
206. Since the beginning of the year, there has been a considerable................................
(GROW) in the number of customers interested in expensive cars.
207. The news of a rapid rescue action was m o s t...................................... (COMFORT)
to the families of the victims of the sea disaster.
208. It’s obvious that the captured fugitives will s ta n d ..................................... (TRY) in
due time.
209. The pupils don’t have to uniforms at this school. It’s n o t..................................
210. Judging by people’s dissatisfaction with the ruling party, protests and riots were
...................................... (AVOID).
211. I think we s h o u ld ......................................(ECONOMY) on gas and energy. Our bills
are too high.
212. After you have filled in the form, put y o u r.....................................(SIGN) on the
dotted line.
213. You do need s o m e ......................................(FRESH) after such a long travel.
Go upstairs and take a bath.
214. Gamblers are said to experience a n .....................................(RESIST) desire to
place a bet.
215. Jason is m y ......................................(DEBT). He owes me some money.
216. This handwriting i s ......................................(LEGIBLE). W e’ll never know what it
217. W henever there is a danger of an avalanche, it’s ......................................
(RECOMMEND) to give up going skiing.
218. Amazingly, the older he grew, the better h is ...................................... (SEE) was.
At seventy, he didn’t need to wear glasses at all.
219. The fight was stopped because one of the fighter’s nose w a s ..................................
(BLOOD) heavily.
281. We don’t get newspapers everyday. They are delivered...................................
(REGULAR) to our island.
282. Parents tend to make a mistake by not expressing th e ir..................................
(PROUD) in their children’s achievements openly.
283. We export coal because our supplies a re ..................................... (ABOUND).
284. T a x ..................................... (EVADE) is a punishable offence in all civilised
285. Parents who are to o .................................... (PERMIT) get their children spoilt
286. The film we went to see was rather..................................... (EXCITE). That’s why wś
left before it even ended.
287. A referee should never favour any of the sides. One should always be
..................................... (PART).
288. The mass media are known to exert a n ..................................... (MEASURE)
influence upon people.
289. I’m sure he’s not man claims be. consider him to be a ...........................
(SUSPECT) character.
290. The headmaster decided to expel the rough boy from our school. His behaviour
was re a lly ..................................... (OBJECT).
291. Leaving the vault unlocked was a display of an u tte r.....................................
(NEGLECT) on one of the clerk’s part.
292. The majority of the inhabitants would prefer to move out of the area because of tr~
..................................... (AGREE) climatic conditions.
293. The news of another delay was ra th e r..................................... (SETTLE). To avoić
further stress, several passengers gave up travelling on that day.
294. At first, I wanted to dismiss Paula. But on s e co n d ......................................(THINK)
I decided to give her another chance.
295. There was n o ........... ..........................(JUSTIFY) for your violent reaction. Nobody
was going to do any harm to you.
296. We are forced to buy bottled water for cooking. T h e ......................................(PURE
of the tap water leaves much to be desired.
297. During the ceremony, gunshots were fired i n ..................................... (REMEMBEF
of those who devoted their lives to the country.
298. I must admit I have forgotten to bring your drink, sir. I’m very sorry for this
unfortunate..................................... (SEE).
299. That tali guy i s ..................................... (FAME) for his hostile manner. That is why
he is never invited to parties.
300. The detective was questioned because some of the steps he had taken were not
i n ..................................... (COMPLY) with the law.

W rite in the suitable w ords to com plete the fo llo w in g sentences.

1. We haven’t got enough money t o ___ f ______ to buy a new house.

2. Picasso’s paintings are considered to b e ___ s _________________ s of art.
3. Cuckoos are funny birds. They drop their eggs in _ e ___ s of other birds.
4. Whenever I travel by train, I try to find a free seat in a non-smoking
____ P _____________ •
5. We knew nothing about your plans. Why didn’t you inform u s i n ___v ________
that you were going to Rome?
6. Coufd you teli us what exactly happened? W e’re n o t _______ I ______ with the
7. King Richard the Third built t h e ______ and lived in it till he died.
8. We like doing shopping e _________ ________ storę because they have
everything that we need.
9. Alan’s father is a musician. He plays the trumpet in a ___n _ .
10. Our daughter has been given an _ w _____ in recognition of her great
involvement in her school activities.
11. The last night storm has done a lot o f ___m ______ to the houses and trees.
12. Mr Jenkins works as a ___ d ____ .H e passes sentences in court of justice.
13. You won’t get rubber boots here. They are n o t ___________ b ____ in our shop.
14. If you want to _ _ h _______ a success in sport, you must practise a lot.
15. There’s not a grain o f ___u ____ in what he says. He’s a notorious liar.
16. Our car has been out o f ___d ____ for three months now. The engine is broken.
17. The Chief Manager is not working this week. He has been on sick _ e _____
sińce Monday.
18. Our neighbour, Mr Halley, hasn’t got a wife. He’s s t i l l _____ g ____ .
19. I have been _____ b ____ to move the middle finger ever sińce I fell off a tree
and broke it.
20. Recently, some scientists have made a _____ c __________ o fa new planet in
a very remote solar system.
264. Honestly, we didn’t expect so many applications would b e ...................for the post.
a) conveyed b) appointed c) proposed d) submitted
265. The concert was a great success. More than a thousand p e o p le ................... to
listen to this fascinating tribal musie.
a) found out b) turned up c) made off d) set about
266. It doesn’t make sense t o .................. people by appearances.
a) approach b) regard c) account d) judge
267. In th e ...................of a snakebite, a serum must be injected as quickly as possible.
a) event b) situation c) case d) occurrence
268. The smali local te a m ................ to tremendous fame after winning all the qualifiers.
a) flourished b) inereased c) rose d) forwarded
269. Hardly had the baby drunk the carrot juice when s h e a rash.
a) showed up b) turned on c) went down d) came out
270. After the affair, many people lost th e ir.................. in the ruling party.
a) certainty b) confidence c) assurance d) relrance
271. If you hire a fiat in posh district, have o .................. much higher costs.
a) incur b) expend c) supply d) dispose
272. Mr P e a rce ...................himseff on running the most prosperous farm In our village.
a) boasts b) praises c) prides d) applauds
273. The Knights T e m p la r.................. to exist in 1312 with most of their riches captured
by the French monarch, Philip.
a) concluded b) ceased c) terminated d) completed
274. Uncle Joe loves making up stories so ifs good to take them with a .................. of
a) chip b) shred c) grain d) pinch
275. Frank’s very clever, indeed. But on the other hand, he doesn’t know how to put his
profound knowledge to g o o d .....................
a) use b) application c) operation d) working
276. Seeing that his opponent was stronger and faster, the Mexican fighter just
.................. in.
a) heid b) went c) gave d) ran
277. Should you come face to face with a Grizzly bear, just s ta y .................. and don’t
move until it goes away.
a) fix b) put c) step d) pace
278. Remember t o the club regulations once you become its member.
a) comply b) agree c) obey d) abide
279. Hank was my best friend at university. I’m really glad to h a v e .
relations with him after such a long time.
a) renewed b) recovered c) renovated d) reversed
280. You may use my laptop whenever you need it. It’s at your f u li. ...................
a) usage b) access c) disposal d) reach
2 8 1 .1love coffee, but this time I have a s tro n g . .................for ice tea.
a) preference b) favour c) approval d) requirement
282. You won’t be allowed t o ............... a vote in elections until you have come of age.
a) throw b) cast c) d.rop d) toss
283. There is a . ................ of dust in your eye. That’s why it’s aching.
a) speck b) dot c) scrap d) crumb
284. Jeff is such an irresponsible person. How can you be s o . .............. on him?
a) confident b) trustworthy c) reliant d) dependable
285. There’s no denying that your school p lem . ................from your laziness.
a) reap b) stem c) crop d) devise
286. All the information that we require is within e a s y . ..................W e may use it freely.
c) capture
a) reach d)
b) availability
287. This chocolate cake is a temptation not t o . ..................May I have another piece,

a) refuse b) retain c) remain d) resist

288. Let’s ................a bargain. I will give you some money and you w ill do the
a) strike b) beat c) hit d) shoot
289. Corporal punishment can still b e . ................on offenders in quite a few countries.
a) discharged b) burdened c) inflicted d) affected
290. A diet which i s ................ in vitamins and minerals can do a lot of harm.
a) incomplete b) deficient c) inadequate d) short
291. W e’d sooner you sent your messages by e-mail. The post is rather on the
............... here.
a) part b) level c) side d) duty
292. Now that you have agreed to supervise the preparations, you have to bear the

a) load b) charge c) burden d) weight

2 9 3 .1can see that you have a rrive d ................ a wrong conclusion. W e don’t really
mean to offend you.
a) on b) at c) by d) to
294. Only the top officers a r e ................ to read the classified data without asking
anyone for permission.
a) valid b) permissible c) legał d) authorised
295. Last year, the organisers. ............ no expense to make their exhibition successful.
a) w asted b) regretted c) afforded d) spared
296. These helmets are made of very tough mixture of fibrę and plastic which is
............... to the heat of 500 degrees.
a) resistant b) endurable c) immune d) unbreakable
297. Do you happen to know how t o ................ about installing these files on a PC?
a) make b) get c) do d) go
298. Soon after his company went bankrupt, all his former supporters..................their
relations w ith him.
a) chopped b) trimmed c) severed d) carved
299. Terry hopes to inherit these properties b y ................ of being the only relative of
the elderly duchess.
a) effect b) virtue c) token d) ground
300. It sounds controversial what the advisors say, but it definitely is ................ for
a) meal b) cuisine c) food d) feast

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